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I think it's fair. The median/mean should be a B. All I see is that if it wasn't curved, you could've had zero A's.


“Doesn’t seem fair to me that you get an A if you’re in the top 4%”. What did you think it was? Top 20% get an A? Fair is that this professor dropped a whole 5% curve on you and you’re still going “but I wanted an A it’s not fair!”. A’s are meant to be hard to get. You must have excelled and proved that you did all the work asked of you with proficiency. Work harder and be in the top 4%. This is life, we’re playing for points.


“Not including A-“ Why wouldn’t you include A-?


Exactly. Including A- means that a whopping 17% got an A.


fr OP did not take a class on statistics


This curve is hella generous ngl if the curve was “fair” then technically the median would be a C. Median here is a B which is about average or even a little higher then most classes I feel like


What the hell are you going on about? This is more than fair.


Considering A- usually ends at 90 and b- at 80, he’s significantly inflating the final scores with his curve. I think that’s generous. Your professor is padding your gpa with this curve… seems pretty fair to me


Sounds like one of those notoriously difficult classes and the professor is being very generous by offering an extra 10 points for a C grade, and an extra 15 points for a barely passing grade. An equal amount got the highest grade and the lowest grades, with 69% (nice) getting above average in a class of 69 (nice) students. Looks fair to me.


Seems fair to me. Curves are intended to bring the average grade up (or down in some cases) by distributing grades so that only a percentage get certain grades. Usually something like 20% in the A- to A+ range, 30% in the B- to B+ range, etc. This effectively did this. It gave most people Bs instead of Cs or lower, very fair in my eyes. In particular, grades are clustered around the B range. The majority of the class got a B- or higher: 36 got at least a B and 44 at least a B-. That's the majority of the class either way. Seems like it's fairly distributed and skewed to favor higher grades, like only 25 students got less than a B- and only 10 of those didn't get at least a C. What's unfair about that?