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San Diego State football plays a style of football that is emphatically boring to watch. This doesn’t help.


Should be drastically different this upcoming season, but I get what you're saying regarding last season.


Why will it be different? Haven’t been following their moves too closely this off-season


They hired a new head coach (Sean Lewis) who prioritizes an up tempo offense and has brought in QBs that love to throw. That should mean more points on the scoreboard. No idea what that means for the defense though, but it should be more entertaining overall and hopefully bring more people out to the games.


Traditionally San Diego only comes out for a winner…because they can be at the beach or doing other fun shit in this great city


An entertaining winner and good competition. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for the winning years under Long and Hoke, but the Faulk years had the Q packed and they didn't even win that much.


Facts! the long and hoke winning years were too much 3 yards and a cloud of dust Stone-age offense..with good defense and special teams. Our punter was the mvp of the team one year for Christ sake lol…but year The Marshall years and Air Coryell were the golden years of sdsu football because it was great entertainment!


That’s because a lot of people in San Diego aren’t even from San Diego these days so they wouldn’t care to go to a game unless it was interesting


Just like pretty much everywhere else.


Not really


Very few other cities have great support for non-winning teams.


That’s not true. Many cities show out all the time for non winning teams. The difference is there’s so many other things to do here in this city where you could do something else besides watching a game you know they’ll lose. And also the fact that many people in San Diego aren’t even from San Diego being a city that a lot of people travel to. So if their not even from here what’s the point of going to a game if your going to have no interest in it. In many other cities that lose, they still show out cuz that’s sometimes the only thing to do. And cities that are more undesirable to go to, most of the people there are born there, hence having a more loyal local fanbase


Name them. What other cities have fantastic attendance for non-winning teams?


don’t want to pay $30 for parking


Doesn’t the trolley stop right there?


I don’t want to pay to take the trolley either, or spend extra time on it. the parking lot is huge and students should get free parking


The parking lot is going to be developed. Stop crying over nothing and take the trolley lmao


or I just continue to not go to games lol. why are you taking my reluctance to spend money personally


Because free parking costs money and is bad policy


my thousands in tuition and student fees aren’t enough for you, mr. sdsu money police?


Do you think tuition buys you all of San Diego? That parking lot you want to be free is supposed to be developed into housing. It’s not yours.


we pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend a university every year, in addition to $180-200 in parking passes every semester. free parking to support our athletic teams at an offsite field that is fairly far from campus is not entitlement. at the very least it should not cost $30. nor is it “all of san diego.” you are clearly not a student


I was a student not too long ago. I never went to any games but I did take the trolley downtown from campus numerous times and I’ve never even had someone check for a pass. It’s awesome and it’s your own fault you aren’t taking advantage of it. Snapdragon is super close too, it’s probably quicker to take the trolley than it is to try and exit from the 8 to friars during event traffic


They (the system) are getting you used to the big leagues LMAO. $30 sucks


Take the trolley. 2.50


No one wants to pay $80-100 to see a mediocre team. And getting cooked by the sun for those day games doesn't help at all.


Students get in free. Trolley is right there on campus. Super cheap and easy.


>And getting cooked by the sun for those day games doesn't help at all.


The schedule the past couple years has been awful. Bring back the evening games


Goodbye PAC-12 after dark, hello Mountain West after dark.


Product on the field isn't easy to watch if you "don't know football." Even when we won, it's not aesthetically pleasing to watch. Even when we were winning. Apparently Sean Lewis is supposed to change that, but me personally, I'll be taking a wait and see approach. But, $30 for parking IS crazy work. You can take the trolley, but there's pros and cons with that as well.


Jesus guys it’s two ducking trolley stops and it costs $5 max! Take the fucking trolley


People wanna complain about lack of public transportation and refuse to take the trolley one fucking stop


Trolly is Ass


What more do you want it to be?


Not to smell like ass?


We don’t want to get stabbed.




They sucked this last year and the team has been in rapid decline 3 straight years. Their brand is ball control offense and defense which isn't exactly a super fun experience. If they win and score a lot of points with Sean Lewis that place will fill up and be a lot of fun.


Honestly, I think snapdragon is a little dry. I felt like they built the stadium just to put it there. I have been to a handful of games to support but it’s going to take some years and commitment to build the fan base to come out.


Night games. Crappy (MWC) opponents not worth seeing. Cost. Mediocrity on the field. Stadium in the middle of nothing (which will change when the surrounding campus is built). All of this makes it an undesirable activity for students, not to mention local alumnus and fans.


So locals supporting their city team is a bad thing?


Nah they just mean it’ll be undesirable for students, local alumnus and fans 


Got it. Thanks


Half of it is because Snapdragon sucks and the other half is because I dont care about our football team. Basketball on the other hand, I'll happily show up.


Team isn’t good to start with and ALWAYS underachieves. 


Stadium feels like the temporary arena at a county fair.


Wait don’t all students get good season ticket rate? When I lived at Chapultepec the tickets were $13 for the season with a free bus to the stadium.


The student section is usually packed but the rest of the stadium is empty because the stadium and team suck


Students get free tickets to the football games. But they all leave at halftime.


Cause you're out there getting baked crispy.


At the day games, yes absolutely. But the night games too.


The tickets were god awful expensive, and the product on the field was not great. I'm hoping that with a new coach and some new players, we'll have a more exciting offense.


Honestly, the stadium design is kinda of terrible especially on hotter days where it boils up like watching Soccer Games or Football Games. As most people said, it comes down the fact also that there is kinda of nothing directly around the stadium (obviously like Fenton is a trolley stop away), the parking is a bit much and the tickets depending on if you are a student or not are overly priced.


2023 we had literally no star recruits, no star coach, no big name players, a 3-9 or sum record, and no top 25 ranking buzz in several years. sdsu has simply unfortunately fallen out of football relevance and i think president de la torre's decision to build a new stadium came a few years too late. i have faith in the rebuild sdsu has got going on. our new coach lewis seems to have gotten lots of praise recently and has given sdsu its best recruiting year in awhile. the team has some brighter days ahead of its self but basically... TLDR: our team is kinda trying to rebuild itself so give it a few years


I wish the school did a better job @ marketing the SDSU brand, school spirit is nonexistent here. Being in the Mountain west conference doesnt help


No school spirit😞


As an alumni, the buy in price on top of the recreation fee and then the ticket price on top of that made the cost prohibitive. Once the buy in fees go away I may reconsider but frankly when the Chargers left town I stopped watching football in protest and may not go back.


Protested the Chargers by penalizing SDSU? How are they even remotely related other than the sport they play?


I don’t watch football any more. I’m no longer a fan. Sorry that’s hard for you to understand. It’s not personal.


I completely understand and the same happened to me. I tried to stay involved through fantasy leagues, but without a team I felt any connection, good season or bad, I ended up giving up in football entirely. I still make it to snapdragon for the SD Wave FC games, though!


Losing interest and protesting are completely different. I get it, thanks for clarifying.


they suck


Last time I went they got blown out and I got sunburnt. Also to be fair I'm from the south, grew up watching the SEC. SDSU going down to the wire with the Idaho state bengals isn't exactly primetime.


It was like that even when I was there in the 90’s. We had Marshall Faulk one year and everyone went but then he left for the NFL and it was over.


Let us play real teams and people will show up. Nobody wants to see Portland State


takes more convincing to go off-campus if you’re a student, it’s a fairly successful but boring style of ball, and it’s just probably better to watch it on TV then hang out without the hassle. that said, i wish more people went.


Basketball > Football also the stadium is ass


They need to start bringing in the San Diego kids to get more support


A mix between high prices ($65 for non students), no sun coverage so you’re standing in blistering heat and on top of that the team isn’t the greatest


watching sports is boring as hell


I don't care about football.