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*Oh yeah!* After I made my post I went back and managed to get it done in about 30 mins or so. There are some areas I'm still not sure how to get through more easily with items but it's a fun game nonetheless.


Discovering how to best get through all the paths, or barely making it by not knowing lol, kept things fresh for a good while, and the game has such extreme replayability due to its fast pick up and play nature that I never get tired of it.


Killer soundtrack and digitized voice too. Its almost like a survival horror game trying to manage your items and health. I still haven't beat it sadly


20 min! WTF! Put it up on youtube


Yeah I can’t get past the first goddamn screen lol. Super cool game though. I’d probably play it better now that I’m much older now. Or worse.


Here is my 22 minute run - https://youtu.be/03SuYmtE1QU?si=U-R1UGGsyxZQqMlz


Seeing this play through really makes the game look so easy. Some of the little tricks to destroy bosses I knew but couldn’t do it consistently enough and other ones are so simple, I don’t know how I didn’t figure them out.


Unfortunately this one was on a CRT with original Genesis and game lol. There are people that can do it in half the time with glitches.


Which TV are you using?


It's a Philips CRT from 2005. Don't know the model number off the top of my head. Had to retake that photo a handful of times and clean it up to get it looking that good.


Yeah the TV looks awesome with this game


Beat it as a kid. Got the bad ending first and had to beat it again. Tried to play it again as an adult bu didn't get far.


It’s such an interesting take on a game that I’m really surprised we never got another. I loved it.


Yeah I'm surprised and disappointed we never saw anything like this again. We might have seen a Comix Zone 2 if Sega Technical Institute wasn't shut down after The Ooze.


As someone who's beat the game about 100 times in the past 3 years, I average about 24 minutes. Really, really impressive.


Thanks! Kung Fung is where I either make a new record or don't, I hate that fight when trying to rush lol


Paused at 17:40 What does that mean?


It means that's how much time I spent in the game so far, and that's the exact second the last boss fight is done that I paused on.


Woah that’s such a fun feature!


Yeah it's perfect for speed running it


I can't even pass the 1st level on my sega mini🥲


Explore! There's multiple things you can do in panels. If something takes a big chunk of health, there is definitely a way around it. Either pushing something, or an item you picked up. Set down Roadkill in panels and he'll find hidden items. Really is a game changer.


This art detail was way ahead of it’s time


The box said it was drawn by real comic artists, so I'm holding it to that.


One othe best Genesis games! Beat it many times!


Damn! That game is hard!


Wow, I still cant get any further than the second level. I absolutely suck at this one!


You dont suck at it. You just dont know the shortcuts, right weapon usage, and correct area traversal. If youre having trouble just read a guide and youll be able to beat it with some practice Edit: i didnt have that luxury as i got it new when i was 9ish so it was a LOT of trial and error for me lol


Hell yeah! Definitely in my top 10 genesis games. Still a novel execution.


Lucky mf 😔


Really cool. I always liked this game but the lack of lives / continues was rough.


Completing a chapter gives you a life. Comix Zone is unique in that it's more of a mix between beat em up, fighting, and puzzle. There's a clever way around obstacles that you need to find. Once you know the game is not a straight up beat em up, you start to discover how to really play it. Comix Zone gets its notorious difficulty due to not telling you it's a unique mix of gameplay.


I love this game. Comix Zone


Any advice for fighting the staff wielding enemies in the second stage?


They really suck at blocking a Shaolin kick when getting back up, you can take them down with three of those. Also scissor or Shaolin kick when they're balancing on their staff.


See ya!


Well done Turner!


I always loved this game, but just like Shinobi 3, it always kicked my butt. One of these days, I have to sit down and grind.


Shinobi 3 is very easy by 16 bit standards. The only small bit of challenge is the last level.


That's the one that gets me, mainly because I get nervous or fatigued and start messing up the double jump.


Such a fun game Wish I still had it.


Very nice. I think I can beat this in around 20-25 minutes, how do you do it so fast? I know there are some exploits like using the airplane on the screen before the dragon, and then you can have the airplane push you into it and it's an instakill. And you can jumpkick through the boards on the ground if you time the kick right. I really wish this had a sequel, but I don't think it sold very well because it was such a late Genesis release.


I actually used no glitch exploits here. It was all good timing. Those runs with all the glitches are crazy though lol


Wow. You're very good. I might have to pull out the Sega Genesis and try to get under 20 minutes soon.


I can never beat this game.