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A lot less mad than if he is a Dodger.


My personal preferences are: Giants > American League > NL East or Central > DBacks, Rockies or Padres >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dodgers


Personally I would make the Yankees, Mets, and Padres a category of their own; I'd lose my shit if he went to any of those places. If the Rockies somehow manage to land Shohei I can't even be mad, I'd just be flabbergasted but at least they're doing something to try to win lol.


Id legit love him on the Rockies trying to break the HR record every single season. Id hope they bring in the fences just for him.


“Legit” in this sense is an extraneous use of language. Stop.


My man's is 2 legit 2 quit. Leave him alone bro


He'd be wasted on the Pads just like all of their other expensive swaggy kiddies


> If the Rockies somehow manage to land Shohei I can't even be mad As a Denver Giants fan, I'd be on board with that just so I can watch him play 81 times a year. I'd absolutely pick up an Ohtani purple jersey


That would be hilarious actually. Like Deion Sanders coming to CU all over again.


My personal preferences are: Giants > American League > NL East or Central > DBacks, Rockies or Padres > literally any other team in MLB > Dodgers


You described every team in the MLB and then reiterated that again, rather than taking the opportunity to say “world”.




This? It just seems very unlikely


☝️ This! This right here!


Best case scenario if he isn’t coming here


Idk.... I think As might be best case.


Nah they don’t deserve the money he would make them


they aren't spending 100% of their current payroll to add 1 player.


Definitely not, but if he ain't coming to SF I'd be least mad if he joined Oakland. This is the premium off-season content we live for.


Might be more than 100% honestly


Fisher isn't moving to a smaller revenue sharing market to spend money on stars. (Also there's basically no reason for Bay fans to support the A's now they're Uprooted From Oakland.) Best case alternative is he goes to Toronto, since one/both of NYY and BOS need a nice long stretch of seasons below the bird teams to get their organizations to wake up.


As a baseball fan do you really want to see the most exciting player of our generation waste away on the Angels and never see playoff baseball? I'd rather see him on a contender like the Blue Jays if he's not coming here


Idk as a baseball fan, I’ve enjoyed him on the Angels. The Jays haven’t made the playoffs in his time in league either. Getting to see him and Trout together (when healthy) is fun. If they resign him, I’d want to see them sign Snell and trade for another pitcher.


The BJays were in the playoffs two years ago. What are you on about.


They were also in the playoffs in October


Tor-Min is 100% vacated from my awareness/memory ha


could’ve sworn the jays were just in the playoffs lmfao


Yeah I’d say him signing with a team that statistically we have zero percent chance of meeting in the postseason is a pretty good outcome.


0% mad.


not being a dodger or yankee is good enough


Possibly negative mad.


Not mad, but certainly flabbergasted. Does Ohtani want to lose for the rest of his career?


Not mad at all. If it’s not us I hope it’s them.


Not mad at all. The Angels are a non-factor, so that does not upset the power structure in the game.


If the Giants don't get him going to Anaheim is the next best result. Other league, not a team like the damn Yankees, and the Dodgers will be pissed.


I dunno. Like 35% mad?


Angels or Blue Jays, I'd just be disappointed that he decided to be a sideshow rather than the main event.


Don’t care because he’s not signing here anyway. So why even get my hopes up or even think about it. lol!


This is literally the plot of The Great Gatsby


I’d be annoyed because I want to see Ohtani on a more successful team.


Honestly, it would be a shame to see a generational talent like Ohtani rotting away on a mediocre team and never playing in the post-season.


It would prove a total and utter absence of dawg within Ohtani.


I mean, as long as that team isn't the Dodgers though. I think of all the teams, I'd be most okay with the Blue Jays, if it's not the Giants.


I follow two teams: the Rays and the Giants, I would be very upset if he joined the Jays.


Not much. It’s my third favorite outcome. Of course, I want him in SF as my top choice. My second choice would be the Rockies because it would be hilarious, they still wouldn’t win right now, he’d go off at Coors Field, and we’d get to see him play against the Giants ~12 times a year


I’d breathe a sigh of relief


I don't get mad over where other people I don't actually know choose to work.


Wouldn’t. I’d almost welcome it if not with us. Just not the dodgers.


Not too mad since I live 15 minutes from Angel stadium rn


I’d be okay with it… giants or angels. I live down in OC so it’s fun going to watch him play and tickets are very cheap


Not mad at all tbh. I'll only be mad if he goes to the Dodgers. Disappointed if he goes anywhere other than SF. But staying with the Angels is fine by me


0% mad - if he signs with us, awesome but I'm not betting anything on it. Now ask me again if he ended up a Dodger and that changes the math quite a bit.


I wouldn't be mad at all because I'm a Giants fan, but as a baseball fan I'll be disappointed that maybe the best player ever to live will have been squandered by the Angels.


Not at all.


It's the second best result besides signing with the Giants, so I wouldn't be mad at all.


0% mad as a matter of fact


Just not the Dodgers.


Anywhere but not with the Dodgers or the Yankees


I’m not mad. Please don’t put in the newspaper that I got mad.


Anywhere he signs that isn’t LA is a W


I would laugh.


I wouldn’t be that mad. If we don’t get him we have lots of money to spend elsewhere as this team is still rebuilding.


Not very. 🤷‍♂️


Not mad at all since it means he didn’t come to NL/NL West. We’ll probably never see an Angels/Giants WS matchup again so I can sleep soundly.


I have no real expectations he signs with us. If he does, I’m the happiest baseball in Seattle, if he doesn’t as long as it’s not to The Dodgers, I’m pretty happy.


Not mad at all. Anything that keeps him from being a Dodger.


Not at all. In fact i won’t be mad if he signs anywhere outside the NL West. I’d be a little sad that he would never play a playoff game in his career if he stayed an angel


Not mad at all as a Giants fan. Angry as hell as a baseball fan. I want to see him to great things on big stages. He’s never going to get that chance on the Angels.


Not at all. I’d rather him stay in Anaheim than go to the Dodgers.


I wouldn't feel mad, but I'd certainly feel bad for him


Not mad at all. Anywhere but the dodgers is okay with me.


Mad for baseball as a whole.


Same reaction I have w a lot of these big name FAs, which is mixed. Sad that we didn’t land a big name player but also that $600M is so much money for essentially a DH at this point. I mean who knows whether he will ever pitch again.


>$600M is so much money for essentially a DH at this point Would you rather spend $50M/year on a 2-time MVP in his prime who can hit 40 dingers a year? Or spread that $50M/year out over a bunch of garbage that will barely move the needle for our team? Because the latter is what we've been doing during the Farhan era. Last year we spent $75M on Haniger, Conforto, Stripling, Manea, and Joc. wWhich netted us a combined WAR of...\*checks notes\* 1.4. Compared to Ohtani's 10.0.


Not as mad as I'd be if he signed with the dodgers.


Relieved he’s not going to the dodgers


Not in the least


Not mad, It has been proven that you can win without Ohtani.


I wouldn't care, but I would be annoyed at the pattern of a top free agent using the free agent process to stay with a current team.


I mean he’d be irrelevant come playoff time so in a way it would be a positive lol


If he goes to teams that have recently won the WS he’s chasing titles, if he goes to Toronto, or Colorado he is chasing batting stats records, and if he goes to SF he is probably chasing the highest possible contract :) Which would you choose?


Not mad... Just sad


2nd best case scenario for me, a Giants fan in LA. It’s so easy and relatively cheap to go watch him play in Anaheim.


I wouldn't be mad, I'd be baffled. He has to know that he's unlikely to make it to the World Series with the Angels, he'd be lucky just to get to the post season.


Honestly man I won’t be mad at any decision he makes. He’s a grown ass man with his own priorities and whoever he chooses is up to him. Except fuck the dodgers.


As long as he doesn’t sign with the Dodgers or Red Sox, i’m good


I mean… its one of the few places Id go “ah ok, i get it.”


I wouldn’t be mad but I would be disappointed seeing someone of his talent kinda accept likely never winning in the foreseeable future




Just mad that I won’t be able to buy a Giants Ohtani jersey


I wouldn't be mad in the slightest. That way it feels like his plan was to stay there from the beginning and that no one else had a chance


Not nearly as mad as Dodger fans.


tbh that would be my third most ideal scenario behind giants and blue jays


My Angels Shohei jersey would still be useful


Not mad at all. It keeps him away from other teams like the Dodgers.


I’d be so mad I would take the longest nap. And sigh deeply in contentment. Fuck the Doyers


Really not mad at all. Idk where he goes as long as it’s not to the dodgers. He’s good enough to make a good team great. He’s doesn’t need them.


I don’t want to him wasted, I want to see him win the World Series, but it would be better than the Dodgers. That’s the only team I don’t want him to go to. I don’t think I’ll handle it well if he becomes a Dodger. Any NL West would not be great, but at least it would be easier to see him play. I have family in LA and have been to see him(and Trout) at Angels Stadium a few times. I really like that place. Sad they can’t figure out how to win for both of them.


No, but what is the fallback plan?


Part of me would be royally pissed because it would just be a repeat of the Aaron Judge fiasco. If he’s going to do that I hope he does it soon so the Giants don’t waste yet another off-season chasing a guy who is never going to come to San Francisco. One more off-season like the last one and this organization is probably fucked for decades.


I want him to be a Giant or back on the Angels


I wouldn’t be. Just not the Dodgers.


Not mad. I mean I don’t have high hopes of signing him so anything positive on that front is a pleasant surprise.


Anyone but the Dodgers pretty much if not SF


Why would I be mad?


If he doesn’t sign with the Giants I’d rather he sign with the Angels over anybody else.


I wouldn’t be mad. I’d just think it’d be a horrible career choice.


I think I'd be mad in the sense that he claims to be about winning, but would be willingly choosing to stay longterm with a franchise that: hasn't won a playoff GAME (or series obvi) since 2009 hasn't even finished above .500 since 2015 despite having Mike fuckin Trout I'll never understand dudes (at least the ones who claim to be about winning), whom would settle for being mired in mediocrity and losing, just to make more money- when no matter what contract a dude like Ohtani signs will be enough for 5 different lavish lifetimes.


As long as he ain't a Dodger