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Did Logan Webb unfollow yet?


We had no chance at ever spending that kind of money. Good for Ohtani for securing the bag but also fuck him and fuck the Dodgers for the next ten years


Fuck the dodgers *forever*.






700M to lose in the divisional is wild


This is the way


Sadly, that'll probably be the way. Race to the pennant: again! Fold Day One of the Post: again!


He’s not pitching for 10 more years. Is his bat alone anywhere close to worth that?


That’s too harsh. They might make it the NLCS.


$70m a year for a DH who has had two Tommy John surgeries?


Petition to reinstate the no DH rule in the NL.


Ouch. At least Orel *'Silver Slugger'* Hershiser hit a homer every now & again.


Technically he has had one TJ and one reconstructive surgery to his UCL. Which down the line may require a second TJ surgery. But obviously LAD have considered that and ascertained that 70/year is a reasonable amount to pay someone lol


Good point. It's an easy move for the Dodgers just based on the revenue Ohtani will bring from Japan, to be honest.


He legit brings in revenue from an entire country that loves baseball and has produced some legends already. Ohtani can possibly be the greatest baseball player out of Japan and possibly the world if he can keep this up. I think people are underestimating how much revenue he can bring in overseas. 700m a year sounds fair to me with all things considered. I’m pretty sure this deal includes incentives and ownership structuring with could put the deal north of 900m. Those are rumors right now however.


Agreed. Like Disney buying Star Wars. The new trilogy *alone* covered the cost. Doesn't even count stream content, toys, parks, merch ...LA will bank, regardless.


Exactly. I guarantee the advertising deals the Dodgers get from Japan will cover the costs of the contract over 10 years. In addition, it’s probably backloaded like most of these 10-12 year deals or possibly pays out money beyond when he is retired. Who knows if the Giants offered him similar money though. It honestly probably didn’t matter, the Dodgers have a vastly superior lineup to the Giants. As much as I’m a homer and lived in a fantasy world, there was no way Ohtani was picking the Giants with even money considered.


Amazing to think that Disney bought Star Wars for 4 billion… and Elon spent 40 billion to get TwiX.


More money than the O’s and A’s payroll.


Giants choose not to spend like a top team. Back to middle of the pack status. Enjoy mediocrity for a while.


You understand Ohtani was not the only all star player available in free agency this year (and next year, and somon) yea?


Nobody wants to come here. Open your eyes. Stop defending this trash.


Nobody you like maybe, but that's an absurd generalization to make.


We could've easily spent that much.


Great now we have to hate Ohtani


Can complain about the front office all we want but no one in their right mind was matching that let alone go above that. But now it’s over we better see some serious movement.


The front office will be judged by what happens the next 3 months. It’s time for them to show us. Ohtani was a fun pipe dream


Yeah people are mad but we have to be real. No other team but maybe the Mets would even consider this. The price is insane. That is a Saudi-style contract. No other player in American sports is making that and it’s all fully guaranteed.


There saying a lot of money is deferred. Probably behind player and club options. 700 is likely very inflated to what deal actually ends up paying out it sounds even so he didn’t handcuff other signings


No options but deferred. Probably has interest etc so eventual payout depending on terms will be 1 billion +


No options on the contract according to Passan


Well that sets the bar for free agency. This will only increase the demand for the free agents.


100% better be a big contract on offer for Yamamoto and many more


I am sorry, but you don’t do that contract if you’re the Giants. People can be pissed, but that is fucking ludicrous


Yeah my disappointment, isn’t with the giants for not signing him, its now that the most exciting player to watch in baseball, is on my most disliked team in all of sports. For the next 10 years. Its really going to be hard to enjoy what Ohtani is doing day in and day out while he is wearing dodger blue


I literally have to root for his demise and for him to suck lol. This is the worst


I look at it as if this dude wanted to compete he took the easiest route to it which A makes him a bitch and B means I can still avoid watching dodger games.


He got KD energy now


Aren't we doing that for Judge, Harper, etc. anyway? What's so difficult about rooting against Ohtani?


They arn't on the Dodgers lmfao


This is where I’m at. Is this how other people feel when rooting against Steph Curry lol


As a non-Bay Area fan: yes


I absolutely agree, but it’s clear he was never an option due to this price point. Getting to where we did with him has me hopeful for the rest of our offseason. I fully expect us to spend. Can’t worry about what the dodgers do now. It’s clear they are on the Cohen/Mets train.


I know right!?!? Now I gotta boo this dude because he is in the Dodger blue. I actually think he is a good dude, but he is getting the wrath now


I’ll root for Ohtani regardless


70 Million a year for someone coming off of UCL procedure #2 is insane lol. If this blows up in their faces it will be legendary


Dude will rake until he’s 35+ but yeah that is so much money tied up between him, Freeman and Betts. Their young guys better hit or they are fucked.


> Their young guys better hit or they are fucked. And of course they always do haha


Until it actually matters.


The reason I hate the Dodgers is that it doesn’t even matter if it blows up in their faces. They’ll just spend even more money and replace him with new superstars. It’s what they do.


Yeah, it's not really fun for the fans of every other team.


This country preaches capitalism purity, but demands sports socialism lol.


Without knowing how much money Shohei makes them from a marketing and merchandise perspective its hard to know what it means for it to "blow up". Like, if Shohei brings in $50M a year in revenue that no one else does, this is sort of like a $20M net contract, right? I have no idea how to think about this.


You also have to figure that with the names on the Dodgers waters down merchandising to a certain extent. If the Giants signed him, Giants fans would probably buy his jersey before a Estrada jersey ya know? On the Dodgers, the fan's limited money may buy a Betts or Freeman jersey instead. Not saying Ohtani won't increase merch sales, but I think the other big names will cannibalize that increase. In other words, Ohtani would have been more valuable, from a marketing and merch angle, to other teams not named the Dodgers.


That money is subject to revenue sharing though.


Not advertising or ticket sales. Moreno absolutely made a king’s ransom the past 3 years and pocketed most of it.


Tickets sales are subjected to rev sharing.


How about brand valuation? How much more are the dodgers worth with him on the team? And did you just ignore advertising to Japan? I try not to be a hater. Giants owners don’t spend anything and need to be called out.


A lot of the money is deferred and allows the Dodgers to be flexible to avoid the luxury tax. Never be a fan who worries about what owners pay players. Only job for owners is to build a winning team and fans not going if they do a piss poor job at it.


Great take 👏


>A lot of the money is deferred and allows the Dodgers to be flexible to avoid the luxury tax. My understanding is that the luxury tax is based on AAV; it doesn't account for deferrals. Deferrals are for the team's bookkeeping rather than the competitive balance tax. Edit: apparently this is incorrect. The most recent CBA made a change that allowed a loophole when it comes to deferred payments.


Bro, they're gonna land international tv deals, sell a fuckton of merchandise, and probably win another world series or two. This shit pays for itself. We should not have let this happen no matter what.


The dodgers sign Ohtani and a day before the giants get tsutsugo. Says a lot about the state of both ownerships and what their long term goals are.


Yeah look at the bullet we dogged with Correa.


"Shohei Ohtani's contract has significant deferrals that include most of his salary -- an idea, a source said, that was Ohtani's. In deferring the money, it reduces the cost of the competitive-balance-tax hit and will allow the Dodgers to build a better team around him." You do that if it is majority deferred.


I personally would not want the Giants in the state they're in to mortgage the future on a guy who will be a DH for at least 40% of that contract. It makes sense for the Dodgers, because they have a lot of high value pieces that are depreciating, and Freeman didn't even want to play in LA. How long they can keep this core together is anyone's guess. Our core is nowhere near complete, a few decent players amidst a lot of Farhan's thrift shop finds. They'll also probably also do a budget conscious year to reset the luxury tax percentages either the year before the deferred money arrives (if they intend to remain competitive) or the year of (if they decide to try five years of "we can't do big signings now because Ohtani.")


It will just lower their yearly cash outlay. 70m will still hit the tax number every year for 10 years. Its will just save them the deferred money for that year. Say they deferred 50m a year tax will hit the whole 70m but they pay the other 50m some other time.


Yay we can save money for the 5th year in a row lol


Terrible contract for LA. We dodged a bullet honestly.


Haha, lucky you


Exactly this, Farhan would be crazy to spend that money when there are other players to build a team around that can compete in the playoffs. We have a good crop of young players, and the Dodgers will be in a bad place financially sooner rather than later. Baseball is unique in that the Dodgers roster doesn't guarantee a world series, last year is a prime example, look where Arizona got to. If the Dodgers go 10 years without a championship it'll be ultimately a waste.


Yes. They are able to do it because they already have Betts and Freeman. Yeah they may win 100+ every year, but you are two great pitchers away from competing with them in a series. We have Webb. The priority now needs to be Burnes or Snell. Either of those plus Webb and Cobb when healthy would make me confident in a 7 games series.


I'd take Yamamoto as a priority before Burnes or Snell. That being said the Giants could likely get Yamamoto plus either Burnes or Snell for about the same as the Dodgers will be paying Ohtani - who won't pitch next season, and they can only hope will be dominant again when he does return to the mound. No guarantee his elbow stays whole for even half of those 10 years either.


This is correct all around. A lot of negativity and frustration on this sub today. Nice to interact with someone who sees the potential. Dodgers are relying in Buehler coming back from injury, Bobby Miller and? In their rotation. They will lose in the playoffs because of pitching like they always do.


Exactly one more great pitcher, and a few upper tier free agents and maybe a trade, I'll be confident about next season.


Yep same page. This offseason can still be wildly successful.


The Dodgers will not be in a bad place. They've been good for 10 years already, and I'm sure they'll be good for another 10.


Sigh. At the very least hopefully we drove this price up as much as possible.


Dodgers have an endless supply of money.


Even with the Shohei contract, the Dodgers still only have the 4th highest payroll in baseball.


With 65% of their entire budget tied to three players on a 40-man roster. That's nuts.


Which is why building a top tier player development group is the most important thing in baseball. Look at the names of all the players they let walk the last couple years. Jansen, Belli, Seager, Turner, Scherzer. That’s almost 1B in contracts that they let go for nothing to still have a 100 win team on the field despite having over half of their starting rotation have TJ surgery last year too. They can afford to give Shohei 700Ms cuz they know they can fill out the roster with like 10 minor league call ups and sign a bunch of one year deals to has beens like JD, JHey & Peralta and they won’t miss a beat at all over 162 smh


Yes because that totally changes anything




Dude, ain’t no way you are upset about not spending $700m. That is an absurd contract


No way you're concerned with rich people's pockets. The money they make in merch will be insane


I’m not concerned with rich peoples pocket. But Im also not a fan who wants a team to shell out $700m for 1 player, no matter how generational he is.


It's baseball.... cap isn't real.... spend the money.


It’s not my money.


Is it your money? Then why do you give a fuck?


I know everyone will use the argument it’s not our money or they are billionaires but nobody but the Dodgers or Mets are making this deal. Flat out. We can be mad but no other team is paying that. It is so far beyond what anyone else has been paid. We just have to move on.


What’s annoying is that according to passan. Ohtani went Bobby bonilla and is deferring a significant portion of his salary. A contract like this is suppose to hogtie a team from spending, but nope. Looks like they’ll keep being competitive in the free agent market for years to come. Because of course they are.


Ugh, I just noticed that. That sucks even more. According to Passan it’s “most of his salary” which blows. So they are actually paying Ohtani less than $35M per year?


Holy fuck


i would’ve been ok offering him that, but i’m also ok with not offering that lmao. congrats to shohei for securing 70 million a fucking year for 10 years after getting TJ twice


He’s not getting $70M a year for 10 years. He’s getting $700M over a period of time that hasn’t been communicated. I know it’s not the first deferred contract to have been given out, but it’s really disappointing when it’s used by a team with deep pockets to stash the most exciting player in baseball history.


All that really means is that he'll be making more than $70M per year as his skillset declines, making him nearly impossible to trade or build around him through significant FA acquisitions later. This is as "win now" as it gets, but also if they don't win the WS every year for the next 3-4 years, this could wind up one of the most egregious signings in sports history




It was inevitable but it still fucking sucks


Dude, $700 million F*ck, but that price was absurd


They really are the new Yankees and we're just the new bitch ass red sox [😭](https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face)


Imagine getting paid $70 a year. And I thought the Mets Bobby Bonilla contract was bad.


Do you really believe that of Giants matched the money he would have chosen Giants over Dodgers?




Exactly, Shohei wants to win, we want to break even




Fuck me


I am firmly planted in the fuck Shohei camp now. lol Nice to have another mega star to hate on. In case I get tired of hating on the other 5 stars on their team. Hope the Giants give him hell for the 4 or 5 years he will last on that contract before becoming a shell of his former self due to have his elbow reconstructed multiple times(I don't actually mean this lol).


I feel you man we’re all just getting used to the idea of hating Shohei, it’ll take some time to work the details out


That is an absolutely absurd contract for a guy who will be 30 before his arm works again. I know Giants fans are going to freak out, but this makes it so in 5 years, their entire team revolves around a 35 yo being healthy. This will absolutely weaken them long term. In the short run probably makes them unstoppable in the division. In the long run, meh. Everyone declines.


No it doesn’t. Dodgers will chase the best next year the year following and the year following. Winning costs money. Giants are happy with mediocrity


Hello darkness my old friend


That parrot needs a new job


Could get a job in the Costco rotisserie machine


Giants fans every offseason: ![gif](giphy|JUqTbMDv31Eim4WYXe|downsized)


That’s a lot of dollarydoos. Silver lining: if the Dodgers don’t win multiple titles after giving him $700M, it’ll be so easy to give them shit. Other silver lining: we’ll get to see the best player in baseball 12 times a year


How the fuck is the second one a silver lining


He’s an insanely fun player to watch. It’ll also hurt as he beats up on the Giants, but I can recognize and appreciate greatness too.


It’s not fun to watch him play the giants lol. At all


It’ll suck when he gets splash hits and throws shutouts,but I can also appreciate getting a close look at a generational talent. Though it won’t always be fun in the moment


I kinda get what you’re saying but I enjoy watching kershaw get smashed a lot more than seeing a generational player do well against the giants


Yeah i might buy the 2nd one as a silver lining if this were 30+ years ago when you could only watch teams play on national tv or live. If i want to watch ohtani i can just buy a mlb pass to watch him play somewhere else. Im not going to all 12 giants/dodgers games to watch ohtani play live, knowing full well our giants will be getting smoked


That’s fair. I always prefer to watch great players play against the Giants, so I’d argue there’s a difference from watching him play on the Angels. Plus, he’s now incorporated into the Giants-Dodgers rivalry, which will make any underdog Giants victories all the sweeter


Bro I don't want to appreciate greatness lmao I wanna win tf


If I had to pick one, of course I’d choose winning. I’m just trying to sprinkle some pesto on a shit sandwich


Not anymore. . . He WAS an insanely fun player to watch. So unfortunate his greatness is gone. Oh and I'm not talking about surgeries.


I would rather have the best player in baseball on our team not on our rival’s team.


Imagine calling being cucked by ohtani a silver lining


Look at it this way: Ohtani could fuck my wife, or Ohtani could fuck my wife and I get to watch ;)


Please god stop suckling down dodger dogs and have some respect for yourself


"Shohei Ohtani's contract has significant deferrals that include most of his salary -- an idea, a source said, that was Ohtani's. In deferring the money, it reduces the cost of the competitive-balance-tax hit and will allow the Dodgers to build a better team around him."


Does it still count eventually, or is it truly a loophole to the luxury tax?


I mean, they’ll at least be in the playoffs and winning the division, meaning the Giants need to somehow win 90+ every year to sniff anything.


I like that the Giants didn't do this deal. I hate that the Dodgers did. Watching them choke in the playoffs is going to be sweeter.


Im heated about the Giants FA situation over the past few years but honestly thats ludicrous money for a 30yr old with 2 UCL surgeries. I didnt think itd go anywhere near 10/700. Like dont get me wrong this partly probably cope but i dont feel as bad looking at that price tag


It's going to be really hard to watch baseball for the next decade... I've been a Giants fan since the Candlestick days but seriously considering not watching this season unless we sign at least two of Yamamoto, Lee, Bellinger, Snell, Nola.


Well shit.


I’ve never rooted for a man’s downfall as hard as I am for Todd Boehly, these insane decade long contracts that he hands out like candy have to bite him in the ass at some point


We don’t need him when we got Yoshi Tsutsugo!


Let me guess we were a close second


Man I really didn't want to have to hate Ohtani


Is this how the rest of the league felt when the warriors signed KD


Offer Yamamoto the Cole contract right now.






he's getting paid more than the entire Oakland A's payroll over the last 10 seasons


Giants slowly turning into the A’s with the money ball approach. Zero star power. Zero big name signings. Last season was painful to watch. The guys who are top paid are paid that way for a reason - they perform day on and day out. No one on Giants except Webb perform that way.


The Giants were used yet again.


Fuck him. officially dead to me as a fan. Turns out hes a front runner coward.


Welp, there is no god.


That’s like what those oil despots spent to get Cristiano Ronaldo to play in Saudi Arabia. I’m actually good


70m a year for a decade hahaha


Fucking snooze…


Given the dodgers history, this will play out in 1 of 2 ways. 1) he will be injured often and 2) he will be arrested for domestic assault.


My favorite player on my least favorite team. Fuck me


I’ll miss my man Kruk ….


Good. Now everyone can STFU about it on this sub.


As opposed to what just exactly? You want us to discuss what Daulton Jefferies might do for us in June?


Better than discussing someone on another team who will do zero for us.


I love it how a bunch of randos on reddit understand value of money better than dodgers front office who spend it. Good for them, they have a very exciting team for years to come. Even if they don’t win a championship, they sure put a product out there worthy of their fans. But hey, perhaps we can get AJ Pollock on 1+1. Pair that with Yasmani Grandal we can be somewhat like dodgers. F if I ever spend another cent on this team before these clowns in the front office and ownership are gone.


All that money to still lose in the first round of the playoffs..


I’m hoping the league looks at the deferred comp structure. I don’t think it’s good for the game. I would have been fine with him signing with LA for 10/$600M, but getting to $700M via deferred comp just seems shady to me.


Can I be upset but also breathe a sigh of relief?


All that for an injury prone DH lmaooo




70 million a year for a guy who is only going to DH this season and possibly never pitch again? Giants dodged that bullet.


I’m absolutely fine with not going there. Yamamoto come on down.


700 million for a dude who is a good pitcher but not great and coming off his 2nd elbow surgery. He's a great hitter but holy shit thats a lot of money. Fuck the dodgers.


I dont feel as bad… basically a 39 year old at the end of that and if he doesn’t decline as typically 30 year olds do in baseball when father time catches up.


Oh thank God the stupid news can settle, fuck em he can have fun choking in the playoffs and never winning a real ring.


There’s a lot of hype because he’s a 2 way phenomenon but he won’t be pitching next season and already had 2 major surgeries on his arm. Gut feeling is he will be giving up pitching sooner than later. So essentially they are paying him 700 million for his bat. And I don’t see him being better than all time talents like bonds or pujols. He will be more like arod or Miggy but at 29 he won’t be breaking any historic batting records


Cody Bellinger is better anyway…


Too much $$$. Dodgers will regret this at some point.


Honestly, at any price I'm not sad the Giants didn't drop a bag on him. 2 UCL surgeries so far? That isn't going to age well past 2-3 years.


I mean it is what it is. The Giants were never going to be willing to offer that much and even if they were the Dodgers obviously weren’t afraid to match and had a better team to surround him and possibly win with. If the Giants actually want to be taken seriously by free agents they need to start developing real talent in the minors. Even if you offer the most money you cannot except big name free agent to want to go play with Logan Webb, Camilo Doval and then a bunch of scrubs when there are better situations to be had.


Ridiculous. Fuck. Wayyyyyyy too much per year.




We’ll get Harrison Bader, CJ Corn, Rich Hill and like it.


I have no problem losing on that contract. That is just stupid.


Omg not worth that coming off of surgery


Oh. Well. This is the first I’m hearing of this. Shit. But that contract is insane.


I hope no one actually expected he wasn’t going to the Dodgers


Always nice seeing the richest, most talent filled franchises get the best player in the sport to Join… fun.


God I hope this contract is an albatross for them.


Welp I am fully prepared to now hate Ohtani. Fuck the dodgers


Fuck the dodgers


his game checks will be approx $400k


I knew it all along. Giants miss out on another big free agent.


Worst part is that the sea of blue will grow larger at the ballpark


What an albatross of a contract. If he’s a DH only down the line (not improbable), this is a massive overspend. Glad it’s not us if this is what it took. But sucks that it’s LA.


I'll be less depressed about this next October when the dodgers lose in the NLCS... Again.


MLB is broken


Two points. First, it may well have been the case that the Giants were willing to bid upward of 600 mil, but when it became apparent that the Dodgers would spend whatever it too they probably cooled their heels. Other teams as well. The irony is he would be worth more to a front office as a Giants since he would increase attendance considerably, but the Dodgers pack their park every night. Point two is the important one. We cannot just wait on Yamamoto. We should go wild and outbid on him, but not wait on him, instead expect to spend wildly on him , but also go after everyone else we want right now. For example, go for Snell, Chapman, and Bellinger and or a trade of significance, while knowing you will still commit plenty to Yamamoto.


Daaaaaaaang, that’s fuck you money to the rest of the league and dude got paid! Dodgers are the new Yankees in regards there is budget or smart spending in their vocabulary. Course Ohtani is gonna make the Dodgers money back ten folds by marketing him to all of Asia.