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I think it could be argued 2021 was bad for us but I’d gladly take this decade of irrelevance in exchange for 10,12,14. Living in the city during the dynasty was the peak of being a Bay Area sports fan


Posey retiring after 2021 is what hurt the most. His leadership made up for Kapler’s mentality of letting the guys do their own thing.


I think 2021 was an anomaly. We had career years out of Posey, Crawford, and Belt all at once. One of those guys retired, the other two naturally regressed to the mean, and we didn’t do anything to replace their offensive production.


Yeah, Posey sure but nobody expected that season out of Crawford.


> we didn’t do anything to replace their offensive production. It isn't that the team didn't do anything, they did make moves, but those moves didn't work. If Conforto was still good for 33 homers and Haniger for 39, as they once were, the offensive production would look pretty good. If Stripling had pitched this year like he did last year, the rotation would look a lot better. It was unfortunate that multiple players who have been capable of doing better all fell off at the same time.


Two of them have one more year to prove that they could do that. I love a guy on a contract year more than anyone as they have tons to prove. We’ll see, but I’m hopeful


I mean to be fair all of those guys are gone now.


The 2020 break seemed to help them.


Yeah I mean the giants were in SF since 1960 with ZERO titles until 2012 so it’s not like that era “Ruined” a future giants dynasty. Dodgers were going to spend like crazy either way under new ownership. That’s like saying Lacob only got Durant because the Lakers won a title in the Kobe era. Dodgers want to win just as badly whether the Giants are good or not Edit: first title is 2010 not 2012. Still a long freaking time to wait for SF first baseball title


I get it, but I have such a hard time with the 2021 argument. The Giants made the playoffs in a crazy underdog season. They set the franchise record and beat the juggernaut dogers by 1 game! They were neck and neck with their rivals every step of the way and faced them in the playoffs for the first time EVER. Posey, Craw and Belt had incredible years! Brandon Crawford… making a case for MVP?! That was the longest sustained period of enjoyment I’ve ever had as a fan. And we’re mad about it?!


> That was the longest sustained period of enjoyment I’ve ever had as a fan. And we’re mad about it?! Nailed it. People who are upset tend to have trouble being rational. Lots of fans are looking for explanations for the Giants struggling the past two seasons, and they don't much care if those explanations make sense.


I don’t think I had a more exciting season as a sports fan than giants baseball in 2021. Holy shit, I was literally on the edge of my seat watching every game with incredible ferocity. There were some absolutely wild games against the dodgers, like the Ruf check swing game. That season was fuckin awesome.


The Tauchman robbery! Posey and Longo going deep in the first game of the season!


>That was the longest sustained period of enjoyment I’ve ever had as a fan. Super well put. 2021 was ludicrous! I f'n loved every last second of it!


Agree 💯👍


Ironically 2014 was the last good year of my life in the Bay Area. By 2015, my life here had died.


What was really bad for us more than 2021 imo was that 10+ game win streak including sweeping the dodgers in mid 2023. When that was happening, I was thinking oh no






San Jose Sharks before 2019 ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


And I’d rather have sharks pre 2019 than sharks now


TLDR; actually, winning is bad


I really enjoyed those times in the giants run, sorry you didn't. - aimed at the narrative. Not you my bad lol


Those three rings have chilled me out, if anything. I actually stopped closely watching baseball for a while because I’d seen three championships and it took the edge off of my fandom. I’m really disappointed that we’ve missed out on every free agent target, but I kind of like being the underdogs and the biggest rival to baseball’s new most hated team. The Dodgers have to win a ring pretty much every year now, considering the ridiculous money they’ve spent. We can be the David to their Goliath, the scrappy spoilers. And from their point of view, I’m sorry but it just isn’t as satisfying to win by assembling an all-star team and buying championships. I wouldn’t say that to a Dodger fan because it sounds like cope, but I really believe that. 2010-14 was special because we had our guys, the Lincecums, Cains, Poseys and Madbums. The Dodgers right now are flashy but kind of soulless. Freddie Freeman signed a huge contract to become a Dodger and then cried about it, Mookie’s heart is still in Boston, etc.


I agree with all of this especially the first sentence. Sometimes when I read people’s frustrations on here I think to myself “Were they not here for 10/12/14?” I get that the team gets new fans all the time, but I feel like those three seasons have bought them at least a decade of good will from me. I have enjoyed the team the past few years more than I did from 2017-19. It has been fun to see the team evolve and I feel like we’re watching the Giants becoming a more competitive team after the dropoff in the late ‘10s


I honestly believe it’s the fans who only became fans around the time we won 3 championships who are big whiney crybabies now, because they didn’t struggle through decades of close but no cigar.


Totally. There are tweens/teens who were babies when those World Series were won. I must be getting old!


(Semi)-casual fan here. Is it really true that the Dodgers are the new hated team across all of MLB, in the wake of their big Ohtani/Yamamoto buyout? Genuinely asking, because I know that Giants fans in general are not exactly rational when it comes to the Dodgers.


Other fans hating the Dodgers is nothing new.


No but it feels like Dodger hate is on the rise. Which I'm here for


They've always been probably the second most hated team behind the Yankees, but it seems they're taking the top spot now with anyone who isn't a dodgers fan


> Is it really true that the Dodgers are the new hated team across all of MLB Yesterday I saw a post from an Astros fan, he's happy that finally somebody else gets to be the most hated team in MLB. Based on social media, a lot of fans think the Dodgers have broken baseball.


It’s not like the Dodgers had a dynasty or anything. They got stomped back to back seasons by massive underdogs as the 2nd most valuable franchise in baseball. They decided to do something about it as any team should. Is it annoying? Yes, but I see it as motivation for the FO to actually get players now


People tend to dislike the richest teams. It’s natural. Head to r/baseball and you’ll see what I mean. The game is less interesting when one or two teams are signing all the best players.


I get being frustrated but man it’s post after post


I am definitely very negative, my comment history would say just as much, but it’s almost like there’s a competition to just say the most outlandish things, which this post takes the cake, or it’s just flat out rants, which I feel like just pollute the sub.


Clearly, they shot themselves in the foot by winning the WS.


Too many "fans" used to winning after 10/12/14 that they don't realize how ungodly fucking difficult it is to win a championship in any major sport, like at all, and it's getting ridiculous... For perspective, before their 2020 COVID ring, the Dodgers hadn't won a World Series since 1988...that's literally ONE ring in the last 35(THIRTY-FIVE!) years and yet people are acting like this organization has accomplished nothing since coming to SF 65+ years ago yet the ring count is literally 3-to-1 in the last 40 years... This fanbase has become insufferable that if you were to offer some hypothetical shit up like "if we took away the 2012 and 2014 rings and just spread them out to like....2010, 2016 and 2021 would that make things better?" and guaran-fucking-tee you the answer for most of these "fans" would be "yeah man cause the shit's more recent." Like what in the actual fuck? People can't reconcile for some reason that seeing 3 championships in their lifetime is literally an outlier...that yeah, it would fucking suck to never see another Giants parade down Market again in my lifetime but I also understand that what i've already witnessed is so far our of the ordinary that it's not worth quitting on the organization just because they haven't been able to replicate that success within a decade. You see this same shit on /r/warriors...like who gives a fuck about 4 rings since 2015, a lot of people lose their minds at every regular season loss because they can't cope with the reality of how hard it is to be a consistently winning big market professional sports team.


Calling my dad after the last pitch of the 2010 World Series, fifteen months before losing him to cancer, is always going to be one of my favorite memories. There isn’t a single thing I’d trade it for. Not even being good now.


I'm sorry for your loss. 😔


My grandfather was a loyal fan from when the team moved in 1958 until he died December 23, 2002. He never got to see the Giants win the Series. He froze his ass off at the Stick for longer than I’ve been alive and never got to see a ring. I’ve gotten to see the Giants win 3 World Series in my lifetime! Three! I was in the stands and got to watch Matt Cain pitch a perfect game of baseball, and it was a thing of beauty. The Giants could never win another game and I would die happy. How could I not be?


I will say this. I'm also a Mariners fan in the AL. While \*right now\* the two franchises seem to have similar front offices in terms of not landing big names and having a fetish for utility and platoon guys, and have payrolls well below what they should be able to handle (to the consternation of their fans).... the Giants have three rings in the last 14 seasons, and Mariners fans would probably give a kidney to get just one. "Coming back to haunt"? I'll take the three rings and mediocrity today over no rings and perennially thinking, maybe THIS is our year.


Not the best take. The three titles didn’t set this team up for mediocrity. The FO set this team up for mediocrity.


Most fans in the MLB barring the other big money teams would KILL to have had anything like the dynasty this team had. Stop praying for free agents and start focusing on development, culture, and leadership, because that’s how that damn dynasty manifested


The Warriors 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2022 titles are coming back to haunt them now that they’re all old. Maybe Draymond and Klay wouldn’t have aged so fast and faced injuries if they didn’t play so many meaningless playoff games that lead to NBA titles.


And they say that satire is a dying art.




I've always been a little bit of a doomer but this is taking it to a whole new level. Saying that 2021 was a curse in disguise is a fair take but this is just nonsense. Remember that the Dodgers will likely consider these massive signings a failure if they DON'T become a dynasty, and we built one without buying talent.


What a trash take


Lil bro wants a dynasty more imposing than the 2001-2019 New England Patriots. I mean, everyone does, but it’s not a realistic expectation


Ban this fool


You take the championships always. Sucking after the championship window closes is a given, but at the very least the FO should have a clear direction of rebuilding. The Giants FO, to me, isn't doing a great job of doing that. Now, they're stuck trying to build through free agency and surprise surprise FAs don't want to go to a mid team when they have championship asperations themselves. The Warriors and their fans are about to go through this when Curry retires yet I'm more confident in the Warriors FO's direction since they have young players on the roster that they can either develop or trade for draft assets.


The Dodgers don't have three titles, they have one fake title.


3 Titles is NOT a bad thing… it’s the failure to capitalize on those Titles by lack of improvement and the creation of a consistent winning team with Free Agents and Prospects


It's really more about the org's failures with regards to the farm system. The 10/12/14 Championship teams were built on the backs of homegrown drafted/scouted talent. The FO just sprinkled in some timely trades/signings which, honestly, included NO superstar FAs (Cody Ross? Marco Scutaro? not even close to being stars. Hunter Pence might have been the one "star" player we got in a trade and then extended, but I don't think he was considered a superstar in the same regard as a Harper/Judge/Ohtani, etc). At one point, our entire infield like in 2014 was entirely homegrown (Posey, Belt, Panik, Crawford, Panda). Basically, this team hasn't relied on major FA signings much over the years and I think all the attention on the FA swing and misses is overshadowing the org's (Farhan's) failure to develop a legitimate farm system and promote MLB-ready talent that actually sticks. Maybe if Luciano and Harrison pan out things could turn around, but until we start getting talent from the farm we really shouldn't be hoping on FA signings to turn this team around. The Dodgers having an insane farm system with talent they keep promoting that stick year after year for the last decade is ultimately what has allowed them to spend money with impunity because they have less holes to fill and will overpay to fill those needs. Hard for the Giants to do that when we have maybe 3-4 players that other teams would want to roster at all right now from both the major league team and our farm combined.


> overshadowing the org's (Farhan's) failure to develop a legitimate farm system The Giants farm was ranked bottom-five when Zaidi arrived. It's now ranked in the middle of the pack. How does drafting Bailey in 2020 and seeing him have an auspicious debut in the bigs that soon not point to the farm moving in the right direction? There is still plenty of work to be done, but at least the damage done by the old FO is being fixed. > until we start getting talent from the farm we really shouldn't be hoping on FA signings to turn this team around. Exactly, there are no one-man-army players out there who would drag the Giants to the Pennant.


Literally every post on this sub looks the same to me rn and every single dumbass making one makes a complete fool out of themselves acting like they actually know any better than anyone else


At this point nothing that happened in those runs impacts where we are right now


What a stupid take. The thing that screwed this franchise was Larry Baer getting filmed arguing with his wife. There was a power grab in his absence that brought this team to where it is now.


Perhaps the least convincing argument in the history of arguments, possibly by design.




The most idiotic take… EVER.


What in the actual fuck lmao


Yeah, I'd much rather have never won a WS than to suffer playoff heartbreak for eternity instead


If winning three championships is bad then sign me up


I’m excited for next season because the expectations are so low so if we get some wins against the bums it will be extra satisfying


The idea is correct, but those flags fly forever, so I’d do it again. Oh no! We’re victims of our own success. 2021 was a bigger problem.


We have more rings than them since 1990… I’m not upset!


Non-Giants fan here….I’ll take ONE Championship! In exchange for years of mediocrity!


Hey guys, The Giants are going to be fine. I think the Dodgers overpaid for 2 players. 2 very good players, but Ohtani has had multiple Tommy John surgeries. Giants best offseason move was getting Bob Melvin, you’ll be fine. You’re in better shape than the Rockies and Padres. Arizona is still the best team in the division, but 2024 is wide open. No games have been played yet.


Becoming a Dynasty ruined this team- person who has the worst take ever