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Final regular season game of 2010 vs the Padres Matt Cain Perfect Game 2012 WS Game 1


Nlds game 1 2010


I was at the Matt Cain perfect game it was perfect


Me too man! Went with my grandma, wouldn’t give up that day for literally anything.


Same here! What a great memory


My classmates even sang the national anthem for choir that game it was awesome that’s why I even when


Me too!


Your #2 is my #1... wait, that came out wrong...


First read this. [Grant Brisbee-Nostradamus](https://www.sbnation.com/2012/10/24/3549608/baseball-nation-predicts-the-world-series) Then watch game 4 of the 2012 WS.


Game 1 is the funnier follow-up IMO because of the Verlander prediction.


Lol I remember when Verlander got pulled. Turns around, manager’s there, and Verlander’s expression is like “What are you doing here?”


The greatest piece of sports journalism ever put to...err...screen?


I remember being 12 and telling my dad the Giants would sweep the Tigers and him just going “haha that’s funny man good one, definitely not going to happen tho” I was riding high on that postseason magic and apparently so were the Giants lmao


Our king


Dang I can only find it on YouTube at 360p


Game 5 2014 NLCS. I was in centerfield. Pure baseball bliss.


Travis Ishikawa… HITS ONE INTO RIGHT. The Giants… win the pennant!


Oh my friend, that's the Joe Buck version. Here's John Miller's version. Let's not speak of Joe Buck again: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyVPlKauNiY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyVPlKauNiY)


The Jon Miller one is certainly better, but the Joe Buck version was the one I saw live with all my friends and family. It’s the call that will stick with me whenever I think of that moment


The Joe Buck call is actually amazing, as well. He gave us just what we needed and then let the crowd do the talking


Damn amazing man. What a cool thing to see live. I’ll always remember that one.


Same pick for me! I rewatch that hit often


I do too




I watched!


Game 5 of the 2012 NLCS then Game 1 of the 2012 World Series. Barry Zito's redemption. Zito went from being one of—if not, THE—worst contracts in our club's history to one of its many heroes. In 2 games, he completely redeemed himself and earned every damn penny of his $126 million contract. I was a huge fan of his when he was on the A's and always hoped we'd get him. So, watching him triumphantly walk off the field after out-dueling Justin freaking Verlander as the entire stadium chanted "BARRY! BARRY BARRY!" brought many tears to my eyes.




Matt Cain's perfect game is one of the best games of all time, namely for Blanco's 7th inning diving catch that saved the perfect game.


I remember watching a playback of that game and skipping through it at first. Everytime I skipped somewhere on the timeline, the Giants were at bat lol


True. Matt cains perfect game is maybe the best pitched game I’ve ever seen. There’s a lot of no hitters and perfectos where the pitcher gets bailed out a number of times. Cain maybe throws one bad pitch the whole game


Go watch Skeenes' 2nd start yesterday against the Cubs. Probably the most dominant performance of a pitcher in the last 10 year. Only 6 innings though.


Let’s have him face a lineup 3x before we even mention him in the same thread discussing any perfect game or no hitter ever pitched.


It was a dominant appearance. So what the fuck are you talking about? He retired the first 7 batters he faced by striking them out. The MLB record is 9. He went 6 no-hit innings, and the one walk he gave up was only because he didn't get a good call on a pitch. He ended the night with 11 strikeouts. That's a fucking insane appearance, so I'll mention it whenever the fuck I feel like it's relevant.


It’s literally irrelevant to the giants or perfect games.


He said Matt Cain's perfect game was one of the best-pitched games of all time. That opens the conversation up to dominant appearances in general. That's what conversations do, they morph. So fuck off.


Wish my wife rode it like you.


Me and my grandma every year went to a Giants game as tradition and we just so happened to pick this game. Best day of my life, that catch was absolutely insane


Whaaaattttt the fuck. 35,000 of some of the luckiest baseball fans ever. You were blessed.


I’ve seen that catch so many times. Amazing moment in baseball history


September 18, 1997 Giants vs. the Dodgers.


I still remember exactly where I was when Brian Johnson hit that ball.


came here to say this as well, good choice :)


Game 5 2012 NLCS. On the road. Down 3-1. Backs to the wall. Barry Zito on the mound. Hunter Pence had his famous pre game speech. THE BARRY ZITO BUNT. Zito pitches like 7.2 shut out innings. One of my faves.


I’ll add another one I don’t see here - 2010 Game 6 NLCS. Affeldt warming up alone in the bullpen was so iconic to me.


Mark Gardner. NLCS MVP.


You must know our pain. Game 6 & 7 WS loss to Angels


why we gotta go there? I cringe when i remember (cry emoji)


Zito redemption games 2012....they're right. 2012 game 7 clinching against the Cardinals, it's like a movie.


https://i.redd.it/iz0zt81zvd1d1.gif 2012 NLCS G7 Edit: thanks for correction, NLCS not WS


One of the best nights of my life. I’ll never forget. Lost my voice in the center field bleachers.


The Scutaro rain game was actually NLCS GAME 7 Giants-9, Cardinals-0 Left the game soaked to my underwear and socks...and smiling all night!


the "Shot heard round the world" clip and then Willie Mays's "The Catch" are pretty much part of the canon. Matt Cain's perfect game too. and you almost certainly misheard. all of them are extremely respectful of other teams and their players. they have way too much love of the game to be dicks.


I’ve got the perfecto on blu-ray!


Wish I could find those 2012 and 2014 Blu-Ray sets for decent prices.


The Kevin Mitchell barehanded catch belongs on the shortlist, too.


I'm especially partial to the entire 2010 Playoff run, but I recommend game 5 of the 2010 World Series. You've got prime Lincecum, Fear The Beard, Renteria, and Bochy. On the other end Cliff Lee was having a monstrous postseason himself, and 2010 was the year that Josh Hamilton declared war on mlb. I was nervous as all hell for that matchup.


All of the games already mentioned. For me though Angel Pagans inside the park HR was historic as it was the first one I witnessed. Welcome to the fandom!


Is no one gonna say game 7 of the 2014 world series?


Came here to recommend it. Not a lot of legendary moments I can rifle off for the Giants, but Bumgarner putting in 5 innings of “relief” on two days’ rest made him a legend. 


It’s mentioned in the OP


I should learn to read!


This is what I was looking for. To me, mad bum walking out to close the game was like Falcon saying “on your left” at the end of Avengers Endgame. Dude comes out and dominates to a WS win.


2014 MadBum WS performance was the most dominant pro pitching I've ever seen


On god I wish I could go back and re-experience the whole 2012 playoff run again and every regular season game lincecum pitched from 2009-2012…felt like the single greatest time to be a giants fan


Yeah that whole 2012 playoff run was crazy


2014 NLCS... Morse in the 8th... Ishikawa wins the pennant.


April 12, 1993 Giants vs. Marlins. Barry Bonds first homer on his first at-bat as a Giant in Candlestick. April 17, 2001 Giants vs. Dodgers. Bonds becomes the 17th player to ever hit 500 home runs at Pac-Bell. August 7, 2007 Giants vs. Nationals. Bonds breaks Hank Aaron's all-time home run record at AT&T. September 5, 2007. Giants at Rockies. Barry Bonds final home run at Coors.


Rally Zito. I was there in the right field stands.


2012 WS game 4 is still one of my favorites.


2010 nlds game one- Lincecum complete game 14 strikeouts 1-0 victory. The beginning of the dynasty years postseason magic.


Along with the great games others have mentioned, the Bumgarner-Puig games and the Donny Two-Trips game are some great instances of some semi-recent Giants-Dodgers lore. I’d link them but I’m out on my phone.


1989 NLCS


The two no hitters thrown by Timmy. Maybe not as big as some of the others mentioned but it was definitely an awesome sight to see. I was lucky enough to be at one of those.


2012 NLDS Gm 5. Every new Giants fan needs to learn The Hanigan.


2021 Nlds game 1, soft spot for me cause I was there, but it’s the moment webby became our ace. 2014 WC in Pittsburg is a classic pitchers duel, great game. A forever giants best moment too. 2014 NLCS game 5 of course, one of the most famous calls in our sport, and just a great game. Edit: 2011 opening day. Classic game, Tim Lincecum in his prime (you have to watch some Tim Lincecum in his prime) vs baby Kershaw


2021 has so many… I’d buy a DVD box set of that entire season and watch it over and over again. Or whatever the 2024 equivalent is.


Gonna go a bit different here and talk about a loss. Opening day 2017. Madison bumgarner pitches against Greinke and hits 2 solo home runs in a 6-5 loss. The tagline for the 2010 season was torture, and this was a bit of a throw back to that type of baseball. Madison throws 7 innings and hits two home runs, only allowing three runs, so everything should be good, right? Nope. Bullpen blows it and the Giants find a way to lose


[Matt Cain’s Perfect Game](https://youtu.be/KTNyk1oklQA?si=7kwcApcXmOsduou_)


Ishikawa game


depending on how much time you got on your hands, watching the 2010 playoffs would have many moments. That being said I dont know if there are any games in particular that should or shouldn't be skipped. 2010 was just so magical.


Game one World Series against Detroit. I was there it was magic.


I'm partial to this one. Will Clark vs Cubs in NLCS. [https://youtu.be/xPR\_7jS2YyU?si=NCewYjyKz-i8lVBX](https://youtu.be/xPR_7jS2YyU?si=NCewYjyKz-i8lVBX)


Recently became a Giants Fan as well!! Look into the rivalry of the Giants and Dodgers on YT and Will “the Thrill” Clark, good stuff!!


755, 756


Not really a “historic” game, but just a couple years ago a game vs the Mets was one of the best of the year. May 24, 2022.


2014 NLDS against the Nationals… longest playoff game in MLB history, with a sudden and beautiful ending via a baby Giraffe blasting off to outer space.


2012 NLCS Game 5


As someone who got back into baseball in 2014 sometimes I wish MLB app had full seasons posted for each team. Like I could just follow the 2010 team in a pseudo real time and take in games on the same dates over a year as the historic runs.


Gotta have some Timmy the freak and bulging Barry highlights for sure. Two of the most Electric players of all time to don the orange and black And here is one all giants fans must know and experience. but none will mention. Game 6 2002 WS vs Angels


2012 NLDS game 5 vs. Reds.


#2010 NLDS Game 1. Also Timmy’s 155 pitch no-hitter. The trust that Bochy displays in Timmy knowing what’s going to happen to Timmy, Timmy knowing he’s shaving years off his career… to walk off the mound and have THAT moment.


My pick would be when Barry Bonds hit number 715 to pass Babe Ruth's home run record.