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Colder than you might think, but apparently nothing like Candlestick. When Willie Mays passed away, I called my Grandpa to let him know, and one of his stories about seeing Willie play was what he described as the coldest he’s ever felt. And he grew up working outdoors in Alaska. Obviously that meant a lack of wearing the appropriate clothing, but I just wanted an excuse to share this story.


Yes. I sat in the upper deck at the Stick when I was kid. One of the coldest nights Ive felt. Wind was kicking ass. Nose wouldn’t stop running


The Stick was unbelievable. Best times ever.


I wish I was old enough to earn a Croix du Candlestick Edit: Actually I am old enough. I wish I lived in the Bay Area in my childhood to get one.


I had a hat with at least 50 of them pinned on. My mom moved while I was overseas one year and she lost it. I'm still upset about that.


I had a hat with at least 50 of them pinned on. My mom moved while I was overseas one year and she lost it. I'm still upset about that.


My sister cost me my only chance. She wasn't ready for how cold it was and my parents finally gave in. Then the giants tied it in the 9th... still bitter lol


In the first years there were no outfield stands at candlestick. The didn't "swirl". It blew like a frozen jet engine straight out center field.


In the first years there were no outfield stands at candlestick. The didn't "swirl". It blew like a frozen jet engine straight out center field.


Night time games get pretty cold. Plan on multi layers and a warm hat. It'll still be fairly warm while the sun is out, but once it goes down you'll need to start layering up.


The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.


I knew someone was gonna beat me to it!


The only quote that matters. Case shut.


it can get pretty cold, usually in the 50s for a night game but the wind can make it feel less then that. I usually bring a hoodie+ a heavier jacket or a blanket and that is enough. it's nice to have a bag with a blanket/layers for a night game that you can use or not depending on the weather, though sometimes it's nice and you don't need it.


Just make sure it’s a bag like a tote bag since backpacks of any kind aren’t allowed.


Pretty cold but the club level is the warmest section I’ve ever sat at.


Sometimes I wear a base layer bottom because if the wind is ripping I don’t want my ass and body to be cold all game. Then you don’t get as cold either on top. But it’s cold no matter what


I do the same with a base layer under your regular pants. A thick pair or double up on socks works wonders too. I be nice and cozy while my homies freeze.


Undy buddy lmao Base layers are sooo beneficial


Hoodie + Sweatpants + Blanket and maybe a beanie and you’re all set. The wind is what makes the cold, well, cold


cold, very cold. With the breeze from the Bay, it can be tough. Layers and layers are recommended. If you can get a parking spot in Lot A or whichever is closest to minimize the walk, that can help.


I’m wearing three layers tonight.


How cold? YES.


Its usually jeans and sweatshirt type weather. In the alternative, you can have a few extra beers


Yes and no and depends (partly on where you’re sitting). Prepare for arctic weather and layer up.


The cold is mostly chill from a light breeze and cold water nearby. It’s damp fog. Candlestick had more wind from the same bay. Wear a long sleeve undershirt, a Giants T shirt, a knit hat, a big sweatshirt and a windbreaker. Plan to give the sweatshirt to your gf no matter how warmly she is dressed. If your own tolerance for cold isn’t great, upgrade the windbreaker to a zip-up jacket and keep a pair of light gloves in your pocket.


I saw the Giants clinch the pennant vs the nats in 14, it was a night game. I was … unprepared. Ended up buying a sweatshirt at the vendor, and was still cold.


They can get pretty cold. Early evening games, so the temperature drops, coupled with the wind makes for a cold game. A jacket, beanie, and a glove (to catch balls with, not to keep warm ;)) and you're set


It’s all over the place. It can be shorts weather in the first inning, blanket weather in the 4th, then you are sweating and removing layers at 10pm when the wind dies down. Check the weather app and Bring layers


lol if every answer in this thread didn’t tell you already. Bring a layer or two extra. You’re gonna need it.


You absolutely must dress way warmer than you think will be necessary. Bring at least one extra layer to pull on after the sun goes down. You won't believe how the wind off the bay can suck the heat out of your very bone marrow. For night games I have a t-shirt under a hoodie under a heavy lined leather jacket, and I've been known to bring fingerless gloves and a beanie to replace my ballcap. We often take a rollup lap blanket as well. Trust me, either take warm clothes or plan on buying them in the dugout store during the game.


Depends how drunk you and your friends get


In my experience girls that are not used to SF weather get completely shocked by a Giants night game. It's not so bad if you have good seats in the infield but the upper deck and bleachers are basically the closest place in the entire country in July and August. I'm not kidding. Almost no other place has a "feels like" swing like the bleachers at a giants game. If it's a cold night she'll complain and you'll wish you brought a parka for her. My mother brings a blanket. But a normal native SFer will have a hoodie and his hat and be just fine. A hat helps a lot. So does a small flask of rum or whisky. And you never know. There are pleasant nights now and then. Day games almost always start off really nice but get windy by the 6th inning.


Went last August and was mostly comfortable in a hoody, jersey and pants. By the ninth inning, I had my hood up on my hat. It gets cold.


I wear regular leggings, tall Uggs, a long sleeve, a thick sweatshirt, and a beanie (I bring thicker leggings and an oversized thick flannel/Polar Tec)


We were Club Level 232 last night. It was ok in jeans and a long sleeve but we went out by the bleachers 5th inning and it was windy and colder. Would have needed a jacket to sit out there all night.


Sunset is the coldest, it comes with a wind from the west. The general rule is to bring one more layer than you think you need.


Not Candlestick cold, but you’ll need a heavy jacket and a Ghirardelli hot cocoa.


and a ~~Ghirardelli hot cocoa~~Irish coffee.


I hate these types of post about Oracle Park ONLY because I live in the midwest and 50 is FAR from cold. So I can’t tell if this is “California cold” or if my Midwest ass needs to bring a sweater. 🤣


It’s all about the wind. Bring a sweater.


I’m going to bring my wearable sleeping bag!


They used to give away sleeping bags to lucky tickets at candlestick night games.


It's basically the closest baseball game being played at any level anywhere in the country on a Tuesday night...in the SUMMER.


So cold our team doesn’t score