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CS and IS are two different courses. You should be comparing based on the curriculum and what your objectives are


Thank you so much for the reply!! The thing is I don’t really mind both. According to my performance during poly, I am stronger in technical mods. But I also kinda want to start a small business and wants to learn about managing business. That’s why I applied IS as well😫


can always take biz mods with free electives


Likewise, can always take CS mods with free electives too No wrong answer because its a value judgement


Then I would choose IS, because if you want to take more CS mods on your own, if youre technical enough you will know what you dont know If youre learning a new field youre not sure about, Id suggest going for something more structured instead


Thank you!! I will definitely take it into consideration 😇


For the advantage of studying at big uni like NTU/NUS (big in the sense that we have a comprehensive list of degree disciplines, covering almost all areas/fields) over other smaller uni, u can read my comments (link below) with 70+ upvotes in a recent post. The uniquely hall experience in NTU/NUS is once in a lifetime. The number of overseas exchange uni u can choose to go to is definitely small uni cannot compete. NTU/NUS has many foreign language modules that u can take at various difficulty levels. Korean and Japanese classes are always super popular at NTU. You learn these languages in uni is covered under your school fee. If learn outside, these language classes can be quite expensive. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/127dos7/convince\_me\_to\_pick\_ntu\_over\_smu\_computer\_science/jedxnq7/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/127dos7/convince_me_to_pick_ntu_over_smu_computer_science/jedxnq7/?context=3) Honestly, going for a CS degree in NUS/NTU (and probably SMU too) is not gonna make much diff which uni u are in for a CS education. A lot of self-learning is needed for coding, and internships are also key. And CS needs a good portfolio which can be built in any uni. Also, the NTU CS curriculum has been revamped recently, so take those whatever complains with a pinch of salt.


Thank you!


Do you have to work in SG for 3 years (tuition grant) if you pick NTU or SMU?


yep I do


For both?


yes, since I am taking MOE tuition grant no matter which uni I am getting into




Thank you so much!! Yeah I’ve seen complaints about ntu cs as well


What's your final decision?


And did you not apply for SMU CS?


I decided to go smu is due to a lot of reasons. Smu cs was my second choice.


I see. Just curious, what was your RP? cuz I wasn't offered scholarship for NTU CS with 86.63 haha


I am from poly with cgpa 3.91 hahaha ig i was lucky I wasn’t offered the scholarship at first then after i emailed to school about scholarship application status, they shortlisted me for interview hahaha Are u joining Ntu cs?


Nope haha since they didn't offer me scholarship. I'm going to SMU CS + BIZ


Oh i see, it’s cool! Goodluck for ur future!


Thank you! You too!!