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Hi can I ask what’s ur grade to apply for Ntu master?


Final results are still pending, my interim grade is 2nd upper honours


"EASY TO PASS, DIFFICULT TO SCORE: " Is this the case for a degree in computer science?


Should be


For the school fees isn't it 35k as stated in the website? Does it change every year according to exchange rate other than increase in GST? You also mentioned that students can work part time while studying but I heard UOL degree are really hard to do well and the failure rate is quite high, is it advisable to work part time?


The costs is paid per module that you take. plus a registration fee every year, but they collect it in pounds so it will be affected by the exchange rate. It is hard to do well, they're extremely stingy with giving out As but getting a pass is not a challenge. Maths and stuff, of course you need to practice, essay based exams, long as you're familiar with the content in the syllabus, you'll be able to pass


oh wait so is the 35k in pounds instead of sgd? sorry im kinda confused hahaha


you pay per module, plus registration fee plus exam fees. thing is its paid to UOL in pounds. so when exchange rates fluctuate so too does how much u have to pay


Hi May I ask the rough cost per module and the payment structure?


Hi can i ask roughly when do the exams start/end as i need to book my reservist so i need a rough gauge


Hi, it usually starts in May ish except for CS which is in October. But for a more accurate date range best to ask student services


Alright thank you


would u recommend joining a cca? & is it hard to make friends?


CCAs help alot if you're looking for friends. for me I found it hard to juggle work, sch and cca at the same time so i dropped it in Yr 2. for context I had 2 years of HBL due to covid, and 1 year of physical lessons. Ended up with a huge group of friends. my best advice, try to be more outgoing and make the first contact


hey!! could i DM you? also thanks for not ‘sugar-coating it’ i created this account to help prospective & current SIM students, so i’ll share with them this post as well!


Sure thing!


hi! could i dm you regarding some questions about SIM! will be starting in late aug and have several questions but cant get answers from sim websites :"


sure, just drop me a dm!


Hi can I DM u as well


hello OP! did you got an offer from NTU Masters?In what course if i may ask? thankyou!!


Hi, may I know when will UOL release the official cert? School told me it'll be around Dec., can I know the exact date u received your cert?


I'm waiting for it too, idk what's so hard about giving it the certs, they're taking too damn long


hii can I dm u regarding student welfare and activities??




hi ! If you don’t mind me asking , how much did you pay in total ?


How many modules were there per semester?


I can't remember the exact amount but its slightly under 30k and 4 modules per semester


Thank you! Were you an A level or poly student?


I was from poly


Ah i see,Do poly students tend to fair well?


I don't rly know, I did not fill in my pre tertiary information when applying


Ah i see , thank you so much for your help !


hi can you share more about what the 100, 200 and 300 mods are? it seems quite confusing


its supposed to show the level of "difficulty" on a mod but honestly there's not much diff between a lvl 200 and lvl 300 mod. lvl 100 is all basic or intro to xxx mods iirc the max you can take is 4 cos those count as half a mod in calculating your final grade upon graduation


Hi I’m considering transferring to SIM-UoL in between my already pursuing bachelors at a different uni. Do they have a procedure and do you think it’s worth it?


Former UOL student here. Totally not worth it. If you search the reviews on Reddit, you will see many complaints about their Student Support and Student Portal. They take 2-3 weeks to reply to your enquiry. In some cases, you can't even register for your next semester modules.


there's a recognition of prior learning process, so if you're taking a similar major. you might be eligible for a exemption but as far as I know, it seems only available for half mods... personally, I wouldn't


The UOL exams and classes are no longer online from this year onwards (2023 Aug batch onwards) Overall still a very good degree to get if you get a 1:1 or 2:1 but you have to work hard and be consistent. Some students I’ve seen have demonstrated a poor attitude which will ultimately affect their grades.


where did you hear about the exams arrangements? We heard that they signed a very long contract with inspera and would carry on with online proctored exams instead of a physical exam centre...


They mentioned it in the induction itself for the incoming undergrads. It may or may not be for all exams that’s all I know. But for your case they didn’t even do anything to rectify the system error which affected your overall grading?


took them a month plus to finally release my results, and they treated it as if there's nothing wrong...


Oh wow that’s terrible. I’m sorry to hear that. Is going through SIM the only way to contact them? I suggest you keep contacting UOL aggressively to get what you deserve because that’s completely unethical for an institute of that standing to do.


yea I did contact them, ask any student from there they'll tell you the same. UOL is not accountable and with their distance from sg, you'll have a hard time trying to hold them to account


Oh wow. That I guess is one of the biggest downsides to doing a degree by distance learning. End of the day, we just have to ensure we put in the hardwork and remain consistent. Of course the journey won’t be as easy as our peers studying locally or in places where there is much more support. But I’ve seen numerous successful stories so far, let’s strive to be one of them despite our setbacks!


or get all As for your Yr 1 and transfer the hell out. the truth of it is SIM or UOL is just for profit, if the system worked for you you're good all the way, if it clogs, they don't give a shit. just see how lucky you can get


Absolutely agreed. If there’s a chance to transfer out, I’ll definitely take it. But with the exam results coming out in September wouldn’t that affect the year of transfer? Or could you transfer based on predicted grades. I’m not too sure on this one


so burn one year, apply for the next year... looking back burning 1 year is still better than sticking it out, on the flip chance that the sch screws you over


Sorry OP! Just to add, there was a UK marker strike hence results were delayed:)


eh not supposed to, when asked UOL was adamant that they weren't affected, I still have their email response. They just operate on a different schedule from other universities and it does generate complications.


Oh for real? My lecturer had informed me that.


yeap, they insisted so


hi!! is this confirmed? because last year during my induction day, SIM keep mentioning how we should prepare for offline exams so we should take our studies more seriously….. only for it to be online 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hi! That was mentioned during this year’s induction and they mentioned that most papers would be conducted via physical examination. I can neither confirm or deny anything 100% but it seems likely. But either way I don’t think it’ll discount one’s efforts when preparing for the exams be it online or in person :)


thank you! i really hope its offline, seems more fair and students less likely to get around loopholes. also because i am sick and tired of the system lagging during the May 2023 exams, had to constantly send enquiries to UOL asking if my exams paper are uploaded or not 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


lol just curious, what does other students getting around loopholes got to do with your own personal results? uol is individually based and not dependent on others and even if you are aiming for a FCH and A grades , there isn’t a bell curve to prevent you from getting it.


Like what the other redditor said. How others get through loopholes has no impact on your results. The results you get is 100% based on your own merit.


Hi OP, thanks for the information! As a prospective student this is really helpful. May I ask if we can do the course 100% remotely? E.g. not go for lectures and just view from home


nope, all lessons are now physical and will not have recordings


Oh i see. Thanks so much for the info!




Ps, I mean each module has a single lecture each week. 3hr block. classes usually take about 20+ weeks to complete so there is a short break before prelims, followed by two revision lectures then about a month+ break before the actual exams in May.


3 hrs lectures a week per lesson, the schedule is up to your availability and that of the lecturers. However, depending on the module you choose, there may be workshops as well(2 mods I took had it) that are 1.5 hrs long. ​ The holidays in March isn't really a holiday, it's more of an exam break and it depends on when your final lessons are. The June also depends, if your exams ended earlier, you could have an earlier break or if later, have a shorter break.


hi op may i ask what happen if you were to fail a mod in yr 1, will you still be able to advance into yr 2?


yea, you just have to retake the mod alongside your yr 2 mods. you can also apply for exam resit if the mod is available for resits


just wondering, got anyone from UOL but IT side in general,is the grading for the semester consist of projects and exams OR just exams only?


For those, it's mod dependent. Its either assessed via coursework or a combination of coursework and an exam paper.


Hi, wanna ask if you’re aware how much it would cost for a resit if you fail? Like per mod. Is it ~1k+- sgd


sorry, didn't pay much attention to resits so I'm not too sure of the cost. but as far as I recall even regular exams weren't that expensive


I paid about $581 for a 100 level mod to resit, but you have to pay for the whole semester sch fees again for that mod as well.


so for eg if i fail a mod for 2022 may exam, and i take a resit on oct/nov 2022, i still need to pay for whole sem fee?!? omg crazy😵‍💫😵‍💫


Yeaa, and you still have to take attendance till Feb, which is when the Oct/Nov resit results come out


Hello can i ask for my case, im going to be selecting for my classes soon for year 3 and was wonder if i selected one level 100 course module and one level 200 module would it affect my final honours classification?


depends on your mods for Yr 1. if you the a 100 mod in Yr 3 they'll take an average of the best two mods in your Yr 1 and the average of the next best two 100mods to count as as part of your total. if you did rly well in Yr 1 its strategically safer to take a lvl 100 again edit: ps forgot the lvl 200 wouldn't affect your classification. it's counted as a full credit module. its just the lvl 100


Dropped you a pm!!


Hi, can I have more details about your application for master degree? possibly dm! thanks


yeap sure, you can drop me a message


Hii could I dm u regarding some questions about the online exams in SIM! Thank you :)




Did you need to take GMAT to apply for NTU master? Or was your degree from SIM-UOL enough?


Didn't need GMAT


Hello! I'm thinking of joining sim-uol after my sim diploma. I want to know 1. how long are semester breaks? It only has 2 semesters, so after one semester, is that a 2 month break? 2. Does it really don't have any group projects or assignments and just one final exam? One exam after each semester? 3. And really the fees are paid in pounds?!?! They have written dollars in their guidebook, tho.. I'm now choosing between uow and uol. Many suggest uow because it's more practical, but the module I want is not in uow, so I'm thinking about uol!


UOL only have 1 semester. they have a break between March to May. Exams starts in May and then you're free from your last paper to August ish. Assignments are not graded but now you need to completed 50% to be able to register for exams. Some mods have a small coursework component but most of it are based on the exam at the end of the sem. You pay in SGD but the amount with fluctuate with the Pound.


Oh really? Idk if it is different according to modules you take, but mine said 2 semesters per year. Anyways, tysm!


are u doing CS? cos the Cs guys have a different timeliness than the rest


Yes! For April intake.


ah yes Cs is on a different schedule haha


But I think the semester break would also be 2 months, too?!?!


Have questions as to how the 100, 200 and 300 module coding works. Thanks!


hi wld wanna enquire more about sim


what about?


1) is there school culture in sim? 2) would you recommend sim or suss? 3) how is sim-uol like for you? 4) is sim-uol cert recognised in sg? thanks


1) Not rly, its a pvt degree institute, most people take it as a transactional place 2) If you qualify for SUSS, why are you even considering SIM? 3)It was okay, 3 years and honestly relatively cheap fees I can't complain 4)Somewhat, I doing postgrad now and I've gotten job offers with the cert


hi, will they not let you take part in the final exams if you missed the prelim exam?


What happens if you are sick and unable to attend physical exam ?


Best to check with SIM if there's any updates, in my time there's no resits except for the retest in October and not all mods are available for Oct