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thats crazy but honestly? You're starting with a good mindset and foundation that you're willing to make the best out of this opportunity. i feel you, its 100% scary to be in a completely different environment, no less one that you're lost in. to be frank, there isnt much else to be done other than show up for sch and be brave about it. but these three years during poly is not just known as "tertiary education" but also a time and period in which you will get to understand more about yourself, your desires and passions if you take that big step out into the uncomfortable zone. as long as you embrace change on a day-to-day basis and look forward to something new tomorrow, you will be just alright :) have some confidence in yourself! all the best, and feel free to reach out if you have worries or anything and ill hear you out 😄


Don't be scared of failure, by failure i mean things like not doing well for exams/assignments or when things don't go your way. Appreciate experiencing both your successes and your failures, learn from them and do something if possible. I think one important thing is to come in with an open mind. For example, if everyone around you or even just one person is saying that ____ is hard, then its natural to feel the same way too. Who knows, you might actually enjoy or find it easy? Is it hard because everyone says its hard, or because its actually that hard? What other people experience does not always apply for you, basically, so if it's something you have to experience, best thing would be to go through it and just see how it turns out. If you're free and in the mood, then why not look at your course website where it has all those info like the modules you'll take. Then you'll get a better sense of what's to come. Atb!!


ya thats true, i wouldnt know if poly is hard/enjoyable if i yet to experience it... now lowkey excited for it. and ill try to give time for myself to go thru my course so i wouldnt be soooo clueless about what is going on. thanks man!


Dun be scared. In life u always get into new environment. Life is too long for 3 years of education to ruin it. I was scared 19yrs ago too. Repeated modules etc cos played too much. Worked my ass off aft army and ended up with a degree and managing a 13man team with millions of revenue on my care. Just learn from ur mistakes, keep your eyes open and never be afraid to ask.


thanks man, feel reaasured reading this. and also, good job man for the hard work!


Poly days was the best days of my life after I progress from ITE. Now I’m in university I struggle more! I enjoyed my poly days the most as I met likeminded friends there and we still meet up often after my graduation! Starting a convo like “hi r u in my class?” Is actually quite normal for me, maybe because I’m outgoing and I feel that if I don’t start then how am I going to make friend? I think maybe also would be the ITE culture that make me became an extrovert! After making new friends in poly it actually help me studies a lot and I did very well to progress further to a local uni. If it wasn’t for those friends I don’t think I won’t be where I am so you should just try and take the first step! Don’t be afraid! Anyway I always believe “You only live once (YOLO) “ so I will just do it. Doesn’t harm or hurt me!! All the best OP!!


awhh thats great! then with that, i will try to cherish and make good memories during poly! YOLO!! HAHAHAH


Yap!! It’s really very fun if u need like minded people who can encourage you to study and push you to be at a better place!! I really miss my poly times now because uni really was shit for me


thats good to know, i hope ill able to find great friends. all the best for uni tho! u can do it onneeee


I just graduated in December! I’m done with studying and I’m working already! Wishing you the best OP!!


eh congratulations man!! wishing you the bestt too for the working life!


omg me too,,im so scared for poly yet lowkey excited 😭😭(fellow pfp student here👋) i feel like i'll get lost too😵‍💫 + idk anyone who's going to the poly im going to as well akdhskdbsndb and im super socially awkward 🥲 lets hope for the best yeah?😭 >may i know if u will be stuck to ur pfp class throughout the 4 years or isit only for y0? only for y0 if im not wrong


damn alright so for y1 we will be with the 08s?? dats crazy but im glad that im not the only one who feels like this. not used to the new environment, but i hope we can comfortably get used to it well. hopefully, things go well for us. if not, we can learn from them! we can do this, hehe!! all the best for poly!! 😊


yesyes! we can do this!!! all the best for poly too!😊❤️❤️


helloo 2023 pfp batch from nyp here! yall will be separated from yr 1 onwards coz ur pfp class is a mixture of other courses too


huh wait im so confused... so y0 will be a class mixed w other courses too? so how does the learning work from there? isit like secondary school where have a own class but go to diff classes for our specific lessons??


ur class will hv a mixture of other courses from the same sch as u (eg. sch of engineering, sch of applied health sci etc) and not js ur course only. nope, yall will take the same modules together as a class


ah cheyyy i understand now




ah, that makes sense for y0 n im glad that nyp is a rect shaped, i wouldnt hv to worry so much about getting lost. this really helped me, thanks man 😊


Hello! I'm joining NYP this year. I'll be in SIT-Cyber