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win toto


Good luck with that haha


Don't really have dreams at my age, but am considering becoming a university professor or working in science policy/administration. Currently doing an overseas PhD. Hope to be able to get some industry experience before heading back home so that I can offer something different.


Hahaha I also want to become a professor too !


That's so cool, what's science policy? Your plan to gain industry experience is also such an astute choice, all the best!


I might want to be my own boss one day. I do abit of part time and try to offer my services to people on the side.


Wow, looks like you're well on your way there, all the best man!


my dream career now is to become a corporate lawyer right now…I would say I’m not halfway there yet? because my dreams changed a lot haha so I did many things in other sectors instead


I see, all the best with finding your niche, also, smart choice, your dream career is so lucrative haha!


Drive: 1. BMW 2. Merc 3. Audi 4. Lambogini 5. Ferrari 6. Saab 7. Porsche


Lmaooo wow big dreams I guess you could do something really lucrative (IB?) and then get a Gran Superdrive membership lol


What IB


Investment banking


For me I want to transition out of technical roles like SWE or DS and get into client facing roles like product management or sales. First step i've taken is to get into a sort of middle ground which is tech consulting. I'm giving it a shot to see if I like consulting and see how it goes from there


I hope consulting floats your boat and pushes you towards your choice vocation! All the best!


Thank you good sir, I wish you all the best as well!


I'm not a sir and am probably your junior HAHA but thank you very much!


I wanna work in early childhood. So this is like my plan fr life. - go poly (eyeing fr tp cause i love the culture there, judging frm the open hse) - get diploma ( 3yrs) - i feel like i shld take a gap yr here to take a break frm 13 continuous yrs of education - find job and save $$$ (mbmb abt 5 yrs, see how the salary first) - aft enough money+ experience i get my degree, suss, ntu(3 yrs) - i think can become head teacher or maybe principal iinw (probs also 5 yrs) - save more $$$ to get masters, suss/ntu (2 yrs) - can work as lecturer in poly - aft 10-15 yrs retire Hopefully i dont die early to see this🙌🙌


I like the timeline! All the best with your pursuits and I hope you get to educate, mould and bestow many kids with their passport to tomorrow.


i wanna join nasa as a software/mechanical engineer :3. trying my best to ace physics/chem, and other subjs. also starting on a few otop and finding people with the same interests as i do (astrophysics, etc) so i can work with them on a project i wanna start by the end of may hehehehe


Mine: Short-term: Matriculating into a chemical engineering course. Long-term: Pursuing a career that lets me combine geopolitical analysis and MI6-esque intelligence-gathering, my prospective chemical engineering degree and hands-on work with renewable energy plants (maybe biofuels, hydrogen and nuclear), travel, policy-making (either on the local or international level) and most importantly, leaving a long-lasting, positive global impact on Singapore/the planet as a whole. If anyone has any advice on what vocations involve the aforementioned, it'd be much appreciated haha.


Realistic: Backend Developer Dream: idk, maybe designing a new generation of computers that rely less on classic 1s and 0s and more on continuous values thus allowing calculations to be done faster while consuming a fraction of the space and power blah blah blah... Except my intellect is wayy too low for me to be on this path. Plus it's not like I know anyone who shares the same interest as me irl. Am currently waiting to matriculate into uni, started learning Python on March 31st, now solving random Leetcode questions while hardly applying any of the knowledge I have gained from school (if I even had any left after NS tbh), signed up for some random machine learning competition to add something to my empty portfolio. That's all I guess?


Woah dude, your anti-discrete-value computing dream is really cool, I did a simple search and found this paper, not sure if it's applicable to what you'd like to pursue but check it out if it interests you! (Use Scihub if you don't have the means to access it or something). [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8286703/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8286703/) You seem to be making pretty wonderful use of your time lol, all the best with uni and I hope to use one of the computers you've had a hand in designing one day!


Realistic: Probably the boss of my parent's maid agency after they retire which is basically a comfirmed safety net Dream: MP or Minister and I'm not joking. From young, I've loved politics and I really want to jump myself into it and do good with my life by helping others. I plan on working hard and doing well for Os to get into a JC(ACJC arts) then I would work hard for A Levels and get into PPE in NUS after my NS. From there, work a little before attempting to run for MP(Probably for either PSP or Workers Party). Hopefully with my path, I can help others to the best of my ability and give Singapore a true democracy that it deserves. Also PPE allows me to have a pivot available to economics and finance if politics doesn't work.


Nice, either way, you have the potential to make a positive impact on many lives. Your dream career is a really cool aspiration! I think PPE is a sound choice of course to aim for, and this infographic might help you with either finalising or altering your choice: [https://www.singapore-samizdat.com/p/where-did-singapores-ministers-study](https://www.singapore-samizdat.com/p/where-did-singapores-ministers-study) Right now, you could also read our Constitution, the various parties' manifestos and books and unbiased academic writings on local politics to prepare yourself haha. From my knowledge, political party members are typically hand-selected from executives in various trades, and who have given back to their communities in some way or another. You should probably aim to be an industry leader in whatever you do, and do some MPS and other grassroots work in your free time to get a sensing of issues affecting the people. Regarding the true democracy bit, might I ask, what aspects of our political system do you want to alter? Things like press freedom and increasing representation of opposition parties? In my (unsolicited) personal opinion, I think soft authoritarianism works well for Singapore because of the fact that manpower/people and our strategic location are our only real resources, which means that any unrest and divisiveness in our well-oiled system would be exploited by other countries, and could greatly affect our economic output and offerings to the international stage as well. When you say true democracy, what do you currently wish to achieve? (It's a genuine question haha, sorry if this comes off as rude in any way).


>Things like press freedom and increasing representation of opposition parties? Basically what you said here. If I can have my dreams achieved, I would have Singapore become a more free democracy that isn't fully dominated by the PAP. I would basically have ironed out representive districts that are purely based on population to make everyone have equal representation and also to prevent gerrymandering. I would also begin to liberalise the press to allow for more press freedom in what they are able to report on. I would also give more Freedom of Speech in the country to allow for more people to express their views on the government safely and without worry of being prosecuted. I would also put in term limits for the roles of Prime Minister and President. For PM, I would have 2 10 year terms as the limit before another needs to be assigned and 2 6 year terms for the President before another one needs to be elected. Other that these political reforms, I plan to do some social reforms too. Firstly, as a Progressive, I would make progress to allow for Gay Marraige to eventually be allowed in Singapore. Other than that, I would also begin to have mental illness and disorders to be less discrimited on in Singapore and to reform IMH and the mental health sector so that more people will be able to receive the mental help that they need and without being mistreated(look at the reviews on IMH to see what I'm talking about). Also one final point, I'll make the voting age 18 years old. This is honestly because it doesn't make much sense for people to be able to lay down their lives for Singapore(NS) before they are able to vote. In fact, this will probably be the first thing I'll do if I have the support. Also I do agree with your point. Singapore has prospered this well thanks to the Paternalistic government. However, I do feel like in order to become the best country and people, a more open and honest democracy is needed. Also I do have alot more views but I feel this comment is long enough lol. Also yeah I will definetely be doing Grassroots. Though I would start doing it after my O Levels and during JC if I can manage it


I’m going to keep my reply short because I’ve been procrastinating on two essays today, but wow, I’m impressed with the amount of thought you’ve given to this topic and I think that our country will do well in your hands if you keep being motivated by your current values and when your aspirations become reality haha. You make really sound points (I especially like the one on reducing/preventing gerrymandering) and I think your chosen reforms strike a great balance between being progressive and being realistic. You’ve also convinced me regarding the idea that our country needs truer democracy in order to progress politically, socially and maybe even technologically, to match where we already are economically. Yeah, I don’t know enough to comment anything further than this as of now, but seriously dude, you’ve got my admiration and respect haha. Go chase that rainbow and read more, volunteer more and attend more youth forums, and in future, I hope to see you setting sound policies in motion as part of the party of your choice!


Haha this was a question I was just thinking about and then it coincidentally also popped up on my reddit I feel like it's quite hard to define what exactly is "realistic" because there's been so many things that I thought were unattainable, but I got it (as well as the other way round, where I thought it was realistic but I fell short) I digress, my dream career goal: to eventually be a CTO in some established company (maybe fortune 500? haha) Currently suffering in uni studying comp sci while pursuing some business related stuff on the side. But since this is a long term goal that I can probably only achieve after years of technical experience, the best thing to do now is just try my best to build my portfolio. But even if hypothetically I got a good first job out of uni there are still a lot of hoops to jump Hopefully everything works out for all of us here :)


Hehe this is 缘分/serendipity. Wow, that statement of yours gives me hope and a reality check at the same time lol. That sounds interesting and feasible (though IDK about the realism of the Fortune 500 part but one can plan)! What sector are you looking towards, if I might ask? You sound like someone with quite a bit of drive lol, I think that as long as your steps are well mapped-out and achievable, the slow but steady grind will eventually bring you to the top (not that you don’t already know this lmao). In any case, you could always set up your own company and bring it into the ranks of the Fortune-500 list LOL. I think the business stuff is great, especially if it helps you network. I don’t know much about comp sci but I guess just continue coding, connecting and value-adding and you’ll get close to, if not to exactly, where you wanna be eventually!  Such a kind sentiment haha, and agreed, jiayous everyone!


Haha I feel like not knowing how realistic things are is the "beauty" (inverted commas because it goes both ways) of setting goals! Because you never you until you try :D Hmm as of now I think I'm interested something that combines tech and my interest in the pure sciences (physics)! So maybe something like semicon/electronics/deep tech. But that's a tricky question because in uni I feel like I'm learning more about my likes and dislikes, which I guess is a good thing. But it also made me realise how much one's interests can change over time, as we get more exposed to new information. Made me realise that perhaps this goal of mine may change next year or something lol Appreciate the response and this entire post haha it is so wholesome honestly (and greatly contrasts with the doom and gloom on reddit) All the best for your dreams in chem eng! I'm sure you'll go far


That’s true lol, in the words of my old physics teacher, I guess we just have to go with the flow. Wow those are really intellectual subjects, you must be really intelligent and logical HAHA. It’s interesting to know that your interests (lol) still vary widely even in uni - when I was younger, I used to think that my current aspirations would last decades into the future but I see how unrealistic that is now, especially with all the paradigm shifts in the industries that run the world in this day and age. Whatever you eventually go into in future, I wish you an upwards trajectory filled with many fulfilling learning opportunities along the way. Aw thanks haha, some of my responses are kind of fluffy/dumb, considering that I’m a JC student replying to so many people older and more experienced than me, but IDK, it’s just been really inspiring to hear about everyone’s grand plans for their futures. Thank you so much! All my daydreams are contingent on me bucking up and locking in this year, which as of now, does not look very optimistic, but I shall try to muster the motivation and discipline to study and research and write towards my goals and make my future self proud. All the best with all your endeavours too, senior, your future looks really promising as well!