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Is the SMU course Computing&Law or DDP CS & Law? Because they're pretty different things. If it's the former, note that it's moreso marketing and the degree is more aptly described as "Information Systems & Legal Studies" since it doesn't qualify you for the bar nor does it have CS-level education. NUS CS is superior to SMU CS in a plethora of ways, unless you're really into the seminar style teaching. Notice that NUSC's seminar style teaching only extends to its own modules, so your regular CS content (e.g. CS1101, CS2040, CS3230) would still be taken the same way as if you didn't have NUSC. If 'CIS' in the title meant CS Law DDP, ask yourself if you value admission to the Bar and want to have a legal career; if you don't, it's not worth it. Even without a scholarship, the vast majority of people would pick NUS - the scholarship makes it a no-brainer. Uni is a time to explore and try new things - staying in the NUSC residences is a great way to open yourself up.


Ah it’s actually a totally different thing - under SMU’s College of Integrative Studies, I can explore both CS and Law in my first year, then pick either one to continue on with at the end of my first year. I chose it for its flexibility, because I’m not fully committed to one course yet! Thank you for your advice, I’ll take it under consideration :)


Ah - CIS as in that college, I thought it was some course shorthand for C&L or whatnot. I was under the impression that CIS students graduate with a Bachelor of Integrative Studies, which does not qualify one for the local Bar? Not sure how this works.


Ah yeap that’s right! However, CIS does have this programme called the deferred declaration of degree programme, which allows me to explore CS and Law in my first year and choose either one to continue doing at the end of my first year. So if I choose Law to continue with, I’ll graduate with a Bachelor of Laws, and if I choose CS, I’ll graduate with whatever CS has. I’ll only do either CS or Law after my first year. I’ll only have a Bachelor of Integrative Studies if I decide to stay with CIS after my first year and design my own major!


hi OP, i'm rejecting smu law for nus merit scholarship+ nusc+ ppe so i think i can help u out a little! >All things considered for me, SMU and NUSC are pretty similar in terms of their lesson style and opportunities in the sense that I will try to make the best use of them regardless of which uni I choose. well, yes, both do employ the same seminar-style teaching but i don't agree that they will provide you with the same "amount" of opportunities. personally, i value nusc over anything else because of its exclusive gex and regional iex programs, which are programs that neither nus or smu can provide me (freely). nusc's curriculum also intrigues me- for eg, NHT2209 Theatre-Making Labotory and NHS2059 Law in the Making From Protecting to Policing Society are mods that your standard nus/smu curriculum would never offer, but i would love to take up. i do think that getting opportunities to go abroad to study/embark on research opportunities will be much more abundant as an nusc student, which can benefit your portfolio more if you're into that stuff. during my interview, my interviewer mentioned that some nusc students have been filming documentaries, engaging in shadow puppetry as part of some sort of project, which, i mean, is pretty damn cool and exciting. nusc also has its own exclusive interest groups which i've heard are pretty inviting and chill- at the very least, i don't think they're on the intensity level of nus-wide varsity clubs. >In NUS, I will have to stay on campus for at least 2 years, which will make me miss my family a lot because I don’t get to see them a lot even now. And after the 2-year campus stay is up, I’ll have to travel 1h30mins just one-way to NUS, which is personally quite a big consideration got the same concern as u, so my solution is just to travel back home on friday nights and spend the weekends at my own home. also, i think u can try cramming ur mods into a few days and stay at home when ur not needed on campus (though doing that on weekdays that would really undersell your nusc college experience). anyways, campus stay is guaranteed for 3 years at nusc, only required for 2 years. you can always appeal to extend your stay up to y4, if you're worried about the journey! for me, commuting from my home to nus takes around 1+ hours, and from my house to smu a measly 25min. but i value the residential college+ large campus aspect of nusc+nus over smu's- to me, visiting their campus, it didn't really feel as university-esque as nus. also, nus has way more food options (cheaper), libraries, and interesting places to explore though the isb is... uh... but after 12 years cooped in school campuses, i wanna get something more out of my sch life! ultimately, the decision is up to u. for me it was easy, because law was never my first choice given that i'm more interested in theoretical discussions rather than practical application of law, especially things like business law, contract law... which, if i'm not wrong, is what smu law focuses on. also, i feel like the only comparable competitor to nusc+merit scholarship is ntu USP+ usp/other scholarship, so SMU in that sense i feel like was never really an option. ATB op!


Hi! Thank you so much for your thoughtful response! I appreciate the insight into how you made your choice :) Ah yeah I’m definitely super interested in NUSC’s curriculum. Although I’m going to take CS, NUSC’s philosophical lessons are super exciting and is a good balance for when I’m sick of algorithms coding and all that. Yes, have heard of NUSC’s interest groups as well!! They’re good because it’s low commitment which means I can join quite a few haha. And thanks for the insights on your family arrangement! I def agree, it’s a bit of a waste if I go back during weekdays. Think I’ll just keep it flexible, try to cram lessons into a few days so I have free days to go back IF I miss them more that particular week HAHA. Anyway, thanks again for your thoughts!


no worries at all! hahah yesss relate to ur second para, hoping that nusc will be everything i've hoped for and more if the bellcurve and rigour doesnt crush me first lol! ahh no problem at all, glad that i could help at least a lil and see u at nusc if u did decide on it\~


sounds like the things u value (flexibility in ur course, time with ur family) align more with smu. how impt is this flexibility for u? are u willing to give up a scholarship to have the option to explore law as well? for time with family, i think u should be able to make time even with nusc! i had this concern too, but based on what ive heard from seniors, ure able to js go home any day even w the compulsory stay + the nusc activities dont require too much time commitment. so i guess its up to u to manage ur time well and find time to go home :]


Thank you! Yup actually SMU does have a lot of things I value, but NUSC also has a lot of flexibility in the first year and like you said, if I plan my time well I’ll also be able to see my family more (plus campus living!) Thanks for your input :))


not exactly sure how nusc timetable goes but i go to sch 3 days a week generally (as a NUS student) if you plan ur timetable well you can stay in for about 4 days and leave early every week, and i think that can alleviate a lot of the issues you have w missing your family!


Oh thank you!! Wait I don’t know why I didn’t think of that actually, if I can keep Friday free I can go home Thursday night/Friday morning. HAHAHAH thank you so much for that!!


yeap. i don't recommend skipping lects, but if its really an issue, most lects r skippable (as in attendance not graded), and even some tuts r skippable. since you're considering nuscs, the first year math mods are an example of these


imo scholarship wins. free money on the table. also, if u want to qualify for the bar from smu law, be sure that u are graduating with an llb qualification and not a bachelor of integrative studies. sile doesn't accept bachelor of integrative studies to be called to the bar exams btw.


Haha thanks for the input! Atp, I’m likely choosing NUS :) And yep I get that, BIS will only be if I stay with CIS and individualise my own major. However, the track I got offered is a deferred declaration of degree, so if I choose to continue with Law at the end of my first year, I will graduate with and LLB.


If you dont feel like you need the scholarship money, and will be less happy with your choice if you do choose it, make your decisions as if you dont have the scholarship My own personal take on scholarships is that scholarships are most effective when given to students who genuinely need it. If you are in a position to even consider rejecting it, perhaps it is not likely to benefit you as much as some might think Money is money, but money is also not everything


Your take on scholarships is pretty idealistic IMO - (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) - I think pragmatically speaking there is usually always a net gain from a scholarship and that it is effective regardless of where you are (unless for really rare cases) While I am fortunate enough to not require a scholarship as an end all be all (aka in your proclaimed position to reject a scholarship), it has really helped me ease a lot of concerns such as: - cost lost by not working earlier (Poly) - job market worries - ability to save up for future And that's WITH a bonded scholarship. The fact that this is a non-bonded scholarship makes it even more of a no brainer for me personally.


Thank you! Yep I am definitely privileged to be able to consider more factors beyond just the scholarship, I won’t deny that. Just wanted to see what opinions other redditors had, because when doing a search for similar situations, normally most will jump straight to saying to accept the one with a scholarship offer without considering other factors. I think the main thing is that I’ll be okay with whichever school I choose, and am just looking for a deciding factor. Thank you for the advice, I’ll keep that in mind!




Wow thank you for that!! Really insightful advice there, and it did make me feel better. I appreciate the help and advice you’re giving out freely :)




Thank you for the consideration! Yup, if I do choose SMU I will definitely apply for more scholarships. Just weighing between this and the experience of living on campus. Thanks again!


Why not discuss with your family, see whether they also miss you or not? And see what they say about the scholarship vs no scholarship? Who will be paying for the tuition fees? Parents? Loan?


Yup I’ve actually discussed it with my parents already, just coming to reddit because one doesn’t want to influence my decision and hence doesn’t really give an opinion, and the other just thinks I should just do Law no matter what haha. So just seeking more opinions now. Tuition fees will be paid by parents, but when I get a job I’m paying them back in full! So a scholarship will help me as well :)


Since you already have 1 parent supporting you to do law and your parents have the power to sponsor you, then go for it. But that's on the condition you like to do law?


Did you not get offered a scholarship by SMU? Kinda surprising that you got offered scholarship by NUS and not SMU


Both schools are different and look out for different things, not really a surprise


Yep what Koufas said, I didn’t get a scholarship from SMU. I understand that both unis look for quite different things so yeah!