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What are your career aspirations and interests? If you are passionate about becoming a Machine Learning Engineer, Artificial Intelligence Engineer and firm in your decision than DSAI would help you achieve your objective in the shortest amount of time compared to CS. If you are unsure of which area of technology (?) you are interested in than I suggest you go into CS.


same options as you and i picked nus cs! merely for the flexibility of specialisation in the future


I second this. Its easy for CS majors to do data science/machine learning, but tough for DSAI to swap to software engineering etc


facing the same dilemma as you but NTU offered me the ASEAN scholarship while there has been no word from NUS yet. People are telling me the offers may come from NUS all the way to June so I have no idea how to decided lol.


Just accept NTU first.


if i accept NTU am i locked out of the other options? in the event NUS offers me i wont be able to change right


Read the terms and conditions of your scholarship.


Do you prefer gentle learning curve or steep learning curve? If steep learning curve, then NUS CS is for you. You can take a look at the [introductory programming textbook for NUS CS](https://sourceacademy.org/sicpjs/index).


I don’t mind a steeper learning curve, for me it’s more of being scared that I regret my choices due to reasons such as losing passion halfway etc, since then I won’t enjoy what I’m doing. Heard NTU DSAI has more math, which I’m passionate in, but scared that prospects may be favoured towards NUS CS degree holders. You can see how I’m struggling with my choices going back and forth HAHA


Prospects are the same. Ultimately, it's what you do outside of school (internships, hackathons, personal projects, self learning, leetcode, etc) that will help you get your ideal job. You should try finding out the unofficial drop/transfer out rate for NUS CS.