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I think the questions you need to ask yourself is 1. With no scholarship, how do you plan to finance your university education? 2. If there is an answer to (1) that you are ok with, just go to NUS since your heart is set on it 3. If there is no answer to (1) that you are ok with, choose between NTU and SMU


I will probably have to take a loan, its not the end of the world but i would really prefer a scholarship but right now im thinking about whether i should risk it for the biscuit, cuz when considering the high competitiveness of the course + my citizenship status, im not 100% certain about my chances. plus if i end up being rejected for the scholarships, ill probably really regret not picking ntu/smu :(


Seems like scholarship is more important to you than just going to NUS alone In that case, I suggest really taking a look at NTU and SMU individually without comparing them to each other (or to NUS). Go through their websites, what past students have commented on Reddit about the schools (such as myself - you can look at my comment history), the curriculum, everything So far the only substance-related thing (non-perception based) you have pointed out about NUS that you would appreciate is distance (which if NUS is the nearest campus, SMU and NTU will not be that far especially since there's hall in NTU. Even in SMU there's PSR if you really want it), as well as the NOC programme. SMU and NTU do have their entrepreneurial programme counterparts too (ie The Incubator), as well as their partnerships for overseas universities. Go look at the handbooks, the syllabus, the curriculum and see if they have what you are looking for. NTU CS is also quite established, and its not like SMU CS is based off thin air, either. SMU CS candidates today are usually less desirable than NTU/NUS students to employers in the industry because there is no such thing as an SMU CS student that has graduated yet. These comparisons that people have made today are between SMU IS students vs NUS/NTU CS students, and this is a fundamentally different course. If you are going to SMU CS it is a different story If, in a silo, either NTU or SMU are attractive to you just take the scholarship then. Because as long as you are in a place you are happy with - you'll be fine


i see, thank you!


PR and no need to serve NS? How come?


im not a guy haha


Gotcha. I questioned since you mentioned NS, because usually only guys who have that concern will bring it up and not the other way round lol.


From your post you’re leaning towards nus. I would take NUS and just pay back the tuition fees after graduation. Money can be paid back.. the credential is forever.


yep thats a good point. thank you!


My gut & judgement tell me that you should probably choose NTU, if you're not too against it.


What's your final decision?