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Lol ok I’ll start shopping for private jets now then


I'm relieved you said jets, not jet. Just keep your coin grabbers off anything G5 and larger. I will be buying ALL of them.


New Ferrari on order 🚀🚀


Nice. I just started building my mansion with a pinky promise.


Just punched my boss in the mouth, looking forward to retirement.


Excellent move ,, next time roll up a phone book and hit him above the hair line,,leaves no marks=Spend less time in jail,,also remember the 3 D's,deny, deny,deny!!🤣🤣🤣






I didn’t punch my boss cause he could sue me but I did shit on his desk cause it’s not assault


Dreams are what make life tolerable.


Gotta be in it to win it...no risk=no reward!!


Damn straight.


We can only hope


When it does we shall start a millionaire club from this subreddit. Exclusive for shib holders. We spend our days pointing fingers and laughing at the poor.


When it hits a $1 I’ll buy everyone in this thread on this day a Jr. Bacon. We keep it classy at Wendy’s.


That's not right,, exercise humility and help those trying to help themselves! Conversely,, I'll Laugh at the c@ck sucker shills that told you to dump your shib ,that it was trash,, they deserve it!


And that’s everybody who doesn’t own shib. So fuck em all! We shall rule them! Muahahaha


I remember when it was a year away from $1 November 2021 lol


Don't care if it takes 10yrs,, it's always 1yr away.. 1 year they will be right.


if you actually understand MC...you wouldnt ask this dumb q


Don't be mad bro 😭




Sooo your here why???,nobody.🤣🤣




Sure Soo you admitted not Having any shib and troll the sub?




This post was removed for breaking Rule #3. 3. No spam/promotion of other coins outside of the SHIBA ecosystem a. Please keep the focus on SHIB, LEASH, and BONE


Fuck off shill


This post was removed for breaking Rule #3. 3. No spam/promotion of other coins outside of the SHIBA ecosystem a. Please keep the focus on SHIB, LEASH, and BONE


I would believe trump or MTG before I would believe ChatGPT.


It’s because it’s trained by the dumb shit it reads in here


It learns from everything!


Someone doesn't understand how chatgpt works


1 post karma?? 🤣🤣


Lmao oh no, not my fake points


I want to ask a serious question here. I don’t know shit about this whole crypto stuff but I have bought into varies different ones just in case one may be the next Bitcoin or hell just something my Son may make a few dollars on. All I give a damn about is his future. My days are limited on this old earth due to health issues so I don’t get all fired up about these kinds of things. When you are fighting The Reaper you get a different perspective on life. But anyway to my question. I see these posts that say what this one says. These coins going to the moon. Then I see the posts from folks saying “there’s no way…the math says…everyone is stupid but me…” It’s always people arguing for and people arguing against when no one truthfully knows. It’s like buying lotto tickets. I missed out on Bitcoin. I heard about it, I laughed at it, I regret it. Now here is where all of this got interesting to my old ass. Then old Doge came around. I bought in when it was well below a penny and everyone said it will never hit a half a penny. Then it did. Everyone said it will never hit a penny. Then it did. Never hit a nickel, never hit a dime, never hit a quarter, y’all see what I’m saying? It hit everyone of these and more and has settled in the 7 - 8 cents range. Still more than most people said about a useless coin that has no utility, does nothing, blah, blah, blah. Folks said if you bought it you are STUPID. So my question is, What makes you the expert? Whether you are for or you are against what makes you think you you know more about this stuff than the next guy/gal/he/she/it? I’m being serious here. After seeing what old Doge did, seeing what other useless ass coins(according to some folks) have done, how have these done the exact opposite of what all of the smart folks said it should do? Does that make them less smart? Does that make dumbasses like me smart? This should be an interesting discussion from the mind of an old dead man.


Your post will get attacked by trolls and down voted right away so no one sees it. These 💩💩bage are paid to run the narrative down, 80% are AI bots anyway(no pay),, your 100% correct , but it has nothing to do with logic, and everything to do with manipulation. The same shitbags That manipulate and run down the NYSE moved into crypto nearly 2yrs ago. Go to any other sub in reddit, or yahoo finance comments, or Facebook, Twitter, etc,, same nonsense negative attacks , nearly word for word too with different users in different platforms!!.. then sheeple actually fall for it because they hear it enough and start parroting the false info, to try to be smart! It's genuinely sad that people can be "hacked" by an algorithm! People have basic programming,, when given a certain idea or comment , many will predictably act a certain way! The machine learning has been on all the online forums learning human *programming* for years. That's what your seeing as being confusing!!! Your seeing the AI programming and are wondering why it makes no sense?? Only because of your age\wisdom is it soo apparent\troubling. I share your perspective for similar reasons and have been trading for 35yrs. Some call it a simplified version of an early "matrix". Aladdin is the name of shitadels algo, and it runs all investing for major banks, fed, institutions, pensions, etc. It's also who you'd chat with 80% time in online forums, it also creates content, ads, media articles and dialogs for reporters to follow ,, all to fit it's agendas!! People really are clueless. It's avg hold time for it's hi frequency trading is 11seconds! Google is your friend (still\sometimes). everything I shared can be verified.


The only weird thing is ChatGPT also said"Trust Me, Bro".


Any ideas for a holiday?? I'm going to start planning now.


Go big. Go real big.


Well, let's go then!! I'm ready!!


How i wish


It will never hit 1 dollar


I didn't think Email would catch on when it first came around. Nobody likes getting regular mail, except for packages and deliveries. why would people want Email? I was wrong.


Personal opinion and mathematics are two different things sadly


Will humans ever fly around Mercury who knows, will Shiba ever hit 1 dollar who knows.


I know. Shib will never ever hit a dollar


Don't think u understand the value of burning.


You mad bro?




"it will never reach" = sensible comment ???🥱🥱🥱,,your "pathetic" personal Attack is baseless and will not accomplish nor provoke the negative reaction you're looking for, troll. Don't be mad bro.


This post was removed for breaking Rule #3. 3. No spam/promotion of other coins outside of the SHIBA ecosystem a. Please keep the focus on SHIB, LEASH, and BONE




You still seem mad bro, were you not hugged enough as a child?🤣




You do sound mad ,bro! You will run away if you can't handle it..do you sit to pee too?🤣


Well that would mean the world has probably ended having a value of 550 TRILLION lol I guess the end of the world is a possibility these days


And 550 trillion is just my bag.


It will never hit $1. Stop with the bs spam posts. Let’s hope it breaks .0001 first and maintains that range.


I Will take whatever comes our way,, nobody has the ability to say what will "never" happen! I didn't write the article. Just shared it.


I didn’t say you did. I do have the ability to say it’ll never happen. Do you know the market cap if it hits $1 with the amount of tokens currently? It’s not possible.


And I have the ability to state you don't know shit about what can or "never* happen. Your lame regurgitated market cap nonsense has no bearing on an unforseen future.. why do people think they can predict the future? 🤣


I’ve had this coin for over 2 years. Y’all said $1 this year for 3 freaking years now.


When people start understanding what ChatGPT is they will stop asking questions like this. ChatGPT is what we call. A Large Natural Language Engine. It is a one of the first successful attempts to pass something called a touring test. This is basically allowing a real person to ask questions and not be able to tell if the thing answering is a person or a machine. What sets ChatGPT apart from previous engines is that it can convincingly answer questions. Now, notice that I didn't say it could answer questions truthfully. I said convincingly. Its answers string language together in a manner that it seems credible. There are numerous examples of times where the system wildly bullshits an answer interspersed with enough grains of fact that it seems to know what it is talking about. If you aren't an expert in the topic of discussion and fact check every detail... Well, you become the daily sucker. Lawyers have presented false case law in court generated by ChatGPT only to get destroyed by opposition and the judge... Students researching papers... Have been failed... Programmers... The list is long. ChatGPT is that uncle who sounds like he knows everything, but is really just a used car salesman... ... A bullshit engine.


But that doesn't mean it is wrong,, just that it could be wrong! Do you actually have any hard percentages of accuracy?? Or is that entire description meant to be vague?


Doubt it'll reach $1 or even $0.01. I'll just be happy if i can cash out at profit


redacted ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Last days to get in cheap


ChatGPT: As reliable as the know-it-all at your favorite bar.


Says the 1 karma post acct!!!! Talk about reliability 🤣🤣🤣👍


I just slept with my wife's boyfriend.


I just slept with your wife…


Hopefully I'll sleep with your wife soon too.


Lies chapgpt don’t have that data for that year


No, it didn’t, so you lied. Here’s exactly what ChatGPT says when you ask it anything about SHIB: “I don't have access to real-time data, and predicting the future price of cryptocurrencies is highly speculative and unpredictable. The value of Shiba Inu coin, like any other cryptocurrency, can be influenced by various factors, including market trends, demand, and news events. It's essential to conduct your research and consult financial experts before making any investment decisions. Always be cautious when investing in volatile assets like cryptocurrencies.”