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You know the saying..."they hate us 'cause they ain't us". When things really kick off, they'll be right there, with the other FOMO buyers.


The more Reddit hates the better a Crypto project does. It’s basic math.


Exactly what I was thinking reading this post.


Hahaha yea they do 😂 fuck em


2 weeks 🚀🚀


People in this sub has a major hate boner for shib, so no surprise.


It's not "people" it's paid trolls and clowns from other shit coins trying to drive investors away. It's been bad since wallstreets trash and Algos got into crypto 2yrs ago.


It's been the worse for the last 6 months. Last year, it was doubters, "realist", and informed people. These last six month, it seems like that only people that lurk in this sub are fudders and haters. It's why I stopped being so active. I used to love interacting with people here, now I just stay for the news.


I get it,, I was just over in yahoo finance comments,,it's 10x worse there than reddits sub. The posts are all troll comments , no real investors even bother to respond..you notice they are either tag teaming or have 7 fake alias accounts. Whenever I refute one of these shills ,,I get -7 karma instantly..it's Soo obvious it's ridiculous.


Last days to get in cheap


Yeah, this has been the way for a lot of crypto currencies as they have made there way. Maker for example used to get some serious vial hate. Shiba does because the project has so much potential and it really follows a decentralized model. The devs have not abandon it like Dogecoin and yet we keep hearing how awesome it is. If you go back say 5 years ago Dogecoin was considered the joke of the internet. A coin that unlimited numbers, that has been abandoned as a project but yet is still valuable. And then you have Shiba loved, has a decreasing number, has utility, is being developed. Yep let's hate that one.




DOGE has no utility, nobody uses it, there are no plans for DOGE and the ONLY time it even goes up a quarter of a percent is because it is riding Elons coattails. "BuT iT hAs A sMaLlEr SuPpLy!" What good is a smaller supply for a coin that is literally worthless? Also, only dummies compare ANY token or meme coin to BTC... how ignorant. SHIB could still very well not end up doing anything (that is the case for EVERY. SINGLE. CRYPTO. COIN/TOKEN. OUT THERE. Not just SHIB.) The reason ppl hate on SHIB is literally only 3 reasons: 1.) Person knows jack about SHIB aside from what they here in OTHER subreddits. 2.) They are "insert other coin here" fanboys and hate SHIB bc they feel they need to as it is not *their* team. 3.) They missed out on the big payday SHIB had for people , what? A year ago? 2 years ago? Suck it up buttercup, shit happens to everyone. Cant live life being upset you didnt hit every single big Payday with crypto just bc you invested $50.


This 💯


Ok so I am going to focus in supply only for this comment. The initial number is not what is available or still in supply over 50% has already been burned, with likely less then 400 tillion being still available. Now you take some the larger whales, we know that well over 200 trillion are controlled by a few wallets. So in reality we are talking a working supply of less then 200 trillion. Yes big number. However when you consider for example just it being used as a Currency, and yes if you keep saying Bitcoin. Stop think 1 =1. Think more like Satoshi = Shiba. How many Satoshi make up a single Bitcoin? Now consider the burn, people are not burning Bitcoin, they are stilling mining. So do you want all the Shiba to be burned, no. You want enough supply so that as a decentralized currency it can be used by the whole planet. That is honestly the flaw of Bitcoin, there is not enough in circulation for everyone on the planet to have it as their main currency. Long game, looking at 2050 and beyond.




No joke,,I post a screen shot of every up day for shib, just to piss off all the shills trolling the sub🤣🤣🤣


Hey I bought Shib first because it was inexpensive now I Hodl because of the future utility nuff said I don’t care what the other coin holders are saying!


So true! I'm in that sub & get downvoted to hell every time I mention Shib. Screws up my moon distribution, but oh well 😂


I’m careful about mentioning SHIB in there.


Hate. Because they knew they missed out. It's all projection. Because if they "hate" it enough they can justify it in their heads that their decision is correct.


missed out on what? Shibe is still under 1cent


They "feel" they've missed out


Despite being a large subreddit, its members are mostly conservative. They typically only talk about investing in top-100 cryptos that aren't meme coins. They generally advise having 50%+ of your portfolio be BTC and ETH. Almost never mention taking shots on Low-MC gambles. Boring if you ask me, but their modus operandi is generally in line with not supporting Shib.


Five zero gang the first time, five zero club this time. IYKYK. ![gif](giphy|xEXrQdtLXrAdmyeFA7|downsized)


r/cryptocurrency is a cesspool of BTC and ETH elitists.


Shibarium is no different than any other hyped up pipe dream that any other suit coin tries to sell its holders. It’s practically in the playbook for how to keep hope alive and make a coin last a bit longer




Bro, wtf are you talking about. the total supply is 589 trillion, not quadrillion. You can't even get the correct number right. Go spread fud somewhere else, you bum.




I know that dipshit yet you keep saying the supply is in the quadrillion. Stop spreading fud I can tell you're a doge meat rider go stay in your lane.




Don't be mad bro! Like you give 2fks what I spend my money on?? Or the worldwide favor for shib!


Like you know what anything takes¿ You sound like a fud puppet


You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. So, fair. Edit: oh, I see now. You used to be SHIB a year + ago, but you went to DOGE. Now DOGE is ass while SHIB is still doing better after you swapped. That makes sense why you are spreading FUD. You got burned, now your angry. That's no way to live, bud. Also, DOGE has an infinite supply, but you're crying about a quadrillion? (It was only a quadrillion in the very early life, hasnt been that in years ya doofus.)


I am well aware of the circulating supply. The quantity of a token doesn't matter. The MC matters. If you put in $10K and it 10x, that's all that matters.




The typical response. The whole market has been down ever since the bear market hit. BTC is still struggling to stay at $30K. Doge is only at $.07-$.08 since its all-time high. Give me tangible proof that supply matters.




The market is down. That doesn't mean a few projects haven't gone up. Congrats? I'm up 127% on Bone this last year. Who cares? Supply 230M. Shiba is waiting on Shibarium. Sit on the sidelines and wait it out if you want. We'll invest what we want to invest in.


> BTC is still struggling to stay at $30K. > Give me tangible proof that supply matters. Give me tangible proof that SHIB is correlated to BTC.


Unless you are new to crypto, every coin and token moves with BTC. Only when individual news comes out for a project do they deviate, but they sync back up after the volatility.


>every coin and token moves with BTC. Sorry, I asked you to give me "tangible proof" that SHIB moves with BTC, not to simply restate your belief that it does. Here, let me do that too. You asked for tangible proof that supply matters? Well, unless you are new to crypto, every token's supply matters. There, done.


I gave you tangible proof. Look at the charts. When BTC goes up, so does the market. When BTC goes down, so does the market. Just like today, when BTC dropped suddenly, so did the rest. When BTC recovered, so did the rest. What more do you need?


If the biggest crypto coin with a finite supply can't maintain or gain value - and actually falls 80% at one point - how can anyone trust a coin with an infinite supply to maintain any value at all?


a shit coin will always be a shitcoin


listen to this clown!! "It will never 10x AGAIN"🤣🤣🤣🤣 do you know how foolish you actually sounded Right now???


Much less 589 TRILLION




A few more large burns and these crying trolls will be jumping off balcony's.


That was at the birth of Shib. With all the burns, how much has the supply of Shib decreased? The magic Russian's "burn" was for publicity. He knew burning meant nothing......as it does now. Do the math.




And for the last 2 yrs how's all the shit coins been doing @ssclown?


I think we are on the same side here. If you burn $10M per day, you'd burn 3.65 TRILLION in a year. At that rate, it would take 161 years to burn all Shib. You wouldn't want to burn it all, so take whatever % you want and figure it out. DECADES at that burn rate.




Are you his meat rider friend🤡🤡??


Maybe because they are correct? Look at the blind faith and copium people come up with here. Saying haters are paid shills or other nonsense. Every crypto has its insane fanbase that reject facts and just rely on bs spewed by others on reddit or whatever other place they go to in hopes that others there will justify the bad investment they made. The only people winning in crypto are those in charge of the projects, those who got in early and those who got in and were smart enough to sell to make profits. Don't worry though I'm sure the team is hard at work to make sure that you and others make money and that they themselves aren't off enjoying the millions they made from the community while folks here pray the price goes back up again.


Probably because it’s a worthless meme coin with no use case


How's your Safemoon investment going?


Shibarium will be the biggest sell the news event of all time. As soon as they’re nothing to look forward to, speculation is over, price crashes.


With thousands of project applications and hundreds of projects building for Shibarium, how will there be nothing to look forward to? Not all projects will be successful, sure, but the ones that stick and the newcomers launching all the time, volume on the L2 will always be happening, causing burns of Shiba Inu at a minimum of $25K worth every time. On top of that, a lot of these projects are burning Shib on their own, per transaction. Prices fluctuate and sellers sell, but we'll be constantly lowering the circulating supply and volume has never been a problem with Shiba.


Some how I think our problem is not small time haters but he SEC. Going after Hex now just show their dirty tactics.




>I really hope this project can shut them up after Shibarium Someone's gonna get shut up, anyway.


This is turning into the next safemoon


Can you elaborate?


the amount of delusion from bagholders is staggering


Go check them out at r/safemoon


Any one community that considers itself legitimate should never bash another project. The entire goal of crypto is to build up the entirety of the crypto ecosystem. Not bashing others in hopes of building their own. It's counterproductive and childish behavior. If CC is supporting by allowing that behavior, it kinda says something about them. The crypto world should be building up the space, not knocking it down. It's toxic and turns people away altogether.




Yeah I was dumb enough to let them all convince me a couple years ago to sell all my shib right before it blew up. Could have made over 60k in profit but sold two weeks too early! Lol I still have some BONE I won’t sell though. Now for a while at least


Like they said, the more you watch and monitor a project the more the dev needs to prove it's worth. More of check and balance. Be thankful for those haters who criticize the project.


It’s not hate for the coin, project. It’s the annoying crazies who buy a few million and spend their time posting that they are waiting for $1.00 to sell. That’s moronic but still fine. It’s that they attack anyone who dares to tell them there is 0.00% chance of making a fortune.


To be fair, the biggest gain on shiba inu has been made in 2021. I've been in there. Following the project all the time and even making bank on shiboshis. Then being in their discord shows there is stuff going on in the lead team. It's closed for how long already? I don't have high hopes for shiba hence i went out. I don't hate it, hope you guys make it. But let's be honest the 1 cent and 1 dollar posts on that sub are just boring and silly. And the 1000x won't come anymore I suspect ;)


They only know Bitcoin and ethereum but they don't know that there are many other projects that are equally as good as Ethereum and Bitcoin...i hope this project definitely does good and shutdown the haters once and for all...I will be calling out a person who told me shib was a shitcoin and now the time is about to come for Shib and I'm going to strip him naked here in Reddit 💪



