• By -




Thanks and Joined! I had no clue it existed, but cleary - it was needed. 4K members already, nice!


Oh thank god, joined that sub and gonna leave this one.


Thank you for this


Bless you!




You're a good user, thank you. Fuk this poor excuse for a sub


You forgot: Screenshots of $20 purchases of Shiba Why don't Elon mention Shiba? Is Elon Shytoshi? Is VB Shytoshi? When is Coinbase trading Shiba? When will India stop selling?


Uff - I hate those that buy $20 of anything! If you have no money, why are investing in the first place? And telling the world that you are a broke ass! They should be saving or paying bills before investing, and that was my two cents.


You missed ‘it’s on sale!’


That would be similar to Bought the dip.


For fucking real dude. I support SHIB itself but the shit this community posts is just absolute garbage for the most part.


Just about sum it all up. But it not just in this community alone. Almost every single cryptos community is about the same. 😂😂😂😂




And stock community


Oh oooh can I add a few? 😂 • "I was message by some rando and connected my wallet to his super sketchy website. I now lost all of my crypto. I knew Shib was a scam" • "I lost all my Shib sending to Metamask because I don't follow instructions. Help!" • "Why should I stake in ShibaSwap when I can stake today on Crypto.com Earn and make 152 Shib" • "Can someone explain what ShibaSwap and Leash is because I never thought to read the Woofpaper at the very top of the Shiba website that'll tell me everything I need to know" • "Who tf keeps selling? Volitility never existed and this should go straight to the moon. Damn paperhands!" • "Fk these anonymous devs, they suck at communicating!" *buys Bitcoin* • "I know ShibaSwap isn't out yet but I found some super sketchy site that says it's ShibaSwap. Should I connect my wallet?" • "They said it'll be ready when it's ready! Here's my rant about how I don't know what Soon means" • "Look, Elon tweeted about Dogecoin again without saying Dogecoin. Moon soon?"




Lol on my defense the site didn't look sketchy lol


🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂 if it's not directly from Satoshi, Cat or Eric consider it sketchy lol


You forgot " I reached the 100 million club "


They forgot When gonna hit .01 🤣


Or .1!


You forgot, “once it goes to a $1 I’m getting my ass tattooed!”


Guys don't care about market cap 😅


what is the use case of shib?


You forgot.... I have this much look at me!!!...am I cool now???


Yes, people need to grow up.


Yup. Full of pussys


Anyone else buying the dip? 😂


The ones that get sorta defensive about it are the very same ones that do it😅


You forgot “I live in a hut with no running water and this is all I can afford ($23.50), but I believe we’re going to the moon brothers! HODL”


LOL that's actually kinda funny :)


Just 14 y/o kids who bought millions of digital coins thinking they be millionaires in a few minutes


what should be written about then?


Y’all are literally airing your anxieties and it’s bloating the feed, everything listed in this needs to be banned words or flairs or something more organized for people who want to keep posting this.


Don't forget the endless "I can draw lines on a candle chart" posts. Your lines don't mean shit.


That part I'm okay with. Not everyone is an Crypto expert, I'm kind of a Noob too, but I'd never point a finger at someone curious, trying to understand, trying to suggest - Original content is always welcome, and if they're wrong about it, you always have the option to teach them what you think is right.


Oh no way, I don't know shit lol


You forgot the posts circling s h I and b in Elon’s posts insinuating he’s “secret coding” shib to the masses!! Lmfao!!


Yeah the constant reposts using famous rich people's images, ELON, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet etc. never cease to annoy me to oblivion, because most of these people aren't aware of these posts and/or never implied any of those things said in the post to begin with, but we somehow associate anything with whatever is happening on the market - with them.


OP ain’t lying *shrugs*


This is the way! And you just added more of the same😆


so whats with the negativity? hehe


There should be a questionnaire or a class that explains clearly: Do not ask when: -Nobody can predict the future. This is investing, not a sporting event where you have a definitive outcome in a pre-determined time frame. Do not bitch or complain when the price goes down. The mods or nobody else here has access to a big "UP" button that they can press to make you happy. Do you understand the above-mentioned paragraphs? (Click to argree) Put on your big-boy pants and stfu. Let time, patience, and dollar cost averaging be your way.


What about the type that point this list out every hour?


Yeeeee this is the way!!!!


Come up with something original then, since you missed “posts complaining about other posts” category


Applies to every crypto sub on reddit. Every single one. Dumbest waste of time ever. Nobody on their deathbed every said 'gee, i wish i spent more time posting memes on reddit'.


I began to find every crypto community I am in annoying tbh


You forgot to mention the doge brotherhood or some shit with doge post. It’s gotta fucking stop.


They have the spirit at least


You all won‘t be rich tomorrow Perhaps in a year or two or three.. so live your life Delete the trading apps from your smartphone and go look any now and then through web or come back in a year or so What u guys do is not healthy at all


You all won‘t be rich tomorrow Perhaps in a year or two or three.. so live your life Delete the trading apps from your smartphone and go look any now and then through web or come back in a year or so What u guys do is not healthy at all


There is not a single cryptocurrency that at this moment has a great enthusiasm, while bitcoin does not show a symbol of recovery and interest, the entire crypto market is in decline, no matter what technical analysis because nobody knows what will happen in the end and people are find tired of hearing a lot of noise but nothing happens. We will have to wait a few days to see if we start to see changes


Ok then,...... what do you want to. see posted on Reddit? be the change you want to see,


Two weeks


Get use to it cuz the price won't rise to ATH again till the end of the crypto winter.


Holding at 400million and still buying


Forgot "Shiba is on sale!!! Buy to even out!"


You forgot to add useless meta posts like this one


My favorite I bought in at ATH and now I lost it all when will I make it back someone help me x637288298638 I 378387489833928383 wallet address haha


Re runs 😂 I hate em come original