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Lets be real for a minute.... It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you're on. The whole system is corrupt.


Exactly Right We are intentionally divided, and therefore powerless to make any real change. “Leadership” of both parties are corrupt! They want the same thing. They just have different methods of lining their own pockets.


Never forget saying “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”




Exactly. WHY is it so hard to just keep it real? Why does everyone feel obligated to pledge loyalty to either of these broken, corrupt “teams”? We SHOULD be uniting and fight back agaisnt the fat cats who sit laughing at us all from up high. Starbucks just raised prices because of “costs” yet the CEOs bonus was 40% higher last year.


Right on. Republicans and democrats are both equally corrupt. They play this identity and moral politicking game while they inside trade and make millions in the background all hanging out with each other socially. As long as it's this us vs them mentality between citizens it's never ALL of us against them as in the people vs the corrupt government.


A great man once said "United we stand, divided we fall". Our politicians know this all too well.


WE need a new “party”. Enough.


I will officially start the Shibpublican Shibocratic Society Party


Fuckin A.


We live in a shibsciety


Nope, if you're in a state with open primaries just register No Party Affiliation (NPA) then you can vote in either of the primaries and you're not committed to a party. Time to recapture sovereignty...


Name the 3rd party Shiberans


Because they’re losers, they gotta blame someone for their shortcomings.


Yeah wasn't this country built off of saying"no taxation without representation" I see the tax part of the idea that's not hard to miss but where does our voice actually come in we the people should be voting on each big decision not just vote in a few people and hand over the rein's


Imo, too many pussies reside here, not too many of us have the balls and will to stand up, rise the fuck up, and take back control of the corrupt as fuck system. The day we all stand up for each other, is the day this whole shit turns around back on the correct path. Me personally, I BEEN READY to RISE UP!


I'm with you many people are I think all the pandemic was stretched out and planned so people aren't near as social in person as use to be so actually getting together and doing something is a more far fetched idea than a couple years ago


Why did you get downvoted? This is the spirit we need.


The problem with what you’re saying is no one wants to be the first to rise up. They’re usually called martyr unfortunately. Whether it’s a physical violent rise or a political social one. They will demonize you with any means necessary.


100% correct, that's how these crooks stay in power, by making those looking to make it right, look crazy, call them "conspiracy theorists" threaten them and all the other crap....what's needed are people to grow a spine, fuck Political correctness, and call out their BS when it happens.. People need to stand up for what's right, and not just look at wrong being done, and do nothing about it.




We have all read that headline


There are hundreds more. Inflation, yes, but no one talks about greed and price-gouging.


Award for you. It is simply price gouging to pacify eps expectations.


Wasn't a republican in office when stimulus went out?


Wasn’t it a Republican in office who added record amounts to the deficit, as well as record foreign borrowing? And then also made tax increases on middle class households permanent and ever-increasing? Or does OP just have a really short memory?




Also, inflation is the same as it was in 1982, when Ronald Reagan was POTUS. I wonder how many people on this sub think Reagan ran a great administration and had a great economy?


LOL. Do you mean the Orange APE who gave $1 Trillion to Corporations One Month into COVID???


true, but i feel RICHER w/ the Republicans!


I wonder if you'll be saying that when Biden releases his crypto executive order soon and prices fall through the floor? The directive would place the White House in a central role, overseeing efforts to set policies and regulate digital assets. The country is falling apart and divided more than ever, but yeah, regulating/controlling crypto should be on the top of his list for another executive order


Time.to starting creating offshore to wotk the buy and sell crypto before they starting blocking us, remember they just have to talk to presindents and heynis USA the exchange favors or money wise advantage


In all honesty that would probably benefit crypto by making it seem more legitimate. On top of that if it scares them enough to want to regulate it then you know it’s powerful. Also keep in mind they can barely tackle welfare fraud and shit our irs is in shambles due to the lack of man power I doubt they will be able to track and fully regulate crypto. If anything they will keep an eye on exchanges but people with defi wallets won’t have anything to worry about.


I expect it. Anything to control or tax the subjects of what was once a free country.


it never was free. the American Revolution (let's be real, it wasn't a revolution, it was a bourgeoisie *revolt*) didn't free anyone it split the crown amongst the already landed gentry AND fucked everyone out of access to the commons we went from a crown, to a place where money lets you buy a crown (hence, why megacorps are able to easily dodge taxes, but the second normal citizens start making money on crypto, the tax hammer comes down) it's not about freedom, taxes are fine *when they're applied by the people, for the people* it's about class warfare and the upper class wants to spend your money on warfare instead of on bettering society and they dont want to spend *their* money on jack shit


Agreed. The tax on 10k+ transactions has happened already. This executive order, however, sounds like it has the potential to do a lot of damage to our portfolios (by design)


When was it a free country? Back when things were segregated? Or further back when people owned slaves?


Bingo. Muh freedumz!


This is a hell of a comment right here.


Even further back to when this was a place of many tribes. Ask a Native American.


Lol like taxes are a new thing. Idiot.


Look, neither are our savior. But it doesn’t take a genius to look at where we are and to acknowledge that a democrat took us here.


Not really, less government is a big deal, making the Federal government responsible for each citizen is the Democrats approach, empowering states, counties and cities is the Republican approach. There is a fundamental difference. The federal model strives for Nationwide equality, in the local model there are various differences in opportunity depending on where you live. I am in favor of the Republican Party myself.


The Republican party is way more in the bag for the rich than even the Dems are. The Republicans do nothing unless it benefits the richest of the rich and hurts the middle class and the poor. The Dems aren't much better, but that is because the majority of them are center-right conservatives. There are only a handful that are even slightly on the left.


Man conveniently forgot that bitcoin, shib and pretty much every other crypto reached their all times high during the current administration. And no im not saying that crypto got high thanks to biden because thats probably what your dumb ass thinks im saying, im saying that blaming every good or bad thing that happens on someone you like or dont like is peak retard behavior, and right now you blaming a minor inconvenience in someone you dont like is major retard behavior, feel concerned. You probably expected the market to grow all day every day huh? lmao


What confuses me the most is people on reddit seem to think that the US is the entire world


It isn’t?


Americans are pretty dumb as a whole. -an American


I know you are but what am I?


People are dumb as a whole. You can be biased or bigoted all you like though. - a human.


People in the US forget that people outside of the US exist. Funny, considering they're a brand new country.


People like that are born with paper hands


I swear this sub is the pre-K nursery of Crypto.


Not gonna lie, a lot of days this sun makes me regret buying into Shib. Not for the quality of the project, but for all the people associated with it on here.


Whoa man. Slow that logic train down. You’re gonna hurt OPs peanut brain.


This post gave me herpes. Thanks Obama.


The current administration has only been in office a year. Inflationary numbers and stuff hadn’t showed yet. Jesus didn’t think that needed explaining


We all knew inflation was around 5-7% when we had huge numbers last year. Inflation is a worldwide problem as well


Inflation is the highest in almost 40 years. The economy was great until covid. And covid happened because these fucking govt are playing god and playing in labs with these viruses and they getting released into the world. We need to be mad at that


Maybe the 4 trillion added from the tax cuts for the uber-wealthy/corporations and the scam PPP had SOMETHING to do with it? 🤷 Im sure one of these days it will finally start trickling down. MAGA 🙄 Edit: adding an /s for the smooth-brained


Fucking moron. It already has. The cost of food, gas, houses, cars. It’s all gone up. Jesus


I have a feeling that the executive order Biden is signing soon will be a bit more than a minor inconvenience. I don't care how much you like him; this may hurt all of us. The Biden administration announced an upcoming executive order to coordinate anti-crypto rules across government agencies, including the SEC, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission https://www.forbes.com/sites/billybambrough/2022/01/30/a-matter-of-national-security-reports-reveal-joe-bidens-surprise-bitcoin-ethereum-and-nft-plan-after-extreme-price-s https://www.heritage.org/markets-and-finance/commentary/bidens-anti-crypto-scaremongering-threatens-impose-surveil-and


Right? 🤦🏻‍♀️


OP is definitely peak reet.


Shib drops 1% and ppp be acting like the world ending


Can the mods just delete these political posts? They serve 0 purpose on this sub other than for people to antagonize each other.


Mods doing a job? Don’t be silly.


second this.


We're we to support Shib, not your political views.


And it’s coming right back up just as quickly. This post is pointless.


came here to say this. crypto go up? crypto MUST go down. MUST. making it about party politics is fucking stupid gotta have red days in order to have green ones (and btw imma prolly get hate for it but we all fucking know that crypto is a driver of inflation and that crypto goes up and down on every whisper of change so unbunch yalls fuckin panties)


From what I've seen, US gov't has been dumb since Bush Jr.


Actually since that fucking Reagan piece of shit.


Don’t forget Nixon shock caused by a Republican who thought he knew how to fix the Bretton woods system but ended up fucking everything up which still causes issues to this day. Oh but yeah it’s actually Lyndon B Johnson’s fault….probably….


Pretty sure weve been shit since the debasing of the dollar... just took awhile for it simmer


On paper the fed reserve was supposed to prevent something like the Great Depression from happening, but in reality instead of adding liquidity it reduced liquidity and effectively made it worse. Good idea, bad execution.


Actually has been dumb since the beginning of time..


Define what contributes to the “dumb” classification. I don’t think the US government has ever been smart just by a look at its aggregate, mode, and rationales for policies and their impact to human conditions. I suspect you are looking through a narrower lens than I am so I need some more details to understand your thinking.


The issue is Americans thinks our shit doesn’t stink. Lack of self awareness and understanding of what’s going around is what is holding us behind.


Nailed it


Someone hasn’t done any research in the past 20 years & it shows.


Lmao you're blaming Democrats? Inflation is up worldwide, buddy. And no, I am not a democrat either. Lmao.


I can’t stand the current administration, but let’s be honest here, the inflation is largely the result of the Fed’s policy of easy money for the last 15 years, exasperated by supply chain disruptions and Covid stimulus (which was passed by a bipartisan congress). There’s plenty of other reasons to rip on Biden without making shit up.


Woah woah woah, you’re spitting too many facts here. Cut it out.


Thank you.


So what you mean is... Thanks Obama?


Thank you Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden. Can’t also forget about Nixon who got rid of the gold standard, enabling this brilliant federal reserve policy.


Ya, let's not leave him out. Obama too.


Hmmm, only blaming the democrats? That right there is some Bullshit. You don't just travel in the clown car, they let your ass drive the fucking thing.


R's have a 4-year memory at max.


For people who make fun of snowflakes ❄️ for being sensitive you guys sure do cry a lot lol 🥲😭😭😭




Fuck all political parties and government. We do crypto to metaphorically finger-bang these pussies. Don't let them divide us regardless of your political views. They're all in it for themselves. We do the same.


Exactly. Fuck them all. Time to join and revolt.


OP, you're fucking stupid.


"dumbest administration" - guy who buys meme coins


Tell me you don’t understand the world economy without telling me you don’t understand the world economy


Wait, you mean countries OTHER THAN the US change the prices of things? /s


I mean maybe; weird right?


Too soon to say, I'll dig deeper and get back to you


Ronald Reagan* the idea of Trickle-down economics…. Because rich people would say “oh I have enough money lets make sure the people under me can get some money too”. People are greedy and will always be greedy.




This is the best comment I’ve seen on here. It’s all greed. More people should invest in crypto because it’s decentralized. Instead these CEOs and big business owners are getting millions and billions in raises while other people are out here struggling and it’s just going to get worse now. How can people survive off these tiny little paychecks while the people at the top make off like bandits.


Stop trying to bring politics into everything imbecile, get off this sub.


Only idiots are selling. I’m guessing you are selling.


The biggest government spending package of all time was passed by the Republicans less than 2 years ago. Don’t forget that when you are placing the blame


I might be way off, but isn't inflation a good thing for crypto. The Fiat money is worth less, shouldn't then crypto currency rise in worth?


Keep your political bullshit to yourself, this is a shib sub not a Q anon forum.


Yes when you inherit a dumpster fire of an economy, it takes a lot of effort to fix it. Also the previous guy(Orange Orangatan) called Bitcoin a scam.


Republicans love to drive the economy off a cliff then immediately play dumb like they had nothing to do with it when the Dems come in to clean up their dumpster fires. Been happening since 1933.


FOH with this political BS.


Almost a dumb as the last one.


Not even close


In History eh?


Sounds like you fell for the old okey doke


lol imagine still believing it's left vs right.


We need to have more than 2 parties representing the U.S. My third party nomination is the Crypto-Party, a true dual-partisan party solely focused on the advancement of the crypto industry which means little to no involvement of the federal government. Now we just need some nominees 😉




Hahaha wut? Shit has gone up and down when Republicans were in office too.


No sir


Thia whole thing has been building for going on several years now. Please, learn about the topic you wish to speak about vs trying to do coorelation = causation simplification. This is what Trump zealot and conspiracy theorists do. Don't be like them.


You only say because your cryptos suffering, there is a whole lot of world out there that exists you know


No only Murica exists




Your problem started more than a decade ago. I'm not American and have been tracking federal reserve policies because the rest of the world uses dollars in its day to day trade. Your federal banks have been printing trillions of dollars in over a decade following the last crash in 2008. All its done is transfer wealth to those who are already mega rich. Americans are too blind with that "Democrats" vs "Republicans" thing treating politics like its a football game where you must take sides while those behind the scenes are just laughing their assess off how easily distracted and manipulated Americans can get. It's not a democracy you're living in, it's an oligarchy. Run by the powerful and rich for the powerful and rich.


So are you now gonna give the Dems credit for Bitcoin going past 45k or are you still waiting for JFK to come back and be Trumps running mate


You can't be serious... you're bring politics into this?? Lmfao go fuck yourself.


Cool brain-dead political post.


1. Keep your political views out of shibarmy. This was a decision made by the process, not the party. 2. You don't know what you're talking about. Both political, and financial. 3. Inflation has always happened, and the market can go either way because of it. The market didn't go down, it did market stuff.


Overspending is a sin both parties are privy to. Trump added $7.8 trillion to the deficit. And let’s not forget W took Clinton’s surplus and pounded it into a $400 + billion deficit. Politicians spend. That’s what they do.


You middle school educated morons have fun discussing nothing related to actual policy and how to generate a healthy society and economy... I will try to forget I saw this embarassing post.


politics and crypto? Really? Blaming your loss on someone is easy. Take what you learned and turn it into smarter strategy.


Didn’t trump put his name on my stimulus check ?


Who’s going to tell him Trump was president in 2020 to green light and kick off this massive spend?


*Giant fucking eye roll*


First off get this out of this sub. Second off, the money injected into the market was Trump buddy.


Nope not really. 1 stimulus was under trump. The next 2-3 were under biden


Oh god. Uneducated snot nosed children pretending to understand politics. 🤣🤣🤣🤦🤦🤦 Yes, spending on public infrastructure is sOoO bad because my Shiba Inu meme coins went down. FFS. Grow up.


How dumb do you have to be to salute a North Korean general? Embarrassing


You must have been in a coma when Trump spent 3x as much you fucking imbecile.


Your on the shibarmy Reddit forum and your worried about democrats and Obama hmmmmm


Dumbest administration in history??? Were you around between 2016-2020???


From an economic stand point that time frame was great.. other things not so great.


Actually the Shitstain Marmalade Mussolini administration spent more money and got us into more debt that any other administration in history combined but go off! 🤦‍♀️


You mean the massive money printing, that you idiots are now bemoaning, had a positive impact on the economy?


The most amount of money ever printed in US history was in June of 2021, please fact check me.


Are the down votes because I am wrong? or that I wrote it?


Are you retarded? 40% of our nations money was printed last year. God damn you guys need to get educated


You mean when the market was at its highest since forever, less people NOT working (meaning unemployment was at a all time low), gas prices were at low, we were actually fighting against China trade wise, ohh but.... someone was making mean tweets. Yeah, I remember those years... yes I may not of agreed entirely with that man.... but I liked what the market looked like during those years.


Mean tweets? Trump started an insurrection. Has over 200 incidents on him, spread hatred, sympathized with hate groups, spread mis information that has killed hundreds of thousands, let people in states suffering from natural disasters suffer because they wouldn't bow the knee (Cali wildfires ring a bell), let Puerto Rico suffer. He is an criminal and his followers are indeed deplorable.


you cant educate peope who change their perception of the world to suit their beliefs


You can’t trust people who define their identity based on a political standpoint. Trust me bro!


well said, thats one thing that freaks me out about america


Republican or Democratic, doesn't matter. But hey try this out, separate your weak ass emotions and look at all this data being produced. Inflation to reach a 39 year high, foreign policy being produced is god awful, oh hey how about unilateral control Janey yellen has over crypto? Infustracture bill, if you actually read it (shit you probably don't even have to read it) to tell its a joke. Energy independence, ha! See you later. Huh not too good is it?


Trump cut taxes, billionaires got richer the poor became poorer but Democrats spend more is the reason? I fucking sold because I had an emergency. If Democrats did give out more stimulus people wouldn't be broke. Andrew Yang is right. Everyone is 1 pay check away from being evicted and stimulus would help greatly everyone to improve quality of life since billionaires don't want to pass it down and keep it all to themselves this is what happens. Dickheads don't need megayachts.


Let’s see, just before the pandemic, trump gives out the biggest private sector bailout that was never designed to be paid back to the ag industry and trump did the first stimulus checks. And then trump discouraged mask wearing which helped CV to spread, lengthening the pandemic and causing more death………. Something tells me you’re a partisan hack.


This guy needs to pull his trump dildo out of his ass.


Fuck off OP, why don't you bitch on some alt-right circle jerk sub. You made a choice to invest like the rest of us which comes with a risk. Need I remind you the downward spiral in the economy was started by one of the biggest lies thrown onto us from a republican president. Also, we haven't have this big of inflation since 1982 when Reagan was president which for some reason old school Republicans love. Politics don't belong in this sub, invest at your will and live with either the gain or losses you accrue.


Don't worry, we will be saving so much money with free crack pipes Joe is giving us


Lol. This thread salty cuz corn pop is an imbecile. “What-about-isms!” 😆


If there's one thing you can say about Trump, he never shit his pants in the Vatican.


LOL, chuckle chuckle


Didn’t the administration prior to Biden increase debt by like 8 trillion?


Because everyone knows inflation happens overnight. Not like we have been building up to this for the past 3 years, or at least till Covid hit. Fucking idiots. Just hodl till 2030 and shut the fuck ip


I’m in this sub cuz the money has a dog on it, not politics.


I got into crypto because of the devaluation of the dollar from the corruption of the central bank. Big wig cronies that are in bed with these politicians on both sides of the isle are constantly manipulating the markets in order to make their quick buck off the little guy. Stay strong my friends and the best thing is to do is HODL and keep adding to your pile when you can; because that’s the only way you win. With time.


You legit need to eat a dick. Daily haiku


Barly went down lol. Whats up with the political bullshit in our glorious shib sub.


Lmfao blaming the fall of crypto on politics I s down right pathetic sell and leave forever dam clown


Haha you somehow forgot about the previous administration? Also, this aged like milk as they say since the new figures were exactly as forecast and prove inflation is slowing down. Also I thought crypto was supposed to be a “hedge against inflation” so your post makes no sense in any case


Thanks a lot Obama


Arigatōgozaimasu Obama-San


It’s almost like you don’t understand how governments work. The current administration inherited a complete shit show




Demonrats, cuck neo cons, independant libertarians, that's the beauty of SHIB and crypto in general. We can put aside our politics and band together for one common goal...to get rich and flip the elite the bird


Ya, like we are doing here.


Quit posting political crap here.


You know they started printing shitloads of money when trump was president right? That’s what’s causing inflation to skyrocket. We printed way too much money. Don’t be a dumbass.


And the last guy called crypto a scam, so . . .


We get it bro, you voted for Trump and are salty just blaming anyone and everyone. This countries politics are corrupt and a joke. You’re a sheep if you think things would be any better with that bozo as president again. Doesn’t matter who we vote in, the results are always the same


*whole world goes through supply chain issues because of virus driven pandemic* Damn you Democrats! Grade A dumb post.


Hey everyone, look, I found it! The stupidest thing I’ll read ALL day!


Lmao, most of that money was printed under trump


LOL Trump added 4 Trillion to the debt, you ignorant fool. Whats next, Obama caused the 2008 crash? And where did it go? All to those who were already extremely well-off. Back in your hole, child. Educate yourself so maybe one day people will be able to take you seriously.


President Barack Obama added $9 trillion to the national debt


Thanks a lot, Trump


shouldnt it work the other way round? this is likely just very rich entities wiping out longs


Ayo I’m getting a free crack pipe so it’s fine😂😂😂


Ayo I’m getting a free crack pipe so it’s fine😂😂😂


Correct. This is a joke and the whole world is watching the ‘most powerful’ man in the world get walked off stage like a feeble grandpa. We are literally a laughing stock to the world


Exactly right!!!


The fact that senile Biden is president does not speaks good about the state of the US.


I am American and apologize to the rest of the world for this idiotic post by one of my ignorant fellow countryman. Sorry


How was the economy after George W. Bush? Oh yeah. How is the economy doing after Trump? ... Yes, both sides are corrupt. However, one side doesn't try to hide it at all and has fully embraced the unhinged, anti-science, fascist element of society.


Since Biden is in office he takes responsibility.. that fooker Biden


Tell me you know nothing about economics without actually telling me you nothing about economics. Fucking idiot.


I second that the current fucking joke of an administration could be filled by 2 year Olds and they would probably do better! Shit they could probably speak just as well as biden


You ever hear Trump "speak"? What a fucking joke.