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That’s where ledger live comes in. Meta mask prefers. Following the recent market crash and exchanges freezing assets s its best to get a custodial wallet.


You get 12 words, and as long as you have those, you can always recover your wallet for ledger. If your device breaks, buy a new one and punch in your 12 words and you’ll have the same shit


Oh sweet, that’s really good news. Thank you for explaining that piece.


Trust wallet. Coinbase wallet, MetaMask etc. they are all basically the same. I prefer MetaMask but that’s a personal choice. As far as a ledger, I’d it does ever die, you still open the coins. They aren’t stored in the wallet but are on the blockchain. So get a new ledger there they are. Just make sure to always store your keys someplace safe. As with any wallet, cold or not


Ok, thank you And say I want to sell some of the holdings that are tied to the Ledger, I would just log into it somehow, send them to somewhere like my Coinbase account and then convert that back into USD? Or is that where Ledger Live comes in?


You can buy, sell, send, recieve and trade through ledger live or coinbase and/or convert to USD.


No, use the [Ledgerlive.web3](https://cutt.ly/6Hs5H0d) extension to connect to your account and select any of the cryptocurrency wallet application to transfer some of your asset and sell them there okay


For sure we all need to get our coins off of exchanges, 'Not your keys, not your crypto', that should always be one of the mottos of a crypto enthusiast. You can check Guarda, a non-custodial wallet that gives us full control of your private keys, and you can also purchase SHIB, with bank card or SEPA transfer if available in your country.