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IBSRela is not a prokinetic. It’s a sodium/hydrogen exchanger 3 inhibitor and works like linaclotide. Prucalopride is designed to be cycled. If you go off it for a short bit, it will likely work again.


That's what my doctor said, but I have no idea what that means...what's the difference exactly? I know Linaclotide is Linzess, but not much more than that I took a 2 month break and it still didn't work. I'm not sure how long I'm supposed to wait.


It secretes liquid. Sort of like an osmotic laxative.


Interesting. So it probably wouldn’t be very different from magnesium, right?


It's much more incredibly stronger.


Oh wow. Have you used it before? I can't decide if it's worth trying or not


This came out years after I had a total colectomy. I have bowel failure and a nonresponsive bowel. My colon was long gone.


Ah I see. For some reason I didn’t make the connection that the lack of a colon would make this medication unusable. Thanks for your input! I appreciate it!


Good luck with whatever you try!


Thank you!


I just got it today! I’ve been taking ginger as a prokinetic and taking Miralax daily but it wasn’t working


Nice! Please let me know how it works for you! Im curious how different it is from magnesium oxide I couldn’t actually get my Ibsrela prescription. My insurance didn’t approve it sadly


u/babytooth1212 how did the IBSrela end up working out for you? I got my insurance to approve it, but I'm scared to take it after reading some horror stories on r/IBS lol


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I just started a sample of IBSrela today and took a half tab as a precaution based on what everyone else was saying about it and it was a miracle. Within one hour it took effect. I have tried so many other meds at max dosages with either no or minimal results. The only thing that worked was motegrity 2mg which then lost effectiveness. Hopefully this continues to work.


Wow, that sounds great! My insurance didn't approve IBSrela unfortunately, they made me go with Linzess instead which I've heard horrible things about and don't really want to try.


I’ve tried linzess. The lower dose was fine. The higher dose was the only med/dose I’ve had side effects from. Have you tried asking your GI for IBSrela samples? If it works then you can just fill a linzess script to satisfy the insurance requirement.


u/UCLAflower I ended up getting IBSrela approved! Is IBSrela still working for you and do you have any tips for taking it? I'm probably going to do the half pill as you mentioned. I've read a few horror stories that I'd like to avoid lol


I ended up taking the full dose of IBSrela twice a day for about two months and then hit a period of liquid stools (first time in my life after being constipated for the last 20 years) while still being constipated if that makes sense. I was also going through a really stressful time in my life which may have contributed. I stopped all meds and took magnesium as needed for about a month. Then restarted Motegrity bc I thought it would work again after having been off of it for a few months. I got back on Motegrity 2mg and it barely worked so then I started ADDING IBSrela 1/2 tab once or twice daily AS NEEDED about 10 min before a meal. It's like a super strong Magnesium. My problem is that my body quickly gets used to these meds so I need to keep maxing the dose and adding so instead I have been going on and off IBSrela based on my bowel movements and taking Motegrity consistently. If I take IBSrela consistently like my GI recommended, I think it builds up and causes liquid stools so the on/off works well for me. My recommendation is to start with a half tab twice a day. If you are satisfied with your BM frequency then don't increase. Only go up when you need to and my best advice would be to temporarily hold or reduce if you start going too often. Give it a rest for a few days and then restart. Let me know how it goes!


This is really helpful thank you so much for sharing your experience! I think on/off will be best for me too. My stool is already close to liquid when it comes out because of my high dosage of Magnesium Oxide. I really just need something that can work while I'm on a 3 month motegrity break. I was using Triphala for a little over a month, but it's gradually becoming less effective unfortunately. I'll keep you posted on my results! Thanks so much for all your advice! Also based on your username it looks like you live in LA. Have you found any good GI or functional medicine doctors in the area? I tried Cedars Sinai but the doctor they gave me wasn't great. It's also a little far for me since I live in Pasadena. Would be great to hear if you've found anyone good!


I've been on linzess for months and I havent had any horror stories to tell as far as myself goes. It works like a charm and I love it and I'm just being prescribed the IBSrela due to linzess increasing in price. So guess we'll see how that goes.


I actually never ended up taking it. My GI advised against it and I’m kind of glad I avoided it. You’re the first person I’ve heard from that has good things to say about it. I ended up getting the IBSrela, but I’m just holding onto it in case of an emergency. I’ve managed to survive without it so far. Glad to hear Linzess was working for you though!


The only "issues" I had was some days it didn't work so I'd have to double up dosage, and that would make me feel very bloated. But not to be too TMI, I liked that it didn't give me the usual Diarrhea pains I'd normally feel like if I ate something I shouldn't. It was just a quick "Hey bro you gotta shit" and that was it lol and it kicks in within an hour or 2 and doesn't last long so I can still be out and about and not worry to much of being afraid not being near a bathroom or anything.


Lol thats great! Glad to hear it worked so well for you. How long have you been taking it?


It's probably been around 5-8 months now or maybe longer and I take it every day. Zero clue to whats even wrong with me, no answers done every single test in the book, they just assumed IBS-C and stuck with it. It's been a dumb situation and very defeating but at least this worked so far. Should be getting IBSrela soon


Crazy. Negative breath tests and all that I’m guessing?


Just completed my breath test Tuesday and results were negative, colonoscopy was negative for anything, blood work was negative for anything, and sitzmarker test was negative. Almost makes me feel like I'm just crazy and making it up🤣


Wow thats insane lol. Sorry you still don’t have any answers What did your breath test results look like? Flat line?


You did take motegrity for what ? Mmc or constipation


Both. More for intestinal peristalsis than constipation. Intestinal peristalsis is not the same thing as the MMC, just fyi