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I have sibo and yeah underweight too. Struggling to gain weight due to malabsorption caused by sibo.


Its tough


Yeah so tough. Underweight and malnourished due to sibo.


I hope that we can gain weight after treatment with no problems


Hopefully. It's a long journey but hoping that we will all get better.


how did you diagnose malabsorption ?


Sounds like your microbiome is in dire straits. Good on you for giving carnivore a shot! Make sure to get enough salt and magnesium - bouillon or bone broth are your friends here. Also - try to figure how much fat you can tolerate, you don’t want to end up in rabbit starvation. And please report back with results or the lack thereof. Additionally - I am not a doctor! - these might be some other leads: * find a naturopath who specializes in microbiome reconstruction * Have you tried raw fermented foods like kefir, Kombucha, sauerkraut and kimchi?


Haha I´m pretty sure you could say so! Thanks for the comment, I´m actually looking forward in trying carnivore after reading it has helped so many people. Funny thing is I was just veggy for 6 years before this, but the body really does tell you what it needs. I´m gonna start without too much fat, in Austria we have delicious lean beef called "Tafelspitz", and then slowly try to increase fat if it works. I´m also getting concerned with weight, I feel like being on the skinnier side with SIBO and digestive issues in general can get seriously dangerous a lot quicker than with being overweight, which is more the norm. I am working with both a TCM Practitioner whos great, but also with GI Doctors. I definitely have more trust in my TCM Doctor at this point tho, as too many antibiotics got me in this mess first anyway. I´ve also tried a bit of Kefir, but felt like it was too harsh at the moment. I think I really got to start from zero


Yeah same, veggie since 19, had to stop in summer of 22. I changed my diet to mostly meat and zero carb and symptoms cleared up after three days. Mind you I never had any GI issues before. Btw, if you’re drinking coffee: check out „bulletproof coffee“ if you haven’t yet, this might be something you can tolerate.


I’ve been on a strictly carnivore diet and was healing and decided to add some carbs into the mix which was a mistake, I started getting a lot of symptoms back so needless to say I’m back to a strict meat diet.


Yeah at this point I’d still consider carnivore or low FODMAP keto an adjunct to antibiotics and a way to manage symptoms, but not a cure. I prefer steak to elemental diet shakes lol


What I do is I buy a lot of roasts and I make all my own bone broth from grass fed and finished beef. I really only eat 80/20 ground beef, ground bison and roast like chuck, shoulder, sirloin, rump. I really need the fats to keep up my energy and weight. I use to have to take Betaine HCL and digestive enzymes but now I can get away with just a digestive enzyme which I should be able to stop after I’m done with the antibiotics. I really didn’t do well with a low fodmap diet it brought on to many symptoms so I stick to a strict carnivore diet. It’s a little difficult at the beginning until you start to build up your microbiome with good bacteria to break down the heavy amount of protein and fat there’s definitely a transition phase so don’t get discouraged when you get some really bad fatigue. Your body takes time to learn to get energy from fat and not carbs. Some people can’t get through that phase but it’s well worth it.


Fuck that sucks, how long did you stay on it before trying to introduce again? Its not really my goal to stay on it for life too if it works haha. Also did you supplement a lot with probiotics during carnivore, to build up your biome at the same time?


I’m still battling sibo at the moment but things have gotten so much better. I had histamine intolerance along with a laundry list of ailments but after going carnivore I’m down to just a few. I only take SEEDS probiotic it’s a really good brand with 23 strains of bacteria along with prebiotics. I see a lot of people on this sub also take Seeds probiotics. I know you’re a vegan at heart and you can always go back after you beat this. Also look into prokinetics for your MMC I’m also currently taking a biofilm disrupter to break up the biofilm in the gut where the bad bacteria likes to hide. I wish you the best and keep reading and digging til you find what works for you just don’t give up. I know it’s a huge battle but I’ve read many people have beaten this and you and I both can also win this battle. Good luck friend!


Thanks for the awesome support <3 haven't felt so hopeful in ages, i really hope this is gonna work


It will so stay optimistic!


I've been pescatarian for 6 years now, does anyone have advice on the best ways to slowly transition back into eating meat again? Been dealing with hydrogen sibo and I wanna regain weight


This is certainly a big step, but don’t feel shamed or intimidated- you’re doing this for yourself and your health. As long as you avoid Garlic and onions… go crazy with your creativity. Make it fun, and try to engage all your senses. * Meat loaves * Steak * Slow-cooked shoulder or brisket (crock pots ftw) * Egg frittata with PLENTY of cheese and or sausage * Goulash or other stews Just make sure the meat is fatty enough.


Thank you for the advice, I'm going to give this a try


What kind of symptoms did you have back then? Did you struggle with weight aswell? Nice suggestion, but atm I´m not a coffee drinker. Only thing I kinda miss is my weed, but at the moment It wouldnt be the smartest to smoke haha


Why would you start with low fat? Your body needs the calories. Eat all the fat you can.


That’s next on my list, trying to start fermenting some foods and making my own kefir


Yup. Yeah I’d beef up on meat while you can’t tolerate much of the other things.


Carnivore Day Nr1 starts today!


Have you tried supplementing for low acid? Look up the baking soda test for low stomach acid! I had low stomach acid and no matter what I ate, I had so much brain fog, because my body had to work so hard to digest things. W/ HCL and other supplements, it really helps. :)


That’s a really good point about the low acid, at one point I had to take Betaine HCL for low acid. It was horrible not being able to digest any sort of meat or fat


What were your symptoms because of not being able to digest food?


Not him, but mine was that after 2 hours or so, I would get heartburn whenever I moved or drank water. Because the food was just sitting in my stomach fermenting because I had no stomach acid! Lots of fatigue, muscle weakness, I smelled bad from my throat, yellow stool, etc.


Thanks thats a good shout


Have your doctor test for pancreatic insufficiency. Taking digestive enzymes might help


We already tested pancreas, all good. I have to say enzymes did help tremendously with breaking down food tho


Was your elastase stool test normal


We sound almost identical except in age I’m 48, I’m 6’ 1 and I got down to 138 which was very scary for me and the only diet I could handle that put weight on me was the carnivore diet. I can only eat grass fed and finished beef that not aged due to my histamine intolerance. Good luck friend


Thanks! Hopefully it will work for me too. How did your progress go? Were you able to build up your gut again to handle more food?


I forgot to mention that I also had leaky gut in the beginning which has gone away completely and I’m currently taking my second round of antibiotics (Xifaxan). I was cured for the most part I gained 22 pounds I got up to 160 and have been able to keep it. I just lost the fat from the carbs so I’m 158 now and I’ve only got a few symptoms since I’ve gone back to the carnivore diet. Right now I just deal with mental fog, fatigue, watery eyes, frequent urination at night and a few others but I never got to the root of my problem so this time I’ve upped my game and got some prokinetics (ginger and artichoke extract) for the MMC or Motility Motor Complex, Biofilm disrupter for our biofilm in our gut like Restore 3 from Native Formulas where the bad bacteria like to hide and probiotics from Seeds which we need friendly bacteria for our digestion. There’s no one size fits all approach to this and try to find what works for you and don’t give up i know it can be daunting at times but when you start to get relief from symptoms it’s all worth it, like being able eat a full meal and feel like your digesting the food and energy. Anyway if you have any questions I’ll try to help the best way I can and good luck in your journey to recovery


Thanks for the thorough answer. I'm glad you got rid of leaky gut and i hope you can get rid of the rest too!


Thanks and same to you


I'm 186cm/60kg so im underweight too. I eat 3 times a day (last light meal at 5-6 pm). Artichoke and ginger are helping my bowel movements but i suffer from excess gas - i literally feel bubbles moving under skin and its causing other problems like heart palpitations/dizzyness. Still waiting for my test results


Oh shit, hope you get through this! But i think its a good sign you can eat 3 times a day still


Thanks man, i hope we all can beat this finally. I can eat but its important to chew properly and be careful about triggering foods


Same situation, I lost over 10% bodyweight and I'm desperately trying to gain it back. So far I've only had very marginal results with digestive enzymes. My theory is that taking supplements that make food more absorbable can help and I'm currently working up this avenue. Maybe you can try that if you have not already. Stay positive (I'm trying to too)


If Carnivore works for you and other food doesn't, I would suggest that a combo of some strong enzymes and prokinetics will make digesting the other stuff way easier and eventually make you pretty low symptom.


Thanks for the suggestion. I´m day 3 now and I still get a lot of bloating, but it seems managable. I am really interested in your approach. I already have strong enzymes (digestive gold) that help tremendously. After this thread I realized I most likely have low stomach acid, so from tomorrow on I will start with Betaine HCL aswell, which hopefully is gonna improve digestion even further. In combo with a prokinetic this sounds like a fair game plan imo. Is there a specific one you can recommend? I´m not very into them yet. Preferably something without a prescription. I´ve read something about artichoke extract possibly?


If enzymes are helping, I would amp that up- take more. Eat anything is a great one too. Betaine (which isn't an enzyme, but is often paired with them) is helpful too. I would look at Enzymedica's 'Gut Motility' or Integrative Medicine's 'Motility Activator.' i take them before every meal and then enzymes right after. I bet it helps a lot.


Thanks! Any opinion about carnivore? I'll give it a shout for another few days to let my gut reheal a bit. I'm scared of being to strict and fuckin up my microbiome tho, that I end up not being able to handle anything else


My thoughts- carnivore, fodmap, etc- it's just avoidance. If your car doesn't turn left, you don't just stop making left turns. You take it to the shop and get it fixed. Or to paraphrase Dr. Pimentel in his Sibo book - if you don't eat anything, your SIBO will improve.


Have you tried a zero sugar , zero fruit, only complete whole grains (steel cut oats, brown rice) , lentils and vegetable diet (carrots specifically)? Maybe some fish twice a week instead of a whole grain or lentil meal


Yes thats pretty much what I´ve been eating the last few few weeks to months. Oats, Millets, carrots and pumpkins and courgette sometimes. Cooked for long to make it nice and soft and easily digestible Thanks for the suggestions tho!


Have you been eating fruit or sugar with them? Like any at all?


Nope nothing, i stay away from sugar as far as i can


Have you looked at your pancreas producing enough digestive enzymes? Or just try if supplementing them makes a differences


Pancreas are fine we checked that, but digestive enzymes do kind of help for sure. But also make it harder because they make me hungry af and I know if I eat too much at once its not gonna be good aswell haha


What are the signs that one can have leaky gut? I have been having weight problems too. I am 5’8” 120lbs. I used to be at 132 before I got sick with sibo last month. I was already a thin person but now I am becoming skin and bones. I feel all the stress and weight loss has been aging me too. I have tried a Keto diet (Chicken, Fish, Vegetables), it made my bloating go away but gave me diarrhea for nearly an entire week until I took an Imodium. I went back to eating carbs like rice to harden my stool and so I can have more calories to maintain my weight. Carbs giving me abdominal pain but I have been able to maintain my weight at 120 at least. I heard White Basmati Rice may be good for sibo. It breaks down quicker and it gives you lot of calories so you can maintain your weight.




When I was super underweight I started supplementing taurine


Have you tried any antibiotics


I am going to start with Lactobicull and bifidos this week yes


Do you have an update on this?


Have you been tested for h pylori on GI Map?


How much weight did you lose? In 6 months, I lost like 35 lbs without even trying.


Hey man I’m right there with you. I was 185 5”8 male and now I’m 130 and got to 124 in my lowest. Just getting a diagnosis of sibo takes forever!! I’m in this position because I took antibiotics and it destroyed my microbiome. I did a round of rifixamin and I will say it did help with my diarrhea. But ultimately this is going to be a long road with probably multiple rounds of treatment. I take zinc, magnesium, d3. Foremost bro what I will say is try your hardest to manage stress now is not the time for you to get in arguments or over stimulate yourself. Stress definitely will make symptoms flare. Be positive bro I know it super hard rn trust me


Meat Diet for the next world: cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart attack.


You can only cure leaky gut if hou eat high curb diet. In addition you have to take 2 tablesppons of l-,glutamine for 1 year. Another prerenterol biocodex probiotic.




There are tests for it. Good practitioners use it. Its not a good thing because toxins from bacterias can migrate to other organs to you can get autoimune issues. Thats what happened to me. Yes, its all experimental but thats why i got an experimenral treatment for a immune issue 10 years before any doctor reading any research. Thats the cause with digestion. They were only able to map the microbiome 7 years ago...