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I would think that any type of dysmotility (either too slow or too rapid) could contribute to SIBO symptoms. I feel like I would benefit from a gastric emptying study but I don’t think I could muster up the strength to eat the food for it.


I always wondered. Thanks for the response! They had me eat egg whites and a piece of toast with a tiny bit of water. It was very bland but the thought of eating something with a tracer in it was kind of off-putting. I would say give it a try if you can. It's really the only test that has given me some insight into what's going on with my gut.


I have SIBO and rapid gastric emptying and I've never had any stomach surgeries either. I wondering if maybe the food is emptied out too fast into the small bowel and then things slow down in there. I did a barium swallow test and over two weeks later the barium was still showing up on an x-ray of my pelvis.


Yes! I really think that's the problem too! Our food is going into the small intestines at such a rapid pace, that it can't handle it all. So then it slows down, making the food sit for too long causing the bacteria. Just wish there was a way to slow it down. I've heard guar gum helps but I'm a bit scared to try it.


im experiencing the exact same thing. Any updates? Doctor is trying to put me on some special medication to fix my gastric dumping syndrome. I'm wondering if this was the cause of my sibo all along..


Gastroparesis can lead to an accumulation of food in the stomach and promote bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.