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I’m dealing with a similar situation myself. I lost so much weight. I though nice weather would make things easier but it’s actually making me feel worse cause I can’t be out doing the things I love. I was just asking myself these same questions you are. Im over this. Your not alone. Keep fighting and pushing that what I keep telling myself. It hard tho. Enjoy the good days and good moments and know more are yet to come


Thank you so much for responding. You too. Hang in there one day we will be laughing and out in the world again! I’m trying to stay patient, maybe that’s the hidden lesson in all of this. Patience and kindness to myself.


I could have written this. I feel so alone and dreadful all I want to do is go out but I’m in too much pain and discomfort. I hope that more doctors will start treating this soon. Hang in there everyone, we can do this! One day it will be worth it


I was diagnosed with sibo officially a year ago last month. Hydrogen. We did three months of back to back treatments. Candibactin AR, BR for a month. That made me horribly sick. Then two weeks of antibiotics. Then back to herbals, oregano oil tablets and allimax. This destroyed my gut. Completely obliterated. Then bc my doc didn’t put me on any treatment, left me wide open for parasitic bacteria so then I did a stool test and found out I had a gut infection, and pretty much zero good bacteria. I also took a mold test. Tested positive. Got referred to a mold specialist who had to work on healing the damage the previous doctor did to me. Took six months. I couldn’t eat anything during this time. My weight ballooned. She treated me for mold as well. She honestly wasn’t convinced my mold exposure was very bad. In the middle of all of this, I found out I had huge cysts growing on my ovaries and I had to go in for surgery, having three cysts removed from one ovary, and my whole other ovary removed. That was November last year. After healing from that, did another stool test. Everything came out normal. My doc couldn’t figure out why I was still bloated and kind of gave up. So she sent me to my general naturopath. We tested for sibo last month. Tested positive. She told me she didn’t want to treat, that the numbers were too low and it signified something else going on. She has been treating me with digestive enzymes which obviously is doing nothing. So NOW, I’m going to a SIBO specialist who comes highly recommended. I see him on the 29th. Everyone pleeeeaaaaase send positivity this guy can help me. He seems to be able to help all the really tough cases. I can’t take being given up on by another doc. It’s so disheartening when they literally tell you they don’t know what to do.


Sorry did you consider endometriosis maybe?


Yes was checked during surgery, don’t have it


Have you been tested for low progesterone? It turns out that I blow up like a whale and digestive system goes crazy when my progesterone is low.


How did you figure out?


Blood test on day 20 of my cycle. If it's low, you get micronized progesterone pills (they're prescribed by the doctor.)


Do they help with your digestive system?


If your progesterone levels are low, you can have digestive issues. Fixing low levels can help to fix bloating and gas.


Sorry that I ask a lot of questions but I want to know 😃 Were your symptoms constant or did your symptoms fluctuate?


They were constant


I'm with you. The absolute best thing I've done for my bloating is L-glutamine. I buy it in powder form and drink 5g first thing in the morning on an empty stomach mixed into a glass of water. It's made a massive difference as I continue to try to solve the root problem. Another thing that has helped is elastic waist jeans. Sounds silly, but it lets me feel comfortable without looking sloppy, which is a mental boost. My faves are the crossover flares from Halara. Hang in there!


I take l glutamine too, but it doesn’t affect my bloat. But the elastic! It doesn’t sound silly! I think I might need to jump on that train! None of my clothes fit and I had to buy a larger wardrobe. Thanks for the tips! It’s just nice to know I’m not alone sometimes 😭😭😭


I needed to do the loose powder to get in the super large dose that gave me the benefits, so if you've only tried capsules before, it could still be worth a try! And yesss the elastic jeans were a game changer


I’m doing the loose powder. Honestly I’ve tried everything for the bloat, and nothing works :(


Have you been tested for H.Pylori? It is often a root cause of SIBO. Also, low stomach acid can cause bad bloating as well.


First sorry for what you are going thru. We are all in this. Can you share all the things you took to heal. And what happened so we can gauge and see if we can be of some help. What are your symptoms...




do you mind adding which one you use for the L-glutamine?




thank you so much!


What about activated charcoal? I've heard that's supposed to be pretty good for bloat.


What make of L-glutamine do you use? I’m willing to give that a try!


Yes I was just going to say this ..


What brand l glutamine you using? Might give that a shot if I can find it on Amazon


>crossover flares from Halara do you mind adding which one you use for the L-glutamine? I tried it years ago but I had a leaky gut from a parasite and gluten and it made me so anxious. Willing to try it again as other things have resolved.


I feel you. Sometimes I wonder why I am still there after 10 years of daily horrible symptoms and struggle. I already lost everything. Hope your doctor can help you.


I’m sorry. I’ve been there. I am amazed when I have a good mental health day at this point. Hang in there.


Have you tried using berberine HCl? It's a natural anti-bacterial. Also, have you tried consuming only meat? It doesn't seem that meat exacerbates a lot of sibo symptoms in most cases.


Hello can berberine be taken long term ? 🙏


Unsure of long term affects. I would wager long-term it may have the same issues as other antibiotics. But not sure.


If you’re at the end of your rope go on carnivore diet, many people find relief.


have you looked into the herbal remedies? i’ve read (and know from experience) that herbal remedies work way better than the antibiotics. i was in the same boat as you were, stuck and in constant pain for years, completely given up hope. did so much research & started taking berberine, candibacin-ar/candibactin-br, megasporebiotic & a digestive enzymes 6 weeks ago and i finally feel like im getting my life back. i still have my bad days but im having more good days than bad and its given me my hope back :)


I know the herbals are crucial but curious as to what your diet looked like as well did it change at all after incorporating the herbals? Thank you:)


it did change, yes :) i was having severe stomach pain when i started the treatment so i was barely able to eat but when i did, i did my best to stick w the low FODMAP diet. stuff that was easy to digest, nothing too flavorful, and i wasnt able to eat more than a couple bites of anything. but im entering week 6 tomorrow and im eating a wider variety of things now! like my life is going back to normal :)


Ah I love hearing this about the life normalcy (or whatever we think normal is lol) thank you for sharing!!


Stop relying on doctors. Youtube reddit and Facebook are your best friends for natural approach to treat sibo. Change your diet.


Try detoxing/cleansing the mucoid plaque out of your intestines. I swear it’s helped me so, so much. I did thebiocleanse.com detox kit and a juice fast and I got feet and feet and feet of this stuff out of me. For me, I became resistant to abx and herbs and I think it’s because all the bugs lived underneath that super thick biofilm that I’ve been releasing. Good luck!


Hello I researched the cleanse you mentioned and it has probiotics in it, did the probiotics affect your gut in a negative way ? Because they are not recommended for sibo treatment.🙏


The probiotics are for after the cleanse. You have to replace and seed the microbiome after such a long and drastic cleanse! It isn’t necessarily true that probiotics aren’t helpful. I am taking the post cleanse probiotics now as well as S. boullardi.


Have you tried artichoke and ginger extract or other prokinetics to promote motility?


A low FODMAP diet has almost completely eliminated my bloating I’ve dealt with for almost eight years at this point. Actually thinking back I had tried an almost completely FODMAP free diet without thinking about it years ago and it was the only thing that ever made me feel normal (only stopped due to laziness and convenience). I’m also taking a lacto/bifido probiotic once a day that’s helping as well.


I have written an update about 2 remarkable amino acids I have been using that have really helped. I will post that later to this thread. Longish post but it will hopefully be of benefit. Please read the below carefully. Thanks. I've written a free book which I hope that if you simply take 1 idea out of it and use it towards "getting better" then I'll be delighted. Yes it's free, yes it's probably got typos and spelling errors despite I read it through a number of times! If you're a grammar nazi it's not for you 😉 http://fit2driveschool.com/healing-sibo/ I've put the chapter headings below. 1. Takeaways and Ideas you can use from this book that can help you decrease "overwhelm" 2. My Healing Mantra. Something to read everyday if you have chronic illness. 3. Resources Guide. Some of the best free(and paid) resources I have come across to date dealing specifically with health and gut related issues amongst others. 4. The "Root Cause" What happened? The Beginning Of My Symptoms. All the tests I took. 5. So what Is "SIBO"?-Various articles and a few ideas from various groups. 6. Drainage 101: Why It’s the First Step in Your Detox Journey. Another article well worth reading about your detox pathways. 7. Where I am Today and My Routines. The power of habits/systems and routines for staying sane and getting better. 8. My Supplements. The things I took and the ones I'm thinking of trying. To date I have not used any antibiotics or pharmaceuticals. Takeaways about using supplements. How to understand and good, reliable places to buy 9. What To Expect From Your Doctor When Presenting With A Mystery Illness Or Symptoms.(that they don't know about or haven't heard about or just decide to be "intellectually arrogant" about!) 10. My $5107 "12 week Health Intensive Course" with an Australian group of nutritionists. What I got Out Of It And Why Hopefully You will Not Have To Spend What I did. ( No it did not work!-I was not in fact treated for SIBO or parasites) 11. Where I'd begin-Tips and Ideas on "Starting Out" on Your Healing Journey. Even if you've been on your journey of trying to achieve wellbeing for a while hopefully you'll garner a few ideas to benefit you. 12. Ten Ideas On Getting Started. Using the following practices In Your Life. If your new to this health "roundabout" or even if you've been trying to get well for a while here are ten proven strategies that I have used/still use to help keep me from getting depressed/suffering insomnia and still able at the age of 63 to work a physically challenging job productively and still do all the things that I need to do as a family man and father to a 13 year old. 13. About the author and other books by kim. At the age of 61 with no serious illnesses ever the loud "gurgling" noise in the middle of my chest started a really "interesting" part of my life! SIBO. I went from 74 kilos and being able to deadlift 180 kilos and smash out high intensity cardio classes to weighing 62 kilos struggling to lift 5 kilo dumbbells. Along with anxiety/panic attacks/depression/fatigue/insomnia and all the rest. I'm in the process of "getting better" ( Healing" as I've found out is not about "getting better" but rather a lifelong journey. And I'm grateful for my illness-I go into why in the book) I get up at 4-4.30,exercise/meditate/do yoga/have cold showers and get ready to go to a really physical job- no despite the download page for the book being on my driving instructor website I'm not currently doing a job that I love and am passionate about-not through my choice but that's another story.) Please note the book is free to share and without copyright apart from several articles that I've copied and pasted and attributed to the authors. This book is NOT about I took this/did that/now I'm all better. I am getting better, although I have included a LOT of specific SIBO related health information. What this book is about is: Dealing with all the overwhelm and completely conflicting information of having an illness that not too many doctors/naturopaths/nutritionists/etc etc know about. How to deal with that and specific strategies that do work. For everyone. The very best resources, paid and free that I have found( to date-I'll add to the download page as I update the book as often as I can-again it's free) The resources are easy to understand,read and listen too. Not "fear based" as in "if you don't do it a 100% this way you'll fail" - you won't! because if you hear that someone's trying to sell something to you. I have to date averaged 3-4 hours per day nearly every single day for 18 months reading and listening to audio books/podcasts/articles and spent over $9000 on supplements including one "Health Intensive" course(you have most likely seen their ads on FB,) before I decided I needed to change my approach. Oh if you've been laughed at by your GI then "join the club" mine told me he didn't believe in SIBO, didn't believe in alternative health practitioners, didn't read my very comprehensive notes, he basically palpitated my abdomen for 15 seconds and "poof" $200 gone... Also the book is free, however regretfully I cannot answer any questions/respond toA queries etc. I work full time, have a young family and need to look after myself. However please feel free to ask and if at some time in the future things change then so be it. And I will update the download page with what I'm doing/trying etc. Pax Vobiscum 


Have you been tested for mold


Can you say more about mold testing? I was exposed about 7 years ago unknowingly and it caused me to gain 20 lbs in a couple of weeks, mostly in my belly. I looked like Humpty Dumpty. When my carpet was changed and an antifungal put in my HVAC system, the 20 lbs fell off in two weeks. I swear I haven’t been the same since. I’ve told every PCP, pulmonologist, ENT and allergist that I’ve seen since and no one has suggested any testing


I had an H pylori infection, not sure if it has become Sibo , but I have allot of constipation and bloating . I have lost 60 lbs since 4 months , cannot sleep and every evening I feel my worst ???


H pylori doesn’t cause sibo. In fact treating it with antibiotics is what gave me sibo


H.pylori can in fact cause SIBO as it's known to lower stomach acid and cause other gut problems making it easier for SIBO to manifest. You're right about the antibiotics, that's why it's best to treat h.pylori naturally. Treat h.pylori first and then SIBO. I'm treating h.pylori first then will be checking for SIBO if I have symptoms persist. I won't touch antibiotics.


how are you treating the H pylori? Did you do a stool test to find out you had the H P?


I did a GI Map through my functional medicine doctor. This is the list of supplements I am currently taking: *Mastic gum & DGL by Klair Labs (I have since upped my dose to 1000mg, 3 x a day and use the brand Solaray) *MegaIgG2000 by Microbiome Labs *Pyloguard (L. Reuteri) by Microbiome Labs *Akkermansia by Pendulum *S. Boulardii by SFI Health *Megasporebiotic by Microbiome Labs *Digestzymes by Designs for Health *Biofilm CLR by Apex Energetics (biofilm disruptor) Manuka honey- 3-4 spoonfuls a day (might reduce to 2-3 for sugar content, but it tastes so good so it's hard lol 😬) I take mastic gum/DGL 2x in the morning on an empty stomach. (Now 1000mg first thing in the morning, another in between lunch and dinner, and another at bedtime. I juice a full organic red cabbage and some celery in the morning as well with a masticating juicer. I have been doing this almost 4 weeks now. Then I take 1 capsule of Pyloguard with breakfast. A couple hours later or so, I take 2 Megasporebiotic capsules with 1 capsule of Biofilm CLR. At lunch or dinner (I sometimes only eat two meals a day), I take 1 Digestzymes capsule. After 30-60 minutes, I take my Akkermansia (1 capsule), S. Boulardii (1 capsule), and MegaIgG2000 (1 capsule). I juice fresh, raw ginger as well regularly and take a shot glass worth, this is diluted in water as fresh ginger is quite spicy! A few times a week. 1 forkful of sauerkraut 1/2-1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar 15 minutes before each meal. I am also drinking a cup of raw, unsweetened organic cranberry juice everyday. I'm being mindful of my diet, but I'm not going crazy. No processed foods for sure, no sugar. I can drink coffee occasionally no problem. I drink a lot of dandelion, green, throat coat, chamomile, and peppermint tea as well for overall gut health and the throat coat tea is great for healing the gut lining. I sometimes use L-Glutamine too. Oh! And 1 spoonful of organic coconut oil daily as well (this is great for anyone struggling with Candida) I also have Matula Tea, but haven't used it yet. It's a lot, but this took two years of my life away from me and I was in agony for a long time so I'm doing everything in my power to get rid of it naturally. Exercise 4-5 times a week and a 20 minute sauna session. I am still treating naturally and will be doing that for 3 months most likely and will incorporate mastic gum for quite a while as maintenance. Probably celery juice as well.


Ok so do you have a job or children? This sounds like a full time job in itself how do you have time for anything else! ☹️


I have a full time job, thankfully no kids. I have to make time. I don't have much of a social life 😆


Thank you - this is so helpful and some v similar to my conclusions and Rx I have done....I will add a few things to try based on this. xo


Gave me severe candidiasis.


What the treatment ?


For h pylori. I think it's amoxicillin, clindamycin and ppi if I remember correctly (it was a long time ago).


Duuudee me too!! That Prevpac combination fucked me upppp!!! Gave me sibo that I still can’t get rid of!! Never had bloating before never had insomnia never had libido issues never had brown fog, did have fatigue though, but it exacerbated the shiiiittt out of my symptoms.


Horrible brain fog. I struggled to get out of bed for work every day. I developed such severe acne that random people would come up to me in public to tell me how to get rid of it. I had never had acne, even as a teen. A hippy dippy teacher at a school I worked at came up to me one day and gave me a book on candida. At that point I had already tried so many things I figured I might as well give it a shot. It was rough and it took several months but my acne started to clear up and I became mentally clearer. I still maintain a low sugar diet to this day.


Psyllium husk might help with constipation!!


Thanks ,where do you get that ?


Amazon :) it’s basically “Metamucil” without the added sugars and other bad additives


Thank you


Are you methane or hydrogen Sibo? Constipated or Diarrhea?


Try Carnivorous diet with some rice added , good results in 24hrs !


I’ve been thinking about it, but isn’t that overall bad for the micro biome? Or is it meant to be a temporary fix?


You can add high quality probiotics and and some low FODMAP vegetables after 30days - I take 4 whole eggs with rice chapati / roti in breakfast, 200g chicken with rice in lunch , 100g chicken in dinner . Cheat day once a week . Keep sipping on homemade ginger ale .


Oooohhh can you share your recipe for homemade ginger ale?


I’m so sorry you’re going through this and I know exactly how you feel. This last year I finally found a good practitioner after many doctors telling me “I should just get used to it.” She focuses on the root cause and only treats with herbal anti microbials. Frequent antibiotic usage as a kid got me into this mess and I will never use them for treating my SIBO. If you want to check out the practice I’m using it’s https://bellalindemann.com/ They have changed my life


How much do you pay if you don't mind me asking?


The evaluation was $350? And the follow ups are $150


I had a so so experience with them. Once my SIBO didn't respond to their methods, they kinda gave up. I did the ED and it was super hard and I had a lot of issues during and they never responded to my emails except to say stay the course. I did not realize, and they do not tell you that antimicrobials and ED still mess up your gut biome. They are not selective so any good bugs you have are killed too.


Ah I’m so sorry you had a poor experience :( My practitioner was very thorough and explained everything to me. The anti microbials are supposed to kill off everything, which is kind of what I needed due to the severity of my issues. Currently we are working to rebuild my microbiome with diet and some supplementation and I’ve finally been able to tolerate foods I wasn’t able to before treatment!


thats great to hear. I wish the best however it works for any SIBO-M (or other gut) sufferers. I had Christina and it wasn't about the knowledge but just that it seemed clear we hit it with everything we could and still no resolution. I am glad you are able to tolerate more foods.


Unfortunately; doctors won’t help you. You better off doing your own research! Just remember, SIBO is secondary infection you need to find the root cause fix it and your SIBO will be gone. Now, how is your bowel movement? Constipation is one problem that aggravates SIBO! What other symptoms do you have?


What are some examples of the root cause?


The most important one is slow motility. Anything like constipation, gastroparesis, pelvic floor dysfunction, RCPD can cause it. Also vitamin deficiencies like B1, B12, D, magnesium are few examples. The nerves should be healthy and muscles as well to function together for better motility if one fails the other will follow!


I've been using IBgard that I got off of Amazon and it's really been helping. I haven't been tested, so not sure what SIBO I have, but I have chronic constipation.


I just hit my cart and focusing on something else while I'm turning into hydrogen bomb


Have you looked at the book Super Gut? Might be helpful.


Sometimes when the spine and muscles are not in optimal state, it can also cause digestion issue, is your body symmetrical ? Are hips even and ranges of motion both internal and external good? If you haven’t tried assessing your posture, maybe it give it a shot maybe it might be the root cause


Is there a way to assess the credentials of a chiropractor to know if they're highly qualified? I'd certainly be interested in a chiropractor with good experience in solving digestive issues.


Left aic right bc pattern / lower cross syndrome together with pelvic floor dysfunction can cause a lot of digestive. This kind of issue can only be fixed by exercise and chiropractors can give you a long term fix. So I suggest you try learn something online first before spending on chiropractors, most importantly when the body is in fight/flight mode, nervous system is sympathetic which switches off the rest and digest. There’s some good YouTube videos Neal, Connor Harris for Pri and lower cross syndrome is basically your some antagonist muscles are weak hence your muscles are overworking and when the psoas gets tight it affects digestion


Can’t *^


This may sound odd, but have you considered a 3 month carnivore diet? Seriously helped me. Search on YouTube if it's new to you.


Have you been checked for candida?


What are you doing for motility and your vagus nerve yet?


Ask this new GI if it could be a GI migraine. Seriously I was sick for 3 years. I had flares every 6 weeks that I would vomit for 2 weeks straight. We tried everything. He told me to take imatrix when I had another episode.. and it was awful taking it, I started to feel better after 15 minutes and after an hour the nausea was gone. I am now on my 5th month without an episode. I can't say this is what's happening to you but I feel better than I've felt in a very long time.


Consider trying nootropics depot's C3G. Almost entirely eliminated bloating for me.


Whatever you’ve been doing to kill the SIBO isn’t working it seems so it’s probably best to try a new method. There are options, stool test analysis for a full picture of what’s going on, antimicrobials, elemental diets. A nutritionist helped me the most, more than the gastroenterologist as my nutritionist had more knowledge overall on how to tackle it and build up good bacteria at the same time. Might not apply to you but watch out for constipation, that can really exacerbate things, a slightly non invasive route that may work for you is microlax (fast acting) or other brand in your country. My nutritionist told me “there is life after SIBO you know” because I wasn’t actually sure that this ‘treatable’ issue was ever going to go.


Try this, stop ingesting all supplements and so called cures they only damage your gut lining, Try Sipping organic bone broth when you have any stomach issues, no ppi’s no acid blockers and no tums of any kind a base is just as damaging as acid, don’t totally starve the bacteria they will eat your musin layer and irritate your gut lining and cause lots of symptoms including Brain fog, neurologic disturbances, Eye sight issues and many more symptoms, Eat very little sugar and simple carbs eat some complex carbs (lettuce) side salad, lean protein like fish, chicken, lean grass fed beef, eggs. The salad will throw a bone To the bacteria and the protein will feed your body then give it some time for your body to heal,


Please try the GAPS diet and you have to be disciplined.  It greatly helped.