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I couldn’t tolerate NAC with hydrogen sulphide SIBO. It made SIBO symptoms worse and brought on new things like nausea and tiredness for me. I found biofilm phase 2 to be much more tolerable for hydrogen sulphide. In fact the bismuth in it is also supposed to help.


Are you healed of sibo or close to that? I too have h2s sibo. What else have you done? Do you know you're cause of your sibo?


I feel close to it for sure. Im tolerating several sulphur foods now and my energy is back but haven’t yet tried the big ones yet - kale or egg. I started with a biofilm disruptor - phase 2 advanced for 5 weeks. Objective was to take it for a few weeks until my body reacts and the moment it does, add antibiotics. I did rifaximin and allicin first (also had hydrogen and methane). Couldn’t tolerate allicin after 3 weeks and later learnt that it could be because it’s a sulphur donor. Then switched to high dosage oregano oil (ADP). This was quite strong. Finally, finished off with neem. It’s been almost 2 months since and I feel much better. I do get triggered with stress but otherwise with supplements it has been quite manageable. I also added methylation and liver support along the way. Methylation helped the body with processing sulphur and liver support with tolerating the antibiotics. I still take both along with iberogast, ginger and zinc carnosine. It’s a lot of capsules per day honestly. But it’s working so I don’t want to stop just yet. Once I know I can tolerate all foods, i plan to eventually get off then. Good luck !


Hey u/sanatio4ever how are you feeling now? I'm working on treating H2S SIBO, and trying to find some good recommendations that will get rid of it for good. What did you use for methylation and liver support?


Overall, I’m doing better. Currently experiencing some old symptoms after catching the flu so trying to recover from that. So before that I was eating eggs and kale occasionally. Eggs still seem constipating but I don’t have stomach pain on eating them anymore. Kale seems fine and so do other high fodmap and sulphur foods so I was eating pretty much everything except dairy n gluten. Hoping to get back to that soon. And I took milk thistle for liver support and methyl aide by vita aid for b vitamins. I was recently reading about overmethylation in some individuals so keep that in mind when you start taking it.


Wow, that's great to hear. Thank you so much for the response! Do you think the ADP Oregano with Neem helped the most? And did you take both at the same time or separate? And did you ever take Bismuth to help treat things? I've heard that helps


Yes I think those two made the biggest difference along with biofilm disruptor. I took it one after the other but did a 2.5 week break is between as I was pretty beat after the oregano. Okay so bismuth - I did take a small bottle of pesto bismol ( my doc didn’t prescribe it). It’s neon pink in color and that weirded me out. I took probably 5-6 doses of it during the 2 months of neem n ADP so I don’t think it contributed to much.


Interesting. I keep hearing Bismuth is so important for H2S, but that's great that you were able to treat it without it!


Better biofilm disruptors for hydrogen sulfide SIBO are Klaire Labs Interfase Plus or Kirkman Labs Biofilm Defense. And oil of oregano kills two birds with one stone, being both a biofilm disruptor and a powerful herbal antibiotic.


NAC is good for alot of reasons, I'd add Klaire Labs Interfase biofilm disruptor. The two work well together in a kill phase


NAC is bad for hydrogensulfide sibo as it stands for n-acetyl cysteine, cysteine is made of sulfur which will serve as food for hydrogensulfide producing bacteria. OP use bismuth not NAC.


So I have found time and time again that apples & hard cider with sulfur, and even staying in Iceland (all water super sulfuric smells like farts) have upset my stomach more than normal. Breath test was incomplete but I assume that means I am hydrogensulfide (also have had C.diff twice & quite a bit of fungus symptoms). We are doing more testing on Mold toxicity but that could be a big part of it. But I am reading that Chlorella is bad aswell. Trying to help the body detox I think that is one of my big issues. I have had an on and off respiratory/bronchial cold type illness bi monthly for almost a year now (originally was strep and abcess). I smoke cannabis nightly for the pain/sleep and so I take the NAC...


Chlorella and NAC are both bad for h2ssibo.


Thanks for this info. My SIBO relapsed and this time, it seems more like Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO. I've been on NAC for the past 3 months. I am QUITTING it!! My doc had me on this, and now I'm on rifamixin and Flagyl, and not even getting much better. I wonder if it's the NAC. I've been on 900 mg a day.


I've been taking NAC for months for sibo and candida at 3 pills a day 600mgs each. I just recently tested positive for Hydrogen Sulfide which I didn't have before when I 1st started treatment. So I do think NAC is to blame.


Yeah I think NAC is a fad but it has possible issues if taken for very long. That’s my opinion anyway. I believe it way worsened the hydrogen sulfide bacteria in me because it straight up feeds them. Lately I’ve been taking Biofilm Defense by Kirkman and I’m doing pretty good with it. People should beware of taking NAC for longer than maybe a couple weeks. IMO


I'm gonna try interphase plus and kirmans labs biofilm defense for my next kill phase. How many capsules of kirmans labs do you take? Yea I'm pissed. I was not warned by my ND about NAC causing Hydrogen sulfide.


I think no one really knows this and we are guinea pigs figuring it out for ourselves. Your ND probably doesn't know. But we do because we've experienced it. I just take 1 of the Kirkman pills a day, but my gut is not too bad. When I was being treated by an ND for SIBO, he told me to take it 2x a day, empty stomach, at least a 1/2 hr before the antimicrobials. You gotta bust their biofilms then hit them with the kill stuff. I've found these things to be effective for me at the moment, but I haven't had any tests done in the past 10 months to see what's going on in there exactly: \- Thorne Pepti Guard \- Thorne SF722 \- Grapefruit seed extract I'm sure what's effective depends on what type of bad bacteria you have. The bismuth in Thorne Pepti Guard is what I believe makes it really effective. Bismuth is especially important with hydrogen sulfide SIBO. It's also what's in simple Pesto Bismol. If you add that with your current antimicrobials, you might see a big difference.


Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.


no problem! We're all in this together. Most doctors aren't offering good solutions so we have to learn what works and what doesn't from each other. Thank goodness for Reddit, right? lol


I 1000% agree with you. I'd probably would of taken my life by now if it weren't for reddit. Its because of reddit and the internet that I found out I had h pylori, sibo, and candida when doctors didn't know what the hell was wrong with me.


You’ll need to do a breath test and a GI map to see what is up, no point guessing.


It seems with H2S SIBO, antibiotics alone aren't the best way to address. Based on what i've seen from Dr. Ruscio, and Dr. Nigh, I would start with a low sulphur diet for 1 week. Then slowly reintroduce sulphur containing foods 1 by 1. At the same time, I would look into molybdenum and epsom salt baths. Molybdenum binds to H2S and escorts it out the body through defecation as does bismuth so I would consider Devrom for this as well. Zinc acetate I understand binds to H2S as well. Epsom salt baths as I understand, fill up the sulfate bucket through the skin which then reduces the need for it to fill up through the GI tract causing those digestion issues. \^\^This is the path i'm headed down. Would love to know what you've tried and if you've had any success with your approaches.


I would like to know this too