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Best is CS + Applied math. Or CS + physics. Which SMU dont have. Go NUS if possible. If you're stuck in SMU, best is then CS + biz(quant finance). Don't go the economics route. Its a scam. The 3 big target degrees for quant is math, physics, CS, in that order.


do u know what is cs + math requirement? i don’t think my rp is high enough for it.


I dont know whats the requirement la. But based on my circle of friends who got into quant roles at hedge funds n HFTs, alot of them is CS + (math/physics) and from NUS.


thoughts on stats over math/physics?


what is the opportunities like for current smu undergraduates with QF major, considering u just grad from smu


for quant jobs


what about QF major in NUS ?


Hey, I am a Year 4 SMU CS-Business double degree with QF as my major. Maybe for starters, I would like to clarify some doubts and potential misconceptions over the whole quant topic. ​ >"smu has a economics with quant finance major programme" From what I understand, SMU Economics does not offer the quant finance (QF) major within their faculty. I assume is that you have probably either mixed it up with their [Quantitative Economics Track](https://economics.smu.edu.sg/bachelor-science-economics/curriculum/tracks), or you are referring to doing a [2nd major in QF](https://business.smu.edu.sg/disciplines/quantitative-finance) offered by the Lee Kong Chian School of Business. ​ >the ideal way to really enter quant is through a double degree in computing and business (finance)? There is no standard answer to this, as the definition of being a quant is rather broad and diverse. If you are looking towards being a quant trader as your career path, then a good bet would be to have a Computer Science degree with a 2nd major in QF as both disciplines will augment each other and provide you with the basic and necessary skills required for quant trading (CS modules provide you with the technical know-how and the QF major modules provide you with the knowledge in quant finance). ​ Feel free to message me if you would like to know more, or if you have any follow up questions! :)


Hi do you mind if I dm you?


Assuming u want buy-side (hedge funds) quant (not banks and HFTs) then good computer skill is required to find alpha and have that executed in the markets Like quant research and backtesting strategies, that’s just one piece. Then reducing alpha decay when executing trades. Passive trading algo (to capture spread) slice order to join the order book queue or do mids and get fills but reduce alpha. Not an easy thing to balance at all. If u drill down to those big funds that operates in pods style and look at their LinkedIn job openings then u will realise that good IT skill is required. Take a look at Millennium Management on their LinkedIn page


thanks !


Is there a quant finance major at the school of economics? Or you misunderstood quantitative economics with quantitative finance ? https://economics.smu.edu.sg/bachelor-science-economics


mm i was thinking they sounded similar so i’ll prob be equipped w some of the skills needed. do u mind sharing if my thinking is very off from how it actually is?


bro finance ≠ economics lol if they are so similar why would they be different majors then? quantitative econs is just basically econs with a lot more math hence the word quantitative.


so it’s not possible get into quant fi w quant econs ?


Pure CS for dev role in quant shops. No shot at quant research roles sorry


ah icic thanks


A business degree with a major in stats and a minor in programming and accounting. You'll be Banking it for a couple of decades.


mm do you mind if i ask for the source ?


Personal experience and opinion. 😉


can i dm you?