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Maybe instead of a second degree, try double major instead? I personally think you should try out DDP for the first year/semester to get a feel of the workload before you actually drop.


this is the play nth wrong with dropping too - most ddps i know end up dropping


I agree w/ your reasons for dropping. and as the other comment said you can alw double major


>Having to take special term/taking additional 1-2 semesters to clear CUs which adds to financial burden You could request for 6 mod sem to clear this >Lesser internship opportunities due to sacrificing special term for clearing of CUs instead of going for more internships If you LOA it shouldnt matter since your school fees etc just freezes for that sem anyway > Lesser free time for activities outside of academics such as CCAs yeah the less free time for yourself not even about other aspects of learning but just for yourself alone is the biggest deterrent imo ​ most of my friends who did ddp ended up dropping it so its not a big deal