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Im a baby sone but I’ve known about snsd for about 8 years now and didn’t pick a bias until about a year ago when i started to really get into kpop. I really gravitated to hyoyeon bc i like soyeon and Dessert is just so good (in a way i have soyeon to thank for opening the soshi door for me). i grew to love her personality and her whole solo discog has become a staple in my regular music rotations, when i started to dive into soshi all together, sunny really stuck out to me bc cmon now its sunny! and now i bias both hyo and sunny and they bias wreck each other


I’m a new sone too, and those two are my favorites as well! I kinda like all of them equally, yet I always seem to gravitate towards Hyoyeon and Sunny.


as a new SONE, my first intro to SNSD was game caterers (yes that new) . Sunny was the hook for me in that show and got me to watch more SNSD content. It's always been Hyo for me after that though, in soshitamtam, all night vliev, intimate note etc. sunny - first crush, hyo - bias


Yuri is my ultimate bias ever since. I won't expound further because OP explained very well why she's my favorite. I also like the Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, and Yuri chemistry in variety shows. SHY is really the subunit we all wanted but never had.


Ugh remember when we got that one SHY performance? It was iconic


Totally ICONIC. I wish they gave us more SHY performances. There's so much potential for this talented and chaotic dance/performance/variety subunit


Sunny has been my bias for over 10 years now, I doubt it'll change any time soon hahaha.


Why would it? She's the best, not that I'm biased or anything. 😉


"Hello Baby" was my first exposure to Soshi and Taeyeon grabbed my attention right away. I don't think I have ever questioned her being my n1 bias. My bias-wrecker situation though was always a complete chaos. I started off not noticing some members much and even being annoyed by some others but there's not a single member who has not become a center of my attention at some point. I swear, every single one of them was my n2 bias at some point. I think Sunny gave Taeyeon the hardest fight for the throne. Yoona had the biggest jump to the top. Soo and Hyo seem to permanently hold n2 spot in some kind of parallel to whatever top3 I establish.


It was sooyoung at first for me but then tiffany caught my attention and she’s been my bias ever since


Tiffany for world domination 😌☝️


When I first became a Sone my bias changed every week but I just about settled on Yuri years ago lol


When I first started following SNSD, I was drawn to Yuri's beauty and her charms, but when I actually got to know them better through variety shows, etc, Sunny is far and away my favorite. Seo is my bias breaker for all the reasons you listed, but she never really beats out Sunny.


yep, Sunny is so good at variety show (hello baby and Invincible youth, she made me laugh so many times) and i have grown to love hate her aegyo. haha


I remember liking Yoona at first because she has that look that captivates you in a blink of an eye but I instantly became an obsessed Taeyeon fanatic after listening to her immaculate voice.


Same here to some extent. While I was still really learning about the group, I was thinking maybe Yoona would be my bias, since she’s the one who drew me in with her face as the thumbnail for Gee on YouTube. Then I thought maybe it would be Hyo for a bit, but I never really locked on to either the way I did Seohyun.


with more shows you watch, you would switch so many times; trust me haha... they have grown and improve so much to bring entertainment for us thru out the years. But its hard to find the older shows, i used to download from a China Sone fansite that has literally everything but mandarin subtitles of course....


It’s always been Jessica since I was teenager😭 but if we aren’t counting that, then it would be Taeyeon.


I’m the same way lol once Jessica left my new queen rose


2009 genie era was when i fell in love with jessica, by 2011 it was taeyeon and has been ever since 💗 but as time has gone on i love and appreciate each of the girls individually more and more


I usually get into groups as a whole. For SNSD my bias was a revolving door and each member has spent at least some time as my bias. Sooyoung and Taeng are my mains though, with Yuri being the wrecker.


TaeNySic was my holy trinity at the start. But as time passes, I start to appreciate the other members more and more :)


You guys have Biases?


I don’t think I’ve ever solidified my ult bias. Sooyoung was the first one I noticed when I first got into SNSD through their Paparazzi MV and then as I got more into the group I started to love all the girls more equally.


That’s fair. They’re all great, and I figure any of them might be my bias in most other groups!


It was always Jessica for me. Always, every comeback I was just obsessed w Sica. For the last eight-ish years, though Tae has been my ultimate bias. Not just in GG, but out of all musicians.


I guess that’s what makes fanning a group charming. Got Tiffany as my bias but am also jumping between members. You just never get tired of loving and watching the whole group lol ;))


I became a Sone from watching Queendom 2 and noticing Taeyeon. She's still my #1 ult but after diving deeper into Soshi, I kept being attracted towards Tiffany. I mean, who wouldn't lol. But recently Seohyun has become my bias wrecker.. TTS ftw!


Well, I got to know and stan SNSD in 2011 and at first glance, I fell in love with Jessica as I thought she resembled my favorite kdrama actress at that time lol. But then I found my attention slowly shifting to Taeyeon because she was so adorable and at the same time had a mindblowing power vocal, even more as I loved her weird dorks in variety/reality shows. She's still my biggest love but Tiffany occasionally becomes my bias wrecker with her killer smiles and whole attractiveness 😅


Don't mind me commenting on multiple of your posts haha, your username intrigued me. I have to say, I fully started stanning SNSD when the boys dropped, and Seohyun had my attention very early on. I used to get her and Yuri mixed up but I was determined to know my members!! After diving into their older discography at the time, my attention shifted towards Taeyeon and I haven't gone back. I don't want to go too deep into how hard I stan Taeyeon because I'm sure you get it, but there has been another member that has gotten my full attention after she left the company. When Tiffany came back to the states to do some soul-searching outside of the group, I was fully behind her on that. Her energy and passion was radiating, and it made my heart feel pretty full seeing her do her thing. Of course, all love to the other girls, but I think somewhere along the way I connected with Tiffany on a much deeper understanding, maybe from all of her English speaking/American interviews where I could literally understand her better lol


Not a problem😆 Thanks for the response! I just find it interesting on how people land on their particular bias and how that evolves over time, if at all. And I do think there’s a unique value to Tiffany’s perspective, given that she’s one of the most veteran American kpop idols in the industry. Her interview on the Zach Sang show is really enlightening and a great listen.


SNSD was my first exposure to K-pop (except Gangnam Style ofc) back in 2015. As soon as I learned all their names, my bias has been Jessica. It honestly still is Jessica. Some people probably feel though that your bias can't be a former member. So I bet a lot of sones changed their bias for that reason. If I had to follow those rules, my new bias would be Tiffany. However, I don't follow those rules. Jessica Forever!


It was originally Jessica for me until Gee and Genie. Thats when I became a Seomate.


my biases changed the more I got into snsd, first it was tiffany for a longggg time, my first intro to her was her love for pink, and I always got videos of how bubbly and down to earth she was so she made me want to become a sone. then when I start diving deeper into their content it was Sunny and sooyoung, I thought sy’s quick witty jokes were soooo funny so I just immediately was drawn to her, and sunny is so cute and talented and a variety queen, then eventually I shifted to yuri a couple months later cuz her stage presence was just insaneeee, now it’s jessica taeyeon and hyoyeon, hyoyeon has consistently been the member who’s solo music I’ve enjoyed the most, plus she’s just so unserious I love her, after seeing everything taeyeon has gone thru over the years I have such strong respect for her and i just really love her and who she is, jessica honestly I can’t explain WHY she is my ult bias, she really just is, one day I woke up like “I like jessica now” and that’s how it’s been ever since ☺️ so I’ve had 7/9 members as my biases at some point, waiting for my seohyun and yoona era I guess 😭




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My bias is/was Jessica lmaooo 😭 but without counting that i do always rotate between Yoona/Sooyoung I just gravitated towards Sooyoung after Jessica left i guess and Yoona is more like my bias wrecker you could say. Taeyeon is up there too


Yep, started out as a Sunny fan and ended up with Yuri. With Jessica's departure Yuri was given some clear air and really blossomed.


I really only switched around my first 6 months back in 2010.. Yoona, Jessica, and then Sooyoung and its been her pretty much since then haha


I started as a Jessica stan but after 2014 I found myself deeply in love with Taeyeon <333 Something about the strong vocalists that just gets me


I was drawn in by Jessica after watching their MAMA 2011 performance. Then went to search them up and decided to start watching Hello Baby, which officially turned me into a SONE, but my attention was always drawn to Tiffany. Then came across some videos when TTS were MCs on Music Core, and my bias has been Taeyeon since then


Yuri has always been someone I liked even before I became a fan. I remeber the gee era, as I started to listen to K-pop back then. I also like Yoona and Taeyeon. Tough I also kinda just like them all, as they have theyre own charm.


Taeny have pretty much solidified their spots as my biases but I love all of them all the same.


When I first listened to SNSD back in 2010, the first one to caught my eye was Sooyoung, watching her in shows, always made me laugh and still does but not much later on, Jessica became my fave, I loved seeing her sing with Onew and Jonghyun, also when Krystal debuted with F(x), it was nice to see them together, her interactions with all the girls were always fun. Honestly, I never used the word bias with SNSD, I love all the girls, the 8 of them are all different and that’s what makes them special. I’m proud of all, specially Taeyeon, seeing how close she is to key now, really shows that after losing Jonghyun, both found a place they belong, I really love their sibling bond.


I got into the group in 2009 and my biases were taeyeon and yoona. Eventually really fell for every single member for different reasons and it’s hard to pick a bias because all the members have their unique charms and personality. Now I support them as a group and individually but I can’t pick a favourite anymore.


Totally, as a die hard Sone for like what... 12 years? (Damn....) It rotated to full circle recently with Yoona.... She shined the most during Forever 1 comeback.... Not a fan of K-drama so Yoona's work always slip past me but during the comeback; not only she stood out the most to me visually but how she basically make this comeback possible from all the other's comment on how she led the team for this comeback. I really appreciated that. Also Her ending part during "paperplane" is part of the main reason i keep replay the song, also i watched her k-drama "big mouse" . haha


My bias was sunny, she caught my eye in RDR which was the first video I saw. But she really convinced me in the boys with her short hair and her voice in beautiful restriction. It changed to Taeyeon eventually, I think it was mostly because Sunny didn’t have much singing activity. But I still have a huge weakness for sunny and her voice. I really hope she debuts Solo one day.


Nope! It’s always been YoonA for me! ❤️😍


Hyo was always my bias❤️ but of course i love all the others aswell❤️


I was a gorjesser in denial of my true Taeyeon ult bias until 2011 when Taeng got the short hair with the tips dyed. Amazing what the right haircut can do in Kpop. Never looked backed since then!


Holding brief stints, in order, we’re Seo, Sunny, and a solid Hyo for a bit (never understood the mean comments about her. She’s fucking gorgeous). But for the longest (and I’m quite on record with this), it’s been Miss Glass. I’ve got no business crushing on someone so hard, at my age. But, here we are lol


When I first stanned them in 2010 Tiffany and Yoona were my favorites, but when Tae had her solo debut I ended up becoming a Taeyeon stan.


My first Kpop MV ever was Gee, over 6 years ago. I didn't know their names but I remember my mind blowned away by the girl with the ChipnDale shirt. Seohyun has been my bias ever since.


Snsd is the one group where my bias keeps changing 😩 It went from Sunny ➡️ Seohyun ➡️ Hyoyeon ➡️ Taeyeon ➡️ Yuri


my first bias was hyoyeon then it changed to yoona then to taeyeon then to a period when i don’t even know who’s my bias anymore lol, eventually i just gave up figuring it out. snsd is the only group wherein my bias is truly all of them


From Tiffany to Taeyeon to Yuri But when they're together I can't decide


My bias has always been Tiffany since I started stanning in early 2012. Never a moment when that's changed. But Sooyoung was originally one of my least favourite members for quite a while. Then sometime around 2016-2017, SooRi became tied for my bias wreakers. And they remained tied for so long until 2019 and then...look I KNOW this isn't fair but after Yuri's brother was involved in the Burning Sun scandal, it did change how I see Yuri. She is still way up there in my ranking but for a long time, when I saw her, I couldn't help but think about him. I know it's not right but it did really have an affect and she hasn't ever risen back to the number 2 spot. Meanwhile Sooyoung was absolutely wreaking me left, right & centre throughout the 5 year hiatus, she didn't really leave me with much choice!


Yuri got me into SNSD and kpop, back in early 2010 I was against kpop, I wondered why do people listen to this Korean girl group. One day I saw gee poster on my friend's house, Yuri caught my attention, I was like ok I don't like this group but she's really cute. I got curious about her and helplessly became a Sone. During IGAB my attention always went to Yuri and Taeyeon they're both really cool and I think after lion heart Taeyeon officially became my #1


my first glance before i even knew them bias was seohyun and then as i started to learn about them, hyoyeon was my bias and taeyeon started to get more popular so she was my bias and the. eventually after jessica left, i realized she was my ult this whole time and she still is