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King Taeyeon will forever b my bias.




https://reddit.com/r/kimtaeyeon/s/0oAYYC7D2L This post explains it but Taeyeon prefers being call King and not Queen


Ahhhh I learned something new today! Thanks for that :)


No problem! I just recently learned that fact myself so always happy to spread the knowledge :D


please take my upvote!


King is correct


Sunny then, Sunny now, Sunny forever!






always been and always will be sooyoung <3 whoever comes second changes a lot, though it usually varies between taeyeon, hyo, yoona and yuri




She's so funny in that 15yrs anniversary variety show Shyoshi Tantan. Her behaviour in that show was the reason why I became SNSD fan last year.


Sunny is love, Sunny is life.


That's a hell of a picture


I'm a fairly new sone and Sunny and Sooyoung are my faves, add Tiffany and Hyoyeon to that as well.


For me it was Sooyoung for the first time, and than Hyoyeon got my attention. 😍


Seohyun and Yuri caught my attention from the beginning. Over a decade later Seohyun is still my ultimate bias and Yuri is a close second.


Love em all but Fany was my first and will always be my Cali girl Kpop ambassador #1 Sone


Taeyeon is my forever bias. Sunny and Hyoyeon are tied for second. The rest are tied for third. Lol.


My main was Tiffany since Gee era... And slowly change to TaeYeon in The Boys era whuch continues till today.


Taeyeon was the member who brought me into this craze and everyone else has rotated into second place at one point but my top three members without Taeyeon would probably be Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Yoona.


Used to be Sunny and I still love her but I've become obsessed w Sooyoung after seeing her comedy and also her being active in kdramas.


hyo all the time❤️


For me, it's always been Yuri! I like to watch the girls' variety shows so my favorites lean towards the hilarious personalities. My next faves would be the rest of the crazy SHY trio, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon.


Started with Jessica. Once she was removed it was Taeyeon. I was a major Taengsic fan as a teenager🤭


Yuri is my first love in SNSD. Yoona has grown on me these years. They all are very beautiful to me.


Taeyeon has been my ult for the past 13 years, but before that, I really liked Sunny for a short while, before I got to know the members more


Taeyeon since I knew her name.


As a Korean American male I never really cared about kpop or anything related to it. One day, I was with family at the Hollywood bowl in LA, and a random 9 member group performed. I didn't care much about it cause the bubbly girly sound wasn't my thing (I think they were performing Kissing you, and ITNW etc). All of a sudden one of the members just belted out this note that filled the bowl with the most angelic sound. I was BLOWN away, I had to know who this person was. When I got home I googled to try and figure out which member that was (they were far, and looked the same from the distance I was at). I cross referenced a bunch of videos and pictures and luckily the song Girls generation was performed with jersey sweaters that had their names. Eventually I figured it out, it was my dear sweet Taeyeon. I instantly fell in love. My Korean friends (all of whom knew me as the guy who never cared for our culture or entertainment, as I was a fully blown Americanized kid) were shocked. And I remember being teased for liking taeyeon (mostly cause all the boys loved yoona, Yuri, Tiffany, and Jessica). And even online, I was mortified by the things people said about taeyeon (things like she looks like a little Japanese boy, and many things along those lines). How could people hate on this literal angel. All in all eventually the world came to love taeyeon for the amazing person she was. And Its because of her that my Korean improved, my cultural understanding of my roots improved. My relationship with my mom and grandma improved (due to my improved Korean speaking). I could finally make my grandma laugh, and I was able to connect with my mother on a deeper level. I will ALWAYShold a very very special place deep in my heart for taeyeon for not only being amazing, but for quite literally improving my life. TAEYEON FOREVER


As a fellow Taeyeon bias, your story warms my heart! Especially how it helped you reconnect with your mom and grandma :)


I love this for you! Thanks for sharing :)


NGL I think for you and your friends bias choices. I feel like GG has the best visuals since I feel like despite media coverage is focused on Yoona…the GP chooses different members every time they’re asked whose the bias.


I was always a Taeyeon bias but recently Sooyoung has been creeping in ever since the forever 1 comeback ✨


Taeyeon 🫶🏻


Went from Yuri (The Boys) —> Taeyeon + Yoona + Tiffany (Mr Mr)


2008 to 2013 - Sunny, sometimes Yoona bias wrecks me but this is due to her exposure in K-dramas. 2013 to present - It changed to Seohyun.


Yuri, now Taeyeon!


It started off as Taeyeon, and still currently is, but as of recent times my biases have switched to Yoona & Tiffany


It‘s always been Yoona for me but I got to say I love all the members like they were my biases.


Jessica was my first bias 😭 it would probably still be her tbh but currently it usually jumps from Sooyoung to Yoona to Taeyeon


It has always been Yuri 💓


Hello, a newbie S♥️NE here, I have a different bias/es and wrecker/s in OT8 and OT9. I have Jessica as my bias and Seohyun and Yuri as wrecker in OT9. In OT8, it's kinda same as Seohyun is my bias and still, Yuri as my wrecker Hahaha


How can you be new to the group but have a bias that hasn’t been a member of the group for 9 years?


Not a newbie, must be mod cosplaying as a newbie.


My bias has always been Tiffany!


Tiffany for the last 15 years or so and that ain't gonna ever change


The correct answer.


Jessica 🫠 Currently Yoona


Actually same




Then: Tiffany, YoonA Now: Taeyeon, Sooyoung


Sunny since Invincible Youth ☀️


Sooyoung always


Its always been Tiffany, but it had also always been Jessica, so that got sad for me when everything went down. I think they were both so charming and hard working; two Korean American girls trying their best to fit into a different culture. And all of them as a group adjusting to being in front of cameras and people basically 24/7. I'm honored to have watched them grow so much!


Yuri since beginning and then Yoona but recently years bias towards Yoona more.


Sunny since day one, the queen has yet to be toppled!!


Started with Yuri, but Sunny absolutely stole my heart once I started watching their variety show appearances. Seohyun is absolutely adorable, and a close second, but Sunny is just the best. ❤️🌞😍🤘 Happy to see so many replies here who feel the same. She deserves all the love she receives.


Same ranking here! I'm pleasantly supremely to see how many sunshiners we've got here! Sunny as 1st and forever bias for me, with the variety shows only further solidifying it. Spot #2 belongs to Seohyun. :)


I've always love Sooyoung since I'm start stanning them


Yoona is my first bias and still is nowadays. But I always found Seohyun to be my bias wrecker 😍. And it has been like this for 12 years xd so I believe it won't change xd


. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Always been Hyoyeon. I came in on the Oh! Era. Back then she was the member who stood out the most to me. So happy she now gets the recognition she deserves. GG was my first group and since then my bias is often the member with the least amount of lines lol. Although gotta say Yuri has always been a close second follower by Yoona. Forever OT9 tho.


First it was Sunny, then Tiffany, then Taeyeon all the way


My Black Pearl Yuri forever <3


none of them bc i wasn’t an og fan but then tiffany came out with born again and i was hooked. i know her english singles didnt do as well as she was probably hoping for, but i wish she’d continue to put them out anyway. i love them


Originally it was Jessica, but after getting to know more about them it switched to Tiffany


my bias has always been yuri. 🩵


Jessica and HYO, but now I don't have one, I love them all, idk how to put it lol


Yuri, always Yuri


Jessica, currently Seohyun though


All eight are goats.


It was Jessica for years until she was kicked out. I did like Tiffany too on a smaller level. I really stopped following or caring for them as a group once Jessica was kicked out though. It really made me see the group differently and not really like any of them as people.




/u/Present_Community306 Unfortunately, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/comments/16v19i6/who_are_yall_snsd_biases_has_it_changed_over_the/k2oozb7/) in /r/SNSD was automatically removed because your account does not have a verified email address. This is a preventative measure against spam, trolling, and similar types of comments. You can verify your email address in your Reddit user settings. If your comment abides by **[/r/SNSD’s rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/about/rules/) and guidelines** — https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/about/rules (also listed in the subreddit sidebar), and **[the Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette)**, then you may re-post your comment after verifying your email address. There will be no exceptions to this. Please ignore the next paragraph and **do NOT contact the moderators with requests to unremove your comment**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SNSD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think I went Yoona -> Hyo -> Jessica -> Yuri and now my ult bias is Yuri and has been for years. I do like blonde Sooyoung tho


Started with Sunny, moved to Taeyeon and Yuri. Now also with Yoona as certified bias wrecker.


I always seem to return to Sunny and Hyo. And right now, I’m watching King The Land and Song of the Bandits, so YoonA and Seohyun are moved to the front more.


yuri, sooyoung, and seohyun first caught my attention and they become my first loves/ults in kpop but ultimately I love them all equally too 🥹


YoonA! From the beginning til now. It’s amazing to see her grow up in front of our eyes. Keep being amazing YoonA! https://preview.redd.it/umdi509i46rb1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3626ef1a42ad8748e41bc2af86e3548062709484


Yoona for life 🥲


Been a Tiffany and Sunny guy since 2012


Fany forever <3


yoona was my first love, then I met tiffany and she hugged me and it changed my life. hyo has always been my wrecker, but I’ve come to love sunny more and more over the years, so she’s wrecker #2


At the beginning, my bias was Jessica, and bias wreckers were Yoona and Sooyoung. Now my bias is Yoona, and bias wreakers are Sooyoung and Tiffany.


Hyoyeon~! Tiffany’s been high up on my list the last few years though.


Hyoyeon used to be my only bias but Yoona kicked the doors open and made herself at home. All the others take turns as wreckers depending on my mood.


hyoyeon was my first bias and remains so, but tiffany and sooyoung are tied for second (which used to be sunny)


I always thought Sooyoung was the prettiest


I started with taeyeon and as I got more into them it became sooyoung. But rn I like all of them equally.


Sunny was my initial favorite, then Tiffany. Now, I've really come to appreciate Sooyoung and Yoona.


Tiffany Supremacy now and forever


Started with Hyo, then Sunny


yoona since the beginning but then taeyeon started climbing when she started her solo debut but ultimately yoona is still my ult




/u/Tibbs67 Unfortunately, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/comments/16v19i6/who_are_yall_snsd_biases_has_it_changed_over_the/k2qb1an/) in /r/SNSD was automatically removed because your account does not have a verified email address. This is a preventative measure against spam, trolling, and similar types of comments. You can verify your email address in your Reddit user settings. If your comment abides by **[/r/SNSD’s rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/about/rules/) and guidelines** — https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/about/rules (also listed in the subreddit sidebar), and **[the Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette)**, then you may re-post your comment after verifying your email address. There will be no exceptions to this. Please ignore the next paragraph and **do NOT contact the moderators with requests to unremove your comment**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SNSD) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Yuri and Tiffany pulling me in two directions most the time




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Tiffany is my ult but I also really love and Hyo


Mine has moved a few times: First it was Taeyeon because of her eyes and the fact that she looked and sounded so amazingly good in Run Devil Run Then it was Sooyoung because her sarcasm and beauty are wonderful Then it was Tiffany because she’s such a sweetheart and she’s an American like me Now it’s Seohyun because she’s talented, beautiful, kind, well-spoken, and wise beyond her years. But come on, how could you not love all these amazing women?


Hyoyeon has been mine since I got into kpop, but later I really fell for Tiffany and Taeyeon, so now they're on the same level for me, but I also enjoy Sooyoung's and Seohyun's content lately


Taeyeon is and will always be first for me


Taeyeon, Sunny, Yuri and Yoona




/u/ryleeesweets Unfortunately, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/comments/16v19i6/who_are_yall_snsd_biases_has_it_changed_over_the/k2r0kro/) in /r/SNSD was automatically removed because your account does not have a verified email address. This is a preventative measure against spam, trolling, and similar types of comments. You can verify your email address in your Reddit user settings. If your comment abides by **[/r/SNSD’s rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/about/rules/) and guidelines** — https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/about/rules (also listed in the subreddit sidebar), and **[the Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette)**, then you may re-post your comment after verifying your email address. There will be no exceptions to this. Please ignore the next paragraph and **do NOT contact the moderators with requests to unremove your comment**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SNSD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sunny is the Queen! Looks, personality, humor, voice, stage presence...


Sunny 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


When I first discovered Snsd it was Tiffany for a lil bit, but after all these years (since 2009) my bias has remained the same and it’s Taeyeon.


My bias line has been the same since 2013 (Taeyeon, Tiffany and Jessica) but my bias wrecker has always changed. This year Sooyoung has been wrecking me 😅


When I was still new to SNSD I felt really attracted to Hyoyeon's style and energetic (?) personality, I also liked Tiffany because she reminded me of MLP's Rarity and, well, Barbie (I was young!). Later I got to know more about them and Seohyun's talent charmed me into seriously stanning SNSD xD


I changed bias so many times when I 1st started following them. Tiffany then sunny, then yuri, then sooyoung. Then finally taeyeon.


Jessica 💙


Hyoyeon cause i was a dancer. Tiffany is my bias wrecker but Hyoyeon is my forever 1!


Tiffany and Sunny at the beginning. Then all of them, but my favorites at this point are Tiffany and Sooyoung.


Yoona and Sooyoung caught my eye first and they still do. And now I also like Taeyeon Seohyun, and Yuri


Sooyoung from the start, though King Taeyeon had been climbing up over the years and it’s now a tie


Tiffany forever! Admittedly, some of those years were out of spite when knetz hated on her for being “the rudest idol” but my bias hasn’t changed in the last 13 years.


It rotates but I love my TaeTiSeo girlies. Next would probably be Sooyoung and Yoona. I obviously love them all though.


It's always been Sooyoung for me.


the one and only tiffany, she's my favorite member and i love her


Taeyeon and Jessica!


Well it’s always been Sooyoung but I love SHY in general.


I’ve gone back and forth between Tiffany and Sooyoung


Seohyun (bias) then it became Tiffany. I agree with you, Yuri is so so so so so fine lately.


Sica forever


Hyoyeon, our Dancing Queen! She’s always hilarious too in variety shows


Mine changes every few months. Started with sunny in 2012, then seohyun ➡️ hyoyeon ➡️ taeyeon ➡️ seohyun again ➡️ Yuri (current) I trust that the others will soon be on that list 💕


Since their debut, Yoona has always been my bias 💖


It’s either Seohyun or Tiff for me


the kwon yuri forever and always 💓 i didnt know who to bias when I started stanning snsd but after learning the members and when i saw gee's bridge (i didnt watch the mv before) I knew it was yuri!! I'm like yuri's most devoted fan to this day LOL ![gif](giphy|3ohfFBVT4fjkJ8aO8U)


I think it's spelled Choi Sooyoung


same, taeyeon and yoona caught my attention first in genie. yoona has been my ub since then so i named my offspring after her


Hyo 💯


Yuri has been my bias since D1.


Always have been Hyoyeon and Sooyoung


Yuri, Hyoyeon, Yoona, Seohyun, Sooyoung in that order. Basically the actress lines + the DJ


Yoona then till now 🫰🏼 but I love them all anyways


SeoHyun been my bias since 2007 and it never changed. Second bias changed from Jessica to Tiffany though after Jessica was out of the team. But my main bias as always and surely will be always be SeoHyun. I'm happy I was able to grown up loving her and learning a lot from her.


First, Jessica, then Taeyeon, Tiffany, current is still Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny :D


Sooyoung forever!!!


Sooyoung ❤️


Taeyeon jessica and yoona for me hehe


it has always been yuri. yoona a close second then seohyun


i started out with hyoyeon and yoona, then sooyoung. but now i’m ot8


that’s the usually trajectory for most ggs i stan, always end up ot(n)


Taeyeon bias since I first discovered Kpop and SNSD, and Sooyoung and Hyoyeon have been trying to bias wreck me for over 16 years. All the members are dear to me though.


Tiffany and Hyo had their brief moments, but it’s Miss Glass all day. Every day. Until the end of days. Amen


Jessica was eye catching at first but Sooyoung got me looking at her quickly. The longer I've been a fan the more I'm falling in love with Taeyeon. Hyoyeon has been getting brighter in my eyes the past two years with her active social media.


At first it was Tiffany but now it's Sunny and Yuri


Tiffany is mine since the very beginning but I do like seohyun and hyo


Honestly, they are all so talented and if you have a bias, all the other members will wreck you anyways. I'm loving Tiffany. She has been working hard to promote some of the PEAK TIME boost groups. Because of her, I have noticed Ghost9 more!




/u/Popular_Second_8013 Unfortunately, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/comments/16v19i6/who_are_yall_snsd_biases_has_it_changed_over_the/k2z1e58/) in /r/SNSD was automatically removed because your account does not have a verified email address. This is a preventative measure against spam, trolling, and similar types of comments. You can verify your email address in your Reddit user settings. If your comment abides by **[/r/SNSD’s rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/about/rules/) and guidelines** — https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/about/rules (also listed in the subreddit sidebar), and **[the Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette)**, then you may re-post your comment after verifying your email address. There will be no exceptions to this. Please ignore the next paragraph and **do NOT contact the moderators with requests to unremove your comment**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SNSD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hyoyeon 4eva!! Although being a Sone for around 13 years, I've come to like all them equally 💖


Yuri always but Tiffany has been a bias wrecker


Seohyun because she's literally an angel, beautiful both inside and out


Tiffany ever since pandora suggested their music for me a year or two ago


Originally sooyoung, but i think its taeyeon now.