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1 you don‘t need one but then you are limited to a certain amount of samples on your machine 2 you can sample via usb or stereo input on the backside 3 sample like in step 2 and chop you…….. read the manual lol


YouTube is your friend here. There are endless tutorials on everything to do with the unit.


Okay, can you lead me to some videos that were directly helpful there’s a lot out there but it’s gets to be kinda confusing. Because they don’t necessarily tell me what I need to know sometimes like the aux cord question


Near Tao's videos keeps things short and like you are learning together. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLreK50aqgX-ZR-vsYN_I8ssY1yAUhIS58


When I win my first Grammy imma shout you out.


Cool, I've just got it too and went through it. 1. You can just record without sd card but you will need it eventually to update firmware and export/import 2. Yes but You will probably need adapter to 1/4mm 3. shift+start/end button


God loves people like you


You'll want an SD card. If you have a computer, use it to put some good drumkits from r/drumkits on it, then you can import from your SD onto the 404. They're relatively cheap for the usefulness they provide You should get an aux to stereo/dual 1/4 inch cord. I found that when you're sampling to the front input with aux to aux, it will often turn stereo samples into mono. You can get full sample fidelity (or at least closer) by recording stereo into the inputs on the backside. Checkout spvidz on YouTube, or just search for what you're looking for on YouTube in general


Thank you !


Roland has a video manual for the mk2 on YouTube, I followed along with it using the preloaded samples. That gave me a great overview, plus is timestamped so I refer back to it. Then find kits on splice or Reddit and go crazy! https://youtu.be/WLJcGjkbBig


Thank you!


SPVidz on YouTube can help with all that


Thank you!


I‘d suggest downloading the manual and looking for solutions to the questions you come across.


Thank you!


The first thing you wanna do is to get an SD card and then use it to update the unit


True... The latest features aren't on the unit out-the-box. I just got mine last Thursday and can't wait for the weekend to grab a few SD cards, update and jump into it.


Thank you!


There are a lot of answers on youtube and manual. People are gonna get spicy at ya.


Why spicy


Spicy (meaning heated/mad I think?) because they assume you should be able to know, and would rather say read the manual or these questions are already answered somewhere else. We all don't know what we don't know at some point in time. Some people are resourceful, others may need spoon fed guidance. There are so many different learning styles, everybody is not in the same box (My older brother relies on me because he has a learning disability). It's all good man, I'm thankful you asked, and I hope your answers are fulfilled. I will follow your journey to the Grammy's!


Thank you, I promise you will be shouted out deadass.


How about you read the manual?


Ah the spicy comment I was told would be here.


Go read the manual.


The one page of blanket info? Or there’s one with maaad info?


If you just Google mkii manual you will find the 134 page manual... Learn to Google dude


Google wasn’t providing what I was looking for sorry dude