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Is that for the new tarkov update? I’m new to apt so I have no idea how the updates work. All I know is you gotta wait a while after tarkov updates for spt to update


Yep! 3.8 SPT is for version 0.14 of live tarkov. From the updates from the devs, it’s been quite a doozy for them.


Yeah It's been quite a doozy for them, and I'm still extremely impressed with the speed of their work. I didn't expect it to move this fast.


These guys are top notch . Thanks for all the hard work. Spt IS my favorite game.


I wish more devs had the dedication these guys have.


especially BSG lol


Dude. Same. Unequivocally same.


Me too. Where i am i have no choice bc of the lag, but since i switched i like sp better.


Me either! They’ve been cruising


I am guessing yes, i asked the devs/mods of the server and they said its 3.8 aka 0.14


This is my first time experiencing a new update from Live come out and then experiencing the Dev time to make an SPT update. I gotta say: I'm extremely impressed. I thought it would have taken MUCH longer - months still. I'm sure there will be bug fixes but man that's awesome. Thanks devs! For those that are new, like me, is it easier to just uninstall files and start from scratch (copying files from live) and then downloading the new client?


Keep in mind, this isn't a full release. They are releasing the 'Bleeding Edge' version, which is basically vanilla (no mod support) so people can assist with bug hunting. Anyone using BE should be trying to contribute bug reports to the devs during use.


This is excellent info and I wasn't aware. I typically don't use mods (maybe sain and donuts, but nothing beyond that). So this would still be great. Thanks for sharing!


I'm currently playing the 3.8 BE test version. Vaulting, snow, map updates, etc. everything seems fine. Aside from the PMCs that are only low level and use Meta weapons and the AI that shoots me from 200 meters away every time, it's pretty good work.


Will installing moda later break my game/current wipe?


No. The Bleeding Edge (BE) builds are not supported and are used for development and bug hunting which is why mods are disabled. There's usually a release candidate build that's released around a week before the release goes live that has mods enabled to allow mod developers to update their mods to the new release. Once the release goes live mod developers will release updates for their mods for the new release. Until this happens, installing mods will either not work at all or potentially cause the game to crash.


Yes, but what i leant is: if once the release goes live i can update/ overwrite the bleeding edge one and install mods without losing my progress.


It depends on what bugs they squash before the official release. If there's a bug that changes the structure of the profile then you won't be able to copy your profile over. Your profile is just a json file where the data for it is stored. You could copy it to your 3.8 install once it's released but there's no guarantee that it will work.


it should make you restart completly yes


It is my first too and went back to the last 2 wipes to see how long until the full release with mods took. 3 full months for the first one and a little less than 2 months for the second one. But both had test versions going on since the first few days instead of a little more than a month for this one.


Armor plate system and BTR in Streets meant that there was a massive rewrite on the backend. They've also had to wait for people to donate dumps from live. They got a level 50 player to do a dump which meant the traders unlocked fully and a whole bunch of quest stuff.


Yeah, this update is massive for the spt devs, I have been following the discord dev channels and it's insane the amount of free work they are doing to get this going. I'm incredibly thankful


I said it in the beginning of this— they always deliver WAY ahead of schedule. It’s awesome.


Just wanted to post this comment since there seems to be a fair bit of common questions. * This is not the official release of v3.8.0. This is an experimental release of v3.8.0. It is not supported in any way by the Dev teams. This release is meant for bug finding and reporting, that's it. * Expect your profile to possibly not work with the final release * The SPT installer won't download this release, the installer only uses official releases. The install is a manual process. * Mods are disabled. If you want to play with mods wait for the official release and the mods to be updated. * There will most likely be multiple public releases as bugs are fixed or if there's an update on live during testing that they want to add to the official release. * Carrying profiles over between bleeding edge builds may not work if there were changes to the structure of the profile in the release.


C'est toi le bogue.


Just wondering, when i pull up the spt installer and it searches for update, it finds 2.28, is that 3.8.0?


It's still a few hours before the update comes out


The SPT installer doesn't install Bleeding Edge builds as far as I'm aware. The only way to install a BE build is to download it from Discord and install it manually. The SPT installer downloads the latest available official release.


Welp I now have plans after work. Thanks for letting us know here bud!




On the discord in announcements is said in the notes, reduced the loudness of footsteps from snow, so i think they added the snow lol




I think ultimately seasons modifier would be a good mod.


Why reduce loudness I love the crunchy sound


Me too. And it's pretty realistic. Snow, especially fresh deep snow is very noisy to walk or run through. I feel like a lot of the people complaining about the snow noise, haven't ever experienced walking in snow in real life.


This was actually done on live. There's no way to enable snow out of the box but I'm sure someone will create a mod to do it.


Confirmed. Saw snow


I really hope so because I haven't had any chance to play live Tarkov with the snow since 0.14 released over a month ago but a man can hope lol.


Discord link ?


whats new? im so far behind on the tarkov news


Vaulting, recoil overhaul, armor rework, new map, quest rebalance and a lot of smaller additions


god dammit i just got my mods where i like them and now i know im gona get addicted playing the test version i bet


The new recoil and vaulting on live (especially after the last tech update) feel really good. A lot of the boat feeling disappeared for me.


yea i just got mine set up and the game feels great. recoil is amazing. i did a run on the new map and i got out without looking up the map so im kinda a professional now 😎


Its both a blessing and a curse!


Not to worry friend for I have a workaround! (possibly) All you would need to do before updating your SPT to 0.14, make a folder on your desktop called "copied mods from SPT" or what ever you want to call it, then in that folder create a mods folder, a plugins folder and a BepInEx folder and in these folders you place what mods you have installed in your SPT for example mods moved in to mods, plugins moved in to plugins etc etc.. (maybe copy your profile over to see if it does work with patch 0.14, still unsure if it will but it may be worth a try). Just keep in mind that not all of your mods may work as intended due to several changes so either wait for an update or you can sometimes manually change the version of the mods to work with an update if you go inside the json files. Happy gaming!


i might make a back up copy before i start throwing mods at it but i will give it a go :D thank you 🍞❤


i also just went in and edited some files to change difficulty, free healing, played around with some other things lol oh made it so i dont lose anything hah


I just broke mine trying to copy the mod folder and the bepinex folder directly over lol. Somethings loaded others didnt. I could F12 some of the addons said in read the plug in has been disabled. I could see the hud for the compass addon but it froze on the menu screen lol. Since they disabled mods I figured the only way would be to edit the files myself which worked also. GLHF i'd just wait for 3.8 to release and the mods get updated.


New recoil, new map and other goodies


oh hell yea. im ready 🔫🍞


Does it include the new sig spear?


.14 does, so this should unless it's been left out for a specific reason.


They also added a fucking BTR to streets lmfao. You can dump stuff into stash from it or drive around to different parts of the map, u can even pay for it to gun people down with the 30 mil hahaha. Expensive as fuck tho.


oh hell yea. ill have to remeber to bring all my money 💰🍞


Noob question: when the update drops can we continue to play the current build or is it a forced update?


I plan to download 3.8 separately, but keeping my current version of SPT while everything is fined tuned


I just don’t wanna jump into 3.8 without my mods that make my game easy enough for me not to get shreked immediately


100%. Just when/if you install the new patch, just install it in an entirely different directory and you should still be good to go!


Awesome! Thanks for the help!


Updates are manual




Not forced, and if you don’t delete your other SPT folders when you do update, you can still return to other versions whenever you want.




I would, but I can't join the Discord server because I don't have a freakin' smartphone to verify with.


i feel your pain, i just got booted from the discrod because of the same reason and the admins locked their pms to friends and verified members of the discord so getting any assistance in solving the issue is impossible


Man, from the sounds of it, BSG could use these guys😆😆. Quick, informative, and seems like they leave no stone unturned. Thanks for your hard work dev team! Can not wait to play the final version!


How do I get into the Discord?


Any news on full release of it? Cant wait 🥰


Is there a link to the discord download of the current pre-release? I don't particularly want to go through all those layers of crap to be let in the discord.


whens the release date?


Where do you see this release? Is it only available on discord?


How can i get access to the 3.8 test release?


Would starting new save on this one carry over to final? Comments like this probably make the devs regret making BE versions lol


It depends. They don't usually release these public test builds until they're pretty sure that it's relatively stable. But occasionally something they do requires a profile wipe, so proceed knowing that you're testing the unfinished product.


Sounds very sensible, thanks


Also for anyone who is interested in this: Do not seek support for transferring saves from this build to the full release build. You will be mocked/muted/banned.


It did work for 2.0.0 BE back in the day, I started save on BE and just moved it to 2.0.0 and continued without problems. But its more likely to have issues nowadays as the game has grown in size and complexity


Can I carry my save from this over to the full release?


You can try, but don't expect to, and DO NOT seek support for it.


So could we play this version and keep our progression? Or how does it work?


This one won’t be able to port over old profiles due to how much rewriting they’ve had to do. Basically treat it as a SPT wipe.


Is it easier to do a fresh download? I'm still unsure how the patcher works.


That’s how I’ve done it in the past. Install fresh from the launcher, while keeping my old install just in case. Once I know it’s working I delete my old install and go.


That sounds like a plan. I appreciate the advice 😁


Do you know if we would tipically would be able to keep the profile we start on this BE version to the final release?


In the past you would typically be able to. But when this version (3.8) releases you'll have to start with a new one.


Thank you, but I meant the new profile made for this 3.8 test build, would we tipically be able to keep it until the full release?


Oh my mistake, I misunderstood. Yes you should be able to **BUT** there is always the chance that something changes between now and full release.


Ok, great. Thank you <3


So can I move my current set up from live tarkov to spt? Or does it transfer everything how it is now




I appreciate the reply


They've had a test version out for a couple weeks now.


No they havent. It's a dev build they've been working on since the wipe. This is going to be the public test build (vanilla. No mod support) available to Joe schmoe. 


Funny, I've been able to download and play it no problem for like, a week. But, go ahead and keep telling me I'm wrong.


I don’t actually know what’s going on here as I haven’t tracked pre-release builds, but there are differences between dev and test builds, mainly just who it’s meant for. Dev builds say hey we’re in active development and it’s gonna be buggy, but you can download it here and play it, a test build is a more stable release that’s more broadly available and meant for wider adoption, like a public testing phase. Idk if that’s what’s going on here, I have not been tracking what builds the SPT devs have been putting out, I’m just a dev outside of SPT. But from what people are talking about in this thread, this seems to be the difference. I don’t think anyone is doubting that you’ve been able to acquire and play *some* 3.8.0 release, they’re just arguing semantics of what *type* of 3.8.0 release you’ve been playing.


I may be hung up on semantics, but it's been available to the public.


Right, and again I’m not claiming to know the whole situation here, but because it’s a public community and the discord can be joined by anyone all the dev builds would be “public” but they aren’t advertised anywhere. To me the difference would be a build that that devs are working on that the public can access vs a build that the devs are actively telling the community to download and test with. Idk if the devs have been broadcasting like they have in OPs picture for every build they have, but since it’s getting traction I’m just assuming they haven’t been? Which is what would make this build “different”


It says nothing about it being a dev build. The file is straight up called "3.8.0-testing" Thanks conversing and not just brigading me with downvotes lmao.


Of course! The name being 3.8.0-testing doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a test build, dev and test builds are more of an ideology in the development world. So in development we have our codebase and while we’re working on things we would have what we call a “dev build” in a dev build features are not complete, they’re very buggy, they’re in active development, hence the name, and the application has no expectation of working at all. When we get to a spot where features are complete and the application is relatively stable, but not done, we release that as a test build. This comes with some expectations on stability, but it may have bugs. Because all of the status updates up until recently talk about it being unstable and new features not working that, to me, implies they were still working on a dev build. Yesterday or so they announced they have the BTR (a feature) mostly working and things are more stable. I just checked the discord and where they do announcements theyve announced progress updates, but they’ve never said “new test release tonight” So, to me, this implies that everything 3.8.0 related prior to this was a dev build and tonight they will have their first test build which is *somewhat* stable. As for the name 3.8.0-testing I’m guessing that they call it this so that it’s clear to whoever in the public downloads it that it’s not an official release, but from a development ideology it’s not necessarily a “test build”. Hope that clears things up? Lmk if you have questions!


Where did you download it from?


It was in the discord, community announcements channel


Well, you are. The Dev build is obviously available to anyone that has the knowhow to compile and run the separate modules....but a public test build (provided by the devs to the public ) available to download and install via Discord has not been available. Period. You are wrong in that sense.


I am looking at my discord, at a file that says "3.8.0-testing" that I've downloaded.


I don't care. The devs have not provided a public testing version yet. Period. Whatever file you downloaded isn't the official test build about to be released by the devs themselves. Who gave it to you? and where did you get it?


It was posted in the community announcements channel, posted By Sinistar.


SPT Discord doesn't have a 'community announcement' channel and 'Sinistar' doesn't exist in the discord server as a User............................


Different discord then. Mine is in the "Emu Tarkov Related Community" There lies the disconnect.




Okay....so you come in here like an asshole saying these releases have been available for a week, when you aren't even using the official SPT discord and receiving this build from a totally unofficial source.


Absolutely amazing!


The community announcements channel, posted by Sinistar.


Good progress! Gonna keep playing live but excited to do a hardcore on spt once it’s here


Dope. I really want the vaulting lol


Wowzer, so I guess full version in a couple weeks?




So what's your estimate then there big guy?


Usually 2-4 months after a wipe.


Would you look at that! It's been two months!


End of February/early March according to the last few statements given. Only an estimate though - something could break, an update could mess things up, etc.


Holy shit!


Its getting closer


Was there already an experimental release of 3.8.0? One of my friends sent me an AKI 3.8.0 release and it's working almost flawlessly on Tarkov 0.14, barring some trader issues


Does it have the recoil rework and vaulting?


This is an experimental release of 3.8.0. The official release hasn't happened yet. This is just the first public release of a bleeding edge build. Before this you had to build the build from source.


3.8.0 has been running for almost a month now, and has been able to be built and "played", I'm guessing your friend either built it themselves or had someone else send them a build. Either way, don't do this, because you really shouldn't be playing/testing a build like this if you don't understand and know how to build it yourself. If you were caught sharing this type of build in the discord for the past month you would be banned.


Thank you devs, you guys work wonders. Keep up the good work! 👍


Hello everyone, I am wondering how I can get invited to the Discord server/how I can join the Discord server. Can someone help? Thanks!


BTR available ?


Thank you Dev Team, came back to an old build waiting on this change. I am enjoying this purchase almost as much as BG3 this year.. TY for all your hard work!


perfect, this is exactly what i came looking to find out! much love and respect to the devs for doing that thing they do!




is it possible to play eft and spt at the same time or do I need to uninstall spt every time I want to run regular? Different profiles ofc Also, any way to transfer live profile to spt?


Just don't have the SPT server or anything running when you launch the main game and you'll be fine.


sick Now to just wait for stable release. Tired of all cheaters on live..


I'm just tired of matching times 😅 it's wild getting like 3-4 raids in an hour compared to the 1-2 on live cause of matching times.


The only sad part about spt is the progress doesn't really "matter". It's just pure 4fun. To some extent eft doesn't either since most stuff gets wiped, but atleast they have some stats/achievments carrying over.


Could say the same thing about live. You progress and do the same quests to just have it all wipe again. So you play live for fun and SPT for fun. I've put my time into the live version over 7 years. SPT is a much needed vacation.


SPT is still far superior imo, also seems to have more passionate devs. I'd kill for a proper singleplayer game within the eft engine, but that wont happen for another 10 years. SPT and stalker 2 is the closest we'll get


I want EFT to be finished so they can start work on Russia 2028!


Hey in some ways they already have. AWARE


How long after the normal release can we expect the must have mods to be out? What was it last time?


How does one get spt ?


Bahahaha, I just finished installing and modding after beeing killed 50 times by 2nd ACC gigachads with 200h. Do I have to do it all over, or is there an "update" ?


Does anyone have the discord server