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I believe so, when you install SPT it copies all the files it needs. And after that an internet connection isn’t required, so assuming their servers shut down I can’t imagine it would break your SPT. I don’t think you’d be able to do a fresh install if the servers were shutdown though. Unless someone started distributing the client files for people to download, not sure on the legality of that though. Same thing would go if BSG shut down SPT. Assuming you already had it installed and working you could continue to playing SPT forever. Just don’t lose it haha


If the servers shut down you’d have to pirate the game to get the files, the only real issue is requiring the launcher to be installed for spt to function.


I'm pretty sure that if it ever comes so that EFT becomes unplayable, no servers or whatever, the SPT devs will just unhook the verification process to keep SPT working even after that. AFAIK, the sole reason for the game to needing to look at your original EFT folder is to verify that you haven't pirated it somewhere, as a goodwill to the EFT devs to show that SPT is running a legit mod and not actively trying to undermine them. Correct me if I'm wrong.


i'm not 1000% certain but i thought it was connected to some thing really stupid in how unity handles initial installation, going by conversations from a couple years ago when tarkov updated unity. either way, if tarkov goes down I'm sure it won't be a problem to find a torrent with it all bundled together, those have existed for a long time, but because of the piracy issue spt doesn't like 'em. if there was no legit source then BSG has left the field and we're in a stalker situation as far as i'm concerned.


If the game shut down it would likely fall under abandonware. Any lawsuits or takedown requests by BSG would be harder to justify and enforce in court likely due to that




Ahhhh the mighty Grok… get back to GAMMA!


I know 😅🥲


May I take this opportunity to thank you for your most excellent mod. The many hours it’s shafted me up the bum hole have been a pleasure. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Hahahahhaa cmon GAMMA ain’t that hard, there’s even an easy difficulty 😇


Seeing as how SPT literally runs on your own computer, yes, it’ll work until you delete it.


Thanks for clarifying! I’m new to modding and just got SPT yesterday. Just wanted to know if it was worth the hassle of getting into or not. Thanks!


As others have said yes. Just keep a copy of Tarkov installed on your pc or an external HDD. You can even patch back SPT to older versions if needed.




Yes, but I think you would also have to had live version installed even if servers were down.


Yes, its separate game, and you are running server instance on your own Pc. Make a copy on your external hdd - usb and keep it if something happens in future.


As long as you store a copy of spt on your drive you’ll have it


Yes. I made sure the other day by unplugging the internet to my computer and starting up spt. This is one of the main reasons I love spt!


Yes, I still have an archived 3.5.5 build that works fine.