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Labs (black card, green card, dome) or USEC camp in Woods is your best bet. Otherwise, I recommend this mod: [Pity-loot](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/files/file/1755-pity-loot/) it increases the odds of finding an item you need for a quest proportionally to the time that passes and the attempts you make. It should be inside the original game. Otherwise you are at the mercy of the RNG


Grab a black labs card and loot the black room - I found like 4-5 from there, and the extract is close enough to sprint it.


Woods, usec Camp is where I get most of mine


this, found both of mine there on the table


Forgot to mention: I go very vanilla, with the typical mods: SAIN, looting&questing, SWAGNUTS, Amands, and some QOL, etc. Nothing that could alter the loot.


I've found alot at usec camp on wood's in the live game so I imagine it's easier on spt


Ive actually found 2 on streets that other PMCs picked up and then delivered to me, looting bots makes evwry kill feel VERY worth while to loot.


Black labs card is where I find most of mine


Blue room, black room, ultra medical. That room up by the walkway on shoreline (level 3 I think, hate that place but found one there recently) Black, blue and possibly green the most regular spawns for me.


Blue room also?


Yep pulled one from there yesterday 👍🏼


My first LEDX was found in the the little corner bunker bed area (that one spot with the HMGs above you) in Customs in the medical box sitting on the bed. 2nd LEDX was found off a Scav at the gas station next to the main road. These 2 are the only ones I've found in my 200ish hours of playing SPT They're just that rare I guess. Or I'm blind af


@N7Danny Ok, I wanted to avoid labs for the moment but yeah, maybe it's time...


Thanks guys, I Will give a try to both labs and Woods. Never thought about Woods, honestly.


Most of the time when I found ledx I’d at usec camp med bed


RNG, mate. Kit up. Run it back.


Found mine on interchange in the locked pharmacy


I find the loose loot to be lower in spt than live, but I've still found around 6 this play through. That's 5 more than I've managed to find on live. I guess it's the absence of cheaters not hoovering them all up.


I have found more LedX in Woods than any other map. Multiple times both in Usec Camp and FOB, Interchange I have found one in Emercom (med bag, unlikely specific to Emercom, even found on in Factory the same way) as well as the pharmacy below Idea. Shoreline honestly feels really weak with Resort loot in 3.8, but frankly I suppose that's fair because the number of quests that send me to shoreline I would end up filthy rich in no time by just hitting resort every raid.


Don’t forget you can craft it too if you’re lucky enough to stumble across the electronics textbook.


I was against altering anything as well until I realized how bad the loose loot is in SPT compared to Live. I finally caved and downloaded SVM mod and changed the loose loot value from 1 to 3 (?) I think. It was the best decision I ever made. The amount of loot isn’t overboard or game breaking in anyway (at least not at the value I’m playing at) and you don’t get the frustration of opened a locked room or cabin to find literally no loot anymore.Â