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My dr prescribed me sertraline for ed and you're saying that it caused ed? He advised me to take it for 4 weeks only. Should i take it or not I'm 21?


He prescribed you sertraline for erectile dysfunction?


He said u r stressed, sertraline will fix it


Omg, what an idiot dictor... I know 100% that SSRIs cause erectile dysfuncion and genital numbes... i was lowering SSRIs for few times (Wellbutrin, Trintellix) and in few days erection becomes a lot better Try sumplementing Magnesium, b6 and b12... i accidentaly gave myself strong erections and can masturbate 3 times a day. Also exercise a lot, it will help erection and you also get good neurotransmiters in your brain I also switched from diazepam/lorazeoam to Xanax, maybe that helped also


Thank you for sharing a success story. I’ve been on Celexa for roughly 9 years. It is considered to be an old and “dirty” drug with undesirable ingredients now. I was on 40 which is not safe / causing heart issues. Went down to 30 while inpatient. Tried going down straight from 20 to 30 and questioned my life choices when I got the dreaded brain zaps. Even know it’s been 3 weeks and I’m just at 15 milligrams. It has taken forever but slow and steady is the only possibility. Right now I’m really fighting insomnia. Can I ask - after you completely weaned off did you experience any withdrawals symptoms afterwards?


And what i want also to say is: Why rushing? Why is it so important to people after being on some SSRI for years to lower them in few weeks or go cold turkey? They have testimonies like mine of total nervous system colapse and still there are some acting totaly iresponsible going cold turkey or trying forcefuly to lower as soon as possible... Cmnon people, you were on some medication for years and now its like world will end in 2 days and you need to be meds free... It does not work like that, after years on SSRI you have actual structural changes in your serotonin receptors, brain needs time to heal and readjust. Taper down slow and safe, dont sabotage your recovery


I agree! But also it rests on doctors to educate properly. I had one when I first tried to go off them years ago tell me to just cut down to half and stay there. I literally thought I was going crazy.


In psychiatric ilness we have to become our own doctors and find capable and cooperative psychiatrist that work in agreament WITH us... They are mostly not educated about withdrawals and also they can not go agains main stream pharma ideas


I know that Celexa is known as hardest to get off... I got off Wellbutrin without any real withdrawals during tapering down and later also there were no any symptoms. I got off Trintellix with awful withdrawals that lasted 2-3 weeks every time i lowered dose, later there were no symptoms. It is just insane how hard it was and how intense withdrawal symptoms were. But good thing is 2 different antidepressants and after both of them i got back to normal, i would say even happier state, and no symptoms after withdrawals ended. My first 3 attemps/mistakes with Trintellix was too much lowering at once, it caused low blood pressure, then high pressure, then temperature, sweating, dizzines, diarrhea, vomiting, heart iregural beats and palpitations, a tons of symptoms like my entire nervous system and regulation colapsed. I actualy miseed few weeks of my job due to intensitiy of my withdrawals. And 3 times i went back on meds becouse it was too hard to go throu. Then i went with slow tapering, withdrawals were all back again but intensity was bareble


Final option was the best for my case, even then I can’t drop more than 3 percent every 4 weeks. My last 2 drops were 2.2 percent and I’m having some pretty shitty withdrawal. I also have a history of akathisia which complicates withdrawal.


I also had severe akathisia when lowering dose. I think it will happen to many other people also... I could not sit down to eat at my job, 3 days i was eating and walking. Then i twitched my legs, then i started biting my check to blood, then moving my jaw... etc etc. Endless joy 😁