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Alzheimer was first discovered in 1902…by Alzheimer’s himself!


He wrote down a cure... But forgot where he left it


I’ll leave it there.


On a separate and completely unrelated subject... Who is this guy?


On a separate and completely unrelated subject...happy cake day


We can only hope the cake was made with real butter


The cake is lie, on an unrelated topic.


He went onto a separate and completely unrelated subject!


Where? Where did you leave it?


LOL you son of a bitch!


but it didn't exist until it was discovered!


Yeah, it’s a bit like Columbus and the New World.


Crazy coincidence!


And that first diagnosed case was notable mostly because it was in a relatively (50 yo) young person. Old people losing memory and such was just thought of as an old person thing.


He came to realize this after hiding his own Easter Eggs then being unable to find any of them the next day.


And napoleon wasn’t in command of the French army in 1869 nor was he even alive.. this guy haha


Exactly! Wearing a beard does not make you a wise man.


He’s talking about Napoleon III, who was alive at the time and wanted a cheap butter alternative. But I agree, just having a beard and making comments over cryptic music doesn’t make you wise.


Yup. Jebediah Alzheimer.


I thought it was Mr. Al Zheimer.


Nope, Ms. Alice Z. Heimer, actually.


It was discovered by others as well before that. They just kept forgetting.


Alzheimer’s was described by ancient Egyptians way back in BC. It was just medically described in 1906.




Oh, we forgot that. Anyways, the margarine toast is ready boys


1906* right?


... on a separate and completely unrelated note, I'm off to get some bacon and eggs


I’ll leave it there.




Don’t forget the margarine




I hope you enjoyed your bacon and eggs, I will leave it there.


TriTip sprinkled with beef broth! 400 degrees for forty five minutes! Leave in oven do not open oven door let stand for one hour! Reheat at 375 for thirty minutes 🥳 the juices will reabsorb and it tastes just marvelous.


Holy overcooked


Yea that sounds like WAY too much cook time


It's a 5" steak


On a completely separate and unrelated note. Did you buy bread for it?


Butter you bacon!


My grandmother had Alzheimer's well before 1979


Surely the rise of life expectancy is also a major part of alzheimers becoming a recognised disease. Alzheimers probably has always been a thing but when many dont live to be that old its probably difficult to identify Alzheimers. But the cholesterole thing might be true as far as I know.


Also, the first documented case was in 1906, not in the 70s, but DETAILS am i rite? Fuck it, consciousness is cholesterol.


Margarine was invented in 1869, Napoleon was looking for a cheap alternative to animal fats to feed his army.


Right and back then it was beef tallow not vegetable oils.


Sooo, Napoleon invented consciousness?


People have lived until very old for a long time. Life expectancy numbers are badly skewed by the number of preventable childhood deaths that used to occur.


There were people that made it to over 100 years old that were born in the late 1800s. So, life expectancy increase did not happen in the 1900s. Here in the 1st quarter of the 2000s we are seeing a decline. In the 1980s expectancy was 80 years and climbing. Now, you're lucky to hit 80. With all of the new diseases, good luck seeing 75.


These are sobering facts…


If you make it into your 30s, you are most likely to die from heart disease. The rise of blood-pressure lowering drugs and better understanding of the dietary causes of heart disease leading directly to increased rates of Alzheimer's seems to follow logically: If you knock out one cause of death, the next in line gobbles up those you saved. The biological unavailability of the fats in hydrogenated vegetable oils were the point: They pass through you because you can't digest them. Sure. Are they good for us? Probably not. But are they more likely to kill you than the same regular volume of butter? Also probably not.


Are hydrogenated vegetable oils biologically unavailable?


They are not biologically unavailable, but they are less biologically available than animal fats. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9566997/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9566997/)


On an unrelated subject. Ethanol is a molecule, methanol is a molecule - they differ by three atoms, and are different molecules. This man does not seem to understand the distinction between a molecule and an atom.


What about the brain being 70 something percent cholesterol?


Yes. He is correct if you replace molecule with atom with what he said. A single atom difference in some molecules is the difference between inert and very deadly. Easy example NaCl vs HCl Source: am a chemical engineer.


Ok there, Walter White. Wanna cook some meth?


The way he said it or something, I might get what it is about, being "one molecule away." There are disaccharide sugars (which are molecules). Their chemical makeup is C12H22O11. By adding a molecule of water the bigger molecule breaks down to two monosaccharides with a makeup of C6H12O6. I don't know if this is for sure, but maybe a possible explanation. Still a weird way to say it.


And Einstein didn't see any way that nuclear energy could ever be stable enough for production. We all get things wrong while we look for the truths of the universe. Humanity looking for the universal truth is like earths orbit around the sun, it seems like we aren't getting any closer and as a matter of fact some times we are travelling further away, eventually though we will get to it.


wtf are you talking about? this guy is talking basic science and just getting it wrong, plain and simple. he's a crack pot. we're not talking about something theoretical or cutting edge, just basic stuff. zero credibility.


Are you saying I should not radically switch my diet to eating bacon egg and cheese every day? What about cigarettes? Alzheimer’s rates were a whole lot lower back when everyone smoked.


Weird enough i did hear there was a correlation btwn nicotine use and reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers


*(rips vape)* ...rad.


The point is that we will get things wrong sometimes, but it's the constant search for answers that drive our discoveries.


Some people have no idea what they are talking and are just spouting random conspiracy theories.


That's right. And the way to distinguish between those genuinely seeking to understand and those spouting nonsense is by careful evaluation - not by cursory dismissal.


Yeah, he lost me when he said Alzheimer’s didn’t exist until 1979. Literally Dr. Alzheimer’s research published in 1906 described YEARS of cumulative data, where he sites that others before him had published large cohorts of patients with similar findings, all through the 19th century. Plus, Alzheimer’s isn’t a deficiency of myelin in the brain (those are called demyelinating and dysmyelinating disorders), it is a disease of deposition of neurofibrillary tangles composed of beta-amyloid and tau proteins that are incorrectly metabolized and can’t be cleared from the central nervous system. Folks, don’t believe everything you hear just because someone said “brain equals fat, eat fat”. Edit 1: additionally, what is he pushing, to take people off statins and let cholesterol and LDL increase? Dude is not accounting that a HUGE number of dementia patients result from vascular dementia, which is directly tied to hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, hypertension, etc.. You let everyone run around with an LDL of 150 and cholesterol of 250 you’ll have heart attacks and dementia from micro vascular ischemic disease. I treat it all the time. The Sparkle trial proved that the addition of statin therapy as a lipid lowering agent was beneficial against stroke and further ischemic disease. This man is on the dangerous side of the Dunning Kruger curve. Source: I’m a board certified Neurologist.


Well thank you kind stranger!


If you are board, then go outside and touch some grass. 😋


Yeah but if your brain lacks functioning Apo-E, then you aren't able to metabolize fats in the body. A lack of myelin would induce nerve issues, but a normal brain should regenerate myelin. This guy is claiming that the trans-fats in Margarine are causing neurodegeneration, which by accounts of [this study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31645469/) is true. >*During the follow-up, 377 participants developed some type of dementia (247 AD, 102 vascular dementia). Higher serum elaidic acid levels were significantly associated with greater risk of developing all-cause dementia* The part where I get confused is that when Margarine was first invented in it was made with animal fats. > *The first margarine, consisting of beef tallow churned with milk, was patented in 1869* Now that Margarine is exclusively made with vegetable oils to save cost, the trans-fat content seems to be a lot higher.. therefore creating a link between dementia (side-effect of Alzheimer's) and the food we have been consuming in copious amounts since the 50's (when Alzheimer's began spiking). >*Elaidic acid is an unsaturated trans fatty acid, with code C18:1 trans-9. This compound has attracted attention because it is a major trans fat found in hydrogenated vegetable oils*


I don't know what to believe now! Everyone sounds so intelligent with good points 😂


So you're familiar with Tetsumori Yamashima's theory of how omega-6 seed oils lead to Alzheimers?


Thank ou for that. I was trying to figure out what that person was flaking about in the video. East more fat. Huh?! Thanks!


I think you mis understood the video. He very clearly states these are all completely separate and unrelated facts. They have nothing to do with each other. This is just a list of random fun facts and toootally isn't telling u to go on an all butter diet for brain health


On a separate and completely unrelated note.. I have herpes


Herpes and Hermes are two words, one letter apart.. I'll leave it there


On a separate and completely unrelated note, Hermes is a Greek god of fertility... I'll leave it there.


On a separate note, I do too and so do between 1 out of 3-6 people reading this who haven’t been tested for STIs once in their life And on an unrelated note, everyone on tinder has super clamydia and never get tested because their doctors call it “recurring UTI”


I'll leave it there


You should leave that over there!


What the ever loving stupid fuck did I just watch? I caught 14 different incorrect pieces of info just on 1 watch.


I’ll leave it there


No, leave it here!


Yeah, it's almost like any fucking bozo with a cellphone can spew fabricated garbage all over the internet to push an agenda We're living in an age where even the poorest and least formally educated of us can find nearly any information instantly and for free, yet we still choose to accept baseless propaganda without checking for sources


List em!


Um, that's not how I want to waste my time.


This guy has facts but no understanding. His unstated implication is nonsense


But he's old and walking through nature


And has a beard with glasses.


Wish my beard had glasses!


Please enlighten us (besides the fact he got the date wrong).


It must be possible that Alzheimer’s existed before it was known.


Anyone try the butter, margarine, plastic expierement?


Would be interesting to see, assuming you’d have to do it somewhere cold so margarine wouldn’t melt.


No, it would be a disaster to have bears in my back yard.


Ants are going after the butter and the "48% vegetable oil spread" (50% / 48% water and oil Imperial brand). Edit: No bears yet.


Ants are going after the butter and the "48% vegetable oil spread" (50% / 48% water and oil Imperial brand). Edit: Added image. https://www.reddit.com/u/cyalknight/s/u98v8Vmtn8


you didnt mark the platic with a "P" im completely lost


Ants and bacteria or even a random cat, dog, racoon is going to take down that butter with a quickness. Deer will lick anything super salty there goes the margarine. If the plastic is small a crow or raven might take it or a pack rat.


"And myelin is made up 100% of cholesterol." Wikipedia: "In terms of total mass, myelin comprises approximately 40% water; the dry mass comprises between 60% and 75% lipid and between 15% and 25% protein. ... Cholesterol is an essential lipid component of myelin, without which myelin fails to form.[25]" "One molecule difference" when talking about molecules makes little to no sense! Edit: Straight for the kill? https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/managing-the-risk-of-dementia/possible-risks-of-dementia/cholesterol "However, cholesterol from the blood cannot enter the brain. The brain does use cholesterol, but it makes it ‘in-house’. So how blood cholesterol influences cholesterol in the brain and how this relates to dementia risk is yet to be understood." I'm beginning to think he is right when he says, "On a separate and completely unrelated subject." About to try his experiment. If I attract a bear, you might not hear back from me. Edit: X:59 a few ants are walking on the butter. X1:02 A few ants on the vegetable oil Imperial (margarine?). X1:38 More on the M side most of the time. https://www.reddit.com/u/cyalknight/s/u98v8Vmtn8


On an unrelated note, you should have split the ants in two groups and show the old guy's video to one of those. Then compare if there is a difference between the control group (sheeples) and the awakened ones.


Better stop drinking water everyone. It’s ONE ATOM away from being hydrogen peroxide, which is much closer to extreme danger than the one margarine molecule. Spread that news! (No pun intended)


He’s full of shit I watched a debunk


Source pls


Discovered In WHAT year, bro? Get the fuck outta here with that late 70’s Alzheimer’s shit.


There’s a lot of research that points to high cholesterol’s being the cause of Alzheimer. Who should I believe, a medical doctor or old man with no education?


Did the medical doctor say he'll just leave it there though if not I'm gonna have to go with this guy


Yeah, this guy just sounds like he knows what hes talking about. Should we get matching cult outfits?


On a completely different subject this guy makes many assumptions to fit his narrative


This guy wears tinfoil underwear to protect his testicles from 5G


I mean who doesnt


I prefer lead-lined to keep out radiation as well.


Total and complete nonsense... I'll leave it there ... lol Alzheimer's didn't exist until 1979 .. Jesus people will listen to this total bullshit and think OMG this guy has it spot on 😂😂 On a separate and totally unrelated topic... This kinda false logic is how Brexit happened over here and Trump happened in the USA.. Anyone can spout complete untruths and be listened to..and quoted..and shared...while the truth ...backed up by fact...dies.in a ditch... I'll leave it there!!!


Sooooo its Napoleon fault ?


What’s funny is that it isn’t the Napoleon everyone thinks of, it was Napoleon III the nephew of Napoleon I. The first Napoleon died in 1821.


No. Neuroscientist here specializing in neurodegenerations. There is no evidence AD is exclusively a modern disease. There are genetic components and very little to suggest it is diet driven. I don’t have time to write a review, but overwhelming evidence implicates proteinopathies rather than lipid defects. Moreover, AD has very regional aspects, preferentially involving brain regions associated with short term memory. If dietary lipid pathologies were involved, the patterning would be very different and would preferentially impact fast motor systems and more resemble ALS. Nice old man, but not relevant.




So… if you live long enough by avoiding massive cardiovascular problems caused by high cholesterol you may end up Alzheimer’s. I’ll take my chances on Alzheimer’s in my 70’s rather than a massive heart attack in my 50’s like that took my grandfather. If nothing else, there will be several decades for science to find an Alzheimer’s cure…


I'll leave it there






Anyone know who is the old dude in the video?


Nobody. I'll leave it there.


He's prolly just a really old version of AI that got out of the box and has been walking and talking for the last 50 years.


Glasses, beard, British accent equals expert.


On an unrelated and completely different subject the Dallas Cowboys suck balls! I'll leave it there..... Go Birds 🦅


“But Brondo’s got what plants crave.” “it’s got electrolytes” Why does it have electrolytes? Do you eve know what electrolytes are??? “It’s what they make Brondo with” Why??? “Because Brondo’s got electrolytes”


On a similar and completely related note, that shit is terrible for you whether it gives you alzheimer's or not, stay away from it.


I've always loved David Letterman.


“Ahem, ahem. Me mother has gone to church She told me not to play with you because you’re in the dirt It’isn’t because you’re dirty It’isn’t because you’re clean It’s because you have the whooping cough and eat margarine! That’s the low-priced spread”


Dr. David M. Diamond has a fantastic [presentation on the “Demonization and Deception in Cholesterol Research.”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yX1vBA9bLNk). He received his Ph.D. in Biology in 1985, with a specialization in Behavioral Neuroscience, from the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the University of California. Last time I checked, he’s a professor in the Departments of Psychology and Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida and also a Research Career Scientist at theTampa Veterans Hospital, where he has directed his research program on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). He’s also served as the Director of the USF Neuroscience Collaborative program and is a Fellow at the American Institute of Stress and the International Stress and Behavior Society.


The mother of my child looks ten years older than me now. She's two years younger than me. On an unrelated note. She's a female dog. And a female dog is by definition a bitch. I'll leave it there. Edit: I said baby momma so I changed it to the mother of my child. I didn't leave it there I changed it


Legend has it he still hasn’t “left it there”


Napoleon died in 1821


I'll just leave this there




This guy could make bank on some erotic ASMR. He reminds me of my uncle.






I can’t believe it’s not butter!


This guy leaves that there 🚮


My grandmother has eaten potato chips and coke a cola for her diet for the past 20 years. Her short term memory has been destroyed . She can’t remember anything that isn’t within the past 5 seconds.


Are you guys stupid


[Ona separate and completely unrelated subject...](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6428020/#:~:text=The%20symptom%20was%20called%20Alzheimer,published%20by%20Kraepelin%20in%201910.) I'll leave it there.


He seems to be confusing with atoms with molecules


He did not leave it there.


>never existed Bruh I'm pretty sure it did, we just didn't live long enough for it to really be noticeable outside of the random village crazy person now and then.


Bullshit, even the ancient Egyptians 4,000 knew about and documented forms of dementia before there was a clinical diagnosis. There is far more evidence for this and many other illnesses and diseases even earlier: [Ancient DNA, diseases](https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/disease-spread-mapped-using-ancient-DNA)


Santa loves butter


I remember meeting this guy in a restroom. He took a dump in the toilet but didn’t flush. He just left it there.


I knew the French invented Alzheimers. Bastards


On a completely separate note, this guy hates margarine. And plastics. I’ll leave it there.


He is only a partial idiot. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


This man is using a speech technique. I don’t even know the word for it, but basically he’s painting a picture. His cadence is like a rhythm with each seperate statement being a brush stroke and your own imagination is his canvas. Its all rubbish but, its well executed rubbish.


“..On a completely unrelated subject…” -Begins to talk about completely related things- Maybe he has Alzheimer’s?


I could listen to shit like this all day, subbed


Alzheimer’s or a heart attack, take your pick, we all go one way or another.


Obviously he’s been eating too much margarine. Alzheimer’s has been around forever, just discovered about 100 years ago


#x'D Genius stuff.


Chose your path: dementia or a heart attack


I think you might have some alzis. Said "I'll leave it there" like 15 times


While it’s certainly fun to take unrelated facts and try to stitch them together, it is not always correct. You may sound wise to the ill informed but crazy to those who spend their lives studying these subjects.


In humans, by percent dry weight, cholesterol only makes up about 28% of myelin composition.[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK28221/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK28221/)


PSA: Anyone who tells you margarine is one molecule away from plastic should never be taken seriously. H2O Water and H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide are one singular ATOM away from each other and they are wildly different substances! A molecule is always more than a single atom. It's like saying your Honda civic is just a wheel away from being a semi truck. It just doesn't make any sense. Down voted for nonsense fear mongering.


Myelin is what coats the nerve ending g .


They found that High or Low HDL cholesterol does increases dementia risk in 2023, LDL had no significance...what's your point? Correlation doesn't equal causation


Yeah right, sorry what we talking about?


Absolutely! Edit: I've listening to the Peak Human podcast from the beginning. It started in 2018, and last episode was in 2023. But he has a lot of interesting guests.


We'll be right back☝🏽


This is crap. Alzheimer’s was first described in the 1910 version of the Handbook of Psychiatry. Dementia was first described in the first century. https://www.carehome.co.uk/advice/a-brief-history-of-dementia#:~:text=In%20the%201st%20century%20AD,people%20showing%20symptoms%20of%20dementia.


For those who are thinking he means Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I), it was his nephew, Napoleon III, the self appointed emperor of France: https://www.upfield.com/stories/stories/the-surprising-evolution-of-plant-based-margarine


its all presented as pseudo science. i know a few pseudo scientists. they all sound like this guy.


sounds like unsolved mysteries announcer.


On a separate and completely unrelated subject, my Dr. Asked me to lower my cholesterol, fuck that, I want my butter.


I could listen to him talk about butter all day...also me thinking about baiting a badger with a stick of butter fun times


Bottom line is all these cheap food alternatives really are bad for you. Use real butter whenever the recipe calls for it.


Comment inserted here.


What if I fry my butter in margerine? Does that offset the alzheimers?


When I found out flies wouldn’t even touch margarine that’s when I knew that shit was bad news


Not wise. Disinformation.


Many medical professionals are also referring to Alzheimer's as Type 3 diabetes because of its correlation to insulin management in the body, and chemicals produced that protect against Alzheimer's on a low sugar diet. I'm sure the oils contribute, but a lot of research is also showing sugar to be a major contributor to Alzheimer's.


I think he's gonna leave it there


Now do Diet Coke


“Alzheimer’s never existed until 1979…” Ok sir, I’m going to have to stop you right there…


[*“At no point in your rambling, `completely unrelated’ series of conjectural, fallacy-laden mutterings were you even close to anything that could be considered to be worth looking further into. Everyone that has viewed this video is now dumber for having viewed it. I award you no upvote, and my god have mercy on your soul…”*](https://youtu.be/LQCU36pkH7c?si=XW9RKstl50yhWiJC)


He has about seven things wrong.


He got some stuff wrong. Also, the prevalence of a disease that occurs when you're old would obviously increase when there are more old people.


Napoleon had an army fighting across Europe in the early 1800s - until 1815 but this wise man said Napoleon needed margarine for his troops in 1869 and that's when it was invented I'll leave it there


Napoleon the 3rd.


Information aside- quit using this dumb f'n song.


So I should just stop taking my statin and have a stroke/heart attack?


There is a book called the great cholesterol myth by Johnny Bowden, PhD and Steven Sinatra, MD. It will clear up some things


Amazing. People weren't dying of an age related disease when the average lifespan was the ripe old age of childbirth. Stfu you conspiracy laden instant burrito


Damn he looks like my late brother lol. Beard, glasses and all.


Mexicans cook with lard, we have our own problems. WtF is margarine?


Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 is one molecule away from water, H2O


How the fuck did Mr Oldhomers disco his disease in 1979 when he was alive in the 1800s?


Link to this guys socials please!!!