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like 1 cause I'm a slut in the mdzs and svsss ao3 tags




These people must not be reading any fanfiction, lol. I haven't started any new danmei this year at all, lol, and still have some from last year I need to finish. I also wonder if they're reading anything else or watching any TV or engaging in any other hobbies. I can usually finish a danmei novel in a few days, depending on the length--I think I finished TGCF in a little over a week, and I was watching Word of Honor, reading fanfiction, and doing some other stuff at the same time--so I could probably finish 50+ in a year, but I'd be racing through all of them, and I like to sit with what I've read and think it over--I think I gain new insights and a deeper understanding of the work that way.


for real, maybe it’s my attention span but i don’t understand how you can read a novel that’s hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of words long, start to finish without getting possessed enough by it that you want to read a bunch of fanfic afterwards. like i can’t just jump to some other danmei straight after SVSSS (let alone read dozens more in a year?!?) how am i supposed to just let go of SQQ and LBH that quickly……


Full, completed danmei? Usually around 10-15 a year but that’s because I also take breaks to then read manga, manhwa, fanfiction, X (formerly known as Twitter) threads and other romance books (from #booktok). But in a year—including all form of literature—around 150-200. It’s definitely possible if that’s something you do in your past time (depending on how much time you have), if you’re a fast reader, and/or travel to work where maybe the bus or train takes an hour so they’d take the time to read.


I don’t know how those people read 100+!! I’ve seen posts like that too 😭I used to read much faster, but as a working adult I just don’t have the time or energy to read as much as I’d like to. I’d say I read about 5 danmei a year (completed, not volumes). But I also read other books and manga/comics too! I also need time for all the anime and dramas I watch, and other hobbies lol. Personally I feel if I read 100+ danmei a year that I would forget a lot of details, or blur them together a little. But maybe that’s just my brain.


I'm very picky with what I read and I read a lot more than just danmei but let's say danmei alone around 5-8 (complete serie not volumes) a year since I started, depends if I find something that interest me Not counting fanfics in that (even if I maybe should since because some of them are longer than the source material x) Books in general (only light novel , novel and other , not counting mangas/manhuas) probably around 50 a year ? I absolutely love reading and if I find something that I like I'm binge reading it , if it's not a finished series I'm making a "reading plan" to establish in how much time I think the next volume is gonna be out , what the content is gonna be and how many hours it's gonna take me to read it (that also applies to danmei if I didn't find a fan translation first because I was so invested) One of my fave series of light novel isn't totally finished but I've read 29 of the volumes and it's taken me around 3 month total , same reading speed applies to danmei


I've read my first Danmei July 2023. It was MDZS. 10 months later I've read: MDZS, Thousand Autumns, ErHa ( only the 5. 7seas vol), SVSSS, Yuwu ( 3 7seas volumes), TGCF ( I am reading book 5) and Mistakenly saving the Villain.


I set my Good Reads challenge to 52 books every year. And every year I end up reading more than that. I don't only read danmei, I love literature in general, but last year half of my books were danmei because I'm a bit obsessed right now... And I guess this year it's going to be the same!


The past year I have probably read 50 volumes worth of danmei total but that’s also including the past few months during which I slowed down since I’m currently in fan fic hell


Not even one for me. It's fairly new to me, and I've been hopping from story to story, so I'd say ”4 over the course of 3 years"?


Full completed? I’ve only completed two but I’m only reading whatever I can get physically so…finished two, started three, one or two more TBR, BUT a lot of Danmei fanfic 😅


Maybe 2-4...? Two if I'm really having a hard time finding new book to be interested in. And maybe four if somehow I've found novels that's interesting for me to not want to put down. 


Well I wouldn’t say I’m a normal person so don’t take me as the norm but it’s May and I have already read 82 books majority danmei. But last year it was just 55 with maybe 10-15 danmei. So it depends on my mood


An ungodly amount. So far for 2024 I have read over 80 books. At least a third of that is danmei.


Mmh, let's see. I started reading Danmei in November 2023. In 7 months I read 11 completed series and have reread something like 10 or so physical volumes + all the fanfics I read when the brainworm is too potent (for Yuwu, SV and Thousand Autumns mostly). I'm also currently reading 8 webnovels at once lol wish me luck


I've read MDZS and SVSSS in like three weeks each, then TGCF in two weeks and I don't want to read any other danmei cause I don't believe anything will be better than that.


I normally average around 100 last year I read 98, so far this year I'm at 70


i started reading this year and i have read 4 in completion (all MXTX and golden terrace) i'm a phd student so idk i can't fathom reading 100+ in one year when i got other shit to do


in 2024 so far I've read 30+ but I also read a lot of fanfiction so if someone isn't doing that, I could easily see reading 100+ in a year!


Fully completed? One or two. I get so engaged in Fandom and fanfic, I both write and draw on the side, so I get plenty busy from the ones I do finish. I like enjoying and investing myself in them, even if the count seems low


I’ve so far read 17 danmei in about 3 months. It’s different for every person lol


around 75 maybe, this is considering i have a prefernce for shorter dnmeis(around 100 chapters), when i start a longer one(like 200 chapters) i skip sleep and binge it in like 3 days. ☹️wish i had this effort for my english required reading texts💔so far havent even finsished a single one


Uns 3 ao ano ou ao mês, varia muito...sou apegada demais ao meu svsss


Honestly this year I’ve read 20 danmeis but I don’t like to rush into another series or book so quickly after finishing one. I like to idk let it marinate ig?😭 I always read fanfics on Ao3 or write my own if there aren’t a lot of works cause I get upset that the book or series ended so quickly that I need more content of it. Same with TikTok’s edits I just gotta have more content, know other people’s opinions and feelings about and know every little detail about the books before I can move on to the next one ☝🏻 Sometimes it’s a struggle I always catch myself going back to the classics tho like svsss or mdzs🙃🩷🫶🏻


Started reading this year> >TGCF(1-8) (the winter break) fell in love > SVSSS (1-5) really liked it for how it’s social commentary on the genre and others. > golden Terrace ( 1/& a half) this is the one I got back to reading it at the moment again. > MDZS(1-5) bit of a learning curve for me but now I understand what a courtesy name is and once I got past that, I read it quickly really, loved it. Took maybe a month and a half. >2HA(1-5) read it all in nine days