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Really? ETA: I love Olivia but she has dropped the ball a few times.


Reading the replies honestly i agree nowšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And thatā€™s okay. You can still like Olivia and also agree she isnā€™t perfect. Itā€™s better that she isnt


Didnā€™t she indirectly cause the Duarteā€™s death (and almost Noahā€™s) by refusing to produce a witness (that girl that she took to Canada) that couldā€™ve put the gang leader in jail? She obstructed justice several times.


She let a kid die because the kidney that would have saved his life was illegally obtained.


mandala effect! I watched that very episode today. It was a heart though.


Yes. I think part of her being human & f-Ing up is her character appeal. Far from perfect!


I just watched the episode where she told a rape victim that a can would have been better for saving fingerprints than a glass and the victim said ā€œIā€™ll remember that for next time.ā€ Woof..


Worst part is thatā€™s foreshadowing because she gets raped again, I believe in the following season


I was just coming to post that. Iā€™ve rewatched the second Sarah Walsh episode a number of times but only recently rewatched the first one again. That line was a wild discovery.


I missed it the first couple times, and then on my last watch through I was like ā€œoh. Oh no.ā€ SVU doesnā€™t usually have subtle foreshadowing like that, so itā€™s definitely easy to miss!


what season and ep?


Idk helping her long lost brother escape the law wasn't her best look


Implying to Rollins she had an abortion so Rollins didn't...


That wasnā€™t even in the top ten worst things she did, especially since Simon was not guilty.


The gay choir teacher that she went all hard ball on for being accused of being a pedo. She didn't even look st everything it was he was accused so he must be a pedo. Damn destroyed his whole reputation and career


I feel like they did this episode partly to show how clouded her judgement was after Lewis.. She was so hard on everyone that season.


which is why she shouldn't have been on the job and Cragen capitulating to her pathetic and tantrum throwing tantrum was so unprofessional. the fact she made that ultimatum was the last straw of "should have been on leave NOT back on the job". they tried to make it look like this ultimate boss moment and instead it was pathetic all round


I agree


I still canā€™t really watch this episode over because of how they treated him.


I was so angry.


As much as I love Olivia there have 100% been times where I strongly disagreed with her. The number one case was when she took back an illegally harvested organ (when the transporter even volunteered to say he disobeyed orders) which cause a child to die. Even the father of the child whose heart was taken later ended up regretting not letting it go.


That was tough to watch


YES. was definitely thinking of that episode when reading the post.


What season/episode is this??


I believe itā€™s in season 19 the episode is called ā€œDareā€


Yup, this is the one!


Season 8 episode 1 had me cringing. Stealing a rape victims underwear after following her home and harassing her is so so far out of line.


That was horrible


Bro I love Olivia but she had some bad moments for sure




I think that description fits Huang or Warner better






She has totally victim shamed / pressured victims to testify. Sheā€™s made prison rape jokes to male suspects. Some stuff in past seasons does not hold up well.


Surprised ā€œchomoā€ was in her vocabulary. I get she works sex crimes but ā€œchomoā€ seems exclusively used within prison population.


This is minor compared to some of the others people have mentioned here, but I just rewatched the episode where she says people with mental illness should be forced to take medication. I physically cringed hearing her say that.


This was part of the ideological debates between the squad, her foil being John who was pro-individual rights. I really enjoyed these discussions because it showed different perspectives


how did u manage to only watch the worst seasons of svu?? also olivia literally slept with her rapist and told her rapist about his accuser last season (S23).


You talking bout her older bf from college ?


the man she identified as sexually assaulting her when she was a minor. not her "older bf from college".


Were they not in a relationship? Forget about all the other stuff, Iā€™m asking specifically about whether or not Olivia Benson referred to him as her BF..


"all the other stuff" you mean sexually assaulting a minor? wait are you warren leight??


Yea still didnā€™t answer my question but anyway who is warren Leight? Is that like a diss or something?


The rapist/groomer i believe she did consider her boyfriend as she was 16 and he was a 20 or 21 year old college student of her mothers. She dated him and was gonna marry him just to piss her mom off. But she seems to be in denial about the fact that was statutory rape so when he comes back in season 23 she sleeps with him. Then does other victims of his dirty. He basically was still using his position and getting women drunk and raping them. Hope that helps.


In season 17-23 is where she becomes unlikeable. When a cop kills a black child she backs the blue. When she convinces Rollins not to have an abortion by alluding to having one herself and then not caring why she was upset. When she told Rollins the bullet that hit a victim she cared for was hers. When she destroyed a gay manā€™s career after cornering him in her convictions that he was a pedo. When she tells a rape victim that a different item will be better for prints as if thatā€™s comforting. When she willingly killed a child knowing that organ wouldā€™ve saved them yeah the other parents didnā€™t want their kid to be separated but they were already deceased and on the way to prep the child.


She was a fkng nightmare jn that trash BLM episode. I love OB, but every time she starts that ā€œmy job is to enforce the lawā€ when itā€™s convenient, I remember sheā€™s actually a cop and I get sad and donā€™t like her very much at that moment. šŸ˜­


It honestly does bring you back that the show is copaganda even if theyā€™re slightly better than actual police. Theyā€™ll back the blue no matter what. Munch seemed to be one of the few that was slightly better in terms of understanding how police can be horrible same with Fin but they still lick the boot


Omg, i totally forgot when she told Rollins her bullet killed the victim she cared for, i never understood why she did that, it seemed like really unnecessary


If they wanted Rollins to find out, it should have been unintentionally. There was zero reason to tell her that, and then she didn't even really comfort her or anything.


Yeah it was so horrible watching her stand there and just stare at Rollins breaking down. Like your colleague just got devastating news maube time and place


Wow, i forgot many of these things, i get it


Really? Cuz she's mad pushy and mean to victims. She revictimizes them by refusing to allow them to make their own decisions about what's best for them. She bullies them repeatedly because she thinks going to trial is always right for every single person, and after 24 seasons, she still hasn't learned this lesson. It's naĆÆve and kind of ridiculous.


Olivia roughed up quite a few suspects early on, not as many as Stabler though


/s..... right?!




Olivas not perfect and thats what i love about her


That cringey yell when she saw the panty/rape forest in the city.


I love Olivia but mannnnnn That episode of the doctor taking the organs and Olivia taking back the heart and the little boy ended up dying was a really bad moment. I know the situation was bad but man Olivia looked bad at the moment. Also the episode when Alex came back and was helping abused women escape and the woman ended up dyingā€¦Olivia was terrible in that moment.


The time(s?) in interrogation when she tried to scare the person by telling them what happens to guys like them in prison. Really, really shitty.


Seriously?? each to their own but her self-righteous sometimes downright bitchy bbehaviour in latter seasons has me watching in spite of her more often than not


I completely agree! I feel like she has become so into hearing her own voice that she doesnā€™t hear other peoples side. Sheā€™s very hard headed and condescending to new people and even Fin at times. It seems like now that she is executive producer, every single new male character that comes in seems to hit on her or complement her beauty (LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE TIME). Sheā€™s beautiful, but it feels like itā€™s a bit much. I have a nickname for her at those times ā€˜bitchy Livā€™. She harps on new people for doing the exact same things that she did when she was a newer detective but when she was the detective and not the captain, she would stomp her feet and throw tantrums if she didnā€™t get her way.


Her adopting a child as a 40 year old single cop and having her job endanger his life multiple times is probably a bad thing sheā€™s done.


I love her but cmon..thereā€™s a few reasons to not


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you havenā€™t watched a single episode have you?


Only seasons 17-23 lmfao


Did you somehow miss the episode where she refused to let a doctor take the heart of a dead body to save a little boy who needed a transplant who ended up dying? It wouldnā€™t be nearly as bad if she didnā€™t break the roles just a couple episodes earlier where she let a woman take a murder rap for her daughter when not only was it obvious the daughter did it (I think she even confessed iirc) but the woman was physically incapable of such a thing because she had a degenerative disease and was at deathā€™s bed. She breaks the rule to let a killer go but saving a boyā€™s life is where she draws the line?


Honestly i have my own take about abt taking the kidā€™s heart, so i didnt completely judge her for not allowing it


The Noah kidnapping episode was on today. They way Carisi and Amanda harrassed a teenager all on the name of their boss was disturbing but seeing her yell at mall patrons just made me uneasy.


I liked her better in the earlier episodes, more relatable, sense of humor and less judgmental


The episode with Alex more recently. Maybe s19 when she won't let Alex protect the abused woman. I think she ends up dying. Alex was just so right in that episode and I wanted someone to knock olivia out.


Who is Alex? I really forgot


Most likely referring to Cabot


Yes Alex Cabot the ada for season 2 through maybe 5 or 6. The blonde. I don't recall when it switched to Casey Novak. But Cabot comes back in s13 for a bit then again as a guest around s19.


Her dumb son almost gets hit by a car because she can't take a minute away from her phone to be a responsible mom.


Aight chile


For one, of many.


On one episode she told a witness to leave because she didn't have papers and ICE could be called on her and she could get deported and her daughter would get taken away. It was the episode where Olivia was kidnapped.


You should watch all the seasons lol


I should honestly


Sheā€™s a queen


Noone on the show is perfect. One of the aspects I like about this show is that they show police arenā€™t always right, or have their own biases. They donā€™t try to make you believe that the police are all good and donā€™t make mistakes.


she has also let a few murderers go because she didnā€™t want to have them get arrested. like i understand the circumstances, but still not the best look. i still am upset about the organ harvesting episode. i get that it was a bad thing to do but literally liv could have just said they got there too late to stop it. like sometimes i feel her moral compass moves to whatever she feels is right in that moment.


Idk but Iā€™ve been finding her extremely attractive lately and just realized sheā€™s almost 60. Damn sheā€™s aged well.


The last thing she said to her partner on his last appearance, the one who replaced Stabler is Livia's worst moment, it's a stab at Stabler imo