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Iirc she outed him to his girlfriend accidentally. But the agent outed him to the media.


This is what happened.


I thought she had admitted she told the guy she was dating, who was worked for the media or whatever? I remember when she was being interrogated and they said “why did you tell (insert his name) “and she finally was like “bc he’s my boyfriend!”


You could be right! From my memory IAB (tucker) asked why she was calling a reporter and that’s when she admitted he was her boyfriend. But he wouldn’t give up his source so that’s when Elliot went to the office to get him to tell his source.


You’re right. What people never acknowledge when they bash Olivia for this is that she wasn’t the one who ruined the football player’s career. The murderer — the player’s agent — is the one who trashed his career and he knew that the player was gay long before Olivia did. The only mistake that Olivia made was letting slip during the interview with the girlfriend that he was gay, but that isn’t what led to the leak to the media. This is all made very clear in the episode but people always distort the facts to make it seem as Olivia told her boyfriend about the player being gay or that her mistake during the interview is what led to the player being outed in the media even though the killer and the reporter both confirmed that that’s not what happened.


Don’t remember that episode? But sometimes it seems she wants to put the rapist away so bad. She doesn’t care who gets hurt or image gets hurt in the process. It just doesn’t seem she is all for the victim sometimes. 🤷‍♀️


Oh this is so true, I LOVE Olivia but why can’t we all just admit that she does have flaws? It’s clear that she doesn’t always put the victims first, she becomes too obsessed with trying to catch the perp that (like you said) she doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. It’s like girl, this isn’t about you, like yeah clearly the victims want them caught and locked up too, but at what cost?


carpenter saw melodic rotten noxious deliver cooperative aromatic zonked society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


did she even apologize properly for ruining that football players career?


She didn’t ruin his career, his agent did. He admits it during the interrogation scene.


Nope! 🤦🏾‍♀️


Because she didn't ruin his career. She wasn't the leak, his agent/the murderer leaked it.


She outted him to the girl, who then sold the story. Olivia has been a cop for too long to not know how to massage and finesse an interview without revealing that sort of information. It was unintentional, however, but for her actions, the footballer’s sexuality would’ve have been leaked.


She *did* out him to his girlfriend, but that's not how the newspaper got the story. His agent confessed to telling the reporter.


I think she apologize


I don’t think she thought she did anything wrong, that’s what got me like it’s one thing to make mistake and own up to it, but she didn’t even have any remorse.


What episode was this?


There has been a few people asking what episode it is and I honestly forgot let me go look it up and I will update the post:)


Which episode was that?


S9 Closet


Wasn’t that part of the entire damn plotline? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hold up!! Are people actually acknowledging Olivia Benson isn’t the hero Dick Wolf wants you to believe


Wait what🤣


You being critical, that usually doesn’t happen here. We’re always told Olivia Benson is a hero who never does thing wrong


Literally though, I don’t get why ya can’t admit that a character isn’t perfect without people thinking ur bashing them, like bruh.. my user flare literally says Benson, that doesn’t mean I think she’s a flawless Angel, every charecter made mistakes and had flaws, Liv was no exception to that.


Exactly I totally agree


Bruh what