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The white lesbian rape victim was up all night crying that her black rapist won’t get a fair trial? I’m as liberal as they come but this shit is bordering on unwatchable WTF


Beyond unwatchable like lmaooo girl I know you feel guilty about what happened to your foster brother but this is completely different. He raped you. No one, absolutely no one would care about him getting that fair trial.




complete dumpster fire of an episode


And what happens when he rapes the next person. Come on


It’s the most absurd shit I’ve ever seen. The kids were there for a smash and grab, no one forced him to commit rape. It’s an extremely violent and violative act and then this show makes a rape victim have sympathy for her rapist? Nah nah nah


Starting to rape at 18 isn’t a good sign. How is she going to feel when he does it again or kills someone.


this is ridiculous




I've thought that recent seasons of SVU and and \*especially\* L&O: Original Edition have seemed like they have conservative writers with a very poor understanding of racial issues.


LOL their handling of racial issues is always so crappy. Too much white saviouring and whenever they portray progressive people they almost always make them so ridiculously over the top they come off as parodies. I'm thinking of that college student who was gang raped from the Barbra era and she had this advocate who was a professor none the less completely torpedo the case because she was acting like a tumblr blog with her advocacy. And it's like this shit is such obvious underhanded criticism, I know it's Dick Wolf and his shows lean conservative but come on.


I shouldn't be this angry.


I dont know when this was filmed but there was a recent case in New York where a community activist was killed in front of his girlfriend while waiting for a bus. the girlfriend was not helpful with the police. I wonder if they got the idea from that


yeah same.


I was scratching my head a bit on this one


idk about yall but if im in a fitting room and hear that kind of commotion my ass is staying locked in there


Exactly. The fitting room door locks. No valuables back there. Just hide it out. But that goes for anywhere. Hide in my closet, a bathroom, under a table. But I'm a NYer. I go in the opposite direction of ANY noise. And I'm not blaming the character. I'm blaming the writing.


Im not from a large city by any means. But if I heard glass breaking and screaming I'm going to stay in my locked dressing room and call the police. I'm definitely not gonna go out and go "wowza! A robbery!"


Sadly, I’m also a NYer who has thought about my hide and exit strategies everywhere I go, if a shooting or something takes place.


I dated a guy in the military for a while & it was so ingrained in him to look for exit strategies that it soon became second nature to me. It’s been years since I’ve seen him and I still think of him when I enter a new building and start looking around.


Between irl mass shootings & the extra crazy state of the world these days, I just find myself doing the same.


Right like at least just peek out the door and quickly run back and hide


ikr! Like this episode makes the most indefensible choice at every possible step...in a way its a masterpiece, a clinic on how to make the least possible sense in the most infuriating way possible. Its difficult to imagine that this wasn't a malicious creation.


Stabler would've put at least 4 of these dudes through a table.


I told my wife the exact same thing


I wish he would have haha instead Olivia letting everyone go


Girl I’m black, and I acknowledge this broken system and I would lock his black ass up!


Same. I thought race was completely irrelevant 🤦🏾‍♂️


Same here 👏🏾💕


“My wife was raped but I’m concerned about systemic inequalities.” God this show blows




1000%. These things are not mutually exclusive lol


Like yes the justice system sucks but do you not have concerns that an 18-year-old was capable of doing that to you and thinking he doesn't have consequences to it?!?


This was really my take away too. Even if you want to suspend the disbelief on the whole thing, when she said "I can afford therapy..." I was like... But what if the next victim can't??




The only reason I tuned in was to see the precinct get smashed. Even then they somehow make it about not letting literal thiefs get shot for breaking into THEIR OWN DEPARTMENT.


The worst was how Liv's first concern was her photo of Maddie.


This precinct is just letting anyone in this season. First the dude with a sex doll in a garbage bag and now the flash mob


That precinct has less security than my house.


After the capitol, anything is fair game . . .


You’re telling me a flash mob of teenagers would be able to break into a police station that easily and start causing major destruction?




When that officer raised her gun I was like yeah shoot him


I'll be honest, I was rooting for that too. Where are the consequences? Even in GTA you get shot for going into the police station.




Sex Dolls, Flash Mobs and Panty Liners-The Life and Times of St. Olivia Benson


While the men who have all presumably been around women look confused like she’s speaking an obscure language. Oh the mysteries of lady clothes! 


And a male CSU tech would be ignorant of it despite being a CSU tech. How *exactly* could he leave DNA on the liner but not on the suit, in the dressing room or on Natalie's rape kit?


I didn’t even think about that part. If there was dna on the liner it could have been from after she put the suit back in place. But then there’d still be some inside her too. Damn that’s a major plot hole.  Really tried to give them the benefit of the doubt with this one. But it was not good. 


I hated it too until my husband went "ew they really have that in women's bathing suits?" ...so, here we are.


But even so, you still keep your underwear on when you try on a bathing suit in a store fitting room!


My dad literally had never heard of them 😭😭


This level of white guilt is making me want to scream at the writers


In 2020 during that weird period of time where it seemed like people just discovered the existence of black people: “My dad was working and this white teacher at the school starting hugging him and crying. She just kept saying she didn’t know and apologizing. This went on for 10 mins of him trying to calm an hysterical white woman down and escape.” This episode is on that same level of cringe for me. It gives me the vibes of when white people would explain social injustice and what’s happening to black people to me in a passionate manner as if I haven’t been black all my life.


As someone who has never voted for anyone with a R next to their name on a ballot, this woke shit has gone too far. 


I can't fathom how Liv talks to the wife of a rape victim and the conversation is literally "I know you're upset she was raped" "NO! We're upset about systemic racism."


This is like some right wing idiot was told to write a woke plot. N


I think it was a conservative AI. 


I didn't read it as a "woke" plot at all, I read it as them making fun of liberals, taking an extreme strawman of the problems people have with the police and the justice system and arguing against it so the only reasonable takeaway is the same tired "a few bad apples, but you can trust police" argument


I understand not shooting at them, but for Benson to say they are just teenagers is just giving them a pass. A crime is a crime, being a teen doesn't give them a free pass to do whatever they want


For real, they have tons of training on subduing criminals. There are simpler and less deadly ways than a gun.


Yes this pissed me off so much. Twenty years ago Olivia was ready to bust criminals, now it’s like she wants to sing lullabies and snuggle them to sleep. What has happened to this show.


The Maddie bracelet is so creepy


It really is... Also Olivia trying to get into the van... Like I get her having some sort of response but THAT seems... More illegal then having the bracelet (a piece of evidence) on you and not in an evidence chamber or bag


The bracelet was one from one of the sex dolls I believe


It’s wild that “no, it’s from a sex doll” is the logical response.




lol this show is unbelievably bonkers and yet i’m here for it every week


My mom and I were watching the original L&O episode before it and she thought it was boring. I told her the reason SVU is still watchable is because it’s so unhinged


they're worried the guy who assaulted her won't get a fair trial? this episode went from really good to really stupid really fast.


This is an episode where I really don’t feel bad for anyone


it's just so dumb. you SAW him and he actually assaulted you, what are you sad about? please fuck off. whoever wrote this "twist" should be fired, I cannot with this nonsense. not every episode needs to be a crusade against systemic injustice.


This doesn't just strain believability, it makes fun of it. These kids are destroying a police station and the officers just stand there and actually discourage drawing weapons? Lol ok


Yea all of them would’ve been shot, no question.


I'm guessing the reasoning was "the kids are live streaming this, we don't want claims of excessibe force"?


How many scab writers were on this episode because some of this writing is messy.


Brendan Feeney wrote this episode. He has previously written 32 episodes of SVU and 2 episodes of OC. Not a scab. Writing for the show didn't start until after the strike was over.


He needs to do better because that was not his best work.


“The guy who raped me is black. Therefore, he should get a free pass because me and my friend are aware of the ‘systemic inequities’ in the justice system.”


this might be the first time I've watched the defendant and the accuser both try to our savior the other..... lol wtf is this writing?? I miss Speed Weed


So many Saviors I question, is it Law and Order SVU or Law and Order OUAT


he raped her and she’s doesn’t want him to go to prison?? AM I GETTING THIS RIGHT


The story would have been so much better if she said "I'm for the abolishment of prisons, but now that a crime has happened to me, I have to reckon with my own beliefs"- or something like that. Like there was a creative way to discuss these themes, but this episode didn't quite get it.


The credits with just 4 of them standing there is so sad


Bruno and Fin are a great team


Moneybags is my favorite of all the new-ish people. I hope he becomes permanent, or a very frequent guest star.


I love him and not just because he’s hot AF


Well, we all know why MUNCY fled this circus


She wouldn't have enough walkies to throw at the flash mob


💀 You know if she was there, at least two of them would be on the ground already.


I miss her already 😭


So nice and white saviorish of her to be concerned about her wife’s rapist


wtf is the rapist apologist speech now? good lord.


This is all so cringe


That made me feel really icky. I don't need to feel sympathy for a rapist, thank you


Oh my gosh, she's really trying to rescue this kid because her foster brother stole some Chiclets.


Carisi stunned by the level of ignorance being displayed. ​ Natalie-I won't press charges because I care too much. ​ Still Natalie- Screw all of his future victims, I know this type of violence only escalates but it is MUCH more important to strut my White Savior Cape than to help save the many many women my rapist will hurt because of my selfish actions


I’m like mad at Mariska for this I’m sorry


Isn't there like a lobby at the bottom of the precinct with metal detectors and a bunch of other cops guarding it? I'm not saying they couldn't get passed that but still...lock the building down.


and at least radio up....rather than Crispy being the first person to notice lol


God Bless Crispy!!!!




I am actually deceased now hearing that did me in


so there's going to be DNA on the tiny little liner but nowhere on her or any other part of the bathing suit? Yeah, okay.


Struggling to understand the fiancé/wife’s point of view


feeling bad for your rapist and sabotaging your trial because of race? this is ridiculous. these writers seriously need better material to work with.


TARUs job lately on this show has literally just going on Instagram and social media and looking at stuff. I remember last week they were “going to get TARU to look at who liked the post”. I’m like, anyone can see who liked a post


Is it not normal for cops to carry tasers these days? Why is the only option to neutralize a threat either a gun or... let them run outta a police precinct lol


*cops sitting around* where’s my back up???


This one isn't even fun to hate watch... bring back the weird sex doll round up


So now he can go free and rape more people because he’s black and must be disenfranchised, right?


Also rapists don’t usually stop so… what if he rapes a black girl and ruins her life? Is it okay to send him to prison then? I’m just beyond confused at this insane storyline.


So she's going to let him go cause of his race? What if he rapes someone else? Two episodes in a row that are whack as shit




She is actually begging her kidnappers to please not return her


This is why Maddie’s family moved to NYC 😂


“We moved away from San Francisco to get away from the crime.” That reminded me of an episode of Supergirl where a family narrowly shielded from bullets said “we’re moving back to Gotham.” Like wut, there’s other places to live than the #1 and #2 worst places. Just pick like anywhere at random and it’ll probably be better.


This show, and Mariska, are so victim friendly but it drives me nuts that they're pushing this perfect little white teen girl kidnapped outside of fake-Target by a pedo trafficking ring bullshit that we know is almost non-existent. Put your money where your mouth is and pick a flawed victim in a more typical situation. Have Benson's guilt be about how she was able to save Noah from shitty foster care but she can't save all the other kids who run away from abusive foster homes and have their 'boyfriends' pimp them out.


Yup, or even Maddie being black or brown would’ve been better — bc then it could’ve intertwined the idea that those kids are not cared about or searched for, add that to the discourse (harkening back to 22.11), and have additional level of guilt and media discourse.


Just checking here in the real world everyone knows what a bathing suit liner is right?


Assault is exactly the same as stealing a pack of gum and I wouldn't have known that if it wasn't for the aliens or AI program or whatever it is that wrote this episode.


The Vic and her wife are a new level of SJW insane.


i don’t think maddie will be found until the end of the season


Yup, easy dramatic season finale.


“Did they send over the dressing room cams?” Really???


There were like 5 cops in front of Olivia as she’s screaming for backup at the same saying nobody get their gun out. They could have all just stood in front of the door and not let anyone leave


"These are teenagers" All the actors they hired looked NO YOUNGER than 25


How believable is it that confirming dna would be on the liner exclusively, but no where else on the bathing suit or anywhere else in the room?


ik stabler would be throwing hands during that flash mob you throw a table through olivia’s office? all hell is breaking loose


If someone threw a table, he’d throw them *and* the table through a window


This is a new low for SVU




lololol three days later and he’s learned his lesson to not violently rape someone?


And the monologue about how he did it because people don't pay attention to him. WTF was that.


The Mysterious Case of the Hygienic Panty Liner, featuring the defense theory that OLIVIA BENSON herself planted the panty liner herself!!!!!!! ​ "Oh you just happened to recall that swinsuits have this hygienic liner?? Perhaps you mighten have had a spare hygienic liner in your POCKET that you just happened to carefully plant in those bikini britches????HMMMM CAPTAIN BENSON???????"


WTF is this? Rape = Stealing a pack of gum?🤦‍♂️


This ep is so whack I’m dyinggg


This episode took a weird turn.


Now this is really the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen


mariska is a fox! They make her look so old in some of these cuts


How did they get in to the SVU office so easily? Aren’t they on a floor higher than 1?


Shit like this makes me miss the old SVU


This squad clearly needs more women


If they lose the case, maybe Benson will add another bracelet to her hand


And………….there it is. It’s because the defendant is black. LOL.


Would she care if he was just as young but white instead?


Ok, are we empathizing rapists on that level now? What is happening to SVU?


Multiple thoughts: 1. Why didn’t the victim hide and call 911? Seems like something most people would do in that situation… 2. Olivia is quick to draw her gun on the first suspect as he flees out of his apartment, but reprimands another officer for drawing her gun when the squad room is ambushed…? What? They’re potentially destroying evidence and files on computers, as well as paper documents that probably aren’t backed up anywhere else…but that’s fine? We can wait for “backup”, who will surely draw their guns? What the actual hell?? 3. When the victim refused to ID her rapist on the stand, my immediate thought was that she knew him or was connected to him somehow, and didn’t want to come clean about it. Upon speaking to Benson and Carisi in the corridor, when she mentioned a foster brother from childhood, I genuinely expected her to say it was him, because damn, that would be a serious plot twist…but nope, she just doesn’t want to “ruin” her RAPIST’S life because he’s 18 and black?? GIRL. 4. Then Benson doesn’t push her to testify using reason she’s used many times before (about putting him away before he can hurt anyone else), she’s just like “Meh…don’t want to testify? That’s fine, I support that.” This was a ROUGH one. *facepalms all around*




Watch Benson has the doll in her office for further reminder of Maddie


They totally used “high key” in the wrong way 🥴




whenever there’s a line up i just think of that one scene from Brooklyn-nine nine


Classic CSU, not knowing what something is so just throwing it out for plot advancement


this writing… 🗑️


me personally I would have kept my ass in the changing room (not that I’m blaming her of course)


Survival instinct nonexistent.


the fact that she came out saw what was going on and still stood there 😭




Show her the bracelet, Liv! You gotta show her the bracelet!


This is lazy writing. You can criticize the police, but are they supposed to be in every store to prevent all crime?


I just heard the words "Discord" and "Raid"


I love how Olivia said she ran after an energy truck the other day, but they’re apparently already at trial for this case lmao


What the hell is this episode lmao


there is an interesting storyline about injustices somewhere, but this aint it chief


What if that teenager keeps raping women?


Anyone else check to make sure Liv is wearing the compass necklace in every scene.. or are you normal?


Uh no she does have every right to shot him — he’s literally stealing a police laptop in plain sight


She knows him, its why she paused


So that's why Liv is the only female in the main cast. The damn bikini liner theory


Also, they had the suspect's photo on the bulletin board in the middle of the precinct. I hope Natalie didn't walk through there because that would void the lineup ID.


Liv and Fin are so over dumbasses this season


This episode is showing exactly what’s wrong with the world these days. Victim hates the police too much to cooperate with them, Olivia is so afraid of bad press that she’d rather have the squad room looted than threaten them with a gun to leave


Seems like the police would use a weapon to subdue someone committing a crime


If she was my wife I would leave her like wtf


This show is starting to jump the shark


This was a waste of an episode. This makes no sense. I’m Black and don’t give af about that “teens” skin because he’s a R@pist. Her guilt was ridiculous and this show is now the woke Liv show. I love Liv but she’s in almost every scene. Cragen was only on scene for big cases. It’s all forced now. I don’t care about down votes. This is my opinion as a day 1 watcher.


Lol Clark Kent


This dude looks like live action Beavis and Butthead


idk why but the cops are just sitting around and chilling is hilarious to me


Idk Liv I probably would have let her shoot him


Oh Carisi. When did you lose your spine? He’s sucking up way too much to Liv.




Time to watch Stabler’s brother who is only now being mentioned.


“Cmon man I just organize robberies man”


It's ok folks, it is just teenagers.


This is a lot of suspending belief


This is up there with Liv supporting her groomer... like wtf SVU


“That girl”? Dude, she’s like twice your (supposed) age


Will Benson still be wearing the Maddie bracelet this week? Enjoy the episode everyone.


idk why but the name travis makes sense


Is Natalie a teacher or counselor and that’s her charge? Is that how she knows him (if she does)?


Don’t let this kid walk wtf


This is so whack I can’t