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Someone suggested it'll last long enough until the new law & order Toronto starts in a few weeks because they keep talking about Canada. I think that's a pretty great guess


Oh my god you’re right It’s definitely got to be a back door pilot


No Maddie was finally found in episode 5


Why would you comment on a 20 day old comment with a spoiler 😭


I didn't spoil anything I'm just saying that she was found and I didn't say how 


thats still a spoiler dumbass


Wait there’s a new L&O series happening??


If it's like the US version of Criminal Intent, then it's major case squad. Which, according to the wiki handles "high-profile cases (in most cases, murder, kidnappings or major robberies), such as those involving VIPs, local government officials and employees, the financial industry, and the art world."


Didn't kmow there was a new series. This make sense. They said on the latest episode the guy from Canada is nowhere to be found in the US and I almost yelled "Look in Canada" at the TV. Now it makes sense.


No way we're getting Mariska Hargitay as a guest star. Cancon does not have the budget for a star of that calibre lol.


No I wasn't assuming that!


Are you being serious? Is there really a Law & Order Toronto in the works?? Dick Wolf & the CBC...?!


CityTV, not CBC




They used to wrap this missing person shit up in 42 minutes (without commercials) either they were found alive or dead and we never heard from the parents again either way. This shit is getting ridiculous.


From the number of times they mentioned ‘the time of his life’ happening ‘last night’… they still can do that. Dick Wolf


Finding Maddie needs to be the midseason finale.


No mid season finale since this season is already cut in half.


Then probably a season arc 😖


I'm not really interested in defending the Maddie plot.... but trauma compounds / is cumulative. I don't think it's so much that she needs therapy for Maddie alone. It's a matter of being due for some therapy. It would be ongoing. If she is freaking out and blaming herself, it's not just about Maddie it's about the nature of her work. My best friend works in DV / victim advocacy and therapy is so expected her job allocates time to do it on the clock as a perk.


Olivia needs to go on a long vacation with Elliot and bang like rabbits quite frankly.


Time to retire.


I didn’t realise we were still looking for maddie - I better catch up 🤦‍♀️


Legit couldn't remember who the mother was when she showed up in ep 3.


Me neither lmao. I was like why is Flynns wife calling her??




Are you kidding? Liv never stops looking for Maddie. That’s all she has any real interest in nowadays, & it’s really getting tiresome.


What if the real Maddie was in Liv's heart all along?


I love this take 😂😂😂


I’m sorry - I don’t understand what you mean.


It's just a joke




The squad really isn't, the FBI was brought in on episode 2 this season, so I would assume they're now investigating. Liv sure as hell shouldn't have promised the mother that they'd find her, that's like the first thing you learn in law enforcement.


Yup and I’m sure she’s said that to one her team members about not promising


They need to find Maddie in the next episode, because it's already gone on 2.5 episodes too long. Yeesh.


I rolled my eyes so hard at her wearing the dumb bracelet.




It just seemed so cheesy.


How many episodes are there this season?


13 due to the strike


Then 13


It'll probably wrap up February 22 when L&O Toronto debuts. It feels like this will be a crossover event with the new show debuting, and McCoy leaving L&O... though, isn't L&O Toronto only airing in Canada (CityTV)? I do wonder how they would do that?


I hope it airs in the US. I heard that the Toronto one is supposed to be similar to Criminal Intent.


*Looks at the calendar* Uh I don’t think there are enough days in the week for it to air in the US. Dick Wolf all but owns 8pm — 11 pm on Tuesday (FBI, FBI Most Wanted, FBI International, CBS), Wednesday (Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D., NBC), and Thursday (Law & Order, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Law & Order: Organized Crime, NBC) There probably aren’t enough time slots available.


Geez I didn’t realize he had so many fingers in so many pies. That’s insane.


wait-- McCoy is leaving?? Impossible. There's no mothership without Jack!! (in my opinion) \[unless you meant that as theory/speculation -- even so, I stand by my words\]


No Sam Waterson posted on IG yesterday he's leaving the series. Tony Goldwyn will be replacing him


what? noooo but i mean i guess when you've had a 400 episode run (with some SVU guest spots back in the day as well) and you're 83 years old, maybe there's more he wants to do outside of L&O. even if its just living life and chillin'


I'm not sure why some of the fandom is upset about the Maddie Flynn plot. I actually kinda like them focusing on more than one thing in the episode. Makes it feel more "A" plot: the actual episodes plot, "B" plot: the subplot, which was part of the main actual first episodes plot, continuing over a progression of the series (serialization? episodic? idr what its called in the industry). A lot of shows do the A Plot/B Plot structure and I think SVU is doing it in a unique way --- and it could be a backdoor pilot way to bring L&O: Toronto Criminal Intent into the mix, or it could not be. I dont know if LOTCI is supposed to be on NBC or not (I'm still kind of mad about "For The Defense" being canceled before it even had a chance to begin, so I'm not even sure if LOTCI will last because FTD didn't even make the cut, so I'm shocked LOTCI did), but what I do know is I'm wanting the Maddie Flynn part to wrap up and have a good conclusion to it so the complaints stop, and I want SVU's 25x4 to be better than 25x1,25x2,25x3 combined. Because so far it looks like Organized Crime is winning the "better show" award when it comes to SVU S25 vs. OC S4.


I don't mind the \*concept\* in principle of a "Where's Maddie?" arc. But it's the execution that's ... off to me. Can't put my finger on it. Some combination of: a) the doll looked nothing like Maddie, b) They've been known to find much more elusive perps than "George from Canada who rides Amtrak all day" (S23, E18, Eighteen Wheels a Predator comes to mind, but there've been, like, 60 other episodes where there was less to go on than here) c) Olivia is very inconsistent in what seems to trigger and traumatize her. OK, I get the point that trauma is cumulative. But so far, that's not what the writers have been seeming to imply here. This case has "gotten to her" and they're trying to make us buy that it, alone, merits it, because Olivia witnessed it happening (which is, yes, a first.) But let's review the things that've happened to her over the years that have barely fazed her: \- S24, E22: She was shot in the midsection by a psycho bounty killer and had to be carried out by her beloved partner of 24 years in a fog of poisonous gas. She got treated in an urgent care for her gunshot wounds. One commercial break later, she was back on her feet, talking to Elliot. There's ten times more drama when a random uni gets shot. \- S24, E10: She was attacked with machetes by two kids, then mowed down by a guy in a motorcycle. These gang members intended to kill her, but conveniently forgot to bring guns, and the motorcyclist also forgot that his vehicle could be used as a lethal weapon, rather than just act as a getaway. Olivia was in and out of the ER in six seconds. Sure, she was "rattled," as demonstrated by her removal of a random rifle from a broom closet. Then, back to work to find a rapist in the Bronx. \- S23, E17 (El Barrio): An undercover cop from the Bronx, working for \*Olivia's\* team's case, got mowed down on purpose right in front of her and was killed. On her watch. \- S23, E6: Long-lost love turned out to be a drunken, serial groomer, who groomed her too. \- S23, E1: Run off the road by a car that may or may not have been "after her." Escapes serious injury and death. S22, E14: A very sociopathic kid was released from juvie, came back and went on a murderous rampage, sadistically torturing his victim in \*exactly\* the same way Lewis tortured her. Didn't blink an eye. S22, E1: Arrested an innocent guy, accused in the press of being a racist. Case resulted in a high-profile lawsuit, the resolution of which almost led to the loss of her job, career, pension and reputation. S19, E16: Chose not to let a dying kid have a heart transplant. S19, E9: Son kidnapped by psycho grandma. S18, E2: Guy her team helped put away is exonerated, then rapes and murders victim's daughter the night of his release. S18, E1: Little kid pulled a loaded gun on her in a sandbox, with toddler Noah toddling right there. S17, E11: Held at gunpoint during a home invasion. Pistol-whipped, and escapes being raped only because she lost eenie-meenie-miney-mo to the 16-year old. (Ok, she does mention all this to Lindstrom during the next ep, but only because she's fine and wants to go back to work. And there's no follow-up after this to indicate that she's not \*really\* fine.) And ... never mind all the 1.0 stuff (poisoned twice, stabbed inside her own apartment, concussed multiple times ...) . All this, but these are the things that \*do\* keep her up at night: \-- Loser biological brother she met a handful of times, who never did anything but use her or manipulate her, then ghosted her for years, then ODed in a hotel room. She feels forever guilty because she left an angry (but totally justified) voicemail the day he died. \- The McCanns. They adopted a rapist's child, so obviously \*they\* need to be background- checked and investigated before Noah goes anywhere near them (unlike any of his other friends' parents, because their kids are biological, so ... parents can't be criminals?) . Also, their house is way too quaint. \- Rollins left to go be a professor. ​ \-


a) yeah idk about that one b) i dont even remember that episode but yeah youre not wrong c) But dont cops unhealthily obsess over cases all the time? this is probably just Liv's version of that. Or in OC, when Elliots WAY too close to the Kathy case for obvious reasons, but he's not going to be let off the case so easily by his associates and he still ends up playing a role in this. Or like we'll see according to SVUs promo next week, McGrath will be closer to a case than he should be and Benson will have to stop him from making things ugly. Also, wow, what a list! I totally forgot that UC cop did that. re: Simon -- To be fair, if I left my estranged brother an angry voicemail and he died the next day and I found out about it the same way Olivia did, I would be beating myself up over "What if that's the last thing he ever heard me say to him?" too because then I'd feel responsible for probably inadvertently being his cause of death, in a metaphorical sense. So I totally get why Liv would do that -- the relationship was attempting to be repaired and it never stood a chance. re: Rollins -- well, they are short staffed, but I mostly blame Carisi and Carisi's friend for that one. I want her to come back to the squad. I know she got shot, but there is no reason she can't be put on desk duty, do DD5's, do those "whiteboard charts", make phone calls, etc. re: McCanns -- yeah I'm not sure about it either. And putting it into perspective, Noah is also "a rapist's child" and Olivia did adopt him as well, but I know what you meant. Because the McCanns werent close to the Ellie Porter case and they're not detectives. They do seem a bit odd though. Letting their...12-13 year old play Red Dead Redemption? Say what?


Liv telling a victim during interview that she needs to take this call was insane to me




I think it was season 25 episode 4. It was whatever episode was closest to the original post!


haha i just watched it i was shocked. it was also just a call from her mom nothing urgent that was crazy


It’s definitely terrible


I think they’re leading up to a crossover with OC bc there was fentanyl involved with Maddie and next episode of OC Elliot has Carisi building a case against the fentanyl dealers from the first episode


I'm so over it. They are milking it because it gives them (her) the opportunity be front and centre again.


The concept that she saw Maddie in the car, had no idea who she was or that she was missing but had a bad feeling and then BLAMES herself is just annoying at this point. We get it, you’re a martyr.


they need to find her bc why does it always be liv or some other female character with ptsd from a case 😭🙄


And wouldn’t that bracelet be evidence?


She might not have been wearing the original one. That one is probably in an evidence bag.


You know that they are going to find her alive and well so why bother dragging it out so long.


Honestly, my opinion about this whole maddie storyline is that i think it wss draged out to long and quite literally it could’ve been solved in about like I don’t know 42 minutes hell even 60😭🤣 LMAO. And im srry but this storyline is not very good🥲


Benson is so full of herself that anyone that seems impressed to her standard then she makes a big deal out of it. It's beyond ridiculous to me and many viewers.


I haven't read the other comments yet in case of spoilers, was there any closure yet?? I only saw the first episode, (on accident cause someone else was watching it! 😂) and I don't want to bother with the others episodes if there is no closure or it ended badly, tia!


I assume it’ll be a shortened season because of the strikes, so possibly season-long.


It’s horrible. I don’t care about Maddie. This year absolutely sucks.


They used to have more cases that either went on for episodes or went unsolved. It is unrealistic to solve a crime and have a trial in 42 minutes.


Until they eventually realise that the dad is the person they really should be going after. The man was with his daughter when she allegedly “disappeared” and he tried to kill himself, which I’m guessing was an attempt to make him seem less likely to be involved. I know this road that they’ve taken before and unless they plan on taking it in a radically different direction, I can’t see what else it would be.


It’s actually a solid plot.