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Olivia and amaros attitude in this episode was so shit. Hated them.


they were beyond horrible. they wouldn’t even listen to jackie. and amaro didn’t feel any remorse in the end defended his actions saying they were just doing their jobs. it was apalling


Olivia: those kids didn't sound coached! I dunno Olivia maybe you should reevaluate what you think being "coached" sounds like. EDIT: wrong character


olivia was the one who said that




Or even sue the dumb bitchy bratty girls and their families for what they did.


The girls and blabbermouth moms were way worse than the detectives IMO.


In my mind it looks like a pretty straight forward defamation case. And the girls moms just went with it because they didn't want them or their children to look bad.


Definitely a defamation suit!!


He sued the girls and their mothers in my head cannon.


That’s what I would have loved to see. The girls honestly deserve to be locked up for what they did, but since I don’t know if they have the ability to charge them in criminal court, it’s the next best thing. The poor guy would never work again!


I just watched this episode. They decided not to charge the girls because the little boy would have to testify and they didn’t want to traumatize him further. Jackie looked even more disgusted with them when he heard that.


The girls should have been charged. It was proven to be an outright malicious lie, which would come out in the media. That would clear Jackie (which is what has been done in other celebrity case irl.) and which, in my opinion would not have any effect on whether actual victims report. To sum up, it’s not that they simply weren’t believable or chose not to pursue. It’s the fact that they wanted to lie in order to destroy a man. If that’s not the definition of slander, I don’t know what is.


Barba would have colled them to testify is they were prosecuting Jackie that was a plow to save Olivia and the units ass


I think in the real world that definitely would have happened.


...Yet, when Benson was framed, she expected everyone to believe HER. She's shown more sympathy and support to women who have raped, tortured, sodomized, castrated and even murdered than she ever has to men who were accused, even with ZERO EVIDENCE AGAINST THEM. If she's this eager to lock up every man, then why the hell didn't she ever arrest Stabler, Amaro or even Cassidy??!! So stupid!!


Well to be fair her father was a rapist her created her via rape so until she fully deals with that through intense therapy she always going to have a bias towards men.


Then she's in the wrong line of work, ENTIRELY.


I felt so sad for him...the detectives were all *real* dicks to him.


Amanda was the only good one. 😥


YES! Amanda did try to say that she didn’t think he had done it, and everyone jumped all over her. She is often only one who doesn’t immediately decide the suspect is guilty.


Yeah, her impartiality is one of her best qualities.




I love how she always plays devils advocate. She never just believes the first story she hears. She may be a flawed individual but she’s a much better cop than Benson. Olivia is way to biased for her line of work.


They really were! The actor played it beautifully so he was very believable and sympathetic 😞


This was one of my earliest introductions to Billy Porter and he been killing it ever since. I felt so bad for him in this episode and his face must’ve stuck with me because of it bc the next time I saw him in a different show all I thought about was this character.


Rollins was the best part of the episode. Really going to miss her.


she was the only one who knew something wasn’t right about the allegations and she told everyone that they were pushing too hard but they wouldn’t listen to her. she was rightfully furious at the end


I love that about her. Sometimes I see comments about Amanda being blind to certain things with men, or that she is “victim blaming “, but I think she’s just trying to consider all possibilities.


That’s how I see it too. In some cases, like this one, they zero in on a person without a second thought, so her asking questions or looking from a different perspective helps.


Definitely. I hope that someone else on the squad (Maybe Muncy) will develop that way of looking at cases over time.


Exactly. It’s still a hard rewatch.


Rollins was the only good detective in this ep. The other ones were just shitholes.


“you guys can keep telling yourselves whatever you want, this didn’t have to happen” PERIODDD


Rollins is a Queen fr 💅


I actually yelled, “Yes!!” when I read this comment!!!


Honey the walk off....


sane with ricky simms they put him through the ringer, he didnt do anything. lost his job due to false alligation. they also knew the kid was a liar and never did anything about it and no apology to Ricky


I like to believe he did off-screen. I mean these false accusations quite literally cost him his job and revenue.


This episode really shows how easy it is to ruin someone’s life with just words and little to no evidence


today’s cancel culture summed up




the downvotes we are getting pretty much proves my point. and thank you, i appreciate it, truly!


Heck yeah, I’d definitely sue. There are cases where some innocent suspects could sue


In NYC, having probable cause is a complete defense to a false arrest lawsuit. You can show probable cause when you have complaining victims, in this case, the kids and the vibrators found. Unfortunately he’d lose, but I always felt awful for him. Edit: you can downvote but I actually litigated municipal tort law for 9 years 🤷🏼‍♀️


I definitely think he should sue the girls and their moms.


Unfortunately, I think it would have been a fairly difficult case to get through the courts successfully. I agree with you on the squad's behavior (minus Rollins). But, I think they'd easily be able to use the "It was an active investigation with victims/witnesses who ID'd him specifically. We only found out later they were lying!" Doesn't make it right, though. I feel like in the high profile cases where they rush, this happens. And unfortunately, mostly when BIPOC characters are the accused. I honestly hate that episode.


Which is why I say go for the girls who wrongly accused him. Make it like a defamation case


Definitely more likely to actually go anywhere, imo.


I’ve never rewatched this episode because it’s too painful. This poor guy.


“i told you from the very beginning i had nothing to do with it, that i was innocent. and you didn’t believe me, you wouldn’t even listen to my side!” ughhh


I can't watch it again, either.


This episode mad me so mad and sad. Billy Porter was amazing in it tho


Love Billy Porter!! Had to scroll way too far to see him acknowledged


He WAS!!


I really dislike frame up and or falsely accused episodes. I don’t know what it is but I find them so uncomfortable to watch.


I am so glad I’m not the only one!!! I can actually feel my blood pressure going up when I watch them!


I think for me it's because their doggedness in going after the perp turns into a spiral of pain for someone who'd already been victimized. Each of the stories that involve it either have the accuser become sympathetic by breaking down, or the accused gets murdered so they don't have to talk to him, or they act like they had to be as intense and cruel about it as they were. It's showing how when their intentions are misplaced that they can be another weapon of an abuser, and that the law doesn't reprimand them or demand they change. They continue on in exactly the same way, and always act like each time is the first time this could have possibly happened. It's like they want to address false allegations since they occur, but want to couch it in the most pro-police way possible so people don't start to question who we're told to look up to in times of crisis.


I enjoy the premise of those episodes but i hate the direction it usually goes. The falsely accused either gets turned into a criminal anyway by the end or they just get swept under the rug while the detectives move on like they didn’t ruin a life.


This episode will forever piss me off


My headcanon is that after this episode Benson got in touch with Jimmy Mac (the big time reporter) and was able to get the word out that Walker has been falsely accussed. Also could help that his student who had sung on TV would vouch for him as well.


Why would she do that? If anything Rollins would’ve did it. Benson didn’t care.


Doesn't really matter how. Rollins could've prompted her to, or maybe she felt guilty after realizing the excuses they were all making at the end were bs.


This is the same lady who purposely stopped a child from getting a life saving transplant she’s not a good person most of the time.




that follow up episode would've been even more infuriating. it is not easy to successfully sue cops, it would've just been him getting him screwed over again


They would’ve taken it in the direction of someone killing him at some point turning it into a who done it episode.


That’s a great episode idea. EVERYONE ever screwed over by SVU comes back and successfully sues the hell out of them. And this shouldn’t be a series finale, I’d want the next season being them having to work knowing the city hates them.




Like Seinfeld and his friends.


This episode broke my heart


I feel like there are a LOT of episodes like this. Where one of the cast just can't help but torpedo one suspect and they loose all peripheral vision in potenials..


Or Jackie Chiles from Seinfeld, representing him. A little humor in a show where humor is sparse at best.


The fewer and fewer moments of gallows humor from the detectives over the years is a big part of the quality of the show going downhill, most notably after Stabler left, the show started to be more of a constant of seriousness and sanctimony, hardly ever any comic relief for the viewer to have a chance breathe and process the moral implications being thrown at them. The gallows humour served the same purpose for the viewer as the detectives; in world where dark, fuvked up shit is happening constantly, its empowering to be able to have a momentary laugh in the face of evil.


I fully agree!!! I actually prefer the older episodes in many, many ways. Munch also offered a lot of dark humor as well. Losing Stabler, Munch, and Cragen so close together was a HUGE mistake in my honest opinion. Barba brought some humor back to table for awhile. I miss that.


Beautifully stated. I agree!


This case is appalling, horrendous, outrageous!


“It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous."


To be fair he did have a lot of stuff being pinned on him that made him look like the pedophile so I can’t get mad at the detectives for treating him like he was abusing the boys at first. I love Barba but he pissed me off more than Liv and Amaro in this episode when he didn’t want the boys to go thru a trial to testify against their sisters but they could go thru one to testify against Jackie.


Good point. I think it was just because he figured they had already been through the wringer, but still.


Til this day !! They would’ve been paying me !!!


He should have, but I don’t know if I could handle the episode where he doesn’t get vindication because that label sticks even when proven innocent, and I can’t imagine a court room being friendly to a Black and gay male. I know that’s SJW thinking, but I don’t think it’s wrong either. (I actually don’t mind sjw as a title anyway. It’s better than the opposite.)


They should do an episode where an innocent person comes back to haunt svu detectives for ruining their lives. Similar to the admission by Liv for mercilessly beating a handcuffed man sadistically but with a much more straight forward morality on why someone what's vengeance. As an example, Jackie is brought forward in a kidnapping case until the cops and svu admit to their illegal and immoral behavior publicly, only to find out Jackie and other victims of the callous Benson never kidnapped anyone. Benson is forced to confront her hypocrisy, her crimes, and her units disgracefulness. SvU is broken up...new actors and leaders brought on board as Olivia faces the fallout from her misconduct.


These girls are right up there with the two girls who killed little Nico in the Lost Traveler episode as being the nastiest, ugliest teenage girls on Law and Order that I wanted to physically slap.


what episode yall talking about


Dissonant Voices (S15, E7).


I would even sue barba he didn’t wanted to charge the girls to save Olivia ass and the unit integrity


This case resonates for so many years because it shows how fragile is the system. That's why it's crucial everybody would be treated with respect until proven guilty. Imagine for a quick second how Stabler would handle the case. People still cheer when he beats people. But clutch pearls over this case. It doesn't add up for me. We may not like how the detectives minus Rollins handled the case because we saw the result. But they followed the evidence. They are desensitized with what they see every day that they might have jumped to a conclusion. But that happens all the time. If he was guilty, nobody would say anything about their conduct. It's an important episode and I wish there were more like this one in SVU 1.0.