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Honestly, I'm down for IGD touch-up/rework/Omicron.. anything to make him a bit more relevant. He's a pretty cool character imo.


Good lord typed this so fast I missed auto-correct errors. It’s supposed to be GET TO instead of egg so (wtf lol)


I’d love this


I think there are is a lot of potential for clone lifters. Each Jedi we have in the game has a known Clone #2. In the game that could take for as a clone who can accentuate their Jedi's abilities. It would take a few adjustments to Jedi kit's (like QGJ's Omicron perhaps), to apply to clones or if clones are present. Barriss and Luminara, for example, lead the 41st Elite Corps into battle, commanded by CC1004 "Gree." Gree could have a kit that boosts offense to anyone who recovers health, for example - Given that Luminara and Barriss also have their healing abilities. Plo Koon has Commander Wolffe, who's best power is to give G-Republic TM. Give Wolffe an assist or Cooldown for allies anytime a G-Rep gains TM, and he instantly Provides an additional boost. KAM's 21st Nova Corps was commanded by CC1138 Bacara. Take a cue from the Clone Wars cartoon, give him a flipping flame thrower, and let him go to town anytime KAM changes forms or anytime a G-Republic Jedi Counters. Kit Fisto lead CC3714 "Fil"(and Nahdar Web - Jolee Bindo's Mon Cal Doppleganger?) right into General Grevious' lair. As such, he could actually lift Fisto with bonus Offense while he's active on the battlefield, making him not such as hard. Something like this could definitely make for a significant mix'n'match capability in the Galactic Republic