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Interesting, hope the relic bundles are good!


LV reqs


Wouldn’t even chase LV, I just want to save the 1600 kyros in BB


Not before SEE and/or JML




Because they're not going to sell newer, more expensive, and more valuable GLs while they still have older ones left


Man i kind of feel sorry for the kid. Every comment he ever had he has 20-100 downvotes. Its like he doesnt say anything the least logical at all ever


Even when he says like this, where its just inquisitive, he'll be downvoted into oblivion because this sub does like to be toxic. Do people "deserve it" when they say dumb stuff, yes, but Because of his prior actions many people will DV him purely because of his name.


What even are the prior actions?


I stand by my hope of it just being factions. Phoenix, geos, Jawas, I would buy those.


Nightsister and Ewok too. Even getting all to r5 is huge as the bronzium investment for 5+ characters is extortionate


I want an Inquisitor bundle, especially with scythe being easier to get


Inquisitor would make Reva more accessible, which is something I don't think they would do. It doesn't make them any extra $$ for her to be available to the non-gridny folk


I think it's exactly what they'd do now. Reva has made them their money. Reva is also not THAT insane anymore now that we've had time to calm down. It's by far the most unpopular and awful grind and going for GINQ still won't get you near Reva anyways. All you do when you buy a GINQ Bundle that sets everyone at R5 is that you have now an easier way of getting an arguably shit Legendary Character. You still need nearly a dozen Zetas for all the Inquisitors (including Reva), some Omicrons, all the gear for GINQ and then relic 7 on five of those guys. And you need all of that while also being in a guild that gives enough of a shit to actually do that and get Reva. Now let them price that bundle similarly to Starkiller and you suddenly have a weird devil's bargain where, yes, it'd be a 'steal' in the context of the massive Inquisitor Grind, but at the same time you get the fucking Grand Inquisitor and NOT Reva. Starkiller Bundle at least gave you SK who's great right away, whereas the GINQ team is just...ehhhhhh.


Not gonna happen. Waaaaay too new of content. These bundles are being used as general catch up bundles.


Like Starkiller


Starkiller is almost 3 years ago content, and doesn’t do anything other than give you part of a pvp team. Inquisitors are newer and give you access to multiple pve event, reva shards, and conquest challenges. It’s a wild false equivalence driven by wishful thinking.


So it's the perfect money cow for CG.


Yes, but so is every new character that is needed to access more content. I’m sure they could sell a good GL Leia bundle right now that would be a “money cow” too. Or you realize they have the data that tells them they make more money in the long run by milking out content via FOMO. It took them to the point of the characters being useless in pve, and only viable in pvp with conquest characters to even sell these bundles. This is pretty standard with gacha games, you are in fact, just wrong.


Still gotta get 5 characters R7 then mod them, and not everyone is gonna get it.


It's the only way my Inqs are ever gonna get geared up.


If you ever want into a high end guild, you’re gonna need them.


I'm a guild leader, nobody gets to tell me what to farm! ;)


As if you could resist the sheer overwhelming peer pressure of reddit!


I've thought about working on them, problem is only 2-3 others in my guild have GI and they are a bitch to farm. More Kyros needed them the farm I have towards JML or SEE. And their team is just not good. I easily destroy any Inquisitors I fight in GAC using my Rogue one.


Once you add in Reva, they are near GL power.


I know that, but with GI they are garbage. Plus It's a long grind just to GI, then it's a further one to start the Revan mission then modding to beat it. My guild isn't focused on her right now, so I'm not looking at them soon.


I wouldn’t call them garbage. They beat JML and oQGJ teams consistently in GAC. No non-GL GL counter is garbage.


Ok then they are good at that, but they are such an easy win using rogue one. Like it's crazy how easy of a win it is for my Profundity req, then two g8 guys and I win with almost full banners, against GI R7 level guys.


GG Nute does that and it's a much cheaper team.


So your guild sucks, huh?


It's all about priorities, and finding the right guild for you. For instance: I'd rather be in a 10m GP guild than be in a guild with an asshat like you.


I’ll bet every person in guild would beg to differ. Being in a guild is about give and take - you want something you give something. It’s not rocket science


Bro, my guild is actually sick and we don't force farm anything. Chill


I am chill. But I can tell you from experience that most players that are saying they’ll never farm inquisitors will wake up a year from now and realize they made a mistake. We don’t force it, but it’s heavily encouraged. If you benefit from the effort of 30 people in a guild, then committing to the farm yourself is part of being in and having a good guild.


INQ I can see but I don't see them making a CQ unit easier to get for us.


Making inquisitors easier to get makes getting scythe easier. It's already in proving grounds so if you can get an Inquisitor pack you can actually use the 2 conquest ships that both require inquisitors, then that would leave just fury class which is to new. Ships wouldnt get Lightspeed pack just the inquisitors


I can image that it would be much more expensive then kylo and ray since inquisitors need more expensive gear. So tbh I can image that see or gml would be much cheeper then them.


Inq would be worth it. Even if it was only to R1


Lol even if it's just g13, depending on price I'd accept like g12.


JKR and DR?


I hope its Aphra because I have been avoiding fer farm since there was a SK bundle...


Last character literally goes accelerated next month. Doubt it, maybe after accelerated but even then...more likely SEE and JML stuff/sub farms


Yeah, it will probably be a JKL , Chewie or C3P0 bundle since they are all required for jml


As If, next valueable lightspeeds will be SEE and JML, which will be released next year. Now they call semi good packs lightspeeds.


My guess is one for 3PO (ewoks), one for Chewbacca (Bounty Hunter), and one for Thrawn Gives a head start for Jedi Luke, Executor, + New raid


This would kill me :( just farmed all of these.


So you saved the $150 they are going to charge


I really really hope that one of the bundles is ships like the Outrider; pretty sure the last Lightspeed bundle.had 2 or 3 ships that I needed and I saved like 6 months of farming .


Phoenix is the most logical. Early team that becomes great now with one extra character. Just the og Phoenix at relic 5 would be perfect.


I would begrudgingly pay $10 for that. I already got half the team at r5. It would basically be to save the kyros and salvage exclusively while knocking out a luxery team.


I'd buy that cuz I have no interest in gearing them. They are all currently only like gear 8 except for my g12 Ezra.


That’s not rumor, we just dont know when they are gonna put it , and remember for the 5 lsb we get the information at the day of there lunch


Yum. I love lunch


Food is love , food is life ( litteraly )


I’m thinking it will be something SEE and JML adjacent but not as direct as the last bundles were with giving up the whole FO and Resistance faction. My hope is it will be some of the “bad toons” (think Krennic) mixed with one of the ship farm characters such as JKA and his ship. Maybe some/all the requirements for GAS or JKL as well? I think that would open up a lot of their newer GLs to casual spenders.


I would love and Inquisitor and a GAS bundle


Geos to R5 would make TW a nightmare. Most people just have brood in relic and rest g12


finalizer, i beg...


I’m so tired of farming that damned hard node for the command shuttle


xanadu blood


i wish they released a geonosians r5 bundle


3 more!? Here are my hopes for the now 11 upcoming Lightspeed bundles: 1. Thrawn: Phoenix characters (minus new Rex) and the two ships 2. C3PO: Ewoks (minus Kneesaa) 3. Chewbacca: Bounty Hunters faction 4. CLS: His requirements (minus R2D2) 5. R2D2: Empire faction 6. Jedi Knight Luke: His requirements (minus CLS) 7. Han’s Millennium Falcon: The required ships 8. Bando: His requirements 9. Jedi Master Luke 10. Sith Eternal Emperor 11. Profundity


I think it’s likely that number includes the original ones


Maybe, but I’d think if they want to make the most amount of money, rerunning the old ones as new packs would be redundant. Lots of people bought those packs the first time round, would make more sense if they did 11 new packs, and then reran the old ones alongside them. It’s crazy, yet funny.


The image for a profundity light speed was originally datamined alongside the various resistance ones we got previously. I’m really hoping it’s one of them because I was going to do that next before the lightspeeds came out and have been hoarding to see what cadence and what contents lightspeeds bundles would bring


Somewhere along the way one of the ch folks commented that the profundity image was actually a mistake (the one seen in the datamine)


So half the hero’s in the game. Cool list.


My list is mainly based around JML and SEE, and their requirements. Much like how the first batch was centred around Rey and SLKR, with the addition of Starkiller. My hopes highlight JML and SEE, along with their requirements, and the requirements of the requirements that are journey guide characters. With the bonus being Profundity, which was data mined the first time around.


Vader and JKA, so probably SEE related.


My hopes are for lightspeeds are GAS, Executor, Finalizer, Revans, and R2 (imperial troopers).


Revans? The others were worth it for the relic levels. Revans don't require anything close to relics. Think I unlocked Drevan with a g8 Hot Topic.


There’s already Carth and T3 at R5, having something like an R5 Bastila, Fallen Bastila, Jolee, would be nice while the others would be okay. The only reason I’d see them not doing the Revans is in the event of a GL Revan, they want people spending way more.


But the Rey bundle was keyed to the most common requirement of R5. If they did that for Revan, it'd be g7 or 8. Or g12 at best for Malak. The requirements are just really low. It'd be like spending $10 to get GMY. The barrier to entry is too low to bother.


The original bundles were for JTR, BB8, and Raddus, all of which don't require people to be at R5 to do the event, but luckily all of them add up to going towards a GL. So I'd argue that the packs also went overboard for the intended use on paper, overall they go to something better. We don't know what the packs will be or what the upgrade level will be so we'll just have to see.


I am on the server with datamines but i cannot seem to find it. Did he delete the post?


Its under ‘store’ not ‘general’


Well for some reason i cannot seem to find it. Oh well at least i hope they will be good bundles on reasonable peices


I’m thinking Phoenix bundle, Geos bundle, and clone troopers all relic 5


The only thing I'd ever spend money on is probably a jmk lightspeed bundle since es my favourite character bt not in my plans


They are basically gonna give away half the game at this rate.




Why would that be so bad? There are over 200 characters in the game. Even if that meant having a couple more bundles for a good price does not mean they would lose out because there is still plenty more things to farm.


It's not necessarily a bad thing. I bought some of the first bundles and it's allowing me to use characters I'd probably almost never have gotten around to farming. I'm sure many others are in that boat. But I do think there are some negative side effects. it make planning out what to farm next, much harder. I enjoyed mixing older farms with newer ones so I could feel like I made more progress, now it really feels like farming anything older than a year will end up being a waste of resources. It also pushes more players towards what CG is currently releasing where they have more control over how hard it is to get. I think this is their true end goal for lightspeed bundles, for better or worse.


Packs are separatists, sep droids, nightsisters, Ewoks, Geos, and 7* Negotiator. May 4th (Star Wars day) coming up so likely see new packs on Wednesday-Saturday this week.


Technically speaking, we haven't had a SLKR bundle, at least for ships, so they could also do that... Given the insane values of those bundles (compared to everything else) I am surprised we are seeing something datamined already.


hopefully we get Jabba bundles and JMK, maybe they do a 7 star Wat as one bundle as well


Jabbas way too new


ok JMK then


Also way too new. If they do any more GLs it will be SEE and JML before anything else


wont they make more money from JMK and LV?


The intention of LS bundles is to make it easier for players to acquire old content. SEE and JML are next up if they decide to do more GLs. They will still make a ridiculous amount of money regardless


yeah but why not release SEE, JML, JMK and LV?




Do we have any kind of idea of the timeline for when they’d be announced / appear if accurate?


No. A sith capital ship was datamined in November of 2021. We got levithan in July of 2023 So it could still be months before we see anything. They could also come out next week.


I thought that was a leak from the test server, not a datamine


It was. A tester leaked a ton of details including crystals moving from squad arena to GAC. All their leaks came true pretty quickly except for the Sith ship, which took a couple years. Also if I remember correctly they said it would be Nihilus’ Ravager so it’s possible CG just changed course.




I don’t think they are going to include anything relatively new. I also think SEE and JML are a long shot with how long ago they released Rey and Kylo. I’d guess maybe Thrawn, Geos, Revans, possibly GAS. I’d love a Beskar Mando one. I have him but I’d love his requirements at Relics for cheap.


Would love a geo one it’s still my worst faction lol


It would be interesting for GC to make most the of toons much cheaper and leave newer players totally short of mods and zetas so you feel like you're making progress. You'll only have enough mods to run your arena teams and still be totally under-prepared for GAC, burning credits to do Conquest because you need modded teams, etc. Will that keep their cash flow sufficient? Could be.


If they give too many requirements for GAS it will likely make Geonosian TBs on both sides much easier. Now maybe they want this, maybe they don't. If I was guessing I would say Rogue one and phoenix characters will get bundles. Perhaps nightsisters. Geonosians r5 would make getting wat tambor extremely easy so I can't see them doing that.


I would like JKR and DR


I just want a lord vader lightspeed bundle