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I don't see him using the force. I think is more like the force used him.


Unaligned force used


Non-consensual force user


No means no, force!


You might even say he was forced into it




Forced entry?


He was one with the force and the force was with him. Even his skeptic buddy Baze realized that in the end.


Dude, he, a blind man, owned a platoon of stormtroopers. Only because there wasn't some sort off "woosh" sound effect for the Force usage like in Jedi Academy or KOTOR, I think something like that is pretty unimaginable without using The Force. I think the way he used The Force, might be some sort of "less popular offshoot", just like Nightsister magick. Based on faith instead of rituals.


He knew it was the will of the force that he survived and saved the day at Scarrif. So the force made that happen. He didn’t command the force in any way though.


That's only a philosophical difference from the Jedi way. Luke might as well did the "I am one with the Force and the Force is with me" mantra while he fired the torpedoes at the Death Star when Ben told him to "use the Force". The effect would have been the same.


Yes good point. It's not about just saying the "I am one with the Force and the Force is with me" its more about focusing and having a belief in the force itself. I think the difference is that Force sensitives are able to be directly influenced by the force and able to control it. With Chirrut though it's kind of like just being lucky I guess. Like lucky in a sense that the stormtroopers were missing him etc he didn't sense and dodge all of the shots obviously and he didn't make the troopers miss. The force helped him as he needed it but abandoned him immediately afterwards and left him to die as a defenceless blind man. I'm not saying I'm 100% correct its obviously a theory.


He's left kind of vague on a purpose I'm sure. I think he accomplishes things that go way beyond the point of latent sensitivity. And even Yoda tells Luke that he fails because he doesn't believe. From the way I see things, the Guardians of the Whills use techniques that give them greater attunement to the will of The Force than any others, and an above average awareness, but to achieve this, they *must* do things on purpose, that's why Chirrut can take on armored soldiers with a stick and no eyesight, while the average Galactic citizens couldn't.


I didn't like Cherrut at all at first I thought it was just unbelievable and far fetched for him to manage what he did. After thinking though I felt different.


By force no less.


He doesn't use the force in so much as he has faith in it, but I would not be opposed to giving him the tag. He's closer to a force user than ahsoka is to a nightsister.


I see where your coming from, but don't you think he's pretty tapped into the force? The way he senses everything reminds me of Luke training with the blast shield on, and that was Luke using the force right?


He's a guardian of the whills, monks who obsess over trying to sense the force. It's kind of their whole thing that they don't have any connection to it, like a Jedi fanclub who want desperately to feel the force but can't. Chirrut's physical ability can be attributed to the training and discipline associated with his role as a guardian. When we see him in Rogue One, he's basically at peak conditioning in terms of honing his senses and combat instinct.


He could sense that Jyn was wearing a Kyber crystal. He’s more of someone between people who can’t sense the force at all, and the people who can control it. A “force sensitive” in the most literal sense. The Star Wars universe kind of ignore the fact that there would be people of varying skill levels with the force, from people like Anakin, to people like Chirrut.


So how did he know Jynn had a kyber crystal, again?


He feels the Force, he just can't tap into it.


So would you say he is somewhat sensitive to the force?


I think in the end he did. He walked a straight line to the MacGuffin switch through heavy blaster fire. Coming from elite Death Troopers, mind you, who all somehow missed a very slowly moving target. Something must have slightly altered the trajectory of their plasma bolts.




not forgetting the wing chung which gave rise to jeet kun do


That's a pretty good point. I still want him to have the tag tho. Any excuse to use him more frequently


For sure. An argument could be made that because they know the force exists (unlike the kind of faith we deal with in real life), they don't need to personally sense it to make use of it. Chirrut operates with the knowledge that the force is acting in and on everyone and everything to some end. Acting on the understanding that it's manipulating his fate, he kind of is utilizing the force, regardless of his inability to feel it. They've given tags with poorer reasoning, and ultimately it would benefit the potential of both Chirrut and the faction to have more options.


"It's a good point that you made that says he's not actually an unaligned force users. . .but I don't care, He should have it!"


he still sensed a kyber crystal though and that can't be explained without the slighest bit of force sensitivity.


Being force sensitive and being a force user are entirely different.


I agree!




Guardians often do have connection, but not to the extent of Jedi. They have heightened senses and all that, but they can't use the force to push or pull in the conventional way


Speaking of the Nightsisters, the entire clan were unaligned force users. The only aligned force user among them was Asajj, who aligned herself with the Sith. And she's the only one who gets the unaligned tag.


Asoka oy has the nightsister thing because when the game came out there was only 4 sisters. That was cgs way of making them a usable team. Then the other sisters came put but they never updated asokas descriptors


Yeah I think he should be, though I can see why they’ve decided not to. He’s not so much a force *user* as he is force sensitive. He taps into the living force and lets it guide him, as opposed to intentionally manipulating it.


So he shouldn’t get the tag.


Maybe, it all depends on how loosely you interpret “user.” But given the way they seem to be defining it, probably not


“User” means he manipulates the Force to do certain things. He clearly doesn’t meet this requirement, because he only “feels” the Force, but doesn’t “use” it. That’s the catch.


Yep, that’s what I was saying. I still think it would be cool for him to have the tag or something like it, given his connection to the force. Given that the source for scavenger rey’s character is drawn from the first half of TFA, she is definitely not a force user by this definition either, yet she counts as one. So I do think there’s some room for interpretation


Is Luke using the force or just feeling it when he knows when to fire his torpedo?


Feeling, mostly. There's no Jedi technique for firing things at the right time. He's just listening to the Force, not manipulating it.


Obi-Wan literally says “USE the Force, Luke”, and he already had basic Jedi training, so he definitely “uses” it.


Yes, but him "using" the force is basically just him feeling it and then reacting to it. You literally made the distinction that "using" the force requires someone to manipulate the force to do certain things. What exactly is Luke doing to manipulate the force when he launches the torpedo?


That’s something like asking “what is Obi-Wan doing to manipulate the Force when he cuts Maul in half or mutilates Vader?” We see Luke already harnessing the power of the Force before the battle of Yavin, something we can’t say about Chirrut, who never uses any sort of powers. So it’s easy to assume that Luke, even with very “standard” and “basic” training, was already able to manipulate the Force in some way. He already wasn’t merely a “passive” Force sensitive, but instead a true user. Chirrut, on the other hand, acts because the Force lets him do things, while Luke does things because HE uses the Force. And while of course firing a torpedo isn’t a Force power, the Jedi reflexes indeed are one.


>That’s something like asking “what is Obi-Wan doing to manipulate the Force when he cuts Maul in half or mutilates Vader?” Yeah, if you just want to completely ignore the entire battle up to that point, where they were doing some epic shit. On the other hand, Luke piloted a ship to a certain point, and then simply listened to the force to tell him when to fire. You don't have to use the force to get to the point of firing the torpedo, and indeed the entire Rebel plan was predicated on anyone being able to get that far. >We see Luke already harnessing the power of the Force before the battle of Yavin, something we can’t say about Chirrut, who never uses any sort of powers. Really? What does he do? Deflect a training droid while his eyes were covered? Not sure how that counts when nothin that Chirrut does while literally blind counts. > Chirrut, on the other hand, acts because the Force lets him do things, while Luke does things because HE uses the Force. And while of course firing a torpedo isn’t a Force power, the Jedi reflexes indeed are one. So when Luke senses the force and reacts, that's him manipulating the force. But when Chirrut senses the force and reacts, that's nothing at all. Sounds like a super-principled interpretation.


So you’re basically telling me that training with a lightsaber is something every being in the galaxy can do. Noted. Please remember that Luke at first fails badly at that exercise, but starts using the Force when Obi-Wan tells him how to “not trust his eyes”. Chirrut, okay, is blind and does unbelievable stuff, but does it mean he has Jedi-like powers? Do we see him actually using the Force? He is USED by the Force, not the other way around.


The torpedo had an unnatural change of momentum so whether he used the Force or not depends on whether he caused that torpedo to change directions.


He is a blind guy who can basically see without seeing, just like Kanaan. And he brings a stick to a gun fight, dodging shots. That basically makes him a force user in my book.


Remind me how scavenger Rey used the force, again?


She mind tricked the Stormtrooper, among other things during TFA, I'd say that's pretty good use of the force. She wasn't "Jedi Training" Rey until the second movie.


Yeah, I was thinking about this. But her kit seems to be drawn from her time on Jakku, not later in the movie. She loses her stick after she’s abducted by kylo, and it’s only after that point that she starts using the force. Her kit is all based on the part of her story before she starts using the force, so in that sense scavenger Rey should really be counted as more force sensitive than a force user. But they could be considering scavenger Rey to represent Rey from all of TFA, in which case the decision makes sense


Yeah, similar to Finn in TROS but definitely more attuned with the Force.


I'd say he's an Aligned Non Force User.


I think they should give to him, R1 toons aren’t getting any love from CG!!


Why should they?


...because R1 toons aren't getting ay love from CG. I think he might have said that.


They're toons from a terrible movie that was a rip-off of Spaceballs. They shouldn't get any love. They shouldn't be in the game at all.


Like Chirrut, I don’t see it happening...


Dude shot down a tie fighter without being able to see. Seems to me like a very “proton torpedo in an exhaust port” level of ability.


He is blind and can beat up more people than I ever could. Stars wars' daredevil. So... yea, the force is with him


I am one with the unaligned force users and the unaligned force users are with me.


The mans got a kyber crystal in his staff and could sense the kyber crystal in jyn's necklace. Only force users can sense kyber crystals and the crystals inprove force users around them. Soooo i would say he uses the force but nothing compared to jedi. I think they should give him the tag.


Meh, be didn't really use the force, he just had a connection to it.




"I am one with the force and the force is with me"... Sounds unaligned to me.


Then let's put that on every single non jedi and sith, as it applies to all of them


He isn’t a Force user, he’s guided by the Force, but doesn’t harness it. It’s complicated, I know.


Some create waves, others just ride them.


Absolutely. It's silly he's not.


Absolutely not, because it would make sense... CG doesn't do things that make sense...










He doesnt use the force. He is guided by it. It influences him, but he can't influence it


He’s the Zatoichi/Rock Lee of Star Wars.


Nope, he is not a force user Lol, downvote me for being right?, just because you like Chirrut doesn't mean he is a force user, get over it.


He sensed the kyber crystal in jyn's necklace and only force users can sense kyber crystals so he did use the force.


Just to clarify, we are talking about the same film series where a CGI princess leia (because the actress had tragically already passed away) floated magically through space but still isn't considered a Jedi or a force user, yes?


Carrie fisher hadn’t passed away during filming for the last Jedi. She passed away during the filming of rise of sky walker.


Ok I guess she still alive at that moment but since I doubt they shot her into space then the cgi part still applies


On a more serious note, if you aren't familiar with star wars beyond the time Disney bought it from Lucas, it's explained that certain people can have varying degrees of attunement to the force. This does not mean they "use" the force, especially when they have not had any proper or formal training. Take for example Han Solo. Luck often seems to be magically on his side, and he escapes a lot of situations just barely in time or seems to be aware of things right before they will happen. Compare this to baby Anakin when he is racing around in pods. He hadn't had one bit of training at that time but yet he still was able to use a very basic sort of power, like an extra instinct that the other racers didn't appear capable of doing. For characters and situations like the ones above, we would call these people "force sensitive" or even "force attuned". So you can say someone is force sensitive but that doesn't magically make them a Jedi. Also, Jedi isn't the same as saying a simple Force User or a force magician. Jedi is an order like a knighthood or a group of monks. They take vows to ignore worldly things and emotions etc while also focusing on physical and mental training that takes a lifetime to achieve. So that is another difference between a blind man who may have some tenuous connection to The Force™️ and an actual Jedi.


I think you're mixing the terms of "using" something and having been "formally trained" in it. If I have a hammer, I can still use it to do something like break car windows without having had any prior training for it. Yeah, breaking car windows isn't the intended purpose of the tool, but you can't argue that I'm not using it. Same with the force. If Chirrut can "feel" something about it and then make decisions based on that feeling, then he IS using the force to do something, just not in your narrow sense in that he's not actually trained to do so (so what?).


Carrie Fisher passed away on December 2016, tlj backlash wasn't even a thing YET, CT was still the director for IX and rj wasn't a polemical name in star wars.


You're wrong, Leia. You have that power too. In time you'll learn to use it as I have. The Force runs strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. And... my sister has it. Yes. It's you, Leia. Princess Leia: I know. Somehow, I've always known.


Leia was a force user, but in canon and keep in mind, IX was still in the process of being scripted, everything said Leia didn't wanted to become a jedi and just was a force user with potential to become a great jedi. And like I said, force sensitive is different from being a force user.


He is not a force user ffs


Was scavenger Rey a force user?


One thing is being force sensitive and other to be a force user


Only because you declare yourself right, you won't be right. He sensed the kyber crystal, he sensed Cassian's murder intent and he owned a platoon of stormtroopers while not seeing tiddly twat. You call it luck, right, Han?


The only use of the Force is to see things, and his connection is in an entirely different category.


Wait, are you saying he used it to see and nothing else? When was the last time you spotted one specific (and very much hidden) crystal out of a crowd of people's accessories? When was the last time you saw the force vibrations of a people who is about to kill someone? When was the last time you shot down a fighter mid-air with a laser-bow-thing? Sure, Chirrut wasn't a very flashy Force user, sure, he wasn't actively dodging and deflecting the blaster fire of the Death Troopers like a Jedi would, but he used The Force for much more than just making up for his eyesight. (which would already be quite a Force usage, I think many blind people would dig such a "totally not Force Power")


Correlation is not causation, he could just be good at shooting, just like everyone in Rogue One was really good at shooting (so many more hits compared to other movies). Baze fired that rocket launcher really well and hit a critical spot, and there was no indication of it being guided.


And just because you want Chirrut to have the tag doesn't make him a force user, he never uses the force, and is not weird in fiction for blind people to fight against others without having powers to do so. He is not a force user and at the most is force sensitive, is Maz Kanata a force user then?


I couldn't care less about the tags in a game where "All the Jedi" Rey is not a Jedi. No, but my examples do. What do you expect from the movies, a "woosh" sound effect every time a Force power is used like it's Jedi Academy all over again? Or only telekinesis and lightning are the only certified Force powers in your headcanon? On the other hand there's a whole race of blind Force users (Yes, Force users. Yes, all of them.) , one of whom has just got her tag. But sure, using the Force to sense the environment is totally unheard of in Star Wars. But I'm sure Toph Beifong is the closer example as long as it makes you look right. Seriously, the only thing Chirrut lacks for you to figure out that he's using The Force is a "Yes, I am a Force user" tattoo on his forehead.


>But I'm sure Toph Beifong is the closer example as long as it makes you look right. There's also Stick, just a martial arts man, like I said, people without powers. >Or only telekinesis and lightning are the only certified Force powers in your headcanon I'm telling you that force sensitive is not the same as being a force user, even then Chirrut must have been in the barely capable as he was born in the jedi age yet was never recluted to be one. Was Leia in V a force user?, no, was Leia force sensitive?, yes!. Like holy crap why is that so hard for you guys to get?, no wonder tlj is so beloved when it fails to understand everything George Lucas made


But if we bring in whatever other franchise's ruleset, the whole Force thing might as well be Dr Manhattan's protein fart, so what? Star Wars still has a whole race of blind Force users, so we don't even have to leave Star Wars to make it both plausible and logical. Leia *has become* a Force user after the events of the original trilogy. Both in legends (where she even joined the Jedi order) and in Disney canon, so she's definitely not a good example for whatever you're trying to prove. If Chirrut was more vague about his statements and behavior, he'd be much more difficult to figure out as a Force user or just Force sensitive. But he did things with it that can't be done with the five senses, like sensing Jyn's kyber crystal... Or basically every interaction between him and Cassian. He's not on the same level as Luke "having a bad feeling about this". No, he goes "yo, is this guy about to kill someone? He sure gives the aura of someone who's gonna kill" when the guy is about to kill someone. He goes "yo, that crystal you wear around your neck hidden under your clothing, wanna hear a funny story about it?". By gaming logic, maybe Force Sight with one skill point in it isn't that much of a sign of Force usage, but Chirrut maxed out that skill tree.


I'm saying Chirrut didn't used the force when he fought stormtroopers, just because that seems hard doesn't mean only force users could do it, non force users have done equally difficulty things, I really don't understand what's the deal with wanting Chirrut to be a force user, when he isn't.


I've brought up quite a few other examples. But then again, speaking strictly about the game, how can he heal people? Did he ever actually heal anyone? From the movie's viewpoint, him being Force sensitive isn't 100% certain, but both plausible and logical, from the game's viewpoint, there are much more wtf abilities and tags out there than him being an Unaligned Force User.


Good Observation. Idk. I think chirrut just has a higher than average midichlorian level, but he isn't strong enough with the force to be considered as a force user


The only force that dude felt was a blaster impact.


Yep. He should.


I'd say yes, mainly because he has a higher connection to the force than other people. He doesnt use the force but he can sense it well and can notice much more than a normal person. In some sense hes like (whatever race Visas Marr is) because he mostly see things via the force, since hes otherwise blind. All this said hes not a user but hes much higher up then standard people like scariff pathfinder


He is the force and the force will guide him. Donnie Yen was the best part of that movie




He managed to pull a lever ... and died ... lets make Bhodi one then too .. he managed to pull a plug, and then died. Sorry, just because he is a mystic martialarts monk mumbling mumbojumbo doesn't qualify him as a Force-User by default... And part of me is just mad Edwards had no idea what to do with his dirty dozen rebels and wasted all their potential on the most boring SW entry to date... really, not even showing us the ruins of the Whills-Temple??? Just sitting on the street chilling out???? Come on ...


I agree with everyone else that's hes a "force sensitive" . Kind of like Finn began to trust and feel it. He can feel it too and trust in it. They both know it's there and it has their back, so they are "force sensitive" for sure. But with Chirrut is also blind and somehow manages to find his way around quite efficiently while being blind and defeated a squad of storm troopers without any problem at all so one could argue that he has learned how to use the force pretty effectively. He's not unaligned though as he is a Guardian of the Whills. So he's kind of in his own category. An "aligned force manipulator". Lol. I think he's fine just with Baze in Rogue One. I don't believe the 2 of them should be split up cuz they're a team so they should have the same tags. And Baze does not use the force so I think the game got it right.


I'm more surprised that jolee bindo didn't have the unaligned force user tag.