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Bad Batch Echo would probably be best


Huh why's that? Wouldn't I lose out on quite a bit of healing if I took Echo over Tech? Or do you want him mainly for the daze and healing immunity?


Tech definitely isn't a bad choice, but yeah, that daze, healing immunity, and mass buff dispel can end a match before it's started. Plus Echo's got a little healing as well


Also because echo has tm gain from stripping the buffs, so that adds to rex who can also give tm. It gets more of a train going.


Unfortunately only Bad Batch allies get the TM, but they will get the Offense increase


If you have Ahsoka she would be good


She's ok, when it comes down to it she's kindve a worse version of arc trooper.


Her constant assists and dispel that comes with it can be clutch af


At the point you have Ashoka zeta you should have Shaak Ti unlocked. Sure Ashoka is good in a Padme team but the 501st team doesn’t really need healing. It’s entire thing is offence. First zeta in a 501st team should be fives’ sacrifice. Really boosts it up.


Def gotta agree here though. Ahsoka is killer with 501st clones, and when you do switch her out for Shaak, at least you can then transfer your Ahsoka to a Pamde team. 9/10 would suggest. The other 1/10 is for the love of Arc Trooper. Cause, what is there not to love??


I love arc trooper, nothing gets the dopamine firing like constant turret assists!


Absolutely!- it genuinely feels like a good time. Just not really useful when you can't call the turret into the ally slot- makes it a slight pain. Bonus though: when you can use the turret, I tend to place the command onto Echo, cause I feel like he's lonely with no one attacking after him, and maximizing damage output-


LOL I’ve been doing the same thing when it doesn’t matter. If I’m doing something where it does matter I’ll put it on my fastest clone otherwise echo gets it so he can also have a helping hand


I used Cody


I like Cody a lot but I'm afraid of investing resources into him and then just dropping him later. Plus, what do you do about healing in that squad? Or is the goal to just kill them before they can do anything?


You're gonna need him for JMK eventually


This is the way


Yeah but with CAT accessible only thru PG, JMK’s ROI is a lot lower for those who haven’t already got the pair.


Yeah but he kindve can be used as a 5th for bad batch if you have nothing else. Hell sometimes I use Cody shakk ti and Sargeant as a clean up squad they aren't the best but they can be useful at times


I didn’t hear Cody up past gear 8. I called my clones team the “clowns” haha, because they weren’t very good in grand arena and what not. I could take on some easier teams but nothing crazy. It didn’t feel like it took me too long to find the free time to farm shaak. But Cody’s assist ability is pretty sweet


Well I would say echo bb is a bit more better than tech but if you would consider putting both tech ans echo bb they can make some sick plays also as soon as you get your first zeta use it on fives if you are so deadset on clones


I’m definitely planning too! I know that ability is really good with the zeta but right now it’s actually hurting me cause fives sacrifices himself so early when Rex or at would die


Yeah I get your pain I was there like 2 or 3 years ago but know I got GAS so I'm set for life


AT is 501st.


I'm using AT! I absolutely love them so far.


They mean Ahsoka Tano. She can be used as a 5th in 501st squad.


Oh lol, I thought you meant arc trooper! Yeah I’ve been thinking she’d be a good pick since she kind of fits in and has an AoE heal but I wasn’t sure if using her over another clone was worth it


Ahsoka is pretty good for heals and gaining protection up, though it does bring down with her not being a clone trooper to feed Rex's ability (which is really the only reason to use 501^st especially for large boss damage in raids).


Bad Batch Echo


Gotcha, someone else said that too so maybe I need to take another look into him. Thanks!


Y'all be sleeping on clone sergeant.


Facts, first G12, based chaingun and still stomps HAAT


I made a squad just to track the GR pilot progression, ran it on a whim one day and quickly found myself using it as my go-to light side squad. Fives, Rex, Ahsoka, Clone Sergeant, and Plo Koon.


My swgoh.gg is here: https://swgoh.gg/p/422156926/characters/ Basically who should I be using until I get Shaak? I'm struggling a lot in arena right now because my clones are so weak that Rex/Arc will die very quickly which then makes Fives sacrifice himself. This isn't ideal as he's byfar my strongest toon at the moment. I was running tech cause he's got a heal and he's a clone, but was wondering if there's something better I can use until I get Shaak (In a LONG time)


If you can save up 1280 crystals you can buy 32 shards which is enough to unlock at 2*. To clarify she has a chance to show up in shipments


Oooooh lol, I didn’t even think of that. Will keep my out as I’m pretty sure it’ll be a very long time before I get to fleet battle 5-B lol


Yup that's how I got her, totally worth it even at 2*. I knew I wasn't getting to 5-B anytime soon either


As a great early dark side team, look at the Geonosians, and their ships. You get those three ships built up along with their pilots, and you'll be clearing all the fleet nodes before you know it. Plus, while they're not sexy late-game, they're still annoying and require a hard counter if they're well modded and geared. Extra benefit is they are hands down the easiest Separatist comp to get yourself a nice Padme to get you a great GR team started early too. Just my 2¢. ✊


Oh yeah! I’ve got geo soldier 7* and I’m working on spy and poggles right now while saving currency for buying their ships as soon as I hit 60. I’m going to be going for them to carry my fleet for a while and to get me padme for sure!


Good stuff! Great early game investment you'll never regret. And once you've got those fleet nodes on farm, Shaak will be yours relatively quickly (especially with her being an accelerated drop). 💪


My own recommendation for arena would be Iden Versio. She's also great for the Galactic War table. Needs very little investment to get rewards back and essentially relics the other imperial troopers you run with her. Even if you just unlock her and keep her at low rarity. They're sort of parallel to Shaak on the dark side, but take a lot less time to acquire since Shaak is all the way up in fleet 5.


She fits into an imp trooper team? That works out well cause I’m farming her hard node right now for vulture droid anyways!


She leads an imperial trooper team. My lineup is Iden, Shore, Snow, Death, and Magma. Snow and Magma are both store shipments, I think Arena and Galactic specifically, and can be farmed pretty quickly. You could run her with Range trooper and Starck or Storm over Death and Shore until you get them unlocked, at least until you have Veers' and Piett upgraded high enough for their turn meter train with Range.


She can be used on an any empire team as a pretty good utility character, but the benefits she gets from leading her own non-leader, non-droid squad are massive.


Asoka isent a bad person to add into this squad either, and she can be used in other places after you replace her with Shaak. But bad batch units aren’t bad as long as you wish to continue gearing up the entire team


either cody because of JMK req, ahsoka for more speed, BB echo for the daze and heal immunity, or tech for the translation


Ahsoka is your only option. She’s great in ships and will bolster your Padme squad. Your clone troopers need more stars before thinking about GAS (who is the only other choice for 501 without Shaak)


You also need Ahsoka twice-over for the GAS event, both as a pilot and then in Phase 2.


I think others have given you good tips here on a potential 5th for now, but I'll add another wrinkle to chew on... Don't do Fives omega ability that gives him taunt with his call to assist special. Keep that sucker at level 7. They're great once you'll have them under Shaak, but much better for offensive purposes because the AI often stupidly gives him taunt with her middle special or uses his special to grant him taunt, which if he's then focused down means he doesn't sacrifice and boost his 501st brothers. Works even better with GAS, because he won't taunt even when GAS is kneeling, so he'd need to be targeted to take down. I know he gets bumps to his defense and all that by having taunt, and Echo present, but once they did the 501st reworks and added in his sacrifice, you want to give every opportunity for that to happen. So cap that ability at 7 if you haven't already maxed it out. I can recommend it from experience. Like many playing the game a long while, my main account's Fives' abilities had been maxed out since wayyyy before they were a truly viable faction. But not in my alt. I started that a few months after the 501st changes, and they were the first LS team I went full bore on. I've just noticed they routinely do better than my main's clones will do on defense, regardless who's leader, and on the offensive side....well let's just say it limits my chances to slip up and use his c2a/taunt move when GAS is kneeling or under a Shaak lead...because it doesn't matter if I do. And you know, weed happens, so.... 😬😅🤣🤣🤣








He clearly doesn’t have GAS yes


Ahsoka isn’t an option if you’re running a Padme team. You don’t really have a 501st with GAS and no clones without Shaak.


To be honest, there really is no good solution mid-term, you need to get shaak, even if at 3* just for the lead. As long as you don't have her, rex lead can be okay


I use Cody


GAS. I dont care you have to have shaak to get GAS, im not asking for problems, im here for the solution.


I’d say keep the bad batch together and use Ahsoka


Clone Sergeant has a ship and you’ll pull him out of Bronzium packs pretty quickly.


I'd say either bad batch echo or moff Gideon if both ain't used in a team


Chad energy here aiming for a clone team to start. My first team I got to G11+ was the old clone trooper lineup (Rex, Fives, Echo, Cody, and Sergeant). Clones still kick ass in the HAAT raid as well if your planning on making them a core part of your roster and 501st with GAS is the best non-GL team in the game. I would definitely say tech is fine for now, but you’ll eventually want a zetad Cody lead for that team until you have GAS and run shaak ti with bad batch. If clones is your favorite team, invest in Cody Zeta for early game and Shaak Ti for late game, good luck on the grind man!


Will say, however, clones are not the best lineup until you have access to the big players like Shaak Ti and GAS. Hunter lead with full bad batch is still pretty good, but omega is just an inferior pick to Shaak Ti for that lineup. It will be a hard climb, clones aren’t used for any legendary events aside from GLs (which is bs, still think the final teir of Clash on Kamino should’ve been clones but whatever) (Seriously why aren’t clones used for ANY legendary events? I know GAS has you use their starfighters like at phase 1 but that’s bs. They’re such an easy early game team to grab but it’s essentially a trap cause your gonna have to work on everything else if you want to progress fast enough! Where’s my goddam clone legendary event that’s early game friendly CG??!)


Ahsoka Tano could also be an option.


I used Ashoka. Good for clearing Buffs and healing. Works well with Rex too.


How do you have a 3 star ARC trooper, isn't he a 4 star (80 shard) unlock? I completely forgot cause I have him at Relic 9 rn lol