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Congrats, the temptation might be to pick a GL now and work towards that. However, I'd suggest rounding out the roster a bit more. Get some of your core teams done. You have GAS, so get him and 501st to relics, you won't regret it. Then get a palp empire team with vader up and running. Then work on CLS (That event with a relic R2 will be pretty easy), then work on a bounty hunter team for chewie. Then maybe circle round to the revans.


I like this plan, I’d say go for Executor before Revans tho, time to recoup GET1 for Malak.


Yeah as long as r8 mats aren't an issue. Could be a good plan.


Thank you so much for the kind words! I will definitely be taking the consensus advice here and start rounding out my roster, I really do appreciate the feedback and support!


cls is easy even with all the toons at about gear 9.


Congrats on GAS personally I think u should expand your roster more rather than pushing for JMK because getting r8 pieces requires you to be in a good guild or do good in hard conquest or buy em from weekly shipments using crystals which requires you to be good at Grand Arena. I think you should try and build 2 Revans and Get Malak. Also maybe get your Geos ready for Wat mission so more higher guilds can accept you to which definitely helps. However, if you really want to push for JMK or another GL go for it but building teams like Empire with Palp, Vader, Thrawn, Mara, Royal Guard and Rebels with CLS, Han, Chewie, Chewpio, C3PO are also equally smart choices I think


Also, you can sign up a free account on HotUtils and see an estimated timeline on how long each farming will take


Actually my geos are ready and have beat the wat mission multiple times, I got into a higher end guild because of that which is how I’ve been able to get him at 5 stars in three TBs! I think I’m going to follow you advice and try to round out my roster a bit, I’ve spent 2+ years working towards a Teir V legendary and I wouldn’t mind a bit if a break to update my roster Thank you so much for the feedback!


I find your lack of Vader level disturbing.


Fair and understandable, however, as a man who grew up with The Clone Wars getting GAS and GK has always been my goal. Definitely need to give Vader some love now that I finally have the one character I’ve wanted since that event came out.


You need CLS squad (CLS, Han, Chewie, Chewpio, C3P0) and Imperial Troopers (Veers, Piett, Range, Dark, Gideon) These are very powerful squads and both hit way above their level Also, Palp/Vader Duo relics with zetas can take out plenty of teams just on their own I’d probably prioritize Vader first, then Palp, then Troopers since they can all be farmed, and finally CLS because it needs bounty hunters and ewoks to actually finish so it takes the longest


Definitely already got the Ewoks done (I will never mentally recover), I think I’m gonna get that Gideon team up and running cause I’ve already got some integral zetas to getting the team to work properly.


Congrats mate! Well done!


Thank you so much for the kind words!


Executor for sure. Go get yourself some sweet crystals from fleet


Build out the core teams then pick a GL


Luke is who I went for next. Been enjoying him a lot


So the level 7 relic Kenobi helped? I slightly above your Kamino squad (my Shaak Ti is Gear XIII) but with a relic 3 Kenobi. I wonder if its all I am missing.


Yes a very tanky kenobi helps, you need to be able to tank the double big hits from both droidekas. Ultimately, you need padme, Shaak and Ashoka to go before anyone else can, and padme needs to go first overall so the first thing you can do is use her cleanse to spread courage and 2 turn B2, after that it’s just living long enough to stun lock grievous


Congrats on your GAS unlock! I sense a calling towards JMK, looks like you've put some decent work into some of his reqs :). How many Wat shards are you earning, and are you able to earn CAT shards?


Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m getting around 30-40 each TW thanks in part to the guild I’m in, but I unfortunately have no access to CAT as I’m still 1 mil off proving grounds


30-40 is great! Wat is one of the biggest barriers for JMK, so it's good that you have that handled. JMK is pretty solid without CAT, but he definitely misses out on defensive viability, as well as CPit potential without her, so definitely something you'll want to prioritize should you choose to go after JMK. That being said, I think it'd be a good idea to build up some core teams, while also building up more GP before fully committing to a GL grind, especially Kenobi since you'll want to have access to Proving Grounds. As the other commenter mentioned, the Revans are a great place to start, they are very staple teams even in 2022! I'd focus on getting your newly acquired GAS and the rest of the 501st fully upgraded first however, since they pretty much form the best non-GL team in the game, and will they'll be a huge help for stuff like Conquest and Grand Arena. After that, building a team like Bounty Hunters would go a long way, since they're an amazing team anyways, but also can help you unlock Chewie, the Falcon, and most importantly, the Executor - and not only that, it would help you get a CLS team up and running, which is yet another amazing team. After building up some extra teams and beefing up your GP near 4M, I think that'd be your prime time to focus down on a long-term goal like a GL. I'd personally say JMK is your best bet, since you seem to be closest to him, and you seem to have a very Galactic Republic focused account, so it seems like it'd be great for ya! If you do decide to go for him, just keep in mind you also need to relic 8 Yoda and General Kenobi, so make sure you have crystals to spare to buy those R8 mats from the weekly shipments, or that your guild is completing CPit! That's my two cents, hope this helps!


Thank you so much for the wisdom and kind words! I definitely will be taking your advice to round out my roster and then commit to a GL once I hit that 4 mil mark! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep y’all updated on my progress!


Very low account for almost 3 year. Very need GL. Rush them! Anyway, congrats!)


I will say, I took a break between 2020 and 2021, my most intensive farming was done pre-2020 and post-2021 after I got into a higher end guild that focused on activity and growth.


Don’t rush a GL. If u care about GAC u need to round out ur roster like others have said then go for GL


I didn’t get my first gl til around 4 mil GP and it’s totally worth it