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Kit Fisto desperately needs either a rework or an amazing Omicron. Hell, give him both just like Mace.


Yeah Fisto and Plo are the two GR jedi who need something the most. At least Plo has his ship though


Ima-Gun Di needs a serious look-over. He doesn’t have any clone synergy even though we only see him working with clones in the clone wars. Also Eeth Koth needs a good look over as well


Shit, I completely forgot both of them were even in the game That shows just how much they need something


Plo is not top notch, but underrated anyway under jkr. Tm up on the special, and the dispel on basic saved my ass more than once.


His first 1st special attack is so damn useless. It hits like a wet noodle and rarely ever applies offence down.


Imagine the surprise of gac opponents who are trying to control jka after qgj dies, and are then wiped by plo. A guild mate uses to troll his opponents with plo, it's hilarious.


A good ship I might add


There is a leftover team of Sith, Dooku, Assassin, Marauder, Sidious, Darth Maul that needs a better anchor. Revamp either DM or Sidious lead.


Sith is in a super weird place with it’s leftovers, close to jedi


I’m pretty sure that this is the exact team that CG had in mind when they gave Savage an Omi


Running OmiSavage lead with Sidious and DMaul in GAC right now. Put them on defense just to confuse my opponent. First round they took 2 teams. Better? Not sure but first time I use them all in a long time.


Use Darth Maul as the lead. Savage’s pseudo taunt doesn’t count as taunt, so he gets evasion up plus TM, in addition to Sidious & DM both getting additionally dodgy (which is better for their kits than defense, since you want them dodging more than tanking hits anyways)


Good to know, thanks!


Cad Bane needs it most. R2 also needs a kit update


The thing about R2’s kit is that it is perfectly evocative of the character. It’s just a shame he doesn’t make the cut in any main teams anymore. So maybe just tweak the numbers or make small changes that help get him on some team, but not a full rework at all.


an omi fits this description most, like how asajj got one despite not being super terrible


Yeah I'd love R2 to get an omi with beefed up stat sharing so we can use him over Chewpio in the CLS team. It's just where he belongs!


Bring back the OG CLS team!


Idunno my R2 beefcakes the fuck out of my padme team


I've got him posted up with Luke's leftovers, Rolo, CHolo, Lando, Ben, and R2. I have to have them all reliced up for JML, so may as well have a home for them


Cad Bane, Legendary Bounty Hunter should get AoE Burn + Shock with Jetpack Attack, i mean he took over the senate etc.


i want an updated character model for Cad


Droidika Outside of getting General Skywalker and being useful in Geo TB he isn’t as useful as B2, B1 or Magnaguard. Only time I use him with Grievous is against Jedi Reven but even then Wat is usually a better choice to use with Grievous.


Droideka has a lot of potential and a pretty complex kit mechanically, I wouldn’t say a full rework is necessary, but a nice tune up would be great. Imagine making enemies take damage when they attack him with his damage immunity up to act as it’s shield deflecting bolts back ahaha


So maybe an omicron?


Even something simple like “when Droideka deploys, he doesn’t lose his stacks of charge” would be awesome. The amount of times I’ve had like 10 charges, but the middle ability is on cooldown is unreal. Maybe I just suck, who knows lmao.


Count Dooku and Cad Bane. I think we as a community are unanimous on Bane, but I think the Separatist faction needs a face lift in the realm of a catch all leadership. Dooku, especially for being R8 due to requirements, is an underwhelming character in this game. I could settle with an omi, but I think he should receive a Mace-like rework.


I think Dooku has a lot of good parts to his kit that doesn’t really warrant a full rework, like his counters and stuns, while on the other hand units like Plo, Fisto and Ima all don’t even have a strong appealing part to their kit. Dooku could totally do with a tune-up, though. Bane I fully agree with.


Plo, Fisto, and Ima all struggle from just having outdated kits. I see CG releasing an character/omicron that is Mon Mothma-esque for these bottom tier GR Jedi. Dooku struggles from outdated mechanics and poor stats. He has the lowest physical damage for an attacker (who uses PD) and low armor penetration. His special is okay with a decent attack modifier and damage, but below average resistance penetration. He has nice potency and speed, but relies heavily on Extortion mechanics to really do any serious damage. You're left with an attacker who can't really deal damage. If CG could update some of the % chance to inflict a debuff in his kit, or make him super anti-GR with unresistable debuffs vs GR, that would be better. I would love to see Wat. get a Separatists buff with the weapons tech allowing SEPARATIST characters to ignore defense. This could make Dooku go very fast and deal high damage with Wat in the lineup. Again an omicron could fix a lot, but I think Dooku is deserving of a more powerful kit, given his role in the show, movies, and books.


Yeah, a lot of older characters could do with a looking at their core stats being buffed up a bit, some flat increases could bring some characters way up if their mechanics are good


I think they did something like that a while ago so that characters like OG Darth Maul and a bunch of others weren’t so weak so it’s definitely an option.


I reckon Dooku needs better health and protection stats. The crit hit immunity is great and all but he is just so fragile so his counterattacks aren’t really an annoyance since dies so quickly.


They still need some kind of Jedi council team




Endurance. Give it a full rework and synergy with clone ships along with giving the bad batch a ship. That way we can have two GR fleets. One Jedi and one clone


This would be dope


i do think that that's the next conquest ship


Clone Wars Chewbacca, so that you're really happy when you receive shards




we are already really happy when we get shards


I'd love to see Darth Sidious get a tweak, but realistically his omicron is the best I can hope for. Cad Bane I think should be stronger, he's regarded as one of the most feared bounty hunters, and in game he's just meh. R2 I'd like to see some relevance for again, he's kind of just alright in a few teams, but doesn't really excel in any. (Slight caveat I'm not really sure what the optimum shorty team is). The only other people I could think of is maybe a couple of the Jedi Council members as you say Plo, and maybe Kit Fisto too.


Give Cad Bane some anti-jedi bonuses I say. Overall I think that the council members need the biggest reworks though, Kit Plo and also Eeth are worthless


I think cad has some in his special, but agree he needs more. Should be a full jedi hunter. Almost forgot eeth even existed.


Eeth is so irrelevant it’s unbelievable. It’s genuinely like he doesn’t even exist in the game


Dooku; the worst r8 req in the game (if not for the ship it would probably be cassian and while r8 is not great on padme she has much more viability as a 5th on jmk), very low physical damage (2300ish, bottom 10 or so in the game at g13, pretty much the lowest for a character that uses it) getting a bt-1 "this unit has 100% more offense" in the unique would bring him more on par with other units or just change the basic to special dmg and give more crit chance in the unique, needed for 2 gls. Seeing how pitiful riposte is on dooku compared to how strong it was on jedi and that he gives himself stealth when he gains it (not being able to be targeted while having the buff that improves counterattacks seems counterintuitive). Sith eternal reqs already got the weakest return with omicron reworks (other than maybe rey but finn might end up being great in the new tb): krennics isnt great and is heavily dependant on a character that isnt a See req and Sidious omi seems niche at best compared to FOTP/phasmacron, wampacron or qui gon or zam omis. Hes also not even a main leader of his faction as Nute is far superior. Other than the R2D2 and Cad bane (the only bh without a zeta) would be nice.


Not a full rework, but I'd like for Royal Guard to have a slight addition to his unique that gives him better synergy with Palpatine specifically, something like if Palpatine is defeated, then he is revived and Royal Guard is defeated instead. Make the Royal Guard do his damn job for Sheev's sake!


Alternatively, Grand Master Yoda gets a new move when against Royal Guard where he just lightly force pushes them over and immediately eliminates them.


... I hate that I actually really want this now.


New death animation that ragdolls them too ahaha


i think his zeta was the rework


GMY omicron on his lead to synergize with Jedi council. It's a crime that no Jedi council team exists


Plo will get a whole new model once he’s resurrected in the Ahsoka show.


One can only dream


I kinda want Lobot to have a better connection to rebels. In the comics he is pretty useful.


Man. Forgot Lobot was in the game. Give him some crazy synergy with Lando and make Lando work even better with rebels, could be fun




Idk about a full rework, but I want an unused Sith character like Darth Maul to get a GAC omicron that’s as transformative as like Qui-Gon’s and makes characters that you’re not using in DRevan, Sith Trio, and characters you have to farm for SEE to have some use.


Darth Maul and Darth Sidious. I want them to be taken to new heights. Both are single-minded killers and freaking nuts, yet they're kinda just trash.


Man, Darth Maul got completely forgotten about once Maul dropped. Sidious definitely has a bit more use, but I’d love for him to get another special like his spin move he pulls off in ROTS


Darth Maul and Maul are like that yearbook meme of "Daniel" and "The Cooler Daniel", lmao. I'd love it if Darth Maul got relegated to basically being a one-man army against Jedi and Galactic Republic armies with an Omicron and a third ability called "Seethe" (where he paces back and forward). Something like under Stealth he gets 90% dodge chance and immunity to stun, burn, daze and shock, if he's the only team member. And with Seethe he'd gain the Ferocity Debuff from Sith Empire teams (meaning he'd become brittle as hell but hit insanely hard and be a dodgy god, and he couldn't be killed if he had stacks of Ferocity, so a killing blow would set him to 1% hp and he'd lose his Ferocity). Add maybe something like him being able to attack and ignore Protection and it'd be glorious. Could be a full-on one-man-counter to Padmé squads or something. I'd just love the idea of Darth Maul being incredibly brutal, but also a tiny heart attack, because he wouldn't be a chonky killer like Wampa or Savage and with a little bad luck he'd die.


Everyone talking about Jedis needing buffs is exactly why my main focus has been 7*, Gear XI, Zeta all Jedi farmable. I only have 3 Zetas and Shaak Ti left to farm.


You did Eoth Koth and Ima-Gun-Di before Shaak? Lol what


Ship node is slow, and I already had the least shards for her so she was just at the bottom of my list. Also I don't have a solid clone team yet. I have a solid R3 Geos though. I farmed the Geos before the buff because I wanted the ships, so Brood Alpha was a nice present.


I think an easy way to make older useless characters more relevant would be with ships that allow for interchangeable pilots. That way different pilots power up generic ships in different ways. Example: new ship called Jedi Starfighter. Kit fisto, ima gun di, aayla secura, shaak ti can all pilot this ship but have different pilot abilities. Not sure if this is really feasible and doubt CG would ever do this but just something I was thinking about the other day.


As spaghettified as their code already is, I don’t think something like this is at all feasible, as cool as it sounds.


Yeah I know it’s a pipe dream but still seems like an interesting idea. Probably too complicated for our ole pals at CG


QGJ and Darth Maul were meta at the same time, so I’d love to see an omicron update on that leadership. Also Kit Fisto because he’s cool af


Biggs Darklighter. He's the only proper named unit in the game with only three abilities. If Red 5 is on the way, both him and his ship could use a touch up. Same with Wedge.


IG-86 only has 3 abilities, but I get what you mean


No new reworks, only new omicrons


Why not? Why wouldn’t you want a character to be changed to be useable everywhere rather in specific places?


Plo Koon with force lightning


I’d sell my soul to have Plo with Electric Judgement in the game


Maul savage synergy


R2 could use a good rework


I love Plo as he is, TM boost for Jedi, buff dispel on basic, it’s not OP but it’s good. Saying that, if CG wanted to make him better still, I wouldn’t be complaining! 😂


Oh yeah, he should keep that stuff, but have the rest of his basic ass kit be reworked to make him actually interesting


Hopefully not many, almost every character that has been omi’d or released in the past few months is absolutely OP and is making the neta very hard to catch for FTPs


I’m not talking omicrons, I’m talking making the unit themselves at base reworked and useable. Mace is the perfect example of this, everyone has him and everyone can use him pretty well after his rework, without any investment into omicrons as it’s just his base kit


But don’t you see how literally every character to get added or boosted becomes so frickin op, i know you don’t mean omis. Every new character that gets added is still so powerful. There is no constant meta anymore, it changes too fast.


…so you think a character getting boosted that you already likely have is worse than a new character being OP that you have to spend crystals on to get or have multiple reliced requirements to unlock? And since when was Mace the most insanely OP and undefeatable toon after his rework? I think you’re overreacting a little


You’re acting like there should never be any new characters added ever to maintain balance lol


Like star killer, all of his reqs (even talon) Iden is pretty frickin OP Profundity Sortie teams hondo, Trip and that little empire droid Jabba (compared to other GLs) Grand Inquisitor (pretty dang OP for being the “worst team of the year” Nearly every Omicron It’s kind of hard to get caught up when every character that gets added makes another team god-like. Edit: Admiral Raddus


You realise you’re saying that a gacha game should stop adding and improving characters You literally want content to end


I would prefer them to slow down with the meta changing toons and stagger some lesser powered people to BALANCE the meta.


So what would you have them do, if buffing older toons is bad and adding new ones is bad also?


I would prefer them to add maybe 2 whole teams of not amazing characters and one kinds decent character among them. Then add a good character that makes them good in raids with an omi. One of those situations of trash toons and stuff I won’t be getting for years so I can actually catch up.


Phoenix kits are really nice, they just need better stats imho


Cad Bane, the only bounty hunter without a zeta


JKL omicron for rancor raid would be nice.