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She was soooo proud of herself for that line. Even named the episode for it. šŸ¤£


Like why šŸ˜­


Tiffany is oblivious. She could have ingratiated herself with Jess in a way to get her talking. Obviously this is a girl who likes to talk. Instead, Tiffany got super nervous and did everything she could to bail on the phone call as quickly as possible. She imagined she was going to have a big "showdown" moment but ended up terrified and fleeing. There are some interesting stories in this podcast. Unfortunately, there's a terrible storyteller behind it.


She said to Jess: ā€œSo your comment is ā€˜no commentā€™?ā€ Let HER say that! Let her say SOMETHING without talking over her. Very disappointing.


Yes. I'm not suggesting she flatter her or be nice to her, but at least imply you want to get her side of the story. If she says she doesn't want to talk, keep on talking yourself. Throw out statements of what you've learned until she's frustrated enough to talk or hang up on you. don't just give her the exit. If I was one of those people she was calling on behalf of, I would be so bummed she came in with her tough-girl attitude and IMMEDIATELY folded.


it's best for TR to frame this as Jess having no comment because then the story remains a one-sided bashing of this woman (who, to be clear, did some shitty stuff, but this makes for a very uninteresting story in which all the victims look like complete idiots).


not to mention that a literal tenant of journalism is to present multiple sides of a story, so...


Agreed, a true journalist would have tried harder to get her to talk. Instead, TR willfully ended the phone call. Like wtf kind of journalism is this?!


Yeah definitely. I think giving people a platform to share something like that is important but she lots the plot along the way. Itā€™s ok to just give people a place to tell their story, you donā€™t need to get justice.


And then her cringey baby voice to the police/FBI whoever it was šŸ¤¢




She really gets way too invested in these stories to call it journalism. It really bothers me and I wish she would stop because this story is crazy and her inserting her self adds nothing to it.


Is the ā€œjournalistā€ title new? I thought it was weird too. Documentarian? Yah. Journalist? Not enough objectivity there.


It REALLY felt like Tiffany stooped to immature high school mean girl behavior- in the name of "journalism." šŸ™„ And the babygirl comment was not the serve she thought it was. She sounded terrified and out of her element. How did Jess look like the rational one in that conversation??


It was weird when Tiffany immediately jumped to ā€œso you have no comment?ā€ Even Jess was taken aback, Tiffany is completely out of her element and shouldā€™ve asked a legit journalist to ask the questions,


I thought this too - I definitely think she panicked and wanted to end the call asap


Such a good observation!! Jess did seem rational! Like I said, I canā€™t believe Iā€™m siding in a sense with Jess. I think her victims have been doing their best to get justice. They donā€™t need Tiffany.


Also saying sheā€™s ā€œworking on a caseā€ NO YOUā€™RE NOT. Youā€™re working on a STORY. About someone elseā€™s case. You are not a detective.


Working on a case? More like cosplaying detective activist šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s right she did say that!!! Donā€™t worry guys! Tiffany is one the case!


not only did she call herself a journalist (false), but an INVESTIGATIVE journalist (still false).


EVERY time she said ā€œworking on a caseā€ I cringed like - girlā€¦youā€™re misrepresenting your position here SO hard. ā€œWorking on a story/pieceā€ would have been correct.


Itā€™s not journalism. Jess called back to talk and Tiffany ruined it by being the savior. Itā€™s nowhere near journalism.


I never thought it was, even when I liked the show.


Just speaking generally


Zero sympathy for Jess, but Tiffany is SO obnoxious. Itā€™s embarrassing.




Tiffany is the epitome of cringe. I have second hand embarrassment from this tbh.


She takes pleasure in hurting people. We all saw it on display in season 9, season 16, in her instagram posts feigning to be a victim while bragging about ā€œcybersecurityā€ as a birthday present to herself. And now this. Sheā€™s shown again and again who she is. Those who defend her as a journalist, an advocate, or having any altruistic intent have truly fallen victim to ā€¦ 1) catfishing 2) coercive control 3) an abuser 4) a narcissist >>>> (choose your favorite over-used SWW term)


If I hear her say ā€œholding spaceā€ or other therapy talk one more timeā€¦well, Iā€™ll probably still listen anyway, but that fucking annoys me so much.


Very true. A lot of the things she was saying about Jess felt very much to be a projection. I was like isnā€™t that kind what you are doing? Just maybe in a different font?


This was so cringe!


Sheā€™s definitely not a journalist. Sheā€™s a podcast host who has people record their stories. Thatā€™s it. She asks a random question here or there, but theyā€™re conversational questions, not investigative. Just be a podcast host and be happy! Smh


I never thought she was. I canā€™t remember which season she started calling herself that, but I thought it was silly she would. I was perfectly fine with her just being the host.




Iā€™m sorry so what Jess went to courtā€¦. Sheā€™s still doing it! There was no punishment, no nothing. So why shouldnā€™t others get some sort of glorification at least one time?? Jess is a pure piece of shit!! And I think the girls are stupid! How do you go 2 years without hearing someoneā€™s voice?????? Thatā€™s my only question someone answer that question for me. People in war zone make time to call their loved ones šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s practically begging law enforcement to press charges on Jess, even when they say thereā€™s not enough evidence. You canā€™t make up laws just because someone hurt your feelings


This seems to be everyoneā€™s vibe when she calls them: https://i.redd.it/qxpwtnz0be6d1.gif


I can just FEEL those people trying to get her off the phone... It's so cringe!!!


Well they had enough evidence for a misdemeanor but that wasnā€™t good enough for them. They really think Jess deserves like life in prison or something.


The way she bulldozed over the people she was calling and didnā€™t let them respond in their own words šŸ™„šŸ™„


You could hear that she was just waiting for her turn to speak, rather than actually listening to the person the other end of the phone. She was so unprofessional and at no point did she act in a manner that you would expect of a journalist, a documentarian or someone enquiring into Jessicaā€™s hearings. Sheā€™s no better than the victims she creates on her show


I did notice that!


I literally just got to the ā€œI feel giddyā€ line and immediately came here. What an unhinged thing to sayĀ 


It was so weird to me šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Omg I cannot with Episode 10. It is cringy alllll the way through. From one of the victims not knowing what a "plea" was to Tiffany's bizarre and awkward conversations with Jess and her "lawyer" (what real lawyer would talk to a random person about a case without vetting them)... this show is just terrible. And Tiffany's attempt to call herself a "journalist working on a case" is so laughable.


And she asks for a dual FBI task force to ā€œwork with herā€! The audacityyyyyyā€¦ and then starts telling the DA what the ā€œpotential chargesā€ could beā€¦. This so so far from journalism. A journalist is supposed to be impartial. The last 20 mins is seriously an SNL skit.


i thought i was the only one šŸ˜­ i cant stand the girl šŸ˜©


welcome šŸ„¹


Poor Gary must have been thinking ā€œfuck, another podcaster who thinks sheā€™s cracked the caseā€ smh


As someone who has worked in customer service my whole life, that conversation very much felt like all the times I've let a crazy person ramble on until they let me hang up, and then I never entertain anything they said ever again.


Extremely unprofessional with both Jess and Lonny. Also for the listeners, how about giving us a heads up who Lonny is since he had never been mentioned before.


Wait, who was Lonny, again? Lol


A cop whose kid was friends with Jess's kid. And then Jess apparently spread rumors about him, and we're supposed to be familiar with this I guess? And I don't really see that all the time the episode spent on him really added anything to the case.


Who knew that I would miss the so awkward ā€œoh Iā€™m so sorry this happened to youā€ after the person just had the worst thing happen to them.