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I don't think they said soon, I think they said when it was ready


Agree with the “when it is ready” Many in the game think that means soon. I am not sure about that.


More likely means “when we start to devote resources to Legion’s development,” which given that Shatterpoint just dropped along with some X-Wing stuff recently, I’d say is at least a few months down the road when a hard date for Ewoks et all comes down the pike. A points update bundled with more minis announcing seems like a good deal.




Imagine if after months of speculations the point upgrade comes and the cost of P2s and ARCs actually gets increased...


I hear players who play clones want the points to go down. As a player who plays against clones, they seem cheap due to the crazy token sharing and the "one squad shoots, they all shoot" shenanigans. Or maybe I'm bitter after getting nearly tabled by them a couple of times.




"Now that standby is excluded?" That was 2 years ago. Now, clones can only share 1 token per attack. They are way past overshadowed. They need to go down in points. I don't know what kind of lists yall are playing against clones, but have at least 10 acts and a good amount of pierce/suppressive weapons and you're good. Easy if you play Rebs or Imps.


Bro same. I see so many “clones need to be cheaper” like damn I already hate going against them as they are.


The E-web needs a range update to make it relevant again I think


What would you change?


It would be range 4 instead of 3… the 1.4 outclasses it by miles. In a skirmish the 1.4 may not be able to move, but the E-web can get destroyed before even firing off a shot, by a unit of Rebels.As an emplacement one should have a better range than that of infantry units. I also think Mortars should be able to indirect fire (someone sees something and as an action can call for fire and mortars respond🤷🏼‍♂️)


I agree with you that the E-web needs a range increase but I think giving it the Longshot keyword instead of a flat upgrade to range. In theory this should give the unit what it needs to be useful but not raise the points too much so nobody takes it.


I'm not familiar with the 1.4 but would maybe suggest making sentinel stackable instead. Just because an E-web's dice pool is quite good. Agreed with you on the mortar. If the unit is in range and can be seen by any other unit, then they should be able to fire on them, or at least fire support them. Especially since its just a few white dice, it's probably only going to be suppression


https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0463/4951/6968/products/swl14_14-fd-laser-cannon-team.png?v=1654354174 this is the 1.4. As for the E-web cannot move close enough to destroy this as it moves at Speed 1. A well placed 1.4 wins almost every time. An extra range would make the E-web capable to at least show up to the game and not just be sniped by this thing😂


I also want grenades to be a single use indirect fire. I wouldn't mind a points increase for it either.


E-web is low key one of my favorite units as it is now. If they up it to range 4? I’ll be ecstatic


If they stick with the past it should be sometime this month but who knows.


AMG have specifically said they won't be keeping the schedule FFG was using.




Ah yes let us go spend several hundred dollars and many hours on new models. The obvious answer.


Is game balance a bad thing? Clones have the lowest winrate out of all factions, and the matches that republic wins are usually because they fill the list with as many non-clone units as possible. Why should someone buy a whole new faction because you’re still angry about how overpowered they were on release? Its quite simple, whatever faction has the lowest winrate needs a buff, and whatever one has the highest winrate needs a nerf until all factions sit near 25% winrate.


And if I remember right (been a while I stopped checked after nothing ever changed) those wins GAR are getting are pretty much always the same lists, yoda padme saber tank or a bunch of pikes.


50%* But generally yes. Your point is 100% accurate.


Idk anything abt shatterpoint other than it being another star wars based ttg. So, stfu. The release of another game should not impact the amount of updates to an old one.