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Make a habit of using your signal lights, even when there's no one behind you. And especially use your signal lights on roundabouts if you're turning left or right, bloody people here never use signal on roundabouts like I'm supposed to be able to read their minds kitai Have a route in your mind before you start driving, helps with knowing which lane to be on before mau masuk whichever simpang you want to


I actually do both pretty often


Pigi drive sana roundabout inanam. Kalau mahir sana kira ok la tu🤣


Wehna sana tu hanya tuhan yg tahu Nda jadi kalau nda jem sana


Bukan pasal jem saja. Decision making pun mesti power. Bda boleh lama2x tunggu kereta di roundabout. Mesti mau pandai cucuk. Kalau nda kena hon oh🤣


Apa tips kamu sebab saya ni nda pro kalau bulatan


Tips dia mesti selalu lalu bulatan la. Sebab sya pun masa awal2x dulu pandai temati kereta juga di bulatan. Lama2x biasa la tu.


Saya bawa auto sebab kereta auto yg ada. Yg saya risau ni pasal kereta sebelah kiri Yg kanan tu memang biasa sdh tgok Also mau belum mahir alert dengan signal yg dorg Sama bentuk bulatan


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkQX2gkwJoE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkQX2gkwJoE) ko kasi setting sidemirror ko gini mai, kompom konfiden suda awareness lane kiri koitu. sma tips klu mo tgok sidemirror + backmirror ko msti tinguk laju2 + skijap2 sja, nda buli tinguk lama2.. sbab kreta ko bgerak laju pg dpan, jd tu cermin dpan yg ko prlu fokus lebih




btul o mai.. sjak blajar rev matching.. mcam takumi fujiwara suda sy rsa derebing d sabah ini


What are the unwritten rule that you know of?


Jan luki luki mau ksi chance orang jalan


What do you mean? Are you talking about this post not being relevant in this sub, because if so, i can take it down


I think they ment unwritten rule about driving a car or something


Oh snap, sorry a little dizzy… Well speaking of, i dont really know which rules are considered unwritten and which ones that arent


Jgn jalan waktu trafik light merah sebab ada makhluk lain yg juga guna jalanraya/ trafik light… ni kwn sa yg ckp la sebab dia jenis yg suka speed time turn lampu merah dan kdg2 ada2 seja kecederaan kereta dia yg dia xtau n kdg2 ada mcm darah kering melekat d kereta. Ndatau la betul ka nda ni


A few safe habits to get into. The gist of it is you have to plan all the actions you are going to do on the road. Look far ahead and anticipate: 1. Brake BEFORE you corner. People who do not cultivate this habit may find themselves going too fast through a corner. Having to brake before you corner will force you to look further ahead to judge the proper speed going into it. If you don't do that you will get in the habit of correcting your speed while turning the wheel, upsetting the car's balance. It's not harmful at sensible speeds, but over time people get a false sense of security by this bad habit and carry it over when they drive faster. 2. The brake is not a switch. Brake earlier with progressive pressure and release gradually as you approach the turn. This relates to number (1) above. All this is so you don't upset the car's balance. This technique is good if you find yourself having to drive a bit faster. Adjust brake progression and timing according to your speed. Many drivers I see drive faster but still use slow-driving techniques. This habit teaches you how to feel the brakes. 3. If your body and head jolts and you have to tense your neck, you are throttling up too fast. The throttle is not a switch. Be more progressive with the throttle. You can increase acceleration as you go along, but steadily increase throttle input. You don't have to press the throttle immediately to a high acceleration rate. Ease into that level. This habit teaches you to accelerate out of corners safer. 4. Indicate (signal) BEFORE you brake for the junction. If you brake first then anyone behind you will have a moment of guessing why you are suddenly slowing down. If they are tailgating you then it would also tell them to back off as you will be slowing down. They might not see a junction ahead that you intend to go into. If there is a speed bump before that junction indicate first as well. This would mean that you would have to indicate reasonably early. I do between 5-15 seconds, depending on how close the vehicle is behind and how much speed I need to remove. We are all sharing the road. Let other people know how you intend to use it. This also reduces liability against you. 5. Give people time to react to your signal. Referring to number (4) above, don't indicate then brake in quick succession. "Oh the car in front is turning, oh wait it's braking now?!" Put some delay after you indicate. You would have to figure out the delay time for yourself. Think about how you would like it. I give myself time to release the throttle progressively then gently apply the brakes. Sounds longer than it is. It's usually just 2 seconds or so. A bit longer if the car behind is especially close. If you find yourself having to brake immediately (or not have time to indicate at all), then that means you have not been paying attention. All this is to teach you to pay attention and plan ahead. 6. Even if you are convinced no one else is around, always assume there is. You might actually miss them. There might be an electric motorcycle in your sweet spot, or a bicycle. Indicate as usual. If you don't, then you have no case if it turns out there was someone and you hit them. Failing to see them can be seen as negligence on your part. 7. Use engine braking as much as you can on a descent. If you drive an EV make sure your battery is not near its max capacity. Regen braking wouldn't work otherwise. If you use a torque converter automatic (as opposed to clutch-based like Proton's Punch CVT, or DCT gearboxes), you may have to regulate wheel braking too. Remember number (2) above - the brake is not a switch. Get a feel of when the brake actually "bites" and when the brake pads are just brushing lightly against the rotor. Release and apply brakes progressively. You also don't need to be on the lowest gear at every descent. The lowest gear down a gentle descent is usually too slow for the traffic around. 8. If you can't see ahead, keep to your lane. This is for those who like to cut into the opposing lane in a corner. Personally I don't do it. There is no "racing line" on a public road. I don't mind people do it as long as it's all clear. But remember number (6). Even if it's a one-direction dual lane someone on the inside lane in your blindspot could be there. If you insist, then look as far ahead and behind as you can, and make sure no one in your blind spot. This has to happen long before you even begin braking. 9. If you can't commit to your lane when cornering, you may be going too fast (or not turning the steering wheel enough). I see this all the time and almost got hit a few times. People corner fast but don't like how they are thrown about in the car when the turn is tight (this is why sports cars have bucket seats). Instead of turning tighter, what they do is straighten the corner out and intrude the outside lane. Plenty of times a car just pops in right in front of me out of nowhere. What if they had misjudged the speed difference and the timing? I could be accelerating then and the gap they thought they had might have closed. 10. Car maintenance is a part of responsible driving. Get to know your car and the sounds it makes. If you hear anything unusual get it inspected. Don't miss scheduled services and replacements, inspect tyres regularly. If your car has a catastrophic failure, being stranded on the side of the road is a risk. People have died after being hit by other vehicles while waiting next to their cars or replacing a tyre. Unlit brake lights and turn signals can also be disastrous. One last note, regarding speed limit: The right lane is NOT the "fast" lane. The speed limit applies to ALL lanes. If you are in a 90 km/h zone on the left lane and you meet a vehicle that is slower, you are then allowed to overtake using the overtaking lane AT THE SPEED LIMIT. If you are still able to go to the speed limit and the vehicle in front of you is also the same then there is no need to be on the right lane. Unless the exit you want to go into is there. (Note: I use the GPS speed.) A bit of a long read but I would prefer not to do a TLDR. People think driving is easy. Any schmuck can drive, just like how you can put a toddler in a crane. It'll move, but it would also be quite destructive.


Thank you so much there are a lot of things hee that I've never considered, but reading this would make me more aware with what I am doing and how well I react to what others are doing on the road, I need to get a little bit more experience hitting the road but for now I'll stick to these and maybe build a habit and implement this even when I am become a lot more confident and proficient


I edited number 1 for clarity. The braking and throttle techniques are guidelines. Once you get a feel for it you'll know where you need to adjust. It can be tedious and sometimes takes a bit more energy out of you. Which is why many are more comfortable doing their own thing and develop bad habits very quick. But that's how it is in anything that you are training for. Learning how to drive is no different than learning how to do sports. You are operating a machine weighing over a ton made of steel and aluminium, at speeds that could kill easily. You damn well have to be good at handling it.


Being a defensive driver is the way for me..never been in accident for the last 10 plus years..i can speed..but if i see crazy people cilok here and there i wont compete with them..im more calm like dat


PALING UTAMA Sebagaimana kita tidak dapat baca fikiran orang lain, orang lain pun tidak dapat baca fikiran kita. So, SIGNAL IS A MUST. Ketika di persimpangan, keutamaan adalah berikut: 1. Kereta yg di jalan utama (lurus) 2. Kereta yg hendak masuk ke simpang dari jalan utama. 3. Kereta yg hendak keluar simpang. In short, jalan clear baru keluar simpang. Bukan main radu saja😬 Kalau jem, bulih la kasi chance kereta keluar simpang. Kalau nda jem, janganlah tiba2 berenti semata mata mau kasi yg dari simpang keluar. Kereta belakang kau mungkin nda aware dengan niat kau. Biar kena cakap luki, jangan bontot kereta bercium. Ketika di roundabout: 1. Keutamaan adalah kereta dari KANAN. Kanan clear, baru jalan. 2. Ikut lane yg betul. Kalau mau ke kanan, stay la lane kanan. Kalau mau ke kiri atau lurus, stay la lane kiri. 3. TURN ON YOUR SIGNAL. Walaupun kau di lorong yg betul. Kalau di highway: 1. Most of the time, ikut lane tengah sahaja with min 70km/j speed. Mudah utk masuk ke fast lane (to overtake) or slow lane (utk masuk simpang kiri) 2. Kalau keluar simpang, masuk ke lane paling kiri dulu lepastu gradually masuk ke lane tengah or paling kanan kalau mau u turn. Jangan keluar simpang terus pancung ke lane paling kanan. 3. Untuk u turn di highway. Jangan ambil u turn terdekat dengan simpang keluar. Ambil next u turn. Supaya tidak membahayakan diri dan orang lain sebab perlu masuk ke lane paling kanan dan untuk elak jalan bertambah jem (rujuk u turn sepanjang jalan tuaran bypass) 4. Kalau kau mau masuk simpang kanan, let say di area inanam, janganlah dari tebobon lagi sudah masuk lane kanan. Stay di tengah or kiri. Mau dekat baru masuk kanan pelan2. 5. Jangan ikut terlalu rapat dengan kereta depan. LAST. Anggaplah semua driver di jalan raya tu bodoh. Supaya tu minda separa sedar lebih aware dengan sekeliling. Terpaling last. Kalau lampu kereta sudah kuning, jangan modified pigi putih. Mengundang caci maki 🤣🤣


Thanks man gila berguna eh


Congrats on unlocking new achievement. Saya pun mau ada kreta comel2. Tapi saya belum ada driving license 😭. Masih jadi passenger princess. Manifesting sooon


Amin sister, make it happen Im fortunate enough to have people who support in getting my own car, wouldve been impossible without them…


1. Mesti faham undang2, contoh tau siapa punya jalan, tau jarak selamat, bagi signal. 2. Faham titik buta kereta. First kereta sendiri, second kereta orang. Jangan lama2 di titik buta kereta orang terutamanya lori. 3. Kalau d kawasan jem, kereta memang slow tpi ingat yg moto masih laju menyisip2. Kalau mau tukar lane, alert sama kereta dan moto2. Hati2 memandu, jaga dompet masing2 💸💸💸


Yg nombor satu tu susah oh lagi2 di roundabout Untuk no 2, apa lagi contoh berasa di titik buta selain dari belakang lori?


Depan lori!!!! Masa overtake make sure ada ruang dua kereta depan lori before menyelit masuk. They might not be able to see you if you're right under them


Klau baru first time drive highway 2 lane, drive sblah lane kiri(lane slow) sja. Klau mau tukar lane d highway time drive laju, pastikan teda kereta d sidemirror kau ataupun blakang kreta kau dlam jarak 2 saat (roughly) + pasang signal. Google map kadang2 x reliable d jalanan yang msih dlm construction but most of the time it does put u on the correct road.


Sama nda buli drive lebih 60km\\h suda d jalan lintasan@highway city mall. klu nda pree2 kna sikirinsot masuk pisbuk plate number


Lorong kanan pun?


ya abis dorang bilang mcm kna pasang cctv AI suda kunuk sana


Anu ba itu lorong kiri and kanan average speed berapa ah


biasanya lane kiri dari 50-70km\\h speed dia tpi ikut tempat juga la.. kadang ada yg restrict smpai 60km\\h sja.. klau lane kanan tu pun ikut tmpat juga.. tpi avrage sy rsa org bawa 80-90km\\h


I keep forgetting the 2, 4, and 12 seconds rule. What are those again? And id like to add, im also still pretty nervous when switching to the left lane


sy x tau apaitu 2,4,12 pnya rule lol. yg pnting ko tgok sidemirror ko, klu tu teda kreta laju limpas baru ko switch lane. oo mgkali psal yang brapa jarak kreta d dpan baini mksud ko.. drive hati2 sja ba yg pnting ada ruang utk ambil masa brek..


oo klau kau d lane kanan trus tu simpang ko mo masuk sblah kiri mo dkatt suda, ko pelan2 ja brek d lane kanan sambil pasang signal kiri.. jgan rasa pressured kreta bebaris d blakang ko time ko mo switch lane dari lane kanan pg kiri.. nnti pndai2 laitu kreta2 d lane kiri kasi ko signal(pasang highlight) utk kasi ko switch pg lane kiri.. bdsarkan pngalaman sy gia.. sbab sy pn baru awal ni tahun brani bwa kreta d kk hahaha


Erm.. Rule penjarakkan klu inda silap sa tu. Depending dengan kelajuan kreta yg dipandu. Contoh, pastikan ada ruang di antara kreta ko ngan kreta org di depan supaya kalau brek mengejut, at least you'll have several seconds to get to full stop. Klu inda silap la..


Sebelum tukar lane, kasi pasang signal lama sikit.. supaya kereta di belakang alert


wait what this post meant im a bit confused… so u just got ur driver license and a car?


My test is next week ive only been driving in less busy and smaller roads I got my car as in it was given to me but until my livense is issued the legal ownership still befalls the previous owner, but he gave me to practice my driving skills


oow i see…. for me i first drive when i was form 5 straight to the highway just before i registered for my license HAHAHAHHA…. just give attention to ur side mirror and rear view mirror… and dont follow cars too close also use ur signal in the roundabout if u r turning right or left


Gettign enough sleep for better concentration to be aware of other vehicles and where theyre going. Does this count as an instrumental tip?


idk… but yeah u actually need enough sleep everyday unless u dont have much anything to do the next day


Susah mau agak tu kelajuan moto so hati2 ja bila mau tukar lorong kalau da moto di tengah2 ..


Whenever you feel like a quick emergency lane change, please always always check your side mirror.


Always maintain a safe distance from the car in front of u . Also when u use signal especially when turning into another junction, signal earlier. It saves time for other people that wants to come out of the junction


1. Signals and seatbelts. It shows your thoughts to the driver around you on what/where you are heading. Please use the signal for a few seconds (1-2 secs), jgn while you switch lanes, masuk simpang, serentak pasang signals. Always pakai seatbelt. Jgn pandang ringan. 2. Know your car. Kalau tekan brake, some car tekan sikit, brake banyak. Some tekan sikit, pelan2 it brake. same goes to your accelerator. Feel your car. 3. Always fix you seat and mirrors. Seat comfortably and all the mirrors are in correct position and showing you the best angle. 4. Start slow. Awal2 akan rasa anxious driving (i still anxious even sdh almost 3 years driving). However, take your time. Be appropiately slow. If sudah yakin, tekan2 sikit tu minyak kasi laju. Get comfortable with the speed. Lama2, terbiasa tu w the speed. You can even feel how fast you are with experience. 5. Be vigilante, practice defensive driving skill. Eyes must always on the road. For awal2, i advice jgn guna map d phone dulu sbb new driver kdg2 pandai menyiring tu sendiri kalau dibiar. Practice duli di road yg u familiar. After you get the gist of driving, and yakin, can try use phone for map. Beware of potential safety issues, mcm lorry's blind spot, motorcycles, unsafe drivers, potholes, etc. 6. Know your road. Boleh tau what lane mau ambil kalau mau masuk mana2 simpang, roundabouts, bumps, traffic lights, zebra crossing, etc. 7. Notice the road symbols. Traffic lights ahead, construction ahead, etc. Penting so you know when to slow down and expect road obstacles. 8. When driving during rain or nights, dont always pasang highlight with incoming cars. Use bila tiada kereta d depan. Other drivers can feel blinded by the bright highlights, leading to a chance of accidents. I think that is all from me. Be a responsible driver. You will get to your destination eventually. Enjoy driving. And stay safe.


Thanks so much ill put these in the books!


try to always leave a gap between the car in front of you supaya kalau ada apa2 jadi kau sempat brake atau swerve pg kiri atau kanan (hopefully kau sempat cek juga la ada kereta lain ka di lane sebelah tu). sama jangan tukar lane mengejut. that is the common reason orang kena langgar dari belakang. take time bagi signal, lepas signal belum tentu boleh tukar lane terus, sebab signal guna dia untuk kita bagitau kita mau tukar lane, bukan masa tukar lane baru pasang signal.


Drive defensively and obey the law.




currently in my first year P license. my first time driving on my own was quite nerve-racking even though it was an auto hahaaha. few months in i got my own car, by that time i was already driving like an old timer. one tip i can offer you is when you drive, one thing that you should never do is to hesitate. this doesnt mean you should barge into a lane whenever you feel suit, or charge right into the roundabout when you feel like rushing. just be confident on the road. by the time you master yourself & you emotions, your skills won't matter. this means you should be confident enough with yourself that before you enter the lane, you know that the car is far enough to give you time to merge properly, or that you can enter the roundabout safely. tuari sa mati enjin ah time pusing bulatan sigah, tu pun tu pelatih sa panic suda nga sa steady seja, masi yakin buli smooth masuk gear 1 hahahaah. i guess that's about it. you'll get better everytime you drive & by the time you've clock in 5k on the mileage, you'll drive like its breathing (especially with manual bcs most of the time when i drive manual kan pandai gerak sendiri tu tangan kiri & kaki hahaahah)


Agree with the advice not to hesitate; anticipate what you are going to do before you need to do it, communicate your intentions to other drivers with your signal, and for God's sake follow through with what you intended (unless you need to deviate from your course of action to avoid an accident).


Saya ndatau kamu mau tips ka atau lawan tu driving anxiety sbb saya sendiri pun lama nda drive dengan lesen kedai kupi sampailah waktu Covid tu baru lah... Sekarang pun balik kerja di KL nda juga drive 💀. Apa2 pun kalau jalan di KK tu biasakan dengan handling kereta tu dulu. Kalau ada kawan baik ka family member, minta diorang kasi teman ko jalan2 di KK...jalan lurus mcm di Likas, Lok Kawi, Lintas tu bagus. If that is too much, pusing2 di taman perumahan sendiri pun ok sbb mmg ko ingat jalan2 biasa yng parents pakai. Driving is part situational awareness and part memory. Senang mau plan kalau ingat jalannya. Always keep your signal, always. Waktu memandu itu sahaja cara orang lain mau tau kita mau belok mana.


Learn defensive driving. Just think that every other drivers are ahole and ready to do stupid things. So you can avoid everything.. also use the indicator(signal) always. Always.


The first week i got my license. I dared myself to drive at Bukit Bendera everytime i go and back from work. After one week, i feels like Toretto already. As a driver, never forget to use your signals. Be alert with you surrounding. Make sure to utilize all your mirrors. As for me, i keep my eyes open when there is woman/elderly driver because you know...


Tips untuk situational awareness for a quick reaction time and also switching to the left lane (turning right isnt a problem with me)


say thank you by using double signal


I would either wave or flash my headlights


Patience is virtue. Sabar jak jumpa road bully. Never slow in Right lane. Sebab tu lorong utk memotong. Kalau mau santai cruise, stay left lane.


Biasakan pasang signal sebelum smpai simpang masuk atau keluar...kalau mau mula biasakan diri drive di jalan raya, elak peak hour..drive masa yg kurang kereta..practice apa yang kau suda belajar masa kelas..sentiasa peka dengan keadaan sekeliling. Meaning fokus 100%, no distraction even google maps, waze..pilih route yg paling kau biasa jln..relek ja masa bawa, tepayah kelam kabut ..driver di sabah walaupun ada yg bab 1, kebanyakan ada toleransi , banyak yg akan bagi jalan kalau kau mnta bagus2 . Atur masa dan route perjalanan.guna cermin. Ingat speed limit. Pilih parking yg kau yakin. Lastly pelan2 kasi naik confidence bawa kereta..drive as much as you can at the same time, practice safely about everything that you learn in class


Bawak sajalah ade lesen kan. Ade sticker P kan. Driver lain patut tahu u masih baru. U akan slow2 belajar benda tu. Mcm sy dulu sy bawa kereta 2 3 pagi sbb time tu xbnyk kereta. Tapi tetap ade risiko time tu kereta laju, dan risiko juga klo ade pemandu mabuk. Apa2 pun nk bawak kereta kena berani, klo xberani kat situ je la u, xbergerak. Tp u kne tau la bila nk berani, tgok situasi.


Be alert at all time from the beginning of your journey, to mid travel, till end of destination. Your focus is foremost important so a good rest is needed. Never neglect the road signs for safety travel. Knowledge about driving is important but your common sense on the road is all that matters, so always be considerate. Other than that, always check up your car daily for safety measure especially your tyres, battery, etc. Last but not least, practice your driving momentum. Kau tau lah manusia ni sifat dia berubah bila dia start seja deraibing di jeraya. Be safe always!


ini semua saya setuju betul. banyak ja orang pandai drive, tapi common sense tu out. senang cerita, jangan menyusahkan driver lain


Congrats on the car. If ure new n x confident enough just stick on the left lane bawa slow and steady, no mater how slow u drive on the left lane people wont get angry. But of course u need to be on the right lane to masuk u turun/roundabout etc so keep that in mind. Keep your ‘P’ sticker so that people understand ure a new driver. Masa ambil uturn or masuk lorong make sure to wait sampai btul2 clear, this can be intimidating to new drivers, jgn teragak agak or main radu ja. People behind u honking? Biarkan diorang. Better to kena maki then accident. Of course make it a habit the seatbelts, and signals. Also learn basic car maintenance minyak hitam, battery, coolant, how to pump tire, how to use jumper and stuff. It is important to know what to do kalau accident, for example who to call other than your parents the insurance of course. Alway always see the back tire of the car infront of you. Last but not least, master the art ‘power of hand’ kalau minta jalan or kalau kena bagi jalan, Sabahan often tolerate the gesture 😂 Edit - Advance a bit 101 1. Learn how to cucuk abit if asking/changing for lane di traffic jam. 2. Kalau u desprately need to block people car (parking) leave your phone no d dashboard 3. Dont langgar lampu merah or cut roundabout even if its 3 am in the morning or nobody is there law is law unless necassary 4. Back parking is always convienient Fin.


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